May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 513: :Valentine's Day-End.

"The first step is to chop up the chocolate and melt it..." Yueyong, wearing an apron and a turban, stood in front of the kitchen stove and compared a book titled "A Valentine's Day Cheats for Girls—" -Chocolate", whispered something in my mouth constantly.

On the chopping board in front of Yueyong, there are several square black chocolates, and milk, sugar, eggs, and cream are also prepared on the side.

The stove was on fire, and a small iron pot was filled with boiling hot water. On the other side are tools such as molds, colanders, and whisks.

"Yueyue, do you need help?"

Sun Wheel opened the door of the kitchen and walked in slowly under the control of his electric wheelchair.

"What? No, no need!" Yue Yong quickly turned around and hid the book in her hands behind her, defending loudly: "I'm just a little hungry, so I'm just going to cook some noodles by myself! I didn't want to. What kind of Valentine's Day chocolate or something!"

"That's it...If this is the case, it seems that there is no need for help." Hichirin smiled and said, and then controlled the wheelchair to turn the direction of the wheelchair and slowly left in the direction of the door. However, when Hichirin walked to the door, he didn't need to help. Suddenly thinking of something, he turned his head and smiled and reminded him.

"Well, the cheat book behind you that is suspected to be a ramen tutorial seems to have been lit by the fire on the stove. I think it's better to put it out quickly."

After all, the sun wheel controlled the wheelchair to leave the kitchen and gently closed the door.

Yueyong, who remained in the kitchen, looked at the burnt only a corner of the cheat book in his hand, and involuntarily opened the faucet on the side and put the burning cheat book in his hand under the stream of water.

The result was...Although the fire of the cheats was extinguished,...only a corner of the cheats was washed away by water.

Seeing the cheat book in his hand that was so rotten that the font was obscure, Yueyong was silent for a long time before throwing it into the trash can. After clearing his throat, he pretended to calmly comfort himself:

"Ahem, it's okay! It doesn't matter at all! All the ingredients are ready! Very simple! Chocolate is also readily available, just think of a way to put these ingredients in!"

After that, a cold light flashed on Yue Yong's cuff, and then a kunai appeared in Yue Yong's right hand.

"The first step... shred!"

After some manipulation, the chocolate was cut into small pieces by Kuunai, of course...with the chopping board.

"Then, melt!" As he said, Yue Yong threw the chocolate and the broken chopping board into the boiling water.

"Then, fusion!"

Basically, all the ingredients and seasonings on the stove were thrown into the boiling pot by Yue Yong.

Yue Yong wiped his sweat, looked at the pot of hodgepodge in front of him, and smiled easily. "It's surprisingly simple, it's no different from hot pot."

"Then, the next step is to make it into the desired shape."

With that said, Yue Yong lowered his head and looked for the mold he had just prepared on the stove, but only then did Yue Yong discover that the mold just now had been thrown into the pot by himself.

"Well, it's more convenient in this way."

After saying this in a low voice, Yue Yong turned off the fire on the stove, then put the iron pot down with a towel and put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator on the side.

After finishing all this, Yueyong nodded and said to himself: "Then...wait for the cooling to complete."

Half an hour later...

Looking at the unsure how to describe the chocolate and the mixed solids of various materials in the iron pan frozen into ice cubes, Yue Yong was silent again.

"Why... The steps are correct, but are the ones that appeared in the end different from what they made?" Yueyong murmured while holding his cigarette in his hand and frowning.

After thinking hard for a long time, Yue Yong suddenly thought of something.

"Yes! There must be too much water!"

So, Yueyong, who firmly believed that he would not make mistakes, began to try again. This time, Yueyong only put half a pot of water.

So, an hour later...

Looking at the unidentified solids in the pot that had ice cubes with less moisture than the obvious just now, Yueyong smiled easily, "Really, I'm such an idiot. It turns out that you can't add water to chocolate! That cheat book was wrong right from the start! Really, fortunately it was burned."

So, for the third time, Yueyong didn't add a drop of water to the pot this time, but put it directly on the stove, and then put the dark chocolate into it.

This time it started very well, and the chocolate heated by the fire quickly melted in the iron pan.

Looking at the gradually melting chocolate, Yueyong's complexion was happy, and then hurriedly smashed the eggs into it, then put the cream in, put a lot of white sugar, and finally poured it in. I ate half a box of milk.

"It's definitely a success this time!"

After Yue Yong turned off the fire on the stove, she stirred the ingredients together with a spoon, and then put the iron pan in the refrigerator again.

Half an hour later...

"Success... succeeded! The next step is to use kunai to cut into the desired shape!" Yue Yong looked at the iron pan wrapped chocolate in front of him and exclaimed.

But when Yueyong took out Kuwu's preparation to divide the chocolate, he thought of something, and then carefully broke off a piece, "Just in case... let's try the taste a little..."

After that, Yue Yong put the chocolate in his hand into his mouth and chewed twice.

"Puff puff puff!" Yue Yong, who had tasted the five flavors of life from her own chocolate, quickly spit out the chocolate in her mouth, "It's so unpalatable..."

"But..." Yueyong murmured as she watched in front of her indistinctly whether it was a wok wrapped chocolate or a chocolate wrapped wok, "Since there is no problem with solidification, it means that my steps are correct, so in the end it is just seasoning. Problem..."

After speaking, Yueyong once again began to make her own chocolate.

[I don’t seem to think about whether it can be delivered...] Hinawa, who secretly looked at the kitchen through the crack of the door, smiled helplessly and thought in her heart, [And...the first step was wrong, it should be to put the chocolate in the container. , Put the container into the slowly boiling hot water while preventing the container containing the chocolate from entering water, and let the chocolate melt a little bit through the container through the temperature of the hot water, right? But, forget it, it’s not impossible to follow Yueyue’s method...Compared to putting melted chocolate in a mold and letting it solidify, she is more accustomed to using kunai...]

While thinking about it, the sun wheel gently closed the door of the kitchen, turned the wheelchair and left without making a sound.


In the dumpling shop, after several hours of hard work, it was not until dusk that Jiang Cheng cleaned up all the chocolates.

"Nichiren, I don’t need dinner for today..." Jiang Cheng lay on the table with a look of unrequited love, "Chocolate...Chocolate, now I feel that no matter what I eat, I can taste chocolate... Ah, I have a good stomach. Uncomfortable..."

"It's amazing," the sun wheel on the side praised with a smile, "it only took an afternoon to eat so many chocolates."

"Ah... I really want to die... Hiccups~" After a hiccup, Jiang Cheng quickly covered his mouth. "Even the hiccups tasted like chocolate, and the nausea came back from his stomach..."

"Kasan..." Harita looked at the sun wheel pitifully, "I want chocolate too, even if it is given by my mother..."

"I have eaten two bunches of candied haws today. The intake of sugar is enough." Hinawa said with a smile, "You will break your teeth if you eat that sweet thing again."

"Brother Jiang Cheng can eat so many chocolates!" Qingtai shouted angrily, pointing to Jiang Cheng who was lying on the table with a painful expression.

"It's so annoying! Smelly kid!" Jiang Cheng shouted, "Don't pretend those three words in front of me anymore! Just hearing the stomach start twitching!"

"Master Jiang Cheng! We are sending chocolates!" An unknown object covered in black and covered in bedding hit Jiang Cheng directly from the sky.

"And my chocolate!" Another unidentified object covered in black and covered in bedding slammed directly in front of Jiang Cheng from the sky.

"I heard that Mr. Jiang Cheng said today that all the chocolate we received will be eaten, so we have covered our whole body with chocolate!" The dark Waidaowan shouted.

"And me! No matter here or there, even that kind of place is covered with chocolate!" The same black Ge Ye shouted.

"Come on! Master Jiang Cheng! You can eat directly on the street!" Wai Dao Wan and Ge Ye shouted at the same time.

"Why are you two!" Jiang Cheng covered his mouth and said with a blank eye. "Where did you get the news? It's too fast!"

"Master Qingming told us!" Waidaomaru, lying in the futon, explained aloud.

"I knew that sister-in-law was definitely monitoring Yoshihara..." Jiang Cheng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry about that much! Hurry up! Eat it! My body temperature has melted the chocolate! Ask Master Jiang Cheng to melt me! No matter where you take the mouth first!" Ge Ye, who was also lying on the bedding, was excited. Shouted.

"Do I have to go?!" Jiang Cheng shouted and kicked the two at the same time to the end of the sky.

"It's also a girl anyway, those two children." The sun wheel on the side said with a smile, "Is it always hurt to be treated like this?"

"That kind of monsters for thousands of years, I don't admit that they are girls!" Jiang Cheng turned his head and retorted angrily, "Moreover, they are no longer monsters, they have become completely perverted! After all, who taught me? Their random method is really irritating!"


"Master, we failed!" Ge Ye and Wai Daomaru knelt on one knee in front of a woman with long lavender hair wearing red framed glasses and shouted.

"So you are still too tender! Compared to my last apprentice, the two of you are simply too tender! Sa, let you see how the master I did!"

With that said, the woman jumped directly into the bucket full of melted chocolate and dyed her whole body with chocolate, and then took the bedding on the side to wrap herself up.

"Sa, that's it! You two take advantage of the night and throw me like this on the bed of Ginsan, the owner of the Kabukicho Mansouya! You know?!"

"Understand!" ×2


Yoshihara, after an afternoon of trying, Yueyong finally made chocolate that could be swallowed. And divide it into a love shape together with the iron pot with karma.

After packing, Yue Yong remembered the most important question.

What on earth should... how to send it out?


After dinner, Yue Yong knelt down and sat at the dining table, as if she had had breakfast.

"Um..." Sun Wheel said with a smile, "Yueyue, it's twelve o'clock in four hours. If there are still things that must be done today, then go quickly."

"Today's patrol has been arranged!" Yue Yong replied quickly.

"No, I didn't mean that. But... forget it..." Hinawa said to Haruta who was on the side, "Haruta, let's push mom out."



At eleven o'clock in the night, Yue Yong, who had finally made up his mind, arrived at Jiang Cheng's door, and he hesitated for more than half an hour before pushing open Jiang Cheng's door and stepping in.

"Oh, Yueyue, what's the matter?" Jiang Cheng asked weakly, lying on the table because he had eaten too much chocolate.

"Ah, nothing." Yue Yong replied lightly.

"If it's okay, let me rest for a while. After eating so many chocolates, my stomach feels so uncomfortable and painful..." Jiang Cheng sighed.

"Oh...oh..." After responding twice, Yue Yong turned around and walked towards the door, at the same time annoyed: "Why did you just go out like this!" What am I here for! 】


"Why...what's the matter?" Yue Yong turned her head and tried her best to put away the unnaturalness on her face.

"Get it." Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to Yue Yong and said casually.


" Why should I give you chocolate!" Yue Yongbai shouted.

"Are you not prepared?" Jiang Cheng was surprised. "I thought there would be chocolates to express my gratitude. Didn't I always say that I was Yoshihara's savior? Well, forget it, forget it. Good night."

Just after Jiang Cheng finished speaking, a heart-shaped chocolate fell on Jiang Cheng's table.

Jiang Cheng was stunned looking at the chocolate beside him, then looked up in the direction of the door and just wanted to say something, only to find that the door had been closed, and Yue Yong seemed to have left.

"This year's Valentine's Day..." Jiang Cheng unpacked the chocolate, turned his head and glanced at the alarm clock on the wall that was about to twelve in one minute, and took a big bite, "...It's over... But having said that, this chocolate... terrible..."

Outside the door, Yue Yong leaned on the wall, listening to Jiang Cheng's mouthful of chocolate chewing from the room, and gently raised the corner of his mouth.

(Valentine's Day-End)

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