May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 495: : In the eyes of some people, the word "sister" sounds romantic...


   "No, Aru, a birthday gift from Mommy." Kagura squinted his peasy eyes, digging out his nostril with his left little finger, and reached out to Jiang Cheng who was sitting on the ground with his right hand holding something.

   Looking at the tattered gift box in Kagura's hand that had been opened more than once, Jiang Cheng vomited blankly: "Hey, something is wrong, right?"

   Then, Jiang Cheng took out the communicator from his arms, pointed to the exquisite gift box in the photo above, and said, "It should be like this, right? Sister Jiang Hua has already sent me a text message in advance."

"There's nothing wrong with Aru," Kagura said with a calm expression. "Although the packaging looks tattered, it is also possible that Aru was bumped on the spacecraft. It is definitely not that we want to take it apart because of our curiosity. Look, it’s definitely not that Aru was accidentally run over by a large truck when I came here! And don’t worry, the clothes inside are only stained and rotten a little bit, just a little bit of stitching. Alright Aru!"

   "You just told all the story!" Jiang Cheng said with a blank eye, but just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly reacted, "Is clothes inside?"

"Ah, Aru, the long gown (China suit) Mommy made by herself." Kagura replied casually, "Uncle doesn't know how to wear this kind of thing anyway. After all, he has been wearing this kimono since he appeared on stage. I definitely don’t want Aru who wears this kind of thing. So even if it breaks, it doesn’t matter."

"Indeed..." Jiang Cheng accepted the gift box in Kagura's hand and nodded subconsciously, but then suddenly reacted, "Hey, don't think of using this kind of reason to escape the guilt! What clothes to wear is my freedom, but it is broken. Don't run away from the responsibility of this dress!"

"Cut, I don't need it anyway~" Kagura sipped, spreading his hands and said indifferently, "And my uncle is almost 30 years old, there is no need for birthday gifts or anything. Aru, besides, we are. It’s too weird that only the younger uncle celebrates his birthday in the model of Miss Conch, Aru."

   "Kagura, next month's pocket money will be halved." Jiang Cheng glanced at Kagura faintly.

"Don't Aru!" Kagura instantly expressed his dissatisfaction, holding Jiang Cheng's shoulders with both hands at the same time, thinking that he was acting like a baby, but actually used a lot of strength to shake Jiang Cheng's shoulders and cry. Yelled: "You can’t just deduct my pocket money for this kind of basic things. Aru, pocket money is the most important thing for a little girl at this age! I don’t get any salary originally, if I don’t have pocket money, I Aru will definitely die! No! Absolutely not! Aru can't lose a penny of pocket money!"

   "If you continue to sway, I might be going to die... Kagura..." Jiang Cheng reminded, "If you die, you won't have any pocket money from now on..."

   "Uncle~" Kagura instantly switched offensive, covering his eyes and sobbing.

   "It's useless for me even if you put up this kind of battle." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, "I have long been immune to your tearful attack."


"Hey, if you cut it again, you won't have a penny of pocket money next month." Jiang Cheng showed a look of contempt, but then suddenly thought of something, he twitched the corner of his mouth secretly, "Well, say yes. That said, but if you can keep my next words in your mind, you can double your pocket money next month~"

   "Really Aru?!" Kagura said in surprise.

"Well, really." Jiang Cheng nodded, then cleared his throat while showing tenderness on his face, slowly speaking, "Kagura, I'm sorry, I haven't told you the truth. But, maybe it's already here. It’s time to tell you the truth! That’s right! Your real father is not that bald at all, but..."

Before Jiang Cheng could finish speaking, Jiang Cheng's forehead was inserted straight into Kuwu. Accompanied by the sound of "呲——" spurting blood, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and fell straight down, falling down. In a pool of blood.

   "Yueyue!" Kagura looked in the direction of the door and shouted in surprise.

Yue Yong nodded slightly as a response, and then looked at Jiang Cheng who was lying on the ground still twitching with contempt, and faintly reminded: "Don't just instill that kind of random relationship between characters in children. "

   "Why is it just made up?!" Jiang Cheng, who was resurrected, pulled out the kunai from his forehead and stood up, and retorted with white eyes, "Just wait until that bald divorce! I'm the next father of Kagura!"

"Jiang Cheng!" Gui's voice suddenly came from the side, "I didn't expect... I didn't expect you to be a fellow! I'm really touched! Why haven't you talked to me after having known each other for so many years? Talk about this kind of thing earlier Isn’t it all right after coming out? I like NTR or something..."

   "No, my uncle is just a terrible sister-in-law, Aru." Kagura reminded out loudly, narrowing her Doudou eyes.

Looking at Gui, who was wearing women’s clothing, standing outside the window, tears of emotion could not stop, Jiang Cheng said blankly: "Who is the same as you? And why can you run so naturally at this time? Come out? Why is it still women's clothing? There are too many places to complain, right?"

"I'm just…"

   "Enough!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand to stop him, "No need to go on! I don't want to listen at all!"

After all, Jiang Cheng did not give Gui a chance to speak again. After raising his hand and coughing, two Baihua members instantly appeared on both sides of Gui, clasping Gui’s hands very skillfully, and then together with Gui from the original. To disappear.

   "Anyway..." Jiang Cheng turned his head and continued, but when he saw the empty room, he was suddenly taken aback, "Ah, how about people?"


Jiang Chengpan sat on the floor, holding his hands and looking at the tattered gift box on the low table in front of him. He did not make up his mind to open the box for a long while, even if he saw the light cyan gown exposed. A corner.

   After another long time, Jiang Chengcai took action, but instead of opening the gift box, he took out the communicator from his arms and glanced again at the messages and photos that Jiang Hua had opened.

   "A birthday gift for twenty years..." Jiang Cheng said softly, before retracting the communicator and tentatively reaching out to open the gift box.

   Seeing both sleeves were ripped off and stained with stains, and the whole pale cyan gown was almost rotten, Jiang Cheng dropped his head and sighed heavily.

   "Can this really be called just a little bit rotten? You can't even see the original face..."

   "Do you need help?" The voice of Sun Wheel came from the direction of the door, "I am still very good at sewing and mending."

   "No, no need." Jiang Cheng raised his hand and refused without thinking, "I won't wear this kind of thing anyway! So there is no need!"

   "This way, then I won't bother." The sun wheel turned the wheelchair and slowly turned away.


   A few minutes later, with a needle and thread in his hand, Jiang Cheng, who was stabbed with unknowingly many wounds, looked blankly at the unchanging green gown on the table.

  【Am I a fool? ! ] Jiang Cheng slandered in his heart, [Why do you refuse so happy? ! It's impossible to fix this kind of thing on your own! How to do? What should I do now! Should I go to find the sun wheel again? No! It's too embarrassing, so never! 】

   "Hey, do you need help?" Yueyong's faint voice came from the direction of the window.

   "What...what..." Jiang Cheng quickly hid his hands behind his back, and said with a little embarrassment at the corner of his mouth.

   "I am the gift on your table, if you are upset..."

   "No need!" Jiang Cheng refused instantly, and deliberately made a nonchalant expression, "This kind of thing will not be worn anyway, there is no need to use that unnecessary effort!"

   "Well, since you have said so, then forget it." After that, Yue Yong turned and left slowly.

   [Why do I have to be strong! Jiang Cheng thought with his head in a frantic mood, [Who...who will tell me what I should do now! This kind of work that a girl can do is not good for me as a man! Ahhhhhhh! Sister Jianghua, tell me what to do! 】

   "Sama Jiang, are you worrying?" Miss Baihua's voice suddenly came from outside the window.

  【Yo Xi! Be sure to say it this time! ] Jiang Cheng made a decision in his heart, and then raised his head with a clean smile, "Actually..."

   "God! Master Jiang Cheng doesn't want to wear such clothes!" A young lady from Baihua exclaimed and interrupted Jiang Cheng.

   "It must be impossible," another Baihua sister said, "How can Jiang Cheng sama wear that kind of clothes? It's not Jiang Cheng sama who wears that kind of clothes."

   [What does it mean to put on this kind of clothes I am not me anymore! 】Jiang Cheng thought angrily, 【And I haven’t planned to wear it yet! I just want to repair it! 】

"That's right, when it comes to Jiang Cheng sama, it really is the same gray kimono with fish scales on the shoulders and peaceful knots on the four seasons. It is Jiang Cheng sama with that." Another hundred. Miss Hua echoed her voice.

  【Is my existence determined by clothes? ! 】Jiang Cheng was frantically complaining, 【No! It's not like that at all! It has nothing to do with my clothes! Even if I don’t have any clothes, I’m still me, right! 】

   "However, having something like that on Sama's desk means that Sama wants to wear something like that..."

   "Don't get me wrong!" Jiang Cheng faintly interrupted, "I just happened to receive such a gift. Although I didn't mean to wear it, it broke during delivery, so..."

"I don't want to wear it anyway. If it breaks, it will be broken..." a Baihua lady said indifferently, and then smiled and said hello to Jiang Cheng, "Let’s go on patrol, goodbye, Jiang Cheng sama ."

   "Oh...oh..." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and replied, "You guys come on..."


   "How can it be repaired! Even one person has to repair it!"

   Jiang Cheng locked the door and the window, then took out his mobile phone and started searching for the correct sewing method, constantly learning.

   Finally, after a whole day's hard work, without knowing how many times the finger was pierced, the pale blue gown was successfully repaired by Jiang Cheng.

   If you ignore the blood stains on the gown, it looks like a decent patch.

   But even if the repair is completed, Jiang Cheng faces a new problem, that is, should he try on it?

   [No one is here now, and no one sees it, so it’s okay to simply try it on, right? Jiang Cheng looked at the cyan gown hung on the wall in front of him, pinched his chin and thought, [Of course I don’t want to try it on myself, but I just think I can’t live up to Jianghua’s wish, just try it on when no one else Doesn't it matter? Right? 】

   Persuaded him in his heart, Jiang Cheng slowly took off his kimono jacket, then swallowed a mouthful of water, and tentatively stretched his hand to the light blue gown in front of him.

   "Hey, supper is ready..." With the sound of sliding the door, Yueyong's voice came in from the door.

Jiang Cheng, who was frightened, looked at Yue Yong at the door and hurriedly defended, "That's not what you think! I definitely don't want to wear this kind of gown! I just simply feel hot! Just simply feel like being in the house. I don’t have to wear the outer kimono inside!"

   "Well, whatever you want, come and eat quickly."


dinner time.

   Jiang Cheng was holding the food in the bowl while secretly observing Yue Yong's reaction. After seeing Yue Yong as usual, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  【Yo Xi! It seems that there is no doubt! As expected of me, the acting is perfect! 】

   "That, Brother Jiang Cheng..." Harita suddenly said, "You have been glancing at Sister Yueyong every now and then, what's wrong with the two of you?"

   " no no no! Nothing!" Jiang Cheng replied hastily.

   Hearing the sound, Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng faintly.

   After the meal, Jiang Cheng slipped back to his room without stopping at all. After locking the door, he went to the wall where the pale blue gown hung in the living room without hesitation.

   Without thinking, Jiang Cheng took off his kimono, and then reached out and took the gown off, but before he could try it on, a certain hemorrhoid ninja's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

   "Hey, do you want to wear that?"

   "Why are you here!" Jiang Cheng staggered, turning his head and ranting towards Quanzang.

"Ah, I just passed by and wanted to borrow a toilet." Quanzang replied honestly, "But then you don't really want to wear that kind of thing? No matter how you look at it, doesn't it suit you? And it's too dirty. Right? There seems to be blood on it..."

"How... how is it possible, hahaha..." Jiang Cheng touched his head and chuckled. "I just want to take this long gown that was pressed by a truck on the ground and stained red with blood... Take it... Take it That's it, ah ha ha ha..."

   "Ah, that's it." As he said, Quan Zang suddenly covered his stomach and showed pain on his face, "Can I borrow the toilet? I can't help it..."

   "Ah, just use it..."


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