May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 507: : New Year's auspicious color is always red!

December 31st, at night.

In Yoshihara, Jiang Cheng’s room, the family of Xinghai Fangzhu, Wanshiya, Haruta, Amy, Hichirin, and Baihua headed by Yueyong are gathering together happily drinking wine while watching the red Baige will be New Year's Eve.

"Be happy, Brother Jiang Cheng..." Harita persuaded Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the table with a look of lovelessness, "It's New Year's Eve, this kind of day should be happier."

"Hehe..." Jiang Cheng's face was full of expressions that he was about to be played badly. "You don't know how to understand it. Since Christmas, you have to attend blind dates for at least 12 hours every day. Feeling... Ah, I really want to die..."

"If you don't want to participate, why not just refuse it?"

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng whispered, and at the same time he made a silent gesture, then raised his head and glanced in Jiang Hua's direction. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he hadn't been heard. "Anyway, you Shut me up, as long as you endure one more day, it will be over. Sister Jiang Hua will go back tomorrow night."

"Why is Jiang Cheng so obedient only in front of his sister?" Qing too curled her lips and showed a look of contempt. "The sister control complex is too disgusting."

"Hey, believe it or not, throw you out now? Smelly kid." Jiang Cheng threatened in a low voice, expressionless.

"Everyone! Today this OTAKU said he wants to invite everyone to karaoke!" Yin Shi, who was already drunk, pointed to Jiang Cheng and shouted to everyone.

In an instant, the audience cheered.

"Hey, when did I say this?" Jiang Cheng's forehead unconsciously burst into a blue vein, "Why are you here? Don't I remember I invited you?"

"The House of Everything is a trinity!" Yin Shizhao drunkly yelled, then patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder and waved his hand to comfort him, "Hiccup~ and don't care so much, we still have to share so much. Is it clear? When I was young, even my shorts didn’t distinguish each other, hiccup~"

"No, I don't remember when I was a kid like that," Jiang Cheng vomited blankly. "You are the only one who can't tell the shorts? Every time you dry the washed shorts that someone else hangs outside, just casually. You are the only one who wears it when you pick it up, right? Gaozai has fought you so many times because of this kind of thing. Have you forgotten it? Why do you just stare at Gaozai who looks more advanced? The shorts turned a blind eye to the crotch pants of the wig, did you do it on purpose? Absolutely on purpose?"

"I didn't forget..."

After listening, Jiang Cheng's pupils trembled fiercely, his eyes widened unconsciously, and he looked at Yin Shi in disbelief.

"Hehe, hiccup~" Yinshi burped again, and then turned around and shouted to everyone again, "Hey! This OTAKU said he would invite everyone to drink champagne tower~Champagne King's champagne tower~"

"Hey! I never said anything like that!"

"Mommy, it's Karaoke Aruna! It's a fun night project on earth!" Kagura said excitedly toward Jiang Hua who was beside him.

"Oh, isn't it?" Jiang Hua smiled softly, "That's really looking forward to it."

"Xin Ba Chi, you are not allowed to touch the microphone today!" Kagura's face was serious.

"Why?!" Xin Ba Haw retorted with a blank stare, "I have clearly prepared a year for this day!"

"What's the preparation?!" Jiang Chengbai said frantically, "Are you sure I will take you to karaoke on New Year's Eve?! Have you been preparing since the beginning of the year?! Hey——! !"


When everyone came out of the karaoke, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

"Ah, I'm going to die, my head is about to explode..." Jiang Cheng rubbed his head, and murmured unlovably as he walked, "I really want to die..."

"Hahaha, Jiang Chengsang, you really drink too much." Xin Ba Hao, who was holding Yin Shi on the side, said with a smile.

"Hey, this person doesn't even realize it at all. It's really hot!" Jiang Cheng narrowed Doudou's eyes and vomited expressionlessly, "Why can't I notice it at all? If you don't know. Go and read the Nine Soldiers Health Day again, you sound crazy glasses!"

As he said, Jiang Cheng pointed to the people of Baihua who were all supporting each other, "Isn't it clear to me how powerful I am?"

"You should be auspicious too." Yueyong reminded faintly, "You two are on the same level."

"Hey? Really?" Jiang Cheng narrowed Doudou's eyes and looked unclear.

"In short, today's consumption will be deducted from your game funds within half a year." Yue Yong let out a puff of cigarette lightly and said softly.

"It's too much!" In an instant, Jiang Cheng became anxious. "Just a karaoke trip can't cost that much money, right? At most one month, right?"

"No, it also includes the treatment money for passers-by and waiters who are mentally upset because of hearing your singing."

"New eight chicks!!"


Yoshihara, five o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Chengcheng sat on the roof so alone, looking up at the sky that was already beginning to brighten quietly.

"It's really like..." Yin Shi's voice came from behind Jiang Cheng, "That lady is really...very similar to that person."

"Perhaps..." Jiang Cheng smiled softly.

"The eyes of the two people...are exactly the same," Yin Shi sat down beside Jiang Cheng. "The gentle and sad eyes that are incomprehensible are exactly the same as the expressions in your eyes just now."

"Hangover?" Jiang Cheng turned his face to look at Yin Shi and snorted softly.

"No, it's not a hangover." Yin Shi looked at Jiang Cheng seriously, "Hey, you, in the end..."

"I'm sleepy..." Before Yin Shi finished speaking, Jiang Cheng stood up and stretched out, "Goodbye, Yin Shi."

After all, Jiang Cheng jumped directly from the eaves.

Looking at the back of Jiang Cheng turning and lazily leaving downstairs, Yin Shi was silent for a long time before raising his head and looking at the sky blankly.

[Perhaps, I’ve been here for too long...Even Silver Time...] Jiang Cheng thought as he walked, [’s not time yet, it’s a little bit...the last point...]


Jiang Cheng did not go back to his room directly, but came outside Jiang Hua’s room, moved to the door and listened quietly to Jiang Hua turning over the girl’s data sheets and holding the pen seriously one after another. Zhang's marked voice.

In this way, after a full half an hour passed, Jiang Chengcai slowly turned and walked towards his room.

[This feeling is unexpectedly good...] Jiang Cheng gently hooked the corner of his mouth, thinking in his heart.


At ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Cheng, who had just slept for three hours, was awakened by the noise of Kagura.

"Do you want to continue today?" Jiang Cheng put on his clothes and went to the living room, his expression unlovable.

"No, I'm going to visit today! Uncle!" Kagura, who was dressed in thick cotton and ready to go, said to Jiang Cheng, "Hurry up, Aru! Just wait for you!"

"Great, I finally don't have to participate in that kind of boring blind date." Jiang Cheng looked lucky.


Although it's just a very ordinary shrine, there are so many people today. Jiang Cheng and others lined up to shoot for nearly an hour.

Coining, shaking the bell, praying, and drawing lots, after Jiang Cheng and the others finished it, it was already time for lunch.

"Oh roar! I signed it!"

In a restaurant on the streets of Edo, Kagura exclaimed when he looked at the lottery drawn today.

"Me too!" Xin Ba Haw said in surprise, "Maybe something good will happen today!"

"It feels like I can win a lot today!" The silver time also said in surprise.

"Mummy compares with Dad too!" Kagura glanced at the lottery in the hands of Jiang Hua and Xinghaifang.

"Me too. Maybe this year, I might really be blessed by God." A Miao narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Sister Kagura, me too!" Haru said too excitedly, "That means the wish I just made will definitely come true!"

"Huh? Is that the wish to be at the same table with the guy called Xiaoli after school?" Jiang Cheng said ruthlessly, then curled his lips with disdain, "Really, what a precocious kid. It."

"Why do you know?!" Harita blushed and shouted, "Have you seen it secretly?!"

"Does that kind of thing need to be peeked?" Jiang Cheng replied casually with a wave of his hand, "It's completely written on your face."

"Shut up! You sign OTAKU now!" Qing Tai exclaimed angrily.

"Cut, I don't believe in this kind of thing." Jiang Cheng just threw the sign in his hand into the trash can.

"Yueyue, your uncle, you are signing a lottery." Kagura glanced at the lottery in Yueyong's hand, who was sitting next to Jiang Cheng.

"Did you get bad luck by that idiot?" Gin Shiki said casually.

噗—— (nothing comes into my head) 呲—— (spraying sound)

Boom! (The sound of falling on the table.)

"Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Ha hurriedly pulled out the Kuwu from Yin Shi's head.

"Hey, hey, I saw the big red on the first day of the new year. It's auspicious." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and smiled ~ not auspicious at all! "Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically while shaking Silver, "Perhaps it is auspicious for others, but it is **** red for Yinsang!" Hey! Cheer up, Yinsang——! "

"Sure enough... it's a lie to get a good luck." Yin Shi rolled his eyes, his body still twitching from time to time, and he murmured such a sentence.


In the afternoon, because there was only one afternoon left, Jiang Hwa had to return to Chuan. Kagura stayed with Jiang Hwa all afternoon to enjoy the last warmth.


"Hey, aren't you going? Isn't it your sister?" Yue Yong stepped into Jiang Cheng's door and asked when he looked at Jiang Cheng who was playing games in front of the computer, "There are only the last two hours left. ."

"Don't say that people are going to die," Jiang Cheng replied without looking back, "It's not the last two hours. One day, regardless of Jiang Hua sister. Or...everyone can be happy together. Live together. I... always think about it."

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