May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 517: : People always have their favorite things in one life!

In the morning, the streets of Kabukicho.

"Hey, hey, eldest brother is going to pass by here!" Tsubaki, who was wearing sunglasses, put the knife in his hand on his shoulder, shouted to the shop by the side of the road as he walked with an unsightly look.

"Don't look over here, you civilians! Ah?!" Kagura, who also wears sunglasses, held up his umbrella and also wore a bad look.

"What kind of green onion are you! Asshole!"

"Which green onion are you?! Asshole!"

The two of them walked in front of Yinshi and Xinbahao, and they looked more arrogant and arrogant.

Yin Shi and Xin Ba Haw, who followed behind them, had the same black lines on their faces, and they were silent for a long time before they could say a word.

"Oh, oh, oh, Ginsan." Xinba Haw whispered in fear as he walked. "We seem to have something to do with the incredible girl. When we said that Kabukicho was going to be turned into a flower field, it actually became Bloody sea, she just wants to borrow Yinsang's hand to avenge that Jiro chief!"

Looking at Tsubaki Pirako, who squatted down in front of a puppy pulled by a passer-by, and quarreled with him, Yin Shi spread his hands and stumbling back and replied, "It's okay, right? Even if it's a human being, it's a girl. Now, get rid of the scary behavior of the boss..."

Before I finished speaking, Tsubaki's voice suddenly came from ahead, and he stopped by the road and pointed at the flower shop beside him and shouted to Gintoki: "Brother look, what a beautiful flower~"

"Look, she's just an ordinary girl like that, just a flower like..."

Ginshiro said this casually to Xinba Hao who was on the side, but just now when Ginshi finished speaking, Ginshi suddenly saw that Tsubaki Pirako pushed up her sunglasses and squinted at the old woman in the flower shop. With a refreshing smile, he said: "Grandma, do you know what a protection fee is?"

"Ah?!" Kagura on the side showed a vicious expression on the side in a timely manner.

"How can you **** say such horrible things with a hearty face!" Yin Shi grabbed Tsubaki's artificial hair, with the beating veins bursting on his face, and gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

"To create a good gang, it is indispensable to oppress the people." Tsubaki explained with a smile, "as compensation, it is enough to give them a stick (bodyguard)."

Looking at the shop gates that were pulled down one after another on the street for an instant, Yin Shi gritted his teeth and said: "Before I became a bodyguard, I already scared people away!"

Immediately afterwards, Yin Shi lifted his chest with one hand, raised an index finger in the other hand, closed his eyes and said, "Listen! If you want to join our house of everything, you must forget all the dark side! You are not black Samurai, just an ordinary girl! You are not called Tsubaki Pirako, from now on you are called Wan Pirako!"

"What horrible name did you give!" Xin Ba Haw frantically complained.

("Tsubakiirako" and "Manpingko" are two very connotative names in Japanese. If you remove the flat character in the middle and form a word at the end, it will become "There of ♂" and "There of ♀" .)

"I see, it's called Wanping Pingzi, right?" Tsubaki Pingko said with a behaving face.

"There is one more flat character! Can you not do that?!" Xin Ba Haw spit wildly, "The broadcast just started just like this [BEEP——] Is it really okay?!"

(Plain Japanese"lips" and it also means drooping.)

"Hey," Kagura suddenly noticed something, turned his head and pointed to a cake shop in the distance, "There is a very cute cake shop over there, Aru. If you go there, you can learn something feminine. Luyo, Wan Ping Ping Ping Zi."

"How much is it going to be?!!!" Xin Ba Haw directly burst out with Qingjin and roared out.


Tsubaki Pirako was sitting on the table outside the cake shop, watching the young girls drinking juice and eating cakes on the surrounding tables in twos and threes, and chatting about girls, then looked at the cake in front of him, and squeezed. Zi, a little embarrassed, said, "I always feel a little shy. I have never entered this kind of shop before. Will I be very eye-catching?"

"No, no, no garishness at all!" Yinshi said while holding a whole strawberry cake and eating with a spoon.

Kagura, who was immersed in the cake in his hand, said, "It's all merged together, it's completely melted together!"

"But you guys haven't merged in at all..." Seeing the two of them gobbled up, Xin Ba Hao murmured silently, then turned to look at Tsubaki Pirako with a friendly smile, and comforted: "It's okay, Ping Ping. Ms. Hirako, this is the same as an ordinary girl, no, it should be said that she is a very cute girl."

"Hey?" Tsubaki Pingko was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xin Ba Hao.

"Just don't do anything about the underworld, it's a waste," Xin Ba Hao persuaded, then clenched his fists like a cat and nodded his forehead, squinting his eyes artificially, "Ah, I'm sorry, I am here. Talking to myself. I said, what are you waiting for? Hurry and eat. If you don't eat, I'll eat it~"

With that said, Xin Ba Ha took a small fork and crossed a piece of the cake in front of Tsubakiko and put it into his mouth.

Tsubaki looked down slightly, staring at the missing piece of cake in front of him for a long time, then slowly got up, walked into the store with his cake and placed it on the counter.

Curious about what Tsubaki was going to do, the new eight haws stood up and followed Tsubaki into the cake shop.

"The cockroach ran to the cake and bit it, it was too dirty to eat it~" Tsubaki said with a refreshing expression to the clerk in front of him, "How can you compensate me, bastard."

In an instant, a blue vein broke out on Xin Ba Hao's face, and he grabbed Tsubaki's artificial hair with one hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Is the cockroach talking about me? Bastard!"

Tsubaki squinted her eyes and smiled and replied, "I'm unexpectedly addicted to cleanliness. It has nothing to do with the underworld or something."

"No, say yes!" Xin Ba Hao vomited angrily, "Why is this the only thing that hates me like ordinary girls?!"

"Don't mind, it can't be helped." Yin Shi said casually.

"I mean, she's just an ordinary girl." Kagura took the words and replied casually.

"Why do you all speak for her!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed with a burst of green veins, "Don't say it as if all the girls are "hate the new Ba Haw" faction! "


On the other side, Yoshihara.

"Are you all ready?" Jiang Cheng, who had just had lunch, stretched out and came to the door of his room, looking at the young ladies from Baihua who had assembled under the leadership of Yue Yong.

"Ah, the preparations are ready, but now the street seems to be a clever little guy." Yue Yong said casually with his cigarette in his mouth.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter," Jiang Cheng yawned and took up his umbrella. "It doesn't affect what we are going to do anyway. But Yueyue, do you think I am a bit like a parent who dotes on children? , Actually gave up the afternoon nap time to catch some stinky fox for that little devil."

Yueyong snorted, then said, "The little thing that came is now with the house of everything."

"Haha, that's really interesting," Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled, then walked out of the door and put the umbrella against his face, grinning with a mouthful of white to gloomy teeth, "So, in Before catching that stinky fox, let’s meet that little fox. Maybe, it will be fun too~"

"Whatever you want, but Baihua must guarantee zero casualties this time, and you can do whatever else you want." With that, Yue Yong turned around and stepped out first.

"Hey, you really love the leaders of your subordinates," Jiang Cheng said softly, and then looked at the crowd of Baihua ladies in front of him, "Did you hear what you just said? Don't...die."

"Hi!" ×n

"Yueyue, do you want us to directly occupy that street?" Jiang Cheng turned around to follow Yueyong, and said casually, "I heard that it is also a rich and lucrative place. If I occupy my game funds, Can it triple every month?"

"Can you...can do it?" Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng faintly.

"Ahaha, if you want to fight with Yinshizhendaozhenjian, the result is really hard to say, and I heard that the existence on that street is terrible~" Jiang Cheng scratched his head and smiled, then his expression was instant. After a change, he said coldly, "But I have no interest in that kind of thing that I can catch."

"What are you interested in?" Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng again.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and revealed a smile. At the same time, he made a grasping motion with his right hand, but he just opened his mouth and revealed an O shape. Before making a sound, Yueyong instantly felt a bitterness. Wu pierced his forehead fiercely.

"Jiang Cheng sama, here, here are your favorite things!" A certain part is very...very majestic Baihua members rushed forward, knelt down in front of Jiang Cheng, and fell to the ground with his eyes rolled. Jiang Cheng, who was constantly twitching, helped him up, buried Jiang Cheng's head on his chest, and exclaimed excitedly, "Jiang Cheng sama! Feel it carefully, your favorite thing is here!"

"That, Jiang Cheng Sama seemed to be covered by you and A young lady from Baihua kindly patted the young lady on the shoulder, and kindly reminded him.

"Jiang Cheng Sama!"

Looking at her own group of subordinates who could no longer find an adjective, Yue Yong shook her head and sighed heavily while holding her forehead.

"Idiot... it's really contagious..."

"Who is that stupid?!" Jiang Cheng, who was resurrected instantly, stood up, clenched his fists and shouted angrily, "Smelly woman!"

"Wash inside!!"

puff! (Kuwu pierces the fool's forehead)

呲——! (Blood spurting from the head of a fool)

thump! (The sound of the fool rolls his eyes and falls down.)

"Jiang Cheng sama!" ×n (the shouts of foolish men.)


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