May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 633: :Squatting at home and punks!

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Piyi Mengxing, the country that developed the interstellar wave laser cannon.

In other words, a planet that no one can match in manufacturing laser cannons.

A few days ago, the Earth proposed to the Planetary Alliance [Because the interstellar wave laser cannon is difficult to control, the bill requiring the prohibition of the production, import and export of this weapon] was passed.

This behavior of the earth completely angered Piyi Mengxing, the developing country of the interstellar wave laser cannon, and even regarded the earth as a thorn in the eye and drove the spacecraft secretly to the sky above the earth.

For this reason, these little dwarfs with masks in the name of terrorists appeared on the live TV screen in Jiang Cheng's room——

[You people on Earth don’t seem to understand how much benefit the use of laser cannons will bring to the country. ]

[So, in order for you to experience it firsthand, we sent a great gift. ]


[There are still twenty-four hours before the laser cannon is activated. If you have been hesitant, then tomorrow will be the day when Star Wars breaks out. Since then, it is engraved in the history of the universe...No, in people's memory. ]

[Then... the earth that provoked the war must be the first to turn into cosmic dust, right? ]

[Also, don’t be stupid trying to find this gift on Earth, because it is equipped with an emergency defense system. ]

[If you act rashly, the planet will perish before the laser cannon is fired. ]


Jiang Cheng, who lay on his cheek with one hand on the floor and watched the TV, yawned and raised the remote control to turn off the TV.

"Has breakfast been ready?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and shouted in the direction of the door casually, "Yueyue——Sun Wheel——I’m hungry——"


Yueyong opened the door of Jiang Cheng's room and shouted angrily, "When are you still thinking about eating? Earth...Yoshihara is about to end! The last chapter didn't even say that she was Yoshihara's. Night King? Think of a way for me!"

Jiang Cheng sat up, spread his hands and said indifferently: "If you are too hungry, your head will not be able to work, and the [BEEP——] starman just said it? There are still twenty-four hours. ."

"It's Piyi Mengxing!"

"Anyway, when I'm hungry, I can't think of a good way! Hi-Rinami—please have breakfast—"

"I'll be ready soon~" The sound of the sun wheel came from outside the door.

"Hilin you too spoil this waste wood, right?" Yue Yong turned back and complained to the sun in the wheelchair, "Say this is not the time to eat leisurely, right?"

"Could it be... Yueyue, do you want to stay behind at this critical moment?" Sun Wheel hides her face, looks at Yue Yong with some surprise, and then takes out a small medicine packet from her sleeve and stuffs it. Entering Yue Yong's hands, "This is a secret formula that can be conceived once! It should not be too late, act now!"

"Who said I want something like this!" Yue Yong blushed and slammed the small medicine packet in his hand on the ground, then pointed to Jiang Cheng to argue wildly at the sun wheel, "Also, who said he wanted to give it? The man who has been completely hopeless like this stays behind!"

"No, I didn't say it was Jiang Chengsang." Hilawa said with a smile, narrowing his eyes.

"Uh!" Yue Yong was choked.

Jiang Cheng in the house waved his hand and said casually: "It's a coincidence. I don't want my future child to have such a helpless mother. Besides, it is a mother, and a father is more suitable, right?"

"Shut up for me!!" Instantly took out two kunai Yueyong from the cuffs and slammed the kunai towards Jiang Cheng forcefully.

puff! (Bitterness does not enter the body sound)

呲—— (Blood fountain sound)

Boom! (The sound of an idiot falling to the ground)

Seeing Yueyong who was still in the throwing kunai posture, blushing and panting, Hilina couldn't help but smile, then turned the direction of the automatic wheelchair and slowly left along the side of the corridor.

"Breakfast will be fine~"


"What do you think?" Yue Yong asked, leaning against Jiang Cheng's door.

"What do I think?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, then squeezed his chin and looked at Yue Yong carefully.

A few seconds later, Jiang Cheng held up his hands and snorted softly, and said: "Don't underestimate me, Yueyue, I really like Opie very much, but I also have requirements for my personality. Give up, I definitely don't Will let my children bear such an unfortunate family..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng, who was hit by two kunai on his forehead, rolled his eyes and lay straight behind him.

Yue Yong clenched his fist, bursting with blue veins and white eyes, and exclaimed angrily: "I didn't ask you that! It's the worst misfortune for your child to have a non-working dad like you at home! Even when a parent meeting is held. , Your children will not be embarrassed to introduce their squatting father to their classmates!"

"You too!" Jiang Cheng stood up and retorted in angrily, "your child is absolutely not embarrassed to introduce you to others at the parent meeting. This horrible person is just as stinky as a man except for his body." A woman is her own mother, right?! I will definitely lose my head in front of my classmates and teachers! Because of you, I will stop communicating with my classmates and become more and more withdrawn, and eventually become a bad boy!"

"Who is a stinky woman like a man?! The last words are returned to you intact! Your child will become more and more withdrawn, and finally become a squat like you who has escaped from society and has no work at home. !"

Jiang Cheng's face was violent, and he gritted his teeth and replied: "Huh?! Are you looking down on squatting at home? Do you know how many squatting homes are in Japan now?! Do you know how many games industry and animation-related industries they have stimulated? Is it economical? By the way, even the famous sextuplets next door are squatting at home!"

"I think you are being underestimated! You are the three squatting men in this family!!"

"No," Jiang Cheng raised his hand and shook his head, and replied blankly, "I didn't underestimate you. I only underestimated you, Yueyue."

"Washing inside——!!!" Yue Yong took out a few more Kuwu again, and slammed it at Jiang Cheng, "You trash man who can't even close the skylight!!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Jiang Cheng, who was pierced all over his body, rolled his eyes again.

"That... just because that switch is too old and accidentally broken..."

After all, Jiang Chengcai fell straight forward.



Machine Hall, after watching the live TV show Yin Shi, stood in front of the TV and murmured: "Could it be that the bastard... only came back to destroy his hometown?"

The old man outside the source held his hand and slowly said, "The Piyimengs used the entire planet to develop the weapon industry, just like a huge weapon merchant. But they are not stupid enough to do this kind of thing all over the country. Behind it, there are also underground organizations called [Tinder House] that specialize in provoking wars.

The cosmic sword master who is famous in many interstellar wars, if he was portrayed as a hero to provoke a war...I'm afraid that kid didn't realize that he was being used by others, right? "

"What's the way to stop him from that half of the body?" Yin Shi asked the old man Yuanwai faintly without turning his face.

The old man outside the source bowed his head and said nothing.

"Let's talk about it," Yin Shi turned to look at the old man Yuanwai, and of course he continued: "This is a job that Xin Ba Hao and A Miao can't take on, right?"

After listening, the old man Yuanwai sighed, then turned and walked into the mechanical hall, and walked out with a knife with a scabbard after several seconds.

While extending the knife in his hand in front of Yinshi, the old man outside the source reminded him: "Listen well, Yinshi. As long as this knife equipped with an intelligence jamming device is inserted into his body, it will be able to delay his The emergency system was activated. During this period, his half of his body was destroyed and all functions were stopped."

Yin Shi did not receive the knife, but asked, "What will happen to the remaining half of the body?"

"Didn't I tell you? Now he relies on machinery to sustain his life. If he loses half of his functions, the remaining half of his body can only be turned back into a corpse."

After listening, Yin Shi bowed his head and stared at the sword in Yuanwai's old man's hand without saying a word. After a long silence, he stretched out his hand to take the sword and held it in his hand.

"That idiot, it's no wonder that you are not a mechanic..." Yin Shi sipped, and cursed, "Waiting for me in a place like this. It seems that the old man and the idiot have also been in contact with him, so he prepared in advance. Such a thing. Cut!"

"I'm just asked to work." Yuan Wai's old man touched his bald head and smiled, "Of course if I don't want to do it..."

"Is there really no other way? A way to keep that man alive..." Gin Shiki raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Wai Father, and interrupted the other party.

"No," Yuanwai's old man shook his head, "This is the only way."

"Then, there is no way, then I can only do it."

After all, Yin Shi turned around and raised his hand without looking back, waved his hand and left slowly.

However, what Yin Shi and Yuan Wai did not know was that Ah Miao Jiang, who had been leaning in the corner of the doorway, listened to the conversation without a word.


Shinsengumi Tunsho At this time, Kondo in uniform and Shisi with cigarettes are standing in front of a group of Shinsengumi team members who are ready to go, making the last reminder before the action. And preaching.

"Yo Xi! Next we are going to track down the interstellar wave laser cannon, don't let any suspicious guys let go!"

"Tufang-san," Sougo raised his hand and asked, "what the **** is this suspicious guy?"

Fourteen thought for a while and replied solemnly: "It looks like a guy who can emit laser light."

"Hey," Sougo pointed to Fourteen and reminded the team members behind him, "This guy has a stupid beam on his head, grab it for me."

next moment……

Fourteen, who was under control by a group of true selection team members, screamed, "Let go of me! Are you **** wanting to die?" Hey, Kondo-san! Say something too. what!"

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