May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 504: : A way to convey your heart? Just shout out in your loud voice...

"Hey?" The owner of Xinghai Fang was taken aback again, and then he quickly said with a smile, "No, no, it's strange, you still need Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, no matter how you look at your party, you lack a real can Brings the Santa Claus that children dream of, hahahaha..."

"Indeed, I really lack a Santa Claus who brings happiness to Miss A Miao!" Kondo took the words, "please think about it again! Yoshihara's!"

"The real Santa Claus who brings happiness to Miss A Miao is me!" Jiu Bingwei exclaimed earnestly.

"For Yinsang..."

The little ape in the female Santa costume who crawled out of the pond at some point just spoke, but was kicked out by Silver Time again.

"That..." Jiang Cheng sighed helplessly, and then simply directed a showdown to the people in front of him, "I said, we really don't need that kind of thing anymore, the real Santa Claus? No, not at all. Anyway. If it’s a real Santa Claus, wouldn’t there be a lot of kids who need you tonight? Why are you just entangled here? Are you negligent? Those kids who are still looking forward to gifts will be sad. ."

"No, I just need to be Miss A Miao's Santa Claus alone!" Jiu Bingwei and Kondo said at the same time.

"Are you two idiots?" Jiang Cheng looked at them with a weird expression. "How can you, a stalker like you at a glance, be ashamed to say that you are Santa Claus? Besides, why do you have to be persistent and incarnate? Santa Claus? If you don’t become Santa Claus, you can’t express your feelings without Christmas? If you can’t express your feelings without the excuse of Santa Claus and Christmas, then there is no way to express your feelings. It's necessary, I'm serious."

"The heart that you want to convey can be directly conveyed at any time. There is no need to wait until some boring Christmas, and there is no need to wear clothes that look funny at all. There is no need at all! If you want to convey it, convey it! If you have to cling to this seemingly unnecessary method of conveying your mind, your mind will never be conveyed to the person who wants her to understand your mind! You are really a little bit more real. Don't you understand?"

"But..." Jiu Bingwei raised his hand to defend, but Jiang Cheng didn't give her this opportunity.

"Do you want to say something implicit or special day or something?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips and continued disdainfully: "The former is just the reason why you are embarrassed to speak, and the latter is actually the same. Anyway, it's your own. Give yourself an excuse. To be honest, Jiubingwei-kun, I’m a little disappointed in you. I told you before, right? If you like it, say you like it, and if you hate it, say you hate it. Do you understand?"

"I see! Yoshihara's!" Kondo, who didn't know when he took off his Santa Claus, said solemnly: "There is no need to be obsessed with Christmas and Santa Claus! Or, every day! It can be Christmas people and Santa Claus! Now, I finally understand!"

"Um... if you don't understand, let's talk about it later..." Jiang Cheng looked at the entire Quanguo, and Kondo silently complained, "I just want to know if it has anything to do with your Quanguo? Why is it only in an instant. Are mosaics left?"

"To show sincerity is to be fruitful!" Kondo replied solemnly, and then showed gratitude, "Thank you, Yoshihara. You made me understand, Christmas? Santa Claus? No! No need! Just love. Say it boldly!"

"Say you are big!!" A Miao roared and kicked over with a white eye, kicked Kondo directly into the pond on the side, "You showed us something dirty! Want us to be caught." Disgusting?!"

"That, Sir Jiang Cheng, I also understand." Jiu Bingwei nodded, "Although I don't understand too much, but I feel I understand. That is to say, I must wear this for three hundred and sixty-five days a year from now on. Are you dressed up?"

"Ah, yes." Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes and replied blankly. "You can wear this suit to be a mascot in the mall three hundred and sixty-five days a year. You understand a ghost. Ah! Why can you come to such a conclusion? Or that you can’t express yourself without wearing this dress? Are you this type? What is this dress for you? Courage Is it worth it? Can it increase courage?"

"That, Mr. Jiang Cheng, after you told me about this for some reason, I felt that this dress had a certain increase in me..." As he said, Jiu Bingwei's expression became more serious, "Could it be said? This is the Golden Saint..."

"No!" Jiang Chengbai yelled with a sullen eyes, "Why did you become a golden saint! At best, it's just a dirty red cotton coat stained with the smell of old age! Don't talk about Athena after putting it on. Even children over twelve years old will dislike the red cotton clothes!"

"No! No! It's the [beep——] blood saint cloth that has been contaminated with me by Yinsang!" The little ape who did not know when he came to Jiang Cheng again explained loudly. .

As soon as Xiao Yuan's words fell, she was once again sent into the pond by Gin Shiki's unpretentious kick.

"Um...even if the things you said make sense, but there is only one real Santa Claus!" Yin Shi spoke again, and then glanced at the owner of Xinghaifang, "I... or him! This question is clear before we compare. Okay? If we don’t figure it out, we might not leave the game easily..."

【Oh no! The worst situation in the world! These guys don't care about Santa Claus at all! Ginshi gritted his teeth in his heart, [This situation is embarrassing even for a real Santa Claus, right? Don't tell me this is a fake and shoddy! Wouldn't it mean that my waiting this afternoon was like a joke? No! I don't want to be that kind of joke! Leave dingy? How about leaving directly and griefly? No way! Even if you leave dingy at this time, you can't do it! Still a joke! What will the real Santa do at this time? What will it do! ! tell me! The real Santa! 】

"Say... that's right." Xinghai Fang smiled awkwardly, "We won't leave easily if we don't figure this out..."

【Oh no! It's really bad! The situation has become so serious that I, the owner of Xinghai Fang, feel particularly troublesome! The owner of Xinghai Fang thought to himself, [It's better to leave the market at this time, right? If it is said that, even the real Santa Claus will leave the scene in a desperate manner, right? 】

While thinking about it, the owner of Xinghai Fang glanced at Yin Shi on the side, [Hey! Santa Claus! Can you tolerate this insult? ! Enough! Hurry and leave! Get out soon! If you don't leave, I can't just leave like this! What a shame! Although the way of exit of those three is a bit strange, it is already the best way to exit! There is no doubt that the three of them no longer need to worry about this kind of thing! It's okay to participate in the party naturally! The important thing is me and you! 】

【please! Get out and leave soon! It doesn't matter what reason! In short, please! Let me leave first! 】Yin Shi and Xinghai Fangzhu thought at the same time.

"The real Santa Claus?" Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and looked at Yin Shi and Xinghai Fangzhu in front of him. "Although I don't know why I have to choose such a boring thing, but if you really care about it, I can help. , I happen to know how to choose the real Santa Claus."

【Hey? ! Does this idiot know that method? ! ] Yin Shi was shocked.

[No, no way! Does this **** really know how to identify the real Santa Claus? ! The owner of Xinghai Workshop was surprised in his heart.

"That... shouldn't it? By the way, you don't look like someone who can think of that way." The cold sweat on Yinshi's face began to come out drop by drop.

"Say...I mean, you don't look like someone who has mastered that method, ah ha ha ha..." The owner of Xinghai Fang twitched his mouth and said in embarrassment.

【Do not! No way! This guy is indeed an idiot, but even if there is only a one-percent chance, he can't use his method to choose! ] Yin Shi thought in his heart.

[In this case, it doesn’t matter whether you choose the real Santa Claus! The most important thing is to find a reason to exit! This is the most important! If the stalemate continues here, it will be terrible! It will become unpleasant because of the Santa Claus party! No! I don't want to become the kind of existence that destroys the atmosphere! 】Xinghaifang thought to his heart.

"Maybe my head is really not that smart, but I am still very confident about how to distinguish the real Santa Claus," Jiang Cheng nodded, then raised his hands and continued solemnly, "Just ask a question. , The real Santa Claus can be distinguished instantly."

"Hey--! Does Jiang Chengsang still have such skills?" Xin Ba Hao on the side was surprised, "Can you really tell the real Santa Claus with just one question?"

"Ah, yes." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"It doesn't matter that kind of thing, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, Aru." Kagura waved his hand impatiently.

"No, the two of them seem to care." Jiang Cheng pointed to Yinshi and explained to the owner of Xinghaifang, "and I also think it is better to tell them clearly, otherwise they will fight even if they leave. Okay. , I’m about to start asking, the question is actually very simple."

【No! I don't want to listen at all! If you can't answer at this time, it's terrible! You will definitely be treated as a thief! ] Yin Shi's entire face was completely black.

[No way! Never let him ask! If you can't answer, there will be no face left at all today! The owner of Xinghai Workshop lowered his head and thought to himself.

"The issue is…"

At this moment, Yin Shi and Xinghai Fang thought of a certain method at the same time, and simultaneously raised a fist at Jiang Cheng's lower abdomen.

[Don’t let him ask questions! ! ] The two thought at the same time.

"Woo!" Jiang Cheng directly spit out a mouthful of blood, then knelt on the ground and slowly fell to the ground.

"Ahahaha, it seems that it is not the right time to come today. If I don't need Santa Claus, I will leave first. There are still many children waiting for me today! Everyone, MerryChristmas! Ahahahaha!"

With that, the owner of Xinghai Fang waved to everyone in the room, turned around, and strode away.

"The elk parking space outside the door seems to be almost up to time. If you stop for a while, you should pay a fine, so I won't disturb everyone. Everyone, MerryChristmas! Ahahahaha..."

With that, Yin Shi turned around and walked towards the door in a stride.

After the two left, Jiang Chengcai slowly got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and raised the corner of his mouth gently.

"Jiang Chengsama! Are you okay?!" A group of young ladies from Baihua hurried forward and cared.

"Well, it's okay." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, then turned and walked towards the door, "Well, there are some things. If you have a party, everyone will play first, and I'll be back soon."


When Jiang Cheng came to the door, he saw Xinghai Fangzhu and Yin Shi who were squatting on the ground against the wall and sinking into depression.

"Hey, the party is about to begin soon. How long will you stay here?" Jiang Cheng said casually towards the two of them, "Just wait for the two of you, and today’s party does not count as one less person. Have fun~ Although I am very sorry to you, can Kagura’s exclusive Santa Claus throne be handed to me? As long as today is enough. Ginshi...and, Bald."

After listening, Yin Shi and Xinghai Fang raised their heads at the same time, and looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief.

"When it's not silver, it's the old man Gui Dan! Then it's not bald, it's Yili Elk!" Gui's voice suddenly came from the side.

Seeing Gui and Elizabeth, who were squatting by the wall on the other side, who were also cos with Santa Claus and Elk, the corners of Jiang Cheng's eyes twitched unconsciously.

After taking a deep breath, Jiang Chengcai finally roared that sentence.

"Why is there one here too!!!"


"MerryChristmas!" ×n

Kagura: "Hey! You natto girl! Are you adding something to the hot pot Alu! Do you want to die Alu?!"

Xiao Yuan: "Yin Sang! The natto hot pot specially prepared for you, open your mouth, come on, ah--"

Kondo: "Miss A Marry me to make me happy!!"

Ah Miao: "You gorilla will die for me!!"

Jiubei: "My exclusive Princess A Miao, please accept the year of Haagen-Dazs specially prepared for you today!"

Bald: "Hunboy, stay away from my wife! It's too close! Just my husband can do things like picking vegetables!"

Jiang Cheng: "You bald guy should get away a little bit! No, it's better to die! Go die now!"

"Yeah, yeah, unknowingly, it has become like usual again~" Looking at the people who were making trouble, Xin Ba Hao smiled and uttered a word, and then looked at Gui who was aside, "Say, Gui Sang, you still When will you play this role?"

"It's not Gui, it's the old man Gui Dan!"


In the Shimura Dojo tonight, the party’s hilarity did not end until early morning...

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