May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 482: : A man’s heart actually changes when it changes!

"Don't do this——!!!" Xin Ba Hao hugged his head, his body almost twisted into a maggot, blushing face and frantically shouted, "The heartbeat can't stop!"

Kagura on the side just squinted Doudou's eyes and stared at Xin Ba Chi with expressionless expression. The expressions of Jiang Cheng and Kagura in the audience were similar.

"Is that an idiot?! Is that kid an idiot?! Is he really an idiot?!" Yin Shih's face was bursting with blue veins, and he shook Qingming's collar crazily, spitting out frantically with white eyes.

" seems to be some kind of hallucinogenic effect..." Jiang Cheng held his chest with one hand, while holding his chin in the other hand, thinking, "I always feel...Where did I hear such an explanation..."

"Indeed, that is indeed the hallucinogenic effect of Pandemonion." Qingming nodded and said, "Especially for the kind of pure virgin teenagers, the hallucinogenic effect is especially obvious."

"Why would you know?" Yin Shi looked at Jiang Cheng with a weird expression.

"I don't know..." Jiang Cheng shook his head, lowered his head and pondered quietly, "but it does feel like this... when, and who ever said something like this to me..."

After all, Jiang Cheng fell into contemplation once again.

Qingming on the side saw Jiang Cheng's appearance, raised his mouth calmly, and thought: "This is it... it's just a little bit, only the last bit, the memory of you can be affected by this. The man thinks back...don’t worry...]

At the same time, on the ring, Xin Ba Hao was holding his heart, breathing tightly, and looking at Pandemonion in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

[I can't eat it more and more, I am more and more attracted to you...]

"Hey! You give me enough!" Yin Shibai shouted loudly, "Now it's a bread-eating contest! Why are you thinking about having a love affair with bread?! That is just an illusion in your head! "

"Please... you are welcome, please eat me."

Pan Demonion's gentle tone blew gently into Xin Ba Hao's ears like a breeze, and it also blew into Xin Ba Hao's heart.

【shut up--! ! Xin Ba Hao felt that his heart was about to pop out, and he shook his head frantically, while holding his heart and thinking in his heart, [Stop saying this! 】

"Although it's the first time..." Miss Pande Monion looked at the new eight chis gently and continued, "But for me and the last kiss, I have no regrets, thank you. Finally... let I became a girl."

Having said that, Miss Pandemönion narrowed her eyes and showed a very happy smile.

The new Eight Haw, who could no longer bear it, spewed a big mouthful of blood, and then fell to his knees, staring at Miss Pandemonion with wide-open eyes.

[No, such a good girl, I can't eat it! 】

"What Aru have been doing since just now? You idiot." Kagura said blankly.

"Hurry up, come and eat me!" Miss Pandemonion continued to say to the new haw, "If you want to be eaten, I hope that person is you."

"Xin Ba Chi, hurry up and eat Aru." Kagura reminded, narrowing his peas.

At the same time, the Yasha Maru on the side finally had enough Pandemonion in front of him after many hardships and put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"At this time, the Siri wild team has eaten bread into their mouths!" The host shouted, "Is the Yuye team about to lose?!"

"If you don't hurry up..." Miss Pande Monion hurriedly shouted to Xin Ba Haw, "That's right! To make it easier to eat, knock me down on the ground! Hurry up! Please!"

"This is not a matter of convenience or inconvenience!" Xin Ba Hao defended, "Your understanding is the biggest obstacle!"

"Xin Ba Chi, get out, leave this to me!"

As he said, Kagura squeezed the new eight haw aside, then jumped up and shouted while throwing a kick strongly, hitting the latter into the air in the middle of Miss Pendemonion's body.


"Classmate Pandemonion——!!!" Xinba Haw yelled with tears.

With a click, Miss Pandemonion just landed on the mouth of Yasha Maru with her mouth open. The latter did not hesitate to close her mouth and chew twice and swallowed it.

The expression of the new eight harp froze for an instant, then the veins violently burst, his eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted at Kagura, "What have you done! Hey——!!! Give me back classmate Pende Monion!"

"Ahahaha!!" Daoman laughed a few times off the court, "It seems that the results have already come out! The strongest Onmyoji family is indeed the Siri Yejia! Qingming, sorry, you..."

Before he could finish talking, Kagura on the stage flew directly and kicked Yasha Maru's abdomen, and at the same time shouted, "It's too early!!"

"Oh! The Yuno team suddenly launched a direct attack!" The host exclaimed again, watching the man who was kicked to the ground by Kagura and was punched into the abdomen by Kagura's reluctance. Yasha Maru continued to explain, "Strong continuous attacks against the opponent's abdomen, this is...Is this..."

"Spit it out to me——!!!"

In the end, under the punch of Kagura's strength, Yasha Maru finally explained all the things that could be explained in his stomach, and quickly fell into a coma afterwards.

After that, all the onlookers, including Xin Ba Hao, looked blankly at the large mosaic next to the fainting Yasha Maru, squatting and groping for what Kagura was.

"Well...Where is Aru? Why can't I find it..." Kagura muttered to himself as he fumbled, and then suddenly looked happy, "Ah, there is it!"

Then, Kagura turned his head to look at the new eight haws, and then said, "Because I ate two, I can't tell which one is just which one, and which one do you want? Shin haws."

Looking at the two unidentified objects with mosaics in front of Kagura, everyone present at the same time covered their mouths without turning their faces into retching.

"Can this kind of food be eaten?!" Xin Ba Hao roared with blank eyes.


Cang! !

The gong rang, which represented the end of the second round.

"Si Li Yezhong, because they spit out the bread, they are disqualified!" The host announced, "Yu Yezhong, because he refused to eat bread, he was also disqualified! In the second round, it was still a tie!"

"Cut, tie..." Kagura cut with disdain, "Well, no matter what, although the responsibility basically lies with Aru, I have tried my best."


Yin Shi on the side slapped Kagura on the back of the head angrily, covered his mouth and spit out black lines: "Basically it's your responsibility! How abnormal are you going to make the game? You guy It makes me so disgusting!"

"No, I did a good job." Qingming on the side exclaimed, "The skill that can subdue ghosts and gods without using spells. To be honest, I was surprised. I didn't expect there to be such an existence besides that person."

"Have you finally begun to trust us? Brother." In an instant, Yin Shi opened his eyes and smiled.

"Who is your elder brother!" Qingming reminded with a burst of veins, "but then again, what about that man?"

"Kagura, here, here, the Yasha pills here are almost ready." Jiang Cheng, who was tying the fainted Yasha pills and putting them on the grill by a bonfire, shouted to Kagura." There is absolutely no food before, grilled shikigami~"

"Oh roar! Baked Shiki God!" Kagura cheered instantly and rushed over.

"Yasha pill!!" Bao Xian exclaimed, "Don't—! Let go of my Yacha pill!"

"Sorry, sorry. I thought you didn't want it anymore," Jiang Cheng scratched his head and laughed dryly. "After all, I left it on the ground over there. I was a little scared of waste, so I just...but it doesn’t matter, I will leave a piece for you. Yes! The position between the shares is left to you!"

"Who wants that kind of place!"


At the same time, outside the venue, Xinba Hao squatted in front of a small tombstone that had just been erected with the tombstone "Miss Pandemonon" written on it. He closed his eyes and folded his hands together, mourning with a sad expression on his face.

"Please don't be sorrowful, New Eight Chi-jun."

Suddenly, Miss Pandemonion's voice came from above.

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Ha hurriedly opened his eyes and stood up and looked up at the gloomy sky that was still raining.

"I will always live in your heart."

"Student Pande Monion..." Xin Ba Haw murmured with tears from the corners of her eyes, "Student Pan De Monion, I will not forget the feeling of your soft lips."

"I won't forget your soft head." Wai Daomaru, who was hiding behind a tree, said in a false voice.


Inside the venue.

"I am very grateful for your help, but if you are in danger, please leave immediately." Qingming said to Gintoki, and then glanced at Doman who was leading a group of people to the ring. "If you let you Dead, let alone regain Kriste’s smile."

"I'll return this to you as it is, elder brother." With that, Yin Shi stretched out his hand to Seimei.

"Who is your elder brother, call me Seimei." Seimei stretched out her hand and shook Gintoki's hands. "I want to be a son-in-law. I won't agree until I have asked Kriste's opinion. But I want to be my good friend. If I do, I can make the decision alone."

"No, no need." Yin Shi's refusal words blurted out.

"Do you want to be cursed to death by me? You bastard..."

On the other side, Jiang Cheng was eating greasy roasted Yaksha balls, and of course, Kagura.

"What's the matter? Why are you still crying?" Jiang Cheng patted the shoulders of the wild people named Bao Xian, "Isn't the food very happy, isn't it delicious? No? I treat myself to myself I'm pretty confident about his barbecue technology."

"Do you understand the meaning of Shikigami to Onmyoji?! That's a family-like existence! Do you know how sad I am?!" Bao Xian wiped the tears that could not be stopped while still gulping. He ate the meat of his family that he said in his mouth.

"Hey, then you should stop..." Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, "Obviously you eat the most, right?"

"Because..." Bao Xian's tears burst again, "Because it is so delicious that I can't stop it! Bastard!!"

Jiang Cheng Kagura:...

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