May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 536: : The most hurtful words are often said inadvertently.

Yoshihara, Jiang Cheng is in the room.

   "What? Social practice?" Jiang Cheng, who held the gamepad and stared at the display in front of him, casually replied.

   "It's my friend's homework at the private school in May," Kagura on the side ate the potato chips on the table and replied vaguely, "He said he wanted to visit the house of everything."

   "Suga, so what?" Jiang Cheng asked without looking back, "What does it have to do with me? Isn't it enough to let that friend from May or something go to the house of everything?"

"But the other party heard that I have a scrapped uncle Zinite who is supported by a group of women and only knows how to play games all day. He is very curious." Kagura continued, "So they want to see it. See how the daily life of the idle scum who is fed by a woman is like Aru."

   Listening to Kagura’s words, Jiang Cheng’s face suddenly burst into blue veins, and after taking a deep breath...

   "Get out of here!"


   House of Everything.

   "What? Social practice?" When sitting in the boss chair, I had the same doubts as Jiang Cheng.

   "It's my friend May's homework at a private school. He said that he would like to visit the House of All Things." Kagura explained while sitting on the sofa.

   "Don't just take this kind of trouble casually." Gin Shiki was impatient with his hands on his back.

   Xin Baji on the opposite sofa said: "They said they want to see us work, but we don't have any commission today."

   "Don't say today, it's never been there." Yin Shizuo dug his nostril with his little finger, and curled the corner of his mouth to agree.

   "Children who are full of dreams, it is better not to see the dark side of this society?" Xin Bajia persuaded.

"I don't want Alu! Uncle refused them to see the daily life of the abandoned Zenit who was fed by a woman without the slightest guilt and did nothing except playing games. Do you want to reject me Alu?! Kagura lay on the sofa instantly, with his head buried on the sofa, his legs swayed and spoiled, "I want them to feel Aru! Do something quickly, you two dull guys!" "

   "Don't say such hurtful things casually." Yin Shi vomited blankly.

"Suddenly I feel that Jiang Chengsang...sometimes is very pitiful. Although I feel that you are right, but...still very pitiful." Xin Ba Hao pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said silently, "Own. My niece usually introduces herself to her friends in this way. If it were me, she would probably be angry too..."


"Come!" The moment when the doorbell rang, Kagura instantly got up from the sofa and let out a pleasant surprise, then turned around and reminded Xinba Hao and Ginshi, "Anyway, both of you will give Pretend to look like an adult, but don't do strange things!"

   As he said, Kagura had already rushed to the entrance and opened the door. At the same time, Xinbaji stood up from the sofa with a helpless expression and walked slowly towards the door.

   "Welcome, May-chan!" Kagura stood in the hallway and said to the six and a half-old children outside.

   "I'm so sorry, Kagura-chan." The little girl headed in a lavender embroidered yukata with floral petals said politely, "Excuse me when you are so busy."

  "Please advise!"×5

   Except for a child with a dull eyes and a runny nose, Daigoro, the rest of the children spoke at the same time.

   "This is our staff and the commander of the Eastern Raiders, and Shimura is the same." Kagura pointed to the newly arrived new haw beside his side and introduced them to the children who had just stepped into the door and stood in the hallway.

   "Oriental Raiders Commander?!" Xin Baji stared at both large and small eyes and looked at Kagura in surprise.

   "You just need to close your mouth and cooperate with me, Aru," Kagura made a silent gesture, and then whispered quietly, "Just say something handsome, Aru."

"Huh—" Maye exclaimed in a low voice, "Oriental Raiders Commander, what exactly does the House of All Things do? Is it also the kind of job that is fed by a woman and only needs to play games that is of little use to society? "

"That... the uncle of Kagura-chan that you are talking about is not a place to do that kind of work, but then again, Jiang Chengsang's reputation has become worse and worse, and it has become a little useful to society. Are there any scumbags..." Xin Ba Haw silently complained, then gave way to the children and smiled awkwardly, "But when it comes to the work of the House of Everything, then... the president will explain Yes, come first anyway."

   pounds pounds!

   "President," Kagura knocked on the sliding door between the entrance and the living room, "The children mentioned last time came to visit, may I come in?"

After all, Kagura opened the sliding door, and what he saw was his back to the crowd, squatting on the ground, cutting the roll of paper with a small cutter on the table, pretending to be a face that was constantly busy working in his hands. Silver time with a beard.

   While looking at Yin, who was constantly comparing the drawings on the whiteboard behind the boss’s desk, Xin Baji vomited in his heart blankly:

   "That, president..." Shin Baji took a step forward, but was interrupted by Gin Shishi who had just spoken.

"No!" Gintoki stood up, threw aside the combination of the stick, facial tissue and roll paper he had just completed, sighed and shook his head pretending to be annoyed, "Naked can't be inserted into Solid at all. "

   "That...that, she..."

   Shin Baji was interrupted by Yin Shi who squatted down again before he finished speaking, "Can you close the door quickly! The Patriot who finally heats up will cool down and solidify!"

"  ", the main reason why MGS can be mentioned in this paragraph is because of the core plot theme of the third generation of the series. )

   "Ah, yes... I'm sorry!" May hurriedly apologized, and then quickly turned around and closed the sliding door.

   Xin Ba Ji vomited silently in his heart,

"That..." Wu Yue walked forward two steps carefully, and tentatively said to Yin Shi who was still fiddling with the tissue paper box, toilet paper and wooden sticks in his hands. "We are here. Visit your work."

   "Are you from Calcutta? Or Mesotia?" Yin Shi asked without looking back.

   "Hey?" May was taken aback.

   "You actually came here, so it proves that it is either Calcutta or Mesocia, right?" Gintoki said without looking back while pulling on the paper towel.

   Hearing the sound, Wu Yue, who was a little timid, cast a look at the Xin Ba Hao who was on the side for help.

  Xin Baji don't turn his face, several black lines unconsciously appear under the corner of his eyes, and at the same time, he complains.

   "I... I'm from Calcutta!" Maye replied weakly.

   "Me... Me too." A little boy said weakly, raising his hand.

"me too…"

   Upon seeing this, except for Daigoro, the rest of the children angrily agreed.

   Xin Ba Ji frantically complained,

   "Really... Calcutta faction." Yin Shi stopped his movements, hummed softly, and said with emotion, "The unexpected person is big."

   Then... Three minutes later, Yin Shi put a wooden tray containing six cups of hot coffee on the low table in front of the sofa.

   "Come on, Calcutta should drink while it's hot." Yin Shi greeted him and sat down on the sofa.

   "Ah! Thank you!" May quickly thanked him.

   "Is this Kolkata?"

   "It looks like coffee!"

   All the children looked at the coffee on the table in surprise.

   Shin Baji, who stands behind Yin Shi, spit out in his heart, UU reading

"I used to be an upright Calcutta pie, but now I have completely become a Mesogeia pie," said Ginshi, picking up a box of strawberry milk, and continued pretendingly, "but I think, It’s because of the bitterness that I am the one who is now Mesoria."

   After that, Gintoki lifted his head and started to drink.

   Xin Ba Ji vomited in his heart.

   "Can I ask questions?" The little boy in dark clothes with a coffee raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, what exactly does the house of everything do?"

"Well, although it is hard to say," Ginshi put down the strawberry milk in his hand, picked up the hammer-shaped wooden stick, toilet paper and the unidentified object assembled with toilet paper and facial tissue paper box, and put it on the table." It's basically a comprehensive secret association of patriots engaged in manufacturing and selling!"

   Xin Ba Ji vomited angrily in his heart.

   "This patriotic..." The child seemed to be stuck.

   "It's a patriot!" Yin Shi reminded.

   "What exactly is this patriot used for?"

"Hahaha..." Yin Shi spread his hands, shook his head and smiled helplessly, "You are really asking some interesting questions~ This is really funny, he asked the Patriots where they used them. , Kagura-kun?"

   "Children's imagination is always scary, President." Kagura replied helplessly, covering his cheek with one hand, shrugging his shoulders.

   Xin Ba Ji couldn't help but jump up a blue vein on his forehead.

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