May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 630: : Occasionally, I get up early and I feel 10 full of energy, but it only lasts until I

"...If I learned this in the universe..."

   Immediately after, O Miichi's bandaged and gloved right hand picked up the lightsaber that I didn't know where it came from and pressed the switch.

   "If the lightsaber stream can be useful, please let me order! Ahahaha..."

   Looking at the laser beam buzzing from the hilt, Jiang Cheng and Kagura, who realized what would happen, both hid behind Ginshi.

Looking at O ​​Miichi, who was laughing and waving a lightsaber on his head in front of him, Gintoki turned his head and looked at Jiang Cheng and Kagura who were pressing his head to prevent him from falling down, yelling, "Hey! What are you two doing? What?! It's going to die!"

   "I'm eager to try now!" Omi yelled.

   The tip of his hair was cut off, but the two behind him squeezed Gintoki, who was unable to dodge, and exclaimed, "Hey! It's very dangerous! Stop it! Stop it!"

   At this moment, Omi stood up, raised the lightsaber in her hand, and continued with a face of excitement: "Let us work together, we must revive the dojo of the father!"

   said, Omiichi stepped heavily on the table with her right foot, squeezed her left hand, and continued with enthusiasm: "Then, let Heng Daoguan become the number one dojo in the universe! Hey! Hey! Roar!"

   Looking at the dazzling blue beam that pierced the roof by pressing the lightsaber switch, causing the tiles to continue to fall, Yin Shi spit out expressionlessly.

   "What about revival?"


   Time came to the afternoon.

   On a small bridge on the streets of Edo.

   Jiang Cheng, who was forced to cos with the Jedi Knight by Ah Miao, stood blankly on the bridge head with a lightsaber in his hand and acted as a model.

   Behind him, Gintoki and Kagura were also forced to put on the same hooded coats, holding the chess pieces written on the front facelessly, standing behind Ah Miao and Shin Baji who were yelling at the roadsiders.

   As for Obi-Wan...Ah, no, it was Omiichi standing in front of the two holding hands, grinning with an energetic smile.

   A Miao is still yelling to passers-by: "Come on, don't miss it when you pass by~ We are the new school of Edo-"

   "Heaven's unintentional lightsaber flow -" Xin Ba Ji took the words, his expression was full of enthusiasm.

   "Next is the era of lasers." Ah Miao took the words again.

   "With the laser, you can do everything. Facial freckles and moles that people care about today can be removed! The heart of the girl who cares about you will be overjoyed! Let's come to the laser together!"

   Looking at one of the two motivated two people who acted like a cross talk, the expressionless Gintoki finally couldn't help but asked silently.

   "No, why do we have to laser together?"

  Omi, who completely ignored Gintoki's words, turned her head and said grinningly: "It's a headache, Gintoki, no one is near at all."

   "Huh? Why do you want to tell me?" Yin Shi was taken aback, his face was unclear.

  Omi turned around, raised her right index finger and proposed to herself: "How about it? Let's show them with a laser drill here, right?"

  Gin Shishi refused without thinking: "No, I haven't used any lightsabers, and I don't want to use them."

   "What are you talking about? You are the man who will support the lightsaber in the future."


   "Don't pretend to be stupid, are you Miao's one?" As he said, O Miichi stretched out the little finger of her right hand.

Looking at the buzzing blue laser beam from Omi’s little finger, Yin Shi instantly complained: “What does that mean? I’ve never seen such a metaphor before, okay? By the way, this person shot a laser from his finger. !"

  O Meiichi smirked when she got close to the silver, and whispered: "You are really dull. To put it bluntly, you just shoot the laser into Miao's legs..."

   hadn't finished speaking, Omi, who was stabbed by the lightsaber in Amiao's hands, instantly solidified her expression. After a pause for two seconds, she fell straight forward.

   "Please shut up, Big Brother Omi," A Miao reminded faintly, the blue veins on her face still beating, "There is no such thing."

  Omi turned her head and praised Ah Miao, "As expected, Ah Miao, she is already proficient in lightsaber flow!"

   "That's not the lightsaber stream, it's the light O stream!" Yin Shi spit out loudly.

   "Really," Xin Baji said helplessly at this time, "It is Brother Ayi who is slow, even if it is a sister, it is also true that the person of first love said such things..."


   The words haven't finished yet, and the new eight-jaw with the lightsaber in A Miao's hand fell straight forward.

   "Yeah!" Xin Ba Chi screamed.

   "Huh? He just said first love?" I caught the black line in the corner of Yin Shi's eye for a certain keyword, and the corner of his mouth twitched. "He just said first love, right?"

   "Really?" Kagura whispered, "Which type do you like Aru?"

   A Miao, who was squatting on the ground, pulled the collar of Xin Ba Ji and gritted his teeth and shouted: "Don't say anything extra! Do you want to be slaughtered by me?!"

   At this moment, Jiang Cheng, who led a group of chirping Yingying Yanyan, approached Ah Miao and asked, "A Miao, are these all right? I'll go back if I can."

   Looking at the girls who were surrounded by Jiang Cheng, Kagura praised: "Ah! As expected, it is my uncle Alu! So many apprentices have been recruited in such a short time!"

"Everyone, be quiet." Jiang Cheng turned to the young ladies and sisters who looked at him with caring eyes almost admiringly, and shouted, "Sign up, please come one by one, everyone. All have a chance."

   "I am the first! I want to be the first to be penetrated by your lightsaber!" A young lady raised her hand excitedly and shouted.

   "Go away! I'm the first one!"

   "Go away! I'm the first one!"

   Looking at the crowd of Yingying and Yanyan who were torn in front of him, Jiang Cheng scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

   "Ah, it's really upsetting..."


   With three lightsabers inserted between his thighs, Jiang Cheng kept his original posture and fell straight forward.

   "Yeah! It's murdered!" ×n

   All the young ladies exclaimed and dispersed within two seconds, disappearing without a trace.

   Jiang Cheng mechanically turned back slowly, smiled bitterly and asked: "Um... Did I do something wrong?"

   "No, but it's so irritating." Ah Miao and Yin Shi replied blankly at the same time.

   "Uncle, are you okay, Aru?" Kagura knelt down and asked.

   "This is not the question that the deepest person should ask." Jiang Cheng replied silently.

   At this moment, with two different footsteps stopping in front of Jiang Cheng and the others at the same time, the voices of Kondo and Kubei sounded at the same time.

   "Um... I'm sorry, we think..." As they said, the two raised their heads at the same time to reveal a face that had also begun to break down rationally, "Join the lightsaber stream!"

   "The troublesome person has appeared!" Yin Shizuo exclaimed.

"Since it's so powerful, I really want to experience it myself, right?" Kondo pointed his nostrils and said casually, but his eyes were fixed on O Miichi who was still lying on the ground, "That... "

   "What's your name?" Kubei said with the same expression, who was about to lose his senses, "That...light...light shit, right? Kondo-kun."

   "No, no, it's wrong, it's the light beach stream, isn't it? Jiubingwei-kun."

   "Hey! I've never seen you so good!" Yin Shi frantically complained, "The stalkers have joined forces in front of their first love!"

   Kondo and Kubei, who had collapsed in their senses, didn't care about Gintoki's words at all, and walked towards Omiichi with murderous eyes.

   Kondo grinned a little stiffly: "But before apprenticeship, let us see if you are really that amazing."

   "That's right, let's discuss it with us first." Kubei, who had the same expression as Kondo, continued.

Omiichi, who didn't hear the difference between the two, looked at the two in front of him holding his right hand and responded excitedly: "Okay! I can't ask for it! I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't fought a samurai for many years! Ten years ago, I met a guy who went from the earth to the universe, and turned out to be not a samurai. I was really disappointed at that time! Ahahaha..."

   Before Miichi's words could be heard, Kondo and Kubei showed off their weapons at the same time, and aimed at Miichi.

   By the way, Kondo’s weapon is a large-caliber rocket launcher, and Kubei’s weapon is a cannon.

   "This isn't a samurai at all, okay?!" Gin Shizuo spit out loudly.

   "Go to hell!" The two shouted at the same time.

   "Speak the truth!"

   Boom! boom!

   The two shells directly hit Miichi who was standing in front of the wooden bridge fence.

   Looking at the billowing black smoke from the explosion in front of them, Kondo and Koubei could not feel the joy in the future, and suddenly they realized that a figure was looming in the black smoke that was slowly dissipating in front of them.

  After the smoke dissipated, Kondo and Kubei could see clearly, only to see that the clothes and face had become dirty without any damage, O Miichi was holding his right hand and grinning very heartily.

   "That's not good, you two." Omi said grinningly, "It's really deadly to launch that kind of thing in such a place."

   said, O Miichi tore off the torn glove on her right hand, and continued as if she was asking herself.

   "Huh? Am I? I'm fine!"

  Omi bent her legs slightly and clenched her right hand at the same time. The dazzling blue light gathered on her right fist, and then she stood up straight again and raised her right fist high.

   The dazzling blue light shot straight into the sky from his fist, converging into a blue lightsaber several meters wide and tens of meters long!

   "After all, half of my...I am not human anymore."

   Looking at O ​​Miichi's mechanical arm that was exposed after the bandage was untied, everyone in the audience half-opened their mouths, twitching, and their faces were filled with black lines and expressionless.

   At this time, Omi slashed down the huge lightsaber with her right hand towards the wooden bridge.

   rumbling! !


  Outside the earth, a spacecraft resembling a laser gun is slowly advancing towards the earth.

   "Kanofi, Konofi, please answer, please answer!"

   A little green-skinned man in the main cab of the spacecraft, Tianren, kept shouting into the intercom, but he didn't get a reply for a long time.

   "No, no response. Did you act alone again? What a troublesome guy~"

"Let him go," another celestial person of the same race replied casually looking at the blue earth outside the window, "I remember that planet is his hometown, so let him go alone. Ha ha ha ha... "


   Earth, Edo.

   A welcome party for new students is being held in Hengdao Hall at night.

  Miichi Oo, Miu, Shinyagi, Gintoki, Kagura, Kondo, Kubei, Haruta who just left a private school, and Jiang Chengzheng who was forcibly "retained" by Miu, "Happy" together.

"Oh! Has it turned into a lightsaber stream?!" Qing Tai looked surprised, "Great! I can show off with my classmates tomorrow! It's so cool! Thank you, Jiang Cheng! Now I don't hate you at all. Send me here for hundreds of chapters and ignore it! When I go back, I will throw away the straw man with your name hidden under my pillow!"

"Hey, wait," Jiang Sung looked at Haruta blankly, "What's the matter with the straw man with my name on it? Did you hide something like that? It's not that you said you want to practice swordsmanship. Is it?"

   "Ahaha, at such a young age, he is the great brother of our Heaven's Heartless Lightsaber Stream." Omi touched Harita's somewhat messy head, "I will work harder in the future! Haruka!"

   "Who is Qingzi?" Jiang Cheng, who was sitting next to Omei, said, "Why was I also detained? I never said that I was going to be a student!"

"Your Excellency Jiang Cheng, I have heard about it," Omi shook her head and said softly, "From the very beginning, you have silently supported this dojo, not only entrusting the younger generation here with confidence, but also taking care of them frequently. Xinzi, thank you so much!"

   "I have felt the gratitude, so I will go back." Jiang Cheng said that he was about to get up.

But before Jiang Cheng got up, O Miichi embraced Jiang Cheng’s neck familiarly, and raised her eyebrows to her ears, then quietly said, "Don’t worry, I will do it for you. Confidential, but fair competition. After all, there is only one Miao."

"Please don't say such scary words, okay?" Jiang Cheng replied casually, then raised an index finger and smiled and said, "Actually I am a giant O pie, poor, washboard or something. I can't like it at all."

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng was smashed into the floor by Ah Miao who didn't know when he walked behind him.

"Hahaha, Sir Jiang Cheng, you really know how to laugh," Omi smiled a few times with her face upturned, and then turned her head to look at Ah Miao. "Women can't just look at that kind of thing. The washboard also rubs. The benefits of the clothes board are, for example, I don’t know why, seeing Ah Miao now always feels more cordial than Xin Zai, because it’s almost the same as before..."

   Before the words fell, O Miichi's head was also smashed into the floor by Amiao.

   A Miaopi smiled and said without a smile: "What do you mean? Big Brother Omi? Does it mean that I haven't developed at all for so many years?"


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