May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 530: :Fool and loyal...

Holding a few yellow flowers in his hand, Jiang Cheng stopped and looked at Katsuo Kuroko who was aside, "Really? Are you really ready to start a war?"

   "This is Kabukicho's own business, doesn't it have to do with you?" Kurokoma retorted with a frown and an uncomfortable expression.

"It's okay," Jiang Cheng shrugged, then narrowed his eyes and raised an index finger. "But there is one thing you don't seem to know. The day before yesterday, the three kings of Kabukicho, unanimously recommended me for you. What kind of conflict resolution chairman in the street. Said that when your conflict is not adjustable, you can use external force to stop the conflict forcefully, just like a few days ago, do you want to try it?"

   "Big brother, what he said is true, the boss, Dengshi and Xixiang have all acquiesced." A younger brother whispered in Heikoma's ear.

"Hahaha, I just made a joke just now." Kakuma Katsuo quickly switched his smiley face, rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "Because the two children are too cute, I want to make fun of them. Actually, I was going to Cooperate with their work. Ahem, isn't that just a ghost job running out of the crematorium? Don't worry, I will definitely cooperate!"

   "If you cooperate, just get me back," Kagura said with a cold expression, "Don't think that this incident can end Aru if you don't live in the crematorium for a month."

   Kuro Koma Katsuo instantly jumped blue veins on his forehead, but in the end he resisted without going crazy, "It's just such a simple thing, I'll go back right away!"


Seeing that even though he was angry, there was still a smile on his face. Even before he left, he smiled and waved goodbye to Katsuo Kuroju and others from the back, Xin Ba Hao turned his face to ask Jiang Cheng, who was on his side. : "Jiang Chengsang, are we going too far?"

"Did you forget? This incident, except for the little girl, belongs to this stupid and loyal guy. That little girl alone can't do anything." Jiang Cheng replied faintly, "This guy from From the very beginning, I obeyed that little girl's dispatch with all my heart, so that the two hooligans had to pick things up during the day. What they said was picked up by the boss, so it doesn’t matter what they do for the boss and his daughter. It’s funny to say that it’s your own benevolence and righteousness or something. You two remember it clearly to me, no matter what kind of kindness, don’t forget the most basic right and wrong in your heart. I forget the samurai’s foolishness and loyalty.”

   "Foolish loyalty?" Kagura looked at Jiang Cheng suspiciously.

"To make a simple analogy, you are a wandering vagrant. You were rescued by a business man when you were about to starve to death." Jiang Cheng slowly said, "You were saved deeply. Moved, I followed the businessman with all my heart to help him on and off. The businessman was also very kind to you. But then you found out that this businessman was buying and selling illegal drugs. Because of him, he had family wives almost every day. Disperse, the family is broken and the people die. What would you do in this situation?"

"I..." New Eight Haw just started to say something, but then fell silent again. He lowered his head and was silent for a while before repliing slowly: "I don't know... But if it's a samurai, it should be like this. Will continue to work hard for that boss..."

   "Hey! That boss caused people to ruin every day!" Kagura retorted angrily, "Why do people like that still do things for him?!"

"Kagura, that's a samurai." Jiang Cheng replied faintly, "The samurai's loyalty, no, not only samurai, even now, this country is almost full of such people. Kagura, Shinbachi, I did not force you to make a choice, but both of you have remembered that the most basic point of right and wrong in your heart must never be forgotten. You alone, I don’t want to become that kind of person. But fortunately, your general is That natural scroll, although it doesn’t matter, is not a bad guy. Of course, if he gets stupid one day, I hope you can punch him hard to wake him up instead of doing stupid things with him. I understand. ?"

   "Understood! / Understood Aru!" Xin Baji and Kagura shouted at the same time.

   "That, Jiang Chengsang, what would you do if you were Mr. Katsuo?" Xin Baji asked curiously.

   Jiang Cheng snorted softly, then gently tucked the corner of his mouth, glanced at the new eight, and just started and left.


   What else does Xinbaji want to say. But it was interrupted by the silver hour that did not know when it would arrive.

"There is no need to ask anymore. If it were him, he probably started when the boss just started to become like that." Yin Shi dug his small nostrils, staring at Jiang Chengyuan's back with unmotivated dead fish eyes. "He won't get along with that kind of boss. Instead, he will inherit the agreement between that boss and others, and continue to protect that agreement in his own way. He is that kind of guy. In a sense, he is even better than Takasugi. The dangerous guy..."

   "What if it is silver mulberry?" Xin Baji asked again.

   "Who knows..." Gin Shiki raised his head to look at the clear sky, and whispered softly, "But...fortunately, my general is not that kind of bad guy."

   "General? General of Yinsang? Does Yinsang have that kind of thing?" Xin Bajia asked in surprise.

   "A long time ago, I thought it would be gone, but...maybe..." Gintoki did not continue.

"It must be me, Aru?" Kagura replied smugly, "No matter how you look at it, the general in the house of everything is me! Starting today, you two will be my little brothers! Hurry up and call me the president. Lu!"

   "Then the rent owed will be handed over to the new president." Gintoki yelled solemnly, "Please! President!"

   "Forget Aru, think about it carefully, the president doesn't mean Aru at all." Kagura instantly changed his words, "let's let Shinhachi be the president Aru."

   "Then, please, the new president!" Yin Shi yelled to Xin Baji, "The rent owed will be handed over to you from today!"

   "I don't want to be that kind of thing!" Xin Ba Hao instantly refused, "Since it is you, give me a good deal!"

   As he said, Xin Ba Ji looked in the direction where Jiang Cheng had left again, and said with some emotion, "But speaking of it, it seems that I finally know the reason why Jiang Cheng-sang hates the samurai, loyalty..."

   "Make no mistake, he doesn't hate samurai because of this." Gin Shizu curled his lips.

   "Isn't it? By the way, does Eun-sang know why Jiang Sung-sang hates the samurai?" Xin Baji asked again.

   "Who knows..." As she said, Yin Shi picked up a small box of small steel **** and turned around, raising her other hand, "I have something to do, let's not talk. I will go back later in the evening."

   "Wash inside!!"×2

   When Shin Baji and Kagura roared at the same time and flew towards the silver, the latter screamed and was kicked several meters away.


   Before Jiang Cheng reached the gate of Yoshihara, the two members of Baihua who had been waiting at the gate rushed forward.

   "Jiang Cheng sama! It's not good!" A young lady from Baihua said anxiously.

   "That vixen is..." Another young lady from Baihua stopped talking.

   Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened instantly, and without hesitation, he handed the flower in his hand to Miss Baihua, who was aside, and rushed towards Yoshihara.

   Two minutes later, Jiang Cheng came to the place where Hua Tuo's vixen was originally held, but it was already empty. Fortunately, there were no signs of fighting around.

"Jiang Chengsama, the two members who guarded the vixen were stunned by the drug," a Baihua lady who ran with Jiang Cheng explained breathlessly, "when they woke up, they found that the vixen was gone. Up."

   "There are no casualties..." Jiang Cheng replied, "I promised that I won't let you casualties."

   "Maybe it's the vixen and what else we missed..."

   "No, it's not." Jiang Cheng interrupted this young lady Baihua, "I know who it is, but it doesn't matter. This time... forget it. What about Yueyue?"

   "The leader took others out to search for the escaped vixen." Miss Baihua replied.

"Let them come back, it's useless, because they can't find it." Jiang Cheng replied casually, and then he turned around and waved his hand. Those who keep their pier in Edo, Yueyong led a group of Baihua members who just came here. What they saw was the cigarette holder in his hand, and the cold light in his eyes stood there. Takasugi at the bow. Behind Takasugi are members of the ghost soldiers headed by Yuko, Mansai, and Takeshi. In addition, Yue Yong also found the **** Hua Tuo among the members of the ghost soldiers.

   "Hmph, I thought I could see that guy again, but I didn't expect it to be just a woman." Takasugi said with a grin.

   "Leave that fox." Yueyong's legs were slightly bent, her hands crossed, each holding one kunai.

   "Forget it, Yueyue." Jiang Cheng's voice came along with the unhurried footsteps.

   Hearing Jiang Cheng's voice, Yue Yong took away the kunai in his hands.

   "It's really you, no matter where you go, there are a group of women who are stubborn at you..." Takasugi sneered.

   "Ah, after all, unlike an unpopular man like you, I was unexpectedly popular." Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

   "Thanks to Your Excellency Jiang Cheng's assistance, this time the ghost team can get this fox without any effort." Takeshi stepped out, nodded towards Jiang Cheng and said.


Ignoring Takeshi, who was shot by himself, turned black and turned into an explosive head, Jiang Cheng went on to say, "Gao Tsai, forget it this time, but if you dare to appear on my site at will next time, I will never spare you so lightly."

   "Call me Lord Takasugi! Who is Gaozi?!" Yuzi said uncomfortably.

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