May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 508: : The family we are talking about is actually each performing its duties to guard the


"Yueyue, do me a favor a little bit." Jiang Cheng turned his head and smiled at Yueyong. "It's a favor that allows Sister Jiang Hua to leave the earth with confidence this time."

"What busy..."

Before Yue Yong had finished speaking, Jiang Cheng instantly got up and came to Yue Yong. A wall bang pushed Yue Yong bang to the door.

"Yueyue, I...finally realized my feelings." Jiang Cheng showed tenderness on his face.

"You...what are you talking about..." Yue Yong's face instantly blushed completely, "I..."

"Indeed, I am a useless person, but even if it is so, I want to say that I don't want to bear it anymore." Jiang Cheng's face showed a seemingly unbearable, "I have been sorry all the time, it may be due to being too close. For the sake of it, I ignored you., now..."

"That..." Yueyong's eyes have unknowingly transformed into mosquito-repellent coils and they keep spinning, "Suddenly...what are you saying suddenly...I...I..."

" it enough?" Jiang Cheng's voice was unusually soft, "We don't need to say so much anymore. The five hundred chapters we have experienced together make me understand how much my heart cares. Your business. Now, can you give me an answer!"


Looking at the incoherent appearance of Yue Yongyu in front of him, Jiang Cheng twitched his mouth secretly, and at the same time he thought: [Yes, Yueyue! Sister Jiang Hua, who is standing at the window, can't tell the difference between your acting skills! It is worthy of Yueyue to be able to enter the scene so quickly. 】

That's right, Jiang Hua was standing outside Jiang Cheng's window. It should be said that when he found Jiang Hua was standing at the window, Jiang Chengcai got up and ran towards Yue Yong.

"Other things...maybe not yet..." Yue Yong lowered her head and said quietly, "but...hands...if you just hold hands, you can start with holding hands..."

【perfect! This kind of acting is perfect! I knew Yueyue you would definitely do it! Even I was about to be fooled by you! Awesome! It's awesome! 】Jiang Cheng admired him greatly.

"Just holding hands...I'm a little dissatisfied," Jiang Cheng leaned closer, a smirk evoked at the corner of his mouth, "Can you do something deeper than holding hands?"

"Do not……"

"Is it really impossible?" Jiang Cheng continued, and the corner of his eye secretly glanced at the window behind him, [Enough is enough! Sister Ganghwa! Is this level enough? This kind of dramatic explosion of acting will not last long! Yueyue's body is already trembling! I'm holding back a smile, I definitely can't help it anymore! I beg you! It's alright! 】

"'s not impossible..." Yueyong's mosquito-like voice sounded, " must first get used to holding hands. I have never experienced that kind of thing,"

"Don't worry, I will teach you everything." Jiang Cheng grinned, "I believe, your body will remember it soon."

puff! In an instant, Yue Yong's face was like a steam engine, and it started to make a pop, and white smoke began to continuously emerge from Yue Yong's head.

" want to be warm... gentle... gentle... a little..."

As soon as Yue Yong's voice fell, Jiang Hua outside the window took a pen and drew a circle on the only Yue Yong data sheet in his hand, then turned and left.

Feeling Jiang Hua's departure, Jiang Chengcai finally let go of his hand and let out a long sigh of relief, and said gratefully to Yueyong: "Thank you, Yueyue, you have cooperated with me for so long."

After listening, the expression on Yue Yong's face changed instantly.

"But having said that, your acting skills are really good." Jiang Cheng praised, "You can cooperate with me in an instant, and that kind of reaction looks exactly the same as it really is. But then again, it is worthy of Baihua's. The boss, he noticed Sister Jiang Hua in an instant. To be honest, I also noticed that Sister Jiang Hua was here because of the shadow of the window."

As he said, Jiang Cheng stretched out his right hand and continued with some luck, "But it's really a matter of time. Fortunately, I have copied the lines in my hand in advance, otherwise I really might not be able to proceed. Finally, thank you, Yueyue. "

Yue Yong lowered his head, hummed softly, and then instantly took out a few Kuwu from his arms and threw them straight towards Jiang Cheng's head.

"Wash inside!!"


Outside the window and on the roof, Jiang Hua, who was standing smoking a cigarette, raised his mouth gently listening to the noise coming from the house.

"Mummy, that's why I've talked about Aru," Kagura on the side narrowed Doudou's eyes and said blankly. "My uncle is just a fool who doesn't understand women's heart. Many, just a fool."

"However, even if you are an idiot, there are very good girls around him." Jiang Hua said softly, "I can rest assured if this is the case. I thought it would be enough to have one, and there is one who can see the child. The painful person is enough. But now it seems that it’s not just one..."

"Pain?" Kagura was puzzled.

"No, nothing..." Jiang Hua shook his head gently.


In the evening, it was an hour before Jianghua left.

In a small izakaya on the streets of Edo.

"Your head...what's wrong?" Looking at Jiang Cheng with several thick bandages wrapped around his head, the owner of Xinghaifang said, "Isn't it the age of hair loss, right? Because of hair loss, I use this method. Cover it up?"

"No, it's just that the acting is too realistic." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and responded casually, then took out a small glass bottle from his arms and placed it in front of the owner of Xinghai Fang. The glass bottle was full of similar things. Colorful pellets of Melissa.

"You don’t need to hold on any more. Even if you are known as the number one alien hunter in the universe, your body can’t stand in that place for a long time. There is no need to refute it. I can see that if your physical condition is changed to Ordinary people have died countless times a long time ago. Use this, accidentally made something that can make you live for a few more years. One piece can..."

Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, the owner of Xinghai Fang directly unscrewed the lid and swallowed all the pills in the bottle.

"Asshole! Can you just let someone finish it! You bald guy!" Jiang Cheng yelled with his eyes full of blue veins. "One pill a month is enough! Why don't you just listen to people and swallow them all? I'm in my stomach!"

"Oh! The body has become very relaxed!" The owner of Xinghai Fang moved his body for a while, and said to himself, "The hidden wounds of these years have also been completely healed! Is this the fairy bean of Immortal Karin? It's really unbelievable. That's it."

"Really..." Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly and smiled helplessly, "I really don't understand your family, and all of your heads are Saiyans like Kakarot."

"I...thank you very much," the owner of Xinghaifang poured himself a glass of white wine, and said slowly, "but to be honest, I am a little jealous. I can't do anything with my wife, just waiting for others to save her. This kind of powerlessness is the shame of my Xinghai Fangzhu's life. It should be like this..."

"Everyone has something that only they can do," Jiang Cheng took the bottle from the owner of Xinghaifang, and poured himself a glass of wine. "To be honest, I would like to change it with you. I will accompany you. It would be nice to be by her side."

"I haven't reached the point where I can't even hear the little devil's lies." The owner of Xinghaifang raised his head and drank half a glass of wine, "Don't think of me as that kind of Alzheimer's guy."

"You have things that only you can do, and I also have things that only I can do." Jiang Chengrou said, "So, don't feel embarrassed or anything else, only you can be with her. Didn’t you also give up a lot? The title of the number one hunter in the universe, in order to be with Jiang Hua sister, didn’t you give up a long time ago? Able to give up work and choose family, is already a very good husband ."

"I don't want to be praised by the unmarried brat." The owner of Xinghai Fang sneered softly.

"To be honest, I don't really want to praise you for being a bald man." Jiang Cheng chuckled lightly. "If you want me to find an advantage from you, I feel that if I don't become a bald man, I can't think of it."

"So... where is it?"

"You don't need to worry about that kind of thing," Jiang Cheng replied casually, "but I can also tell you that only the last step is left. The key technology of the bionic core has not been breached, but it is coming soon..."

"Can it really be done? Turn Jianghua into a human kind of thing..."

"Isn't I just an example?" Jiang Cheng glanced at the owner of Xinghai Fang. "You don't need to ask more about that kind of thing. If the owner of Xinghai Fang returns to do things related to Altana, it will definitely cause those guys. Our attention. Now... not yet time. Just stay with your wife at ease."

"When you say this, it feels like I can do nothing but stay with my wife." The owner of Xinghai Fang said softly with emotion.

"No, there are still things that can be done." As he said, Jiang Cheng took out a communicator from his arms and said, "Isn't it the father's responsibility to talk about all the troubles of youth with the daughter who is entering puberty?"

"this is…"

"Ah, I saw that brat last time, but that brat doesn't seem to be needed. It would be wasteful to just leave it like this."

"What a reliable brother-in-law, ah ha ha ha!"

"Hey, pulling my hair again will really kill you..."


At the Edo terminal, the owner of Xinghaifang, carrying a package several times larger than himself, stood beside Jiang Hua and waved goodbye to everyone.

"Sister Jianghua, in fact, there is still a gift for you," Jiang Cheng took out two brand-new mobile phones from his body and handed them to the two of them. "Communication version 2.0 The device not only retains the original text messaging function, but also adds communication functions and video call functions."

"Thanks, Jiang Chengjiang." Jiang Hua raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Cheng's hair gently.

"Oh roar! Thank you, uncle!" Kagura cheered as he took the phone.

"Hey, what do you mean?" The green veins on Xinghaifang's face kept beating, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What is version 2.0? Compared to version 2.0, is the original version a bit too shabby? I'll just say why you are kind Give me that convenient communicator. Is there a better one? Hey, explain it to me, bastard!"

"Goodbye, Dad, Mommy~" The difference from the last time is that there is not much sadness on Kagura's face this time.

"Goodbye, Bald, Sister Jiang Hua." Jiang Cheng waved to the two of them.


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