May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 505: : Being urged to marry by family members may be an annoyance shared by modern young pe

Yoshihara, a certain otaku room during a certain day.

"That..." Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Hua, who was sitting quietly beside him with a cold sweat, and twitched the corners of his mouth awkwardly, "Sister Jiang Hua, do you want to go somewhere? Edo is still very lively at the end of the year. Yes, I can take you there if you have it. Of course, I will also bring Kagura-chan and the bald one. So... can't you just stop here and just look at me like that."

"Jiang Chengjiang, my sister is serious." Jiang Hua shook his head gently, "You are also old. If you can't see your normal love and marriage, your sister will probably not be at ease. As a normal person Mankind must have a family. I don’t want to go anywhere in the past few days on Earth. I just want to see that you can have a normal relationship with the right girl until you get married and then have children."

"A week is too difficult! Let's not talk about love and marriage, it is too difficult to have children!" Jiang Cheng frantically said, "Forgive me!"

"My wife! I have done everything according to your instructions!" The owner of Xinghaifang jumped in from the window with a stack of registration forms, "I have all the information about all the girls of the right age near Edo who are waiting for marriage!"

"Mummy! All the women my uncle knows have already notified Aru!" Kagura yelled to Jiang Hua as he opened the door.

[Are these people serious? ! Jiang Cheng looked at the Kagura and Xinghai Fangzhu standing beside Jiang Hua and thought, [Hey, hey, I am the benefactor to reunite your family on the earth, right? Is it really good to take revenge on Eun? ! 】

【Great! This kid couldn't refuse Jiang Hua's request at all! spread! Just find me an earth girl to marry me honestly! The owner of Xinghai Fang said with joy in his heart, [In this way, Jiang Hua no longer has to worry about this kid's coveting! That's it! Get out of here... go on a blind date! 】

"I don't want to...blind date at all!" Jiang Cheng yelled in disintegration.

"It's useless, uncle, I've already notified Aru." Kagura reminded with a blank face, squinting Doudou, "As long as everyone you know agrees to Aru, the time and place are all Made it clear Aru."

"Hey, what is a woman I know?" Jiang Cheng spit out contemptuously, "Why do you want to run errands for such a meaningless thing? Who on earth did you notify? No, you don't need to answer, in short, I am absolutely I won't participate! Absolutely!"

"Marriage is not as complicated as you think," the owner of Xinghaifang made a kindly look and persuaded me with all my heart, "Although there will be a little bit of discomfort at the beginning, but after a few severe beatings by his wife, I'll get used to..."

Just after speaking, Jiang Hua gave an uppercut and hit the master of Xinghai Fang to the ceiling.

After hanging to the ceiling, Xinghaifang's voice sounded again, "Look... it's almost like this feeling, I'm already... used to it."

[This bald guy! 】 Jiang Cheng thought bitterly, 【Absolutely on purpose! In order to keep me away from Sister Jianghua, I made that look deliberately! Bastard! 】

"In short, I will supervise the blind date tomorrow." Jiang Hua picked up the thick pile of materials collected by the owner of Xinghai on the ground. "If all are not satisfied, my sister will select outstanding girls from these materials today. , Let you go on the second round of blind dates. Before I go back, there is a round of blind dates waiting for you every day. I believe you can meet a good girl."

[Hell! Why should I face this kind of hell! 】Jiang Cheng thought collapsed in his heart, 【Don’t! Absolutely not! Why should I go on a blind date? ! Why does a good man like me need a blind date to find a marriage partner! Underestimate me? Are you underestimating me? ! 】

"Uncle, give up, Mommy is serious Alu." Kagura reminded with a blank face, "Alu, even if you say anything is useless, just participate in the blind date honestly. To be honest, you will be deducted. A face, your own conditions are below the average level. Not only is it a non-working game OTAKU, but you don’t even have a degree. It’s just that your uncle, who hasn’t even gone to an ordinary private school, graduated from various prestigious universities. Aru is not at all competitive among men. To be honest, if there is really a woman who wants to marry you OTAKU, I think her head is broken."

"Hey, isn't this a bit too much?" Jiang Cheng spit out contemptuously.

The next day, in the morning.

In a restaurant on the streets of Edo, Jiang Cheng, who was forcibly pulled over by Jianghua to participate in a blind date, sat on a booth, twitching his mouth, and looked at the person sitting opposite with a black line holding his hands with disdain. Little ape.

Looking at the red button in front of him, Jiang Cheng raised his hand and pressed it without hesitation.

"Is it finally over? It's really a shame for me to have a blind date with this disgusting game OTAKU." Xiao Yuan pushed his glasses and chuckled.

"Ah, this point to each other." Jiang Cheng said with a smile, squinting his eyes, "please rest assured, I will also remember it as a lifetime shame."

"Don't talk about it, where is Yinsang?!" Xiao Yuan's expression suddenly became excited, and stood up and asked excitedly to Jiang Cheng, "After the disgusting otaku is over, will it be my Yinsang's turn for the next game? Oh?! Ah~ I’m so excited! I finally have a blind date with Yinsang! Hey! Tell me quickly! Where is Yinsang?!"

Looking at Jiang Hua sitting between Xinghaifangzhu and Kagura on the deck on the side, Jiang Cheng abruptly stopped the urge to smash the little ape in front of him with a fist.

"Gin Shi's blind date was at the coffee shop at No. 56 on the 18th Street of Duwangding." Jiang Chengqiang replied with a smile, narrowing his eyes, resisting his anger.

"Yin Sang, I'm here!" While shouting, the little ape galloped out.

"Isn't this okay? Aru? I thought I could get along with my uncle," Kagura spread his hand and sighed, "After all, one is S and the other is M."

"Don't talk about anything else, the smell of natto alone is a bit unbearable." The owner of Xinghai nodded and analyzed, holding his chin, "I don't think it is a problem if this one is eliminated, don't you think? Jiang Hua."

[Where are you from the draft judges? ! 】Jiang Cheng frantically complained in his heart, 【Say, what are you guys doing here? ! 】

"Yeah." Jiang Hua tilted Erlang's legs and seriously put a difference on the first sheet of the thick stack of documents he held in his hand. "Nutrition is very important. If you only eat natto after marriage, it's a big deal for Jiang Chengjiang. It’s a hidden danger for his body."

[Sister, do you only care about this indifferent aspect? ! 】Jiang Cheng frantically complained, 【Although I really hate natto, no matter how you look at it, it’s not the kind of indifferent reason, right! What should be denied is all of that natto girl! 】

"Mummy, can I ask the next one to come in, Aru?" Kagura asked Jiang Hua on the side.

"Yeah." Jiang Hua nodded lightly, then lowered his head and looked at the information of the second blind date seriously.

"Well, the next one, please come in." Kagura shouted toward the door.

[Is it really the draft venue? ! 】Jiang Cheng’s whole person is not good, but this is not the end. After seeing the very stylishly dressed A Miao walking slowly, the whole person is even worse. [There is really a blind date as a talent show The people are here! What the **** are you here for? ! 】

"Hello teachers, I am Shimura Mya for the first time, please take care of me." Ah Miao came to Jianghua and bowed to the three of them with a smile.

"Jiang Hua, this girl is very polite. I think there is a possibility of qualifying for the next round, so I can mark it for inspection first." I don't know when the owner of Xinghai Fang, who suddenly changed into a dark suit, folded his hands and supported his chin. Said to Jiang Hua on the side.

【Hey! Give me enough! Bastard! ] Jiang Cheng frantically said in his heart.

"No, it's too early to make a decision now. Aru." Kagura, who also didn't know when he changed into a fuchsia professional suit, pushed the glasses that did not exist on his face, and then folded his hands to support his chin, watching The A Miao in front of her said solemnly, "Let's make a decision after seeing this girl's performance."

[You give me more than enough! ] Jiang Cheng's fist creaked.

"I will work hard! Teacher!" Ah Miao replied seriously.

[What the **** are you here for! This is really not a talent show! You went to the wrong set! ] Jiang Cheng frantically said in his heart.

"Well, let's get started." Jiang Hua spit out a smoke ring and nodded lightly.

"When we first met, my name is Shimura Mya. Just call me Mya." Amy took a seat opposite Jiang Sung. UU Reading introduced himself very politely, "My specialty is cooking. Especially about egg dishes."

"Ah, don't be so troublesome, this is not the draft venue." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said helplessly, then raised his hand to press the red button in front of him.

But this time, Jiang Cheng failed to achieve his wish, and a steel fork directly nailed Jiang Cheng's hand to the table.

"What do you mean? This lady took the precious time to participate in this boring blind date, but she didn't even say a few words and just pressed the knockout button?" Amupi said with a smile, "Do you want to die? You guys? Slag OTAKU..."

"Um..." Jiang Cheng pulled out the steel fork in his hand and explained with sweat on his face, "Um... it's just a waste of myself to think that a good girl like Miss A Miao came to have a blind date with someone like me. It’s out of this kind of consideration that I want to press the button urgently."

"Roar~" A Miao opened her eyebrows and smiled instantly, "I don't think Jiang Chengsang is still a little self-aware~"

[Fire! ] Jiang Cheng's forehead burst into a blue vein, [What's the matter with this woman? Why is it so popular? 】

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