May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 529: : It’s even more important to keep quiet at your own funeral!

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The next day, in the morning.

After completing the discharge procedures and arranging an **** for the two broken brothers, Katsuo Kurokoma, who was concerned about his boss, hurried out of the Kabukicho Hospital.

Standing at the gate of his home base camp, Kuroju Katsuo wiped the sweat from his forehead, then opened the gate and stepped in.

But just as he walked in, Kuroju Katsuo suddenly noticed something wrong, because... there was no one in the entire yard.

Kakuma Katsuo, who had a premonition that something was wrong, ran to the main house, but... after opening the door, Kakuma Katsuo found that there was still no one!

At this moment, Kuroju Katsuo panicked completely, and threw away the toothpick in his mouth, searching from room to room with solemn expression.

Finally... the emperor lived up to his heart. In a side room, Katsuo Kuroju found his little brothers, but at this time... all of them were wearing black Japanese formal clothes, kneeling on the ground, bowed their heads and sobbed .

There was another urn on the stage in front of the crowd. Next to the urn was a portrait. However, due to the reflection of light, Kuroju Katsuo did not see the person in the picture clearly.

On the side, there are Kagura and Xin Ba Chi, who are dressed as a monk wearing a monk's headgear. At this time, the two are pretending to be knocking on Muyu's mouth and constantly muttering something. Due to the fact that he was carrying his back, Kuroju Katsuo was unable to realize that the monk who chanted the sutra was actually Shin Baja and Kagura.

[Could it be...Could it be that...! ! Heiju Shengnan was startled, and at the same time he opened his eyes unconsciously, [Old...Boss...! ! 】

Before he finished thinking about it, Kuro Koma suddenly saw the photo on the portrait. It turned out to be himself with a toothpick hanging in the photo!

"Big brother! We will never forget you!" a gangster shouted with tears in his eyes.

"Even if we get to that world, we won't forget you! Let Mei Lijiang leave it to us! I will take it to the park every day for a walk! Don't worry!" another young **** shouted with tears in his eyes.

"Big brother! Good all the way!" All the younger brothers stood up at the same time and bowed to the portrait in front of them and shouted at the same time.

"Good ghost!" Heiju Katsuo roared and kicked over with white eyes, "Why did I die like this?!"

"Big brother?!" A younger brother exclaimed, "Is it because of loneliness that I came back from that world?!"

"Idiot! I must come back from that world to see us because I'm worried!" Another younger brother said, "Big brother, don't worry! The boss and the young lady have already returned to the countryside! They have also reconciled with the mother-in-law Dengshi. Now! You can become a Buddha with peace of mind! Go!"

"Go!" The other brothers agreed.

"Fuck you guys!" Kuroju was irritated by these little brothers, "I'm not dead at all! Wait, what did you just say? The boss and the young lady are back to the country? The same as the Baba who is on the stage. Reconciled? How about the war? How is the war?"

"Before the war began, Hua Tuo's vixen was killed by the uncle of the little girl in the House of All Things because of personal enmity." A younger brother said, pointing to Kagura who was sitting on the floor in front of him and screaming.

"Is it the two of you?!" Kuroju Katsuo is all ill.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Katsuo." Xinba Haw stood up and explained with a smile, "As a proof of the reconciliation of the two sides, the Goumouse team asked the Wanshiya for the commission yesterday. However, Yinsang drank too much yesterday. , Now I’m still sleeping in bed so only the two of us are here."

"Is the job for you to hold a funeral for me?!" Kuro Koma yelled with Aojin, "Speaking of which, even if it is a commission, take me seriously! This little girl is still screaming! At the most serious funeral. Snoring!"

"Um, anyway, if I come, please lie down in this coffin, and we will complete the commission." Xin Ba Hao pointed to the empty coffin in front.

"Go! Big brother! Don't have any nostalgia!" All the younger brothers echoed with tears.

"I'm not dead yet!" Kuroju Katsuo shouted with a blank look, "How much do you **** want me to die?!"

"It's so noisy!" Kagura, who was woken up, stood up and cursed, and kicked the black horse Katsuo into the coffin in front of him, "Keep quiet at the funeral! Bastard! !"

"Although you are right, this is my funeral!" Hei Ju Shengnan spit on the coffin mouth and retorted.

"My own funeral should be kept quiet!" Kagura came directly to the coffin, stepped on it without any explanation, and cursed as he stepped on it. "You won't look at the atmosphere? The atmosphere! When others are sad, you can rely on it. What kind of attitude Aru?! What do you want to say, wait till the funeral is over, bastard!!"

"Um, Kagura-chan, if you step on it again, he might really die." Xin Ba Haw pushed the glasses on his face, silently complained, and then smiled and rolled his eyes towards him. Katsuo Kuroko said, "In short, since it is a commission, we must carry it through to the end, so please bear with me for a while to play the corpse, and speak after the funeral."

"Um...Um..." Kakuju Katsuo, who had lost consciousness, could only make such a mumbling sound.

"Then, the funeral will continue. Please family members sit down again." Xin Ba Haw turned around and said to the members of the ditch mouse team, "Continue according to the plot just before Mr. Shengnan arrived. Next, let the family members carry it. Coffin, please come forward."

After listening, a group of younger brothers rushed up eagerly, expressing to send their eldest brother one last time.


When Kuroju Katsuo woke up again, he found that he seemed to be moving slowly with something, and at the same time he heard whimpers coming from behind him.

Katsuo Kuroju sat up with a puzzled look and looked at the group of boys behind him who were waving goodbye to him with tears. Just about to say something, he suddenly felt that there was a rush of heat in front of him. Turned his face back and looked right in front of him.

After seeing the crematorium in front of him, Kuroju Katsuo jumped off the conveyor belt without hesitation, and roared with white eyes, "Do you really want to send me away?!"

"Well, the funeral is not over yet, Mr. Katsuo." Xinba Hao showed a somewhat distressed expression, "Now, please enter the crematorium. After we collect the ashes for your burial, we will pay homage to you. Can I speak again when I resurrect?"

"How is the resurrection resurrected?! After I say it, I will be completely dead, right?!" Heikoma Shengnan yelled with white eyes and burst of veins.

"Um, big brother..." a younger brother leaned into Kurikoma's ear and whispered, "this time we commissioned them. If you don't cooperate until the funeral is over, the picky eaters will become us. Boss Now that I’m not here, we can’t do it with us. So, brother, you can cooperate with them a little bit. Don’t worry, there is a partition in the crematorium. You can just enter there directly and nothing will happen."

"So who on earth entrusted them with this kind of work?!" Kakuma Katsuo roared with white eyes.

After listening, all the members of the ditch mouse team turned their faces to the left and looked at the right. They just didn't look at Katsuo Kuroju.

"Does everyone have a share?! You bastards!" Kakuma Katsuo is not well.

"I'll fight!" Kagura kicked over with a flying kick, and kicked the black horse Katsuo directly into the incinerator, "Don't get in the way Aru!"

"Big brother! Good journey!" The members of the ditch mouse group bowed and shouted again.

"You bastards!!" Heiju Shengnan yelled.


In the evening, after the whole set of funerals is over. Kuro Koma came out from the partition of the crematorium in the crematorium.

It is said that several staff members on duty at the crematorium were all shocked.

Heiju Katsuo walked on the way back alone, raised his head and looked at the night sky that had fallen unknowingly, and couldn't help but smile.

"That's not bad, boss, just leave it to me with confidence..."

"Big Brother!"

Suddenly, the voices of members of the ditch mouse group came from the front.

Looking at the members of the ditch mouse team in front of him and waving at him, Kuroju Masao first smiled, then his expression changed in an instant, and he kicked past with his white eyes bursting with blue veins.

"Don't think I will forgive you **** so easily!"

"Welcome back, boss!" ×n



During the day the next day, when Kuroju was proudly leading a group of little brothers to wander around on the street, he once again encountered the duo of the Wanshiya who seemed to be deliberately picking things up-Kagura and Shinbachi.

"Um, Secret Marseille," said Shinpachi, comparing the portrait on his hand, pushing his glasses towards Katsuo Kurokoma, "I received a request from the crematorium for the ghost to run out of the crematorium, can you cooperate a little bit? ?"

"Hey, come back to me quickly, you bastard." Kagura dressed up in a full-fledged **** pose.

Seeing this, Kakuma Katsuo, who could no longer help it, was going to go mad, but before Kuro Koma could say a word, a younger brother leaned into Kuro Koma's ear and whispered to remind: "That Brother, if you don’t cooperate well at this time, we will become the one who is in charge. It will really turn into a war..."

Having said that, the younger brothers stepped back a few steps while tacitly understanding, and distanced themselves from Kakuju Katsuo.

"You **** did it deliberately, right?" Hei Ju Shengnan scolded spittle.

"Xin Ba Chi, this **** is deliberately picking things up, right?" Kagura pointed to Kuro Koma and asked Xin Ba Chi, "Is going to compete with our family, right Aru?"

"Mr. Katsuo, can you think that you mean it?" Xinba Haw pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose again, and glanced at Katsuo Kuroko faintly.

"It's clear that you picked things first, right?!" Kuroju Masao retorted without thinking.

"We are just fulfilling our commission." Xin Ba Hae replied confidently.

"Asshole! I can't bear you anymore! War is war!" Kuroju Masao exclaimed with a burst of blue veins, "Come on! Today, I have to join your family!"

"Uncle, this person is arguing that he wants to provoke a war Aru." Kagura yelled to Jiang Cheng who had just passed by.

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