May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 514: :Returning a gift is a very important thing, so keep it in mind!

One early morning, Yoshihara.

"Hey? Don't you need to patrol today?"

Jiang Cheng in pajamas opened the door, looked at Yue Yong with a fruit basket in his hand in the corridor, and asked in surprise.

"Ah, I heard that Sarutobi is hospitalized, I'll go and visit." Yue Yong replied casually.

"When did you...become friends with that kind of natto girl?" Jiang Cheng said with a look of disgust.

"No, it's just an ordinary visit." Yue Yong replied casually, "It's just repaying her kindness for inviting Baihua to attend the ninja seminar."

"Suga, then, goodbye." With that, Jiang Cheng turned around and wanted to go back to the house.

But before Jiang Cheng could close the door, a kunai pierced the back of Jiang Cheng's head.

The latter fell straight forward after this blow, and at the same time a lot of blood spurted from the back of his head.

"Yoshihara's patrol has been arranged, let's go together today." Yueyong said with a little embarrassment, turning away from her face, coughing slightly.

"Where are you from a junior high school student?" Jiang Cheng, who got up, pulled out the back of his head, and vomited blankly, "Why would I be embarrassed just to visit a patient? And isn't that a woman? Why are women embarrassed to visit women?"

"Isn't there a newly released game you want today..." Yueyong said quietly, "Today...that, that...when I go back, that..."

"Yo Xi! Let's go!" Jiang Cheng, who didn't know when to get dressed, stood at the door and got ready to go.


In the morning, Oedo Hospital.

"It's really rare, you guys would get together..." Jiang Cheng stepped into the ward and looked at the trio and Quan Zang around the bed in front of the bed.

"My uncle is even more rare. He actually came to visit the patient Alu." Kagura, who was sitting on the stool next to the bed, turned to look at Jiang Cheng at the door, and said mercilessly.

"No, I didn't plan to visit this kind of woman who can smell the smell of natto across most of Edo." Jiang Cheng shrugged, and then took a step to the right to give way to Yue Yong behind him. I walked away and leaned against the wall, "It's just on the way to buy a game. There is someone else who wants to see this natto girl."

"Yueyue!" Looking at Yueyong who was carrying the fruit basket, Kagura shouted in surprise.

"Are you two on the way to a date?" Xin Bahao joked with a smile while pushing his glasses.

"What silly thing to say~" Jiang Cheng sneered, waved his hand and replied casually, "My head is not broken. How could it be possible to date a woman who lost several liters of blood in the morning?"

"When two people go shopping together, isn't it the same as dating?" Xin Ba Hao said with a smile.

[This...Is this the date that Hirin refers to? ! ] Yueyong blushed and thought.

"No, stop talking, I don't want to buy any more games..." Jiang Cheng raised his hand to stop him, then glanced at the little ape who was lying in a coma on the hospital bed. "But then again, she is What's the matter? Isn't she a very powerful ninja?"

"Yes...yes! It's not a date! How could I date this kind of man!" Yueyong hurriedly said, then walked over and put the fruit basket in Kagura's hand. In his arms, he continued incoherently, "Speaking...what happened to Sarutobi?"

"Yueyue... Are you okay, Aru? Your face is so red, isn't it because you have a cold?" Kagura asked in confusion.

"It's not red at all! It's just that I'm walking a bit on the road!" Yue Yong retorted quickly.

"Ah, so..."

"But speaking of it, Sarutobi shouldn't be killed so easily, right?" Yue Yong cleared his throat and asked calmly again, "Is it an enemy in trouble?"

"Yes, why did Miss Xiao Yuan be like this?" Xin Ba Haw asked Xiang Quan Zang equally puzzled.

"Look at this..." Quan Zang took out a pair of presbyopic glasses with a crack on one side of the lens, and sighed and explained helplessly to the crowd, "While the power is not suitable, I still have to wear it. That’s why it messed up the job, and the punished people focused on it.

As he said, Quan Zang glanced at the little ape who was still drowsy, "It was also when he found this dying guy, only holding this pair of glasses like a baby, I really don’t know how happy she is, really. Very suitable for stupid women."

Immediately afterwards, when Quan Zang handed the pair of glasses in his hand to Yin, he casually continued: "Leave this pair of glasses to you. The group will find this place right away. At that time, this pair of glasses is still there. She couldn’t do anything at the time."

With that said, Quan Zang came to the TV on the side and opened a pink spectacle case in front of the TV to reveal the little ape’s original glasses inside. “However, to say so, if she still refuses to wear this one. With glasses, it means that this woman is nothing more than that."

After all, Quan Zang turned and walked towards the door where Jiang Cheng was.

"Hey! Hemorrhoids ninja!" Kagura quickly stood up and shouted to Quanzo, who had just walked to the door, "Are you going to leave this little ape here alone Aru?"

"Sorry," Quanzo stopped and replied without looking back, "We ninjas don't have such a strong concept of partnership like your samurai, so do you. If you don't want to die, it's better not to approach her, she should be too. I hope so."

Having said that, Quan Zang raised his hand and waved, and stepped out of the ward door without any nostalgia.

"Okay, we should also go." After saying that, Jiang Cheng turned around and left, raising his hand and responding casually, "Goodbye, you guys."

"Uncle, you too..."

"Sorry, this woman is worthless in my eyes compared to a game that will be released for a limited time." Jiang Cheng shrugged and replied casually, "Of course, I don't think this is the case for the natural scroll over there. I know, but it feels like this for me personally. Go away, Yueyue."

"Then, Sarutobi will take care of you." After Yue Yong glanced at Yin Shi faintly, he turned and followed Jiang Cheng.


"What's wrong? Do you care about that woman?" Jiang Cheng asked Yue Yong as he walked on the street.

"No, at this time, for Sarutobi, she hopes that the person who cares about her is definitely not me." Yue Yong replied lightly, "it should be the man who gave her the pair of glasses. But what about you? Are you not worried that Kagura will be in danger?"

"Of course I'm worried," Jiang Cheng replied naturally, and then raised his mouth slightly, "But, isn't there still that natural curl? As long as he is there, it's okay, and...for his own reasons, let the woman In this dangerous situation, even if we want to participate, he should be reluctant. Okay, don't think about it so much, the game's release time is almost here! If you don't hurry, you will miss the time!"


In the afternoon, after waiting in line for more than an hour, Jiang Cheng finally bought the game he wanted.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's contented expression holding the game, Yue Yong shook his head helplessly.

"Thank you so much today!" Jiang Cheng hugged the game, his footsteps were very brisk, his face was full of joy.

"No, no...nothing..."

"But having said that, Yueyue, you didn't expect you to remember that today is the release time of this game." Jiang Cheng hugged his game tightly, feeling a mess, "Obviously I will almost forget it myself."

"Because you... a month ago, you would say this every day when you were eating..." Yueyong replied Anyway, thank you so much! "Jiang Cheng said gratefully, then suddenly thought of something, stopped and said, "Well, to express my gratitude, I will buy you something too. Do you have anything you want? "

"Hey!" Yue Yong was stunned for a moment, and then twisted in place, ", that, I...that..."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so twitchy?" Jiang Cheng looked at Yue Yong blankly, "Couldn't you be... you want to go to the bathroom?"

"!" Yueyong retorted loudly with a blushing face, "'s's okay."

"Huh? What can you do?" Jiang Cheng stared at his eyes, showing a weird expression.

"Li...Li...Li...Gifts..." Yue Yong's eyes have gradually turned into mosquito coils.

"Then, just come over. If you say, there really is a shop that suits you very well." As he said, Jiang Cheng turned and walked in a certain direction.


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