May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 531: : As long as people are alive, there will be times when they want to drink.


   is a simple shot again, and his body is dark, and the hair style has also turned into an explosive head.

   "Asshole--!" After swearing, he drew out both guns without hesitation.

   "Ya Zi! Calm down! You don't want us all to be left!" Wan Zhai hurriedly stopped You Zi.

   "Go back." After Jiang Cheng said this to Yue Yong who was on the side, he turned around and left slowly.

After    Yueyong glanced at Takasugi on the boat, he turned and led a group of Baihua members to follow Jiang Cheng.

   Takasugi on the ship also turned his back at the same time, leaned on the mast and raised his head to look at the starry sky that had descended unknowingly.


   "Is it really okay?" Yue Yong, who was next to Jiang Cheng, asked faintly.

   "It doesn't matter." Jiang Cheng replied unhurriedly, "Although it's a pity, but for a gift, I won't have a fight with Gao Zi."

   "You... deliberately let him steal the vixen."

   "What are you talking about? That's a gift I gave to a nephew who is not cute at all." Jiang Cheng shrugged and spoke casually.

   "You knew that Takasugi was also looking for that vixen, right?"

"do not know."

   "I knew it, but only let two Baihua, you knew this would be the result a long time ago."

   "Yueyue, women are still a little stupid and more likable." Jiang Cheng sighed softly, then raised an index finger and continued, "Of course, Opie and face are also very important."

"Huh, don't care about you." Yueyong snorted coldly, "I didn't let Baihua casualties, I won't ask about it this time. It's just...don't do any dangerous things, I... Baihua will be very troubled. ."

   "Yueyue, you..." Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped, pinching his chin and staring at Yue Yong's face.

   "What's the matter?" Yue Yong, who was staring at Jiang Cheng and felt that he was a little unnatural, asked calmly.

   "Could it be that you are sick?" Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously, "Have you a fever? No matter how you hear these words, they don't seem to come from your mouth."

   "Ah, I'm sick." With that, Yue Yong directly took out two bitterly and bitterly on Jiang Cheng's head.

"Ah -!" Jiang into a scream, fell to the ground playing a roll, "What are you doing **** why such a direct tie up painful ah ah though not injured, but still it?!!?!! It hurts! Bastard!"


   In the night, Yoshihara, Jiang Cheng's room.

   Jiang Cheng, lying on the floor in a large font, had eyes blank, looking straight at the ceiling and overhead lights.

   "What's the matter? Are you complaining fiercely?" Yue Yong, who didn't know when he was coming, leaned against the door, holding his chest with one hand and squeezing the cigarette stick with one hand and asked faintly.

   "Ah, I have been complained fiercely for talking about not talking about credibility." Jiang Cheng responded casually.

"Really, really a doting uncle." Yue Yong snorted, and then showed a somewhat serious face, "Jiang Cheng, you at that time... I don't want to see it again, I don't want to see it again. You... look like pain..."

With that said, Yue Yong thought of Jiang Cheng that day when facing the mercenary unit named Chen Luo, he had no emotion or light in his eyes, he just mechanically waved the umbrella in his hand, and mechanically snatched it away. …One-by-one slaughter of lives.

   Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was still beheaded by the enemy's blood all over his face, he was... just silent. Maybe... it would be better to step forward and stand beside him at that time, Yue Yong couldn't help thinking like this, but... it doesn't seem to be necessary. All the attacks were avoided by him, all the enemies... were beheaded by him without showing any emotions, and there was no need for anyone beside him.

   But because of this, he at that time...maybe very painful, and he felt the same pain in his heart...

   "Yueyue," Jiang Cheng sat up, smiled and said, "Good night."

   After that, Jiang Cheng got up, turned and walked towards the bedroom.

   Looking at Jiang Chengna, although he looked a little lazy while scratching his head and yawning, he clearly showed some unspeakable emotions from the back, Yue Yong felt a feeling of pulling in his heart again.

   " you want a drink today?" Yue Yong asked suddenly.

   "Huh? Why?" Jiang Cheng paused, turning his head back and looking confused, "It seems there is nothing to celebrate, right."

   As he said, Jiang Cheng yawned, "Well, forget it, I'm very sleepy today, good night."

   "Oh... oh." Yueyong replied vaguely, and then put down the wine in his hand again, but a look of loneliness flashed clearly in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng, who came to the door of his bedroom, just stretched out his hand to open the door, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He looked back at Xiang Yueyong again, smiled and said, "Well, you just said that. I really want to come. One cup."


   looked at the full wine glass in his hand, Jiang Cheng sitting on the roof once again said to Yue Yong who was beside him: "Hey, you must not drink! Never drink!"

   "I have said it several times, I know!" Yueyong replied with a flushed face, turning away.

"Huh~" Jiang Cheng drank a whole glass of wine, and let out a comfortable cry, "Wine is really a good thing sometimes. No, it should be said that as long as people are alive, there will be times when they want to drink. ."

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, "You can't."

   "When you used to, you often mingled together to drink bars..."

"In the past..." Jiang Cheng raised his head to look at the flying stars in the sky, and replied with a little emotion, "Yes, obviously...At that time, I could sit together and raise my glasses for a change, but I never knew it. I can’t go back, even we don’t know exactly when it started to change. Of course, maybe a few people didn’t move in the same direction from the beginning. I...maybe I ran against them from the beginning. . But this feeling is good now, after all, I still prefer women to those bad boys."

   After that, Jiang Cheng turned his face to look at Yue Yong, but when he saw the blushing Yue Yong holding up the wine bottle and drinking, Jiang Cheng was all ill in an instant.

   "Hahaha... come, drink!" Yue Yong, who was already in a drunk state, shouted with a big laugh.

   "Really..." Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, and then reached out a hand knife and slashed Yue Yong's neck.

   The latter slowly closed his eyes because of this hand knife and fell into a deep sleep.

   "No... I won't let... you alone..." Yue Yong murmured.

   After raising the corner of his mouth gently, Jiang Cheng held up Yue Yong with one hand, and took the half bottle of wine in Yue Yong's hand with the other. "Okay, I can finally sleep."

   After that, Jiang Cheng jumped off the eaves.

"You two, send Yueyue back to the room." Jiang Cheng threw Yueyong to the two Baihua members who had just finished patrolling, and then turned and left with a yawn, but he didn't forget to raise his hand and say hello. I have to go back to sleep, good night~"

   "Good night, Jiang Cheng sama." × 2


   The next day, at two o'clock in the morning, Jiang Cheng was awakened by Yue Yong.

"Hey, forgive me," Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, changed his posture and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside. "I woke people up just at two o'clock, yesterday to subdue you who was drunk. It took me a lot of effort to let me sleep a little longer..."

   "" Yue Yong blushed, pointing to Jiang Cheng and stammered out, "What did you do to me yesterday...yesterday?! For...for...why my clothes were taken off!"

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything. It was Baihua who sent you back to the room." Jiang Cheng sighed and replied casually, "Anyway, don't bother me anymore, I'm so sleepy... But then again, you are here. Yoshihara has stayed for so long. Why is it like a junior high school student in this respect? Have you never passed the physical health class?"

   "When I woke up, I saw that I was not wearing clothes and I felt... sick and nauseous. Generally speaking..." Yueyong turned her face away and continued quietly, "Isn't it all... because of that?"

"Spare me..." Jiang Cheng let out an unlovable cry, "Should I wake me up for such a boring reason? No matter how bad the physical health class is, there should be a limit? If you feel nauseated and want to vomit It’s just because of a hangover, who made you drink half a bottle of high white wine. Besides, do I look like someone who would do to you? Anyway, please go out quickly, and keep quiet if you don’t go out, so sleepy ...ZZZ..."

   Yueyong lowered his head, and after quietly thinking for a moment, he knelt down on the top of Jiang Cheng's head.

   "Well... or go out." Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and said silently, "I didn't say that sentence just now."

   "No, because I have to call you to get up in the morning, so in order to save trouble, it's better to just wait here." Yueyong explained lightly, "It just so happens that I have enough sleep."

Jiang Cheng was a little annoyed and scratched his hair, "Hey! Give me some enough! Why are you waiting here for such boring reasons! It feels weird when someone is sitting next to you while sleeping! Very strange! It’s hard to sleep! I’ll care! And, can you stop smoking! Cough, it’s choking!"

   Looking at Yue Yong who was unmoved, Jiang Cheng got up, picked up his pillow and put on his quilt, got up and walked towards the door.

   "This room belongs to you temporarily, I will go to your room to sleep."

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly found that Yue Yong was closely following behind him, "Hey, what are you doing? On purpose?"

   "No, I just explained it." Yue Yong replied casually.

   "Do you really treat me as an idiot?" Jiang Cheng complained contemptuously.

"I can not sleep."

   Jiang Cheng:...


   "That's it, please, keep this position still." Jiang Cheng stepped on the floor and looked at Yue Yong, who was lying in the bed, nodded and said, "Close your eyes and let yourself not think about anything."

   Yueyong suddenly reacted and thought,

   "Ha~" Jiang Cheng yawned and took out a bedding from the cabinet, laid it on the side and quickly got in, only half a minute later, Jiang Cheng's snoring sounded.

   Yueyong opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Cheng who was drooling with his eyes closed, and thought.


   "Hey, there's still more to come!" Jiang Cheng pulled out the kunai from his head, and roared with blue veins bursting with his white eyes. "It's my **** if I can't sleep by myself?!"

"No, because you caused me unnecessary misunderstandings that made me unable to sleep, so... I have to take responsibility." Yueyong said with a flushed face, and then pointed to Jiangcheng's bedding, "Follow me Change it, it feels better to sleep."

   "The last time..." Jiang Cheng replied with blue veins jumping on his forehead, gritted his teeth.

   Jiang Cheng, who changed the mattress again, fell asleep again a few seconds later.

   But two minutes before he settled down, Jiang Cheng was awakened again.

   "Hey, there is no end?" Jiang Cheng opened his bloodshot eyes and stared at Yue Yong on his head with restraint of anger.

   "It feels better to sleep on this bedding." Yue Yong pointed to Jiang Cheng's bedding and said.

   "Anyway, that's what I mean, the one that sleeps better, right?" The blue veins on Jiang Cheng's forehead kept beating.

   Yueyong thought about it, then nodded lightly, "It seems like this."

   "Come on, then." Said Jiang Cheng pulled Yue Yong into the bed.


   "Good night..." After saying this, Jiang Cheng turned his back and slowly closed his eyes. Three seconds later, Jiang Cheng's snoring sounded again.

   Yueyong blushed, his heart beating wildly,


   At eight o'clock in the morning, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and saw his bloodshot eyes, staring at his Yueyong.

   "Morning...good morning." Yue Yong said intermittently.

   "You...really an idiot," Jiang Cheng didn't hold back a smile, then stretched out an index finger, "Yueyue, look here."

   "What...what's wrong?"

   "Of course..." Jiang Cheng secretly stretched out his other hand and pointed it at the back of Yue Yong's neck with a hand knife.

   "Hmm..." With a whimper in his mouth, Yue Yong quickly fell into a coma.

   shook his head gently, Jiang Cheng sat up and a princess hugged Yue Yong up, got up and walked towards the door.


   Breakfast time.

   "Where is Yueyong sister?" Haru asked curiously.

   "It seemed to have insomnia yesterday, I just fell asleep." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "Why do you know that Yueyong has insomnia?"

   "Who do you think she tossed about after insomnia?" Jiang Cheng asked blankly, "Do you know how I feel when I see a black figure on the bedside at two o'clock in the morning?"

   "Hmm..." After a moment of silence, Haruta whispered back, "Thank you."


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