May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 631: : The auxiliary wheels need to be removed without paying attention, just like letting

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"Anyway, I finally recruited a few students anyway."

Omiichi grinned and looked at the three of Kondo, Kubei, and Kagura in front of him, and then turned around and glanced aside because of curiosity, he ate a piece of fish made by Miao that exudes an unknown dark breath and now lies on the floor. Haruta, who rolled her eyes and lost consciousness, went on with a grin.

"Welcome to our heavenly lightsaber stream."

As he said, Omiichi scratched her head with embarrassment and continued, "Oh, I'm sorry that I caused you to suffer a while ago. But I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I accidentally used all my strength."

Omiichi looked away at Gintoki and Jiang Cheng, who was silently mourning after covering Haruta with a white cloth.

"However, the strongest samurai who can blaze a trail for the genre are here. From now on, let me promote the lightsaber flow and become the best genre in the world! Right? Sakata leader? Jiang Cheng leader?"

"Ah, yes, Omiichi instructor." Gin Shiki replied casually, and at the same time he flicked his pinky finger, curled the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm too lazy to continue to complain."

Jiang Cheng squinted his Doudou eyes and replied, "Well, I am not a samurai, and I don't want to join this kind of dojo."

"Ahaha, the teacher Jiang Cheng really has a sense of humor." O Miichi patted Shita Jiang Cheng on the back with her mechanical right hand, and laughed with her face up.

In an instant, blue veins jumped up on Jiang Cheng's forehead, and he replied without a smile:

"Did you really hear me talking? Can you stop talking to yourself like this, you are not a samurai! I don't want to join this kind of place at all!"

"OK OK!" Omi gave an OK gesture and squeezed her eyes. "From now on, Professor Jiang Cheng will be responsible for the funny part! I understand! Now it is different from before, and various elements are needed in the dojo. ."

"Really killed you..."

Omiichi eagerly shouted to the Kondo group in front of him, "Anyway, tonight, let's toast to our new departure!"

"Jiang Chengsang's words really have to be Chinese wine," Xin Bahao walked over with a tray full of wine at this time, "If you are a brother, is beer okay?"

"No, I want shochu with gasoline."

"Really," A Miao couldn't help but laughed, "I'm joking again, Brother Omi."

"a ha ha ha…"

At this time, Kondo, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't help but slowly raised his hand, and tentatively said with a black line at the corner of his eye: "That... sorry, Omiichi teacher, I have a question to ask. "

"What is it?"

"I have deeply realized the power of lightsaber flow," Kondo said with a reluctantly and cautious expression on the corners of his mouth, "It's just... that, even if we learn lightsaber flow, that... I don't think I can do it. That way..."

"Don't worry," Omi smiled comfortingly, "As long as you master the trick, you can learn it very quickly. Right? Head Sakata, Head Jiang Cheng?"

After a drunken hiccup, Yin Shih, who was already obviously drunk, replied casually: "Yes, that's right, it's like one day after suddenly removing the training wheel of a bicycle, he naturally learns to ride a bicycle. It's the same thing as that. "

"No, Sakata coach," Kondo retorted excitedly in an instant, "I can't learn it! The training wheels are still spinning!"

"Speaking..." Kubei looked at Omiichi's right mechanical arm and slowly analyzed, "I think that is not a trick that humans can use? And that mechanical arm, you said just now that you are not half of it. Are you human? What does that mean?"

"Jiubingwei, you really don't understand," Jiang Cheng, who was sipping his wine, waved his hand, and then showed a sorrowful expression. "This is the case with all the little ghosts now, in order to pursue those boring self-righteous people. Tide’s stuff casually put on a robotic arm or something, just like that...that tattoo, right? Right? Silver time."

Kondo complained again: "No! Those are two completely different things!"

"Yes, hiccups~" Gin Shiki replied casually, "I thought I would be cool if I put on a robotic arm. Now I have a lot of them on the street. I secretly carried my parents and replaced them with one or two machinery. It’s very common to have tattoos on your arms, secretly carrying your parents behind your back."

"No! I said they are two completely different things!" Kondo spit out frantically, "I have never seen anyone on the street who casually put on a robotic arm!"

"This kind of thing will be understood naturally when he becomes an adult, and now it's useless if you say more, just give up." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Why the coach of Omiichi is the same as bad!"

"Ahahaha... It's a really interesting group of people." After saying that, Omiichi looked down at her right hand, "but I'm sorry Su, I'm not bad. But what the young lady said just now is to suspect my right hand. Is there a switch? It's just the loss of the prosthesis in the right hand after the accident."

Seeing the suspicion on Jiubei's face, Gintoki raised his hand and nodded his head and said in a self-confident voice: "This is not good, Jiubei, do you not want to admit defeat, so you are silly? Admitting his own weakness is also one. Kind of powerful!"

As he said, Gintoki stretched out his hand and pointed at Jiu Biewei, "Go and copy the words [Stall] a hundred times before tomorrow--!"

Jiubei replied, "Then ask Sakata coach to copy [idiot] a hundred times before tomorrow."

"How is [Idiot] written in Chinese characters?"

"Here." Jiang Cheng placed the mirror in front of Yin Shi, "the one inside is an idiot."

"Huh? Is that what an idiot feels like?" Yinshi stared at her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror, "I feel a little sick, and the drunk uncle Tianjuan who has no energy at all..."

"That's how Alu writes Chinese characters." Kagura held up the white paper with the two Chinese characters [银时] at the right time.

At this time, Omi stood up and spoke to everyone at the same time: "If you still doubt, let you take a look. I said that I am generally not a human being and I don't have any special meaning."

With that, Omiichi took off her coat.

"I have been wandering in the Milky Way for many years, and half of them are no longer people on Earth. But the spirit of the other half of Edo people has never forgotten."

After opening her jacket, Omi showed her right mechanical body.


Looking at O ​​Miichi's silver metal-textured mechanical body on the right half of her body, Kondo frantically complained: [Said it is half an Edo, rather than half a robot! 】

"So didn't you say it?" Omi shook her right hand, and naturally continued, "The laser is not emitted from the right hand, but from the right half of the mechanical body."

"Ah, you are so big!!" Kondo couldn't help but vomit.

"What's going on!" Xin Ba Haw's eyes widened, his face was unbelievable, and he yelled in horror: "How did your body become like this? Ayi brother!"

A Miao also showed a shocked expression, her pupils trembled slightly, and her mouth murmured: "Oo...Omi, big brother..."

"What? Didn't you find that I was a robot?" Omi asked in doubt, and then grinned again, "What a careless guy, right? Sakata coach? Teacher Jiang Cheng?"

"Huh? What?" Yin Shi, who was busy repeating the two Chinese characters of [银时] on the paper, replied without looking up, "I will eat hamburger tomorrow? Really?"

"It's a robot! You are too leisurely, too!" Kondo pulled his neck and struggled to complain.

"Isn't this kind of thing common?" Jiang Cheng waved his hand disapprovingly, "You guys are too much fussing?"

"You are always big!!" Kondo murmured again.

"How could there be no change at all for a man who has been separated for many years?" Jiang Cheng shook his head and sighed.

"What you said are two different things!" Kondo complained again.

"Robot? Ayi brother, you..."

"Ah," Omei always explained to both Xinbaji and Amao, "Actually, when I was involved in the accident, I was fatally injured on the right side of the body. I am ashamed to say that I have already died once."

"Ha? Ha——?!!!" Xin Ba Haw said incoherently in astonishment, "Dead... once died, that means..."

"But fortunately, the advanced recovery technology on that planet transformed half of my body into a machine, so I came back to life."

With that, O Miichi clenched her right fist again, "Becoming the number one swordsman in the galaxy, for this once-lost dream, I came back from hell...come back...back...back..."

Before she finished speaking, Omiichi's red right eye, which had a different color from the left eye, lost its light, and then rolled her eyes and stared at the ground and fell to the ground.

"Hey! Just climbed out of the ghost gate and fell back into hell, Aru!"

"Brother Yi!" Xinba Haw squatted down to check Miichi's condition, and exclaimed anxiously, "Cheer up! What's wrong with this?"

At this moment, Miao on the side suddenly remembered what Omiichi just said [I want shochu with gasoline].

"Oops, I thought it was just a joke..." As he said, A Miao turned around hurriedly, "I'm going to buy gasoline! Xinjang, take the eldest brother into the bedroom!"


late at night.

After examining O Miichi's body, Yuan Wai's father covered her with a quilt and then sighed lightly.

Looking at the old man Yuanwai in front of him with his back to him, Xin Ba Hao asked out aloud: "Mr. how is the situation?"

"It's a pity, it's not that the gasoline is exhausted," said, the old man outside the source turned around and opened his right hand to reveal the dark matter that is still exuding a bad dark atmosphere and asked, "Who made it? He eats this kind of highly toxic food. This is not a substance that exists on the earth. As far as I know, such a substance should not have been found in the universe..."

At this moment, Kagura, who secretly watched the situation in the room through the crack of the door, said, "Ah, that's the head of the older sister..."

Without waiting for Kagura to finish, Ah Miao retreated to the door and closed the door hard, and then said haha, "It must be picked up and eaten from anywhere in the universe. It really is, Omiichi. Big brother is too unworthy."

"But forget it," said Yuan Wai, the old man stood up and looked at Omiichi who was lying sleeping in the futon in front of him and said, "Anyway, I should let him spit out the foreign body. Give him some shochu. Just add gasoline. This guy can't eat anything except that."

Having said that, the old man from Yuanwai turned around and opened the sliding door and was about to leave, but before he could step out, he was called to stop by Xinbahao...

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