May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 506: : There are very few cases where the first blind date is successful.

"Then, let's start with a normal self-introduction." Miao squinted his eyes and smiled. "Let’s start with me. Shimura Miao, 18 years old, runs a historic dojo with a ten Six-year-old brother. He usually likes cooking, especially good at egg cooking. The ideal partner must have a stable job. If the assets are about 10 billion yuan, it is enough. If he looks too handsome, he is not very good, because it may be. To attract other women, it’s okay to be ordinary, but you must be honest! There can only be me in your eyes! And..."

Listening to Ah Miao's chattering man's condition, the whole half of Jiang Cheng's face began to twitch uncontrollably.

[This woman...what's terrible...] Jiang Cheng thought with a black thread, [Who gave her this self-confidence? Why can you say such a thing with this expression? Thank God for being able to marry such a self-centered woman! condition? Please stop it! 】

"...It's time for Jiang Chengsang next."

"Hehe... Well, Miss A Miao should know all of my conditions," Jiang Cheng said awkwardly, "It's far from Miss A Miao's condition, so I don't think we need to waste time. That's it. …"

"Yes! Miss A Miao!" Suddenly Kondo's voice came from under the table, "There is no need to waste time on blind dates with such a man! It's just a scrap game OTAKU! Say what Ms. A Miao just said in the conditions. Apart from not having 10 billion fortunes, the rest is basically talking about me! Miss A Miao, am I that important in your mind?!"

Seeing Kondo popping up from under the table, wearing a black suit, holding his hands and talking to himself, everyone present was silent.

"Is it a bonus for keeping pets? Jiang Hua." The owner of Xinghai Fang said to Jiang Hua who was on the side. "Girls who keep pets are generally very caring. I think this girl should be kept for observation."

"Dad, that's just a gorilla stalker Aru." Kagura corrected his expression blankly. "It's just a stalker who looks indistinguishable from a gorilla."

"Get out of here! You stalker gorilla ah ah ah ah!!!" Ah Miao got up instantly and stepped on Kondo's face fiercely.

"Miss A Miao, it's not like that!" Kondo quickly defended.

"My mother's performance was ruined by you!"

With that said, A-miao picked up Kondo, who had a blue nose and swollen face, and threw it directly out of the window. With the sound of cracking glass, Kondo flew onto the road outside.

But that's not over yet, Ah Miao immediately jumped out, riding on Kondo's body with punch after punch and began to greet Kondo's face.

"Although it is not as good as your uppercut, I think this level of domestic violence is still necessary." Xinghai Fang said again, "a family without domestic violence is not a normal family at all, Jiang Hua, this girl I think it can."

[You can be big! Jiang Cheng cursed in his heart, and then directly patted the red button on the table.

"Please enter the next player." Kagura shouted toward the door.


Seeing that he was sitting in front of him wearing a pink bathrobe, his hair was tied into a ponytail, and his blindfold was replaced with a pink Jiubei, the corners of Jiang Cheng's eyes twitched again.

"This girl looks pretty good too." The owner of Xinghai Fang raised his hands and nodded his head and commented on his own.

"Well, my young master will trouble the judges to take care of..." Dongcheng, holding the camera, secretly stuffed something in the hands of Kagura and Xinghaifang. "My young master's conditions are very good, even if there are some minor shortcomings. It can also be completely ignored. I am also very concerned about the fact that the heroine of this work has not yet been determined. To be honest, I have never seen a woman who is more suitable to be a heroine than my young master."

"Ahem!" The owner of Xinghai Workshop secretly took the money stuffed by Dongcheng into his arms, "We are very fair. Don't think that giving this kind of stuff will make us give more points, it's useless. But having said that, this girl does have some looks and conditions to be a heroine."

"Yes, Mommy, Xiao Jiu is a very nice girl, Alu." Kagura put the money that Dongcheng had forced into his pocket at the same time, and said with a serious face, "And, Mommy, you might not I know that my little uncle has had stories like this with a woman named "Nine" before, Alu. "

[You guys give me more than enough, bastards! what is that? Can you still bribe the judges? ! Jiang Cheng frantically said, [What are you guys doing here? ! 】

"That... Your Excellency Jiang Cheng," Jiu Bingwei finally said after a long silence, "Can the blind date begin?"

"Well, it's over, goodbye." As he said, Jiang Cheng pressed the red button in front of him without hesitation.

" this!" Jiubei was shocked, "I...n't said anything yet!"

"Ah, you don't have to say anything," Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes and replied blankly. "It's better to say that when you sit here, you already know what you are going to say, so you don't have to force yourself. Let's talk about it. , Bribery of judges is absolutely not allowed, even if you really have real material, really get you promoted, if it is dug up by the media later, it will become a troublesome matter. It will not explain clearly. , Considering that it will affect the company’s reputation, it’s better to just eliminate it.”

"So that's it!" Jiu Bingwei nodded, "Unexpectedly, Your Excellency Jiang Cheng is so far-sighted. It is true that I have been promoted to this kind of situation when I have bribed the judges. If it is dug up by the media later, it will become a troublesome matter. ."

"It's great that you can understand..." Jiang Cheng replied blankly, "Sa, please leave quickly after receiving the souvenir at the door."

"I see," Kubei nodded, "But, before I leave, there is still something I want to know, and that is... the thing about the woman named "Nine" that Kagura just said, it's true. Don’t tell me..."

"Hey, are you hired by those gossip readers?"


After the fourth player came on stage, Jiang Cheng finally couldn't hold back his feet and roared loudly.

"Hey! Give me enough!" Jiang Cheng pointed to Waidaomaru and Kuzuya, who were holding a bed opposite to each other, "Why can such a guy participate in a blind date! I don't understand at all! Talking about these two guys. It's not a human being at all! And why is it a two-person team! Who do you think of me!"

"Master Jiang Cheng, I'm ready at any time!" Wai Daomaru exclaimed excitedly, "Recently, I have made up some things about human beings! You are welcome! You can even here!"

"My body is ready at any time! Master Jiang Cheng! You are welcome! You can ravage me like what you did to the Nine Masters!" Ge Ye's nostrils sprayed out two streams of excitement.

"Get out of my way!!"

"What's the matter with these two? Kagura sauce?" The owner of Xinghai Fang asked Kagura who was separated from Jianghua.

"Ah, it's Shikigami, it's a monster like monster Aru." Kagura explained, "The woman named "Nine" I mentioned before seems to be a monster of several thousand years old. It seems that because of something like this and that with my uncle, he finally became a **** in the sky, Alu. "

"Master Jiang Cheng! It doesn't matter even if you are here! Come on!" Wai Daomaru did not know when he had already laid the bedding.

"There is nothing wrong with the three together! I can accept it! Hurry up!" Ge Ye shouted excitedly, who had already been lying in the bedding.

"Wine!" While shouting, Jiang Cheng rolled up the two Shikigami quilts and threw them vigorously from the window.

The latter disappeared directly into a meteor.


Looking at the silver dressed in women's clothing sitting across the table with his little finger digging his nostrils, Jiang Cheng's face went dark completely.

"The first time I met, my name is Juan..."

"The first time I saw you, you are so big!" Jiang Cheng directly reached out and pressed Yin Shi's head on the table, and the whole table was broken into pieces as a result, and he roared with white eyes, "Why even men dressed as women's clothes to participate in the blind date? !"

"If it wasn't for the 10,000 yuan subsidy for participating in the blind date, do you think I would participate in this disgusting OTAKU blind date?!" Gin Shiki raised his head and exclaimed angrily.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Jiang Cheng asked Kagura who was aside, "What does the subsidy mean? Why can I get a subsidy for a blind date?"

"After all, it's my little uncle who can only play games and have no job. He is about 30 years old and stays at home. Without subsidies, it would be difficult for a woman to be willing to go on a blind date with Aru." Kagura casually Explained.

"Hey, why do you call me so bad? It doesn't sound handsome at all! It sounds completely useless! I'm the protagonist!"

"I wish you had a little bit of self-knowledge, Uncle Aru..."


Looking at Gui, who was wearing a women's dress and with a bulging chest, Jiang Cheng was really about to collapse completely at this time.

"Please pick up the sword with me again..."

Before Gui finished speaking, Jiang Cheng yelled and kicked him out of the window.

"Before that, you picked up your own sword first! The guy who throws away all the swords in the stock is not qualified to say that kind of thing!!"


"Hey, that's enough? Isn't it even a change of outfit this time?" Jiang Cheng held his forehead with a look of unrequited love, "Give me enough, you guys..."

"Um, boss," Sougou, who was sitting across from Jiang Sung in the Shinsengumi uniform, raised his hand and replied, "I didn't come to the kind of boring blind date meeting. I just wanted to ask if Kondo-san has been there. Here."

Jiang Cheng:...


"It's been a long time~ Jiang Zi~"

Looking at Xixiang in front of him, Jiang Cheng was silent for two seconds before turning around and vomiting, Σ_(??????」∠) vomit...

"When we first met, you are Jiang Zi's sister, right? I am the ghost and **** Madmajer Xixiang." Mrs. Xixiang said respectfully to Jianghua, "As you can see, she is a single mother, and at the same time she will be right. The sad woman with Jiang Zi's love in her heart..."

Before Xixiang finished speaking, Jiang Cheng wiped the corners of his mouth and then pressed the red button on the table without thinking.

"What a ruthless man..." Xixiang hid his face and wept. "To press that kind of ruthless button without waiting for others to say it really makes makes me so excited that I can't stop! Jiang Zi!"

"Why are you so excited! Disgusting! Get out of me!" Jiang Cheng directly threw an uppercut and punched Xixiang to the ceiling.

"This...I think it's okay..." Looking at Xixiang hanging on the ceiling, the owner of Xinghaifang nodded and commented, "Single mothers with children, and this level of domestic violence, feels unexpectedly suitable. "

"Hey, Bald, do you want to die?" Jiang Cheng said coldly.

Half an hour later, the ceiling of the entire restaurant was covered with a group of ladyboys from the ladyboy club.


"Master Jiang Cheng, long time no see."

Seeing Xiaoyu sitting across from him, Jiang Cheng was moved for no apparent reason. He raised his head and covered his eyes and choked.

"I don't know what's going on. After passing by those people, I was moved to see Xiaoyu."

"Kagura sauce, isn't this human?" Xinghai Fang asked Kagura who was aside.

"Ah, it's the robot Alu." Kagura nodded and replied, "But there seems to be a super-friendship relationship with her uncle Alu, Baba also said that Xiaoyu is the woman Alu raised by her uncle."

"Xiaoyu, please, please talk to me more, just stick to it until today." Jiang Cheng pleaded, "I can't stand it anymore...uuuuu..."

"Master Jiang Cheng, please cheer up." Xiaoyu comforted, "I'm here to cheer for Master Jiang Cheng."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter." Jiang Chengsheng murmured irresponsibly, "Just sit until the sky darkens and let the day end. I...I don't want to participate in this kind of blind date anymore..."

"Jiang Chengjiang, don't think about procrastinating, as my sister said, she will always stare at you." Jiang Hua said lightly.

"Ah! God! Help me!" Jiang Cheng yelled in a collapsed voice.


After a whole day of blind date Jiang Cheng can be said to be physically and mentally exhausted.

"Is it all right? Sister?" Jiang Cheng lay on the table and said to Jiang Hua, "Sure enough, this kind of thing is barely possible. Free love, free love, this era is already the era of free love. "

Looking at the thick pile of data sheets left in his hand, Jiang Hua looked at the already dimly nighted street outside the window, and finally nodded lightly and stood up.

"Come here today, Kagura, and let the remaining girls know that they will be here on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening."

"Do you want to continue?!" Jiang Cheng's whole person is not good, "Hey, give me a break, I really can't, why do I have to go on a blind date? I don't need that at all, just forget it. At the end of the year, everyone else is very busy, and participating in this kind of activity is also very troublesome for others..."

Jiang Cheng talked endlessly, but Jiang Hua didn't listen to a word. Holding the cigarette stick in one hand, he turned and walked towards the door.

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