May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 634: :Don't always think that heroes will come out to save the field at the last minut

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Kondo lowered his head, with a shocked expression on his face.

By the way, since the fourteenth said [the guy who seems to be able to emit laser light], he has this expression.

"It seems... the guy who can emit laser light..." Kondo murmured, and at the same time, two drops of cold sweat slowly fell on his cheeks...

On the other side, Liu Sheng's family.

The contemporary patriarch of the Yanagyu family and the father of Jiubei Yanagyu, Yuju Yanagyu is standing in the yard and talking to the servants in the yard.

"This is an unprecedented crisis since the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate! Our Yanagyu family must also act quickly to sell favors to the general who is now in a difficult situation... No, no, it is to protect Edo!"

With that said, Yu Ju glanced at the semicircular shield plate where people were pasting ten thousand yuan bills.

"Bundle more banknotes! To finish the celebrity shield quickly!"

Standing on the side, Jiubei, who was out of tune with this farce-like scene, trembling lightly.

"Could it be..."

Twilight hour.

"I said don't play!" Yue Yong pulled Jiang Cheng away and slammed the shopping bag in his hand at the back of Jiang Cheng's head. "It's been almost twelve hours! I can't find it at all. It looks like someone who can emit laser light!"

At this time, Jiang Cheng, who was smashed to the ground, rubbed his head and sat up, took out a piece of bread from the shopping bag on the ground, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Jiang Cheng squinted his peas while chewing on the bread, and muttered: "It's okay, it's okay. There will be O-Oman, fake O-Knight, or Super O team, or match O player at the last minute. They came out to the rescue. This is generally the case in anime and special photos."

Coincidentally, at this time, Haruta, who had just left the private school, passed the door of Jiang Cheng's room excitedly holding a laser sword and came to Yue Yong.

"Sister Yueyong, look at my laser sword! It's super cool!"

Looking at the laser sword in Harita's hand and Harita who was still showing off, Yueyong's forehead went black and fell into a long silence.

"Yeahhhhhh~It seems that there is no chance for those people to play just now." Jiang Cheng spread his hand and said deliberately.

On the other side, Hengdaoguan Daochang, the home of Xinba Hao.

Kagura, who was squatting on the floor outside the house and heating the bath water for the two in the bathhouse, asked impatiently, "Hey, is this enough? I haven't done anything like this before, so I don't know Aru."

By the way, the burning thief of Kagura is prosperous.

"The water temperature is just right, Thankyouvery Hamni!" Omiichi's voice came from the window, "Want to wash together?"

"Do you want to die?! Sexual harassment of the Juggernaut!"

In the bathhouse, Omiichi, with the towel on her head soaked in the boiling and bubbling water, couldn't help but raised her face and laughed: "Ahahaha, surely the bath after practicing the sword is the best, right? New boy."

After all, Omi turned her head and looked at the new Baja, who was lying on the surface of the water without responding, her whole body was red.


Xin Ba Haw, who couldn't stand it anymore, immediately jumped out of the water, stepping on O Miichi's face and jumping outside.

"Do you want to kill me?!"

Seeing Xin Ba Hao jumping up and down even after leaving the bath, Omi looked right and grinned: "Sensitive parts must be sterilized by high temperature to remove dirt."

"How much dirt did you bring back from the universe!" Xin Ba Hao clenched his fists and shouted angrily with white eyes.

"Ahahaha, Xinzai, you really can't do it. A man I met in the universe from the earth to the universe, but soaked for longer than me! Ahahaha..."

Xin Ba Hao retorted in an instant: "If he can achieve that level, it means that he can't be an earthling at all! Ordinary earthlings won't work for a few seconds! They will be cooked directly!"

Outside the door of the bathhouse, Yin Shizheng, holding the sword given by the father of Yuanwai, was secretly observing the scene in the bathhouse through the crack of the door.

Yin Shi whispered to himself: "But where did that guy hide the laser cannon? There is only a pocket gun hanging on his body..."

After that, Gin Shizu glanced down at the knife in his hand, and then turned to face the door of the bathhouse as if he had made some determination.

But before Yin Shi did something, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps behind him, and at the same time, there was the voice of Ah Miao.

"What are you doing in a place like this?"

Yin Shi looked back at Ah Miao in front of him and said nothing.

"What are you doing with such a dangerous thing? Yinsang..."

"Do you still need to talk?" Yin Shi replied naturally, rolling his dead fish eyes, "Of course it's here to kill your first love."

"Really speaking simply." A Miao replied softly.

"White lies can't deceive a woman, right?" Yin Shi chuckled and replied, "Your eyes are swollen. Who told you to eavesdrop on other people's speech."

Hearing the sound, A Miao pursed her lips, and the sad emotion in her slightly trembling eyes is self-evident...

In the bathhouse...

Omi, who was enjoying New Eight Haw’s back wiping service, said without looking back: "You used to have so little strength, you can’t feel that you’re wiping at all. Now I’m really grown up, although the job is still the same. New boy."

"I don't want to be said by you."

Xin Ba Hao smiled and cursed, and then his eyes gradually softened, as did his voice with a hint of emotion.

"I can't beat Brother Yi, no matter how long I can't catch up with you."

"Xiaoxin, you are already much stronger than me." Omi said without looking back, "I left the earth, only this ragged body was found, as well as the imaginary name of the Universe Sword Master that I got with it. When I returned to Edo and saw Shinzai, I realized that if the person who should be guarded fell at my feet and didn’t find it, then no matter where I walked into the universe, I would not be able to find true strength. I should come back sooner. Yes, back to this samurai country..."

Looking at O ​​Miichi, whose head was lowered in front of him and written on the back, Xin Ba Hao slowly got up with his head lowered.

"Why do you want to say such frustrating remarks?" As he said, Xin Ba Hao clenched his fists, and his voice began to tremble slightly. Wouldn’t it be enough to become stronger? So...Don’t say such things, our brother Ayi shouldn’t show that kind of expression!"

Looking back at Xin Ba Hao with her eyes closed, her body still trembling slightly, and tears dripping from her face drop by drop, O Miichi smiled relievedly.

"Xinzi, do you already know everything?"


"We already know it." Ah Miao continued to the Yin Shi in front of him, "So please, I won't let you wait until tomorrow. It only takes a while..."

As he said, Ah Miao bowed slowly and deeply towards Yin Shi, "Please put down the sword in your hand... Yin Sang."

Inside the house.

"I've always been looking forward to letting Ayi and Yinsang meet." Xin Ba Hao lowered his head and said to himself, "The two are here shoulder to shoulder. Then, I will help you scrub your back. , I have always hoped to usher in such a day, but...why...why it is Brother Yi? Why do you have to be like this?"

When Xin Ba Hao's face began to slide down with big big tears again, Ah Miao outside the door knelt down and kowtowed to Yin Shi who did not answer.

"Please, Yinsang, just give me a little more time. Let that person be Xinjiang's eldest brother for a while."

Inside the house...

"I can't control this body too," Omiichi muttered with her head down. Zai and A Miao see you last time."

With that, Omi, whose pupils had both turned red, turned her head and looked softly at Xinba Chi and apologized softly.

"Until the end, it caused you troubles. I'm sorry Su, but it's great to be able to see this samurai street and the man who kept the promise again..."

Before finishing talking, Omiichi suddenly stopped and froze for a while, but at this moment...


The door of the room was smashed hard by the sword that Gintoki was holding, and the sword in his hand also forced Omiichi to the wall!

When he didn't care about Shin Ba Chi and A Miao's surprised expression with tears behind him, his tone was slightly impatient.

"It's really getting in the way, give me a sideways, why are all these expressions all over? What kind of expressions should be put on at this time, have you forgotten all the teachings of lightsaber flow?"

Gintoki raised his head and smiled lightly and looked at O ​​Miichi who was stabbed in the chest of the machine bust with a sword in front of him.

"Right? Omiichi, the coach..."

After all, Yin Shi drew his sword.

And O Miichi also vomited a mouthful of blood and sat down on the ground.

Looking at Yinshi who was about to move forward again, Xin Ba Hao finally reacted, stepped forward and hugged Yin Shi, and prayed:

"Please stop! Yinsang! Brother Ayi...he still..."

Looking at the new eight-chills that stopped him so hard, UU Reading www.uukā Yin Shi reached out and grabbed the new eight-chills and threw it into the pool aside.


"Didn't you hear what I said was getting in the way?" Yin Shi said impatiently.

"New sauce—"

"New Eight—"

Miao shouted at the same time as Kagura who noticed the situation.

But at this time, Gintoki realized that O Miichi in front of him had disappeared, and a huge hole appeared on the wall behind him.

"Did he escape?" Gintoki murmured, and then walked towards the entrance of the cave step by step.

But at this moment, Xin Ba Hao suddenly stood up from the water and shouted to Ginshi: "Please wait a minute! Why...why do you want to do this?! Why...why do you want to do such an excessive thing? Ayi brother. I already know everything, and I have the consciousness of doing abdomen cut..."

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