May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 640: : What men talk about with women behind their backs are topics that cannot be heard by

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"... Are they kind people? Unsaved scumbags? Or just a group of poor people who were framed as thieves by some people, and then passed by some simple swordsman to solve them, even in the name of killing people. People, I don’t know all of them."

"Ahahaha, it doesn't sound like you don't know anything at all..." Omi said with a big smile, and at the same time the muzzle on her chest began to accumulate power, and the blue light began to converge on the muzzle little by little.

"I never thought of giving them revenge or something."

"Really? At that time, I was stepped on the ground directly by you, and I was almost killed by you. To be honest, I was almost scared to pee at that time. I thought there was such a thing in the universe. The awesome guy is here."

"It's just a cold corpse..." Jiang Cheng continued in a calm tone, "How to kill the corpse again...I don't know, it's just because of this. I'm not a samurai, and I don't have the bad things of a samurai. No matter what it is. This kind of guy, good or bad, doesn’t matter. As long as it’s an enemy, no matter what kind of guy I’m going to deal with, I’ll do it mercilessly. But...just the corpse, I don’t know what to do...

Why come back to the earth? Isn't it okay to be a corpse forever? If it's still the corpse of the Sword Saint..."

"Ah!" Omi shouted and released the laser on her chest, and then continued without looking back: "Thank you, help me take care of Ah Miao and Xin Zai, and also found such a great one for Tian Wu Xin Liu. Big brother. Finally...Let me die as a big brother, as a samurai, not as someone who accidentally did a lot of wrong things..."

Jiang Cheng raised his eyes and glanced lightly at the two lasers that had already met in the sky, then he propped up his umbrella and turned and slowly left.

"I only know that at least I have no right to forgive you for those who were killed by you and An Xing's survivors." Jiang Cheng said softly as he walked, "Even are not a hopeless fellow. Farewell. …"

Listening to Jiang Cheng's footsteps going further and further behind her, Omi smiled helplessly, and said to herself: "Sure enough, it's the same as at that time. It's a man who doesn't like...and can't hate..."

After all, O Miichi raised her face again and looked at the two lasers that merged.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Just as Jiang Cheng walked downstairs, he saw Yueyong and Yinshi leaning on both sides of the gate.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Yin Shi's abdomen and said, "I don't remember your habit of eavesdropping, Yin Shi. And... if you don't go back to bandage, you might really die."

"Cut!" Yin Shi took a sigh of relief.

Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and smiled and looked at Yue Yong: "Yueyue, you wake up earlier than I thought."

Yue Yong just looked at Jiang Cheng coldly, without saying a word.

Yin Shi curled the corner of his mouth and said mockingly: "I don't remember your habit of knocking women out, Jiang Cheng."

"Because I'm different from you, but I don't know the habit of a woman who will overhear but let her overhear nothing." Jiang Cheng replied lightly, and then started slowly and walked forward, "Go away. Oh, Yueyue."

Yue Yong raised his head and glanced at the dazzling laser beam high in the sky before slowly starting to follow Jiang Cheng.

Yin Shi, who stayed in place, glanced up at the laser beam, and then at the back of Jiang Cheng who was slowly leaving with the umbrella. In the end, he didn't say anything, and turned his head in the other direction. Walk slowly in the direction of departure.

"You have a way, right?" Yue Yong asked lightly, "Even at this time, you have a way to solve the spaceship in the sky without letting that man sacrifice, right?"

"Yueyue, do you expect too much from me?" Jiang Cheng vomited a little speechlessly, "Do you think I am a Sai O person? Will use ten times the world O fist, launch the turtle O Qigong Right? Then...

When a man speaks, don't be so curious. You should know that when men talk with men behind their backs, most of the time they talk about topics that women hate. "

"Don't worry, on this point, you are already completely useless. No matter how bad the impression can go..." Yue Yong replied disdainfully.

Jiang Cheng didn't answer, just squinted his eyes and smiled like usual.

"Aren't you worried that Miao and the others know?"

"I don't care." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "and Yueyue, you probably made a mistake. It's not me who doesn't want them to know about this kind of thing. And...I really can't save that man, even if it's a fluke today. If he survives, the energy in his body will explode sooner or later. If you are lucky, it will take ten days and a half. If you are not lucky, it will be in the next second. It is already destined. On the other hand, I can’t find it. Save him for any reason. In the end, choosing this way of death is what he expected."

"Then... what about your compatriots?"

Jiang Cheng was silent for a long time before speaking again, and then softly continued as if talking to himself: "From a very young age, I have been a human being, guarding a corrupted creature that has no more creatures except myself. The planet is alive. In the true sense, the first person I saw was Jiang Hua’s sister who passed by and An Xing. If I didn’t meet her, I would probably be on that planet until I die... I won’t be fettered with anyone, nor It will have an intersection with anyone, and a person will die alone like that...

I thought that I would not care about those compatriots, those so-called compatriots who threw the planet away to escape the universe, but... I didn't expect that after hearing their news, I couldn't restrain myself from running over, but... After arriving, they saw their bodies piled up.

Even now, I don’t understand why the feelings of anger, sadness, and pain occurred at that time. Obviously... Except for the same home planet, I have no intersection with them at all. but why?

When I woke up, the man had fallen to the ground. To be honest, I don't know why he didn't kill him completely at that time, whether it was because of self-doubt or because I found that he was just a corpse... I don't know. "

"But even so, you still want..."

"No, I never thought about it, at least I didn't think about it at that time." Jiang Cheng interrupted Yue Yong's words softly, "At least then, when facing the same painful decision to save a person and kill another person, I failed to make a choice."

"what about now?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng raised his eyes and lightly glanced at the sky outside the umbrella, which was already showing some light.

"Who knows..."

On the other side, when the four of Amiao, Xinbahao, Kagura and Yinshi just returned to the entrance of the Hengdaoguan dojo, they saw Harita with a swollen nose and a group of panting catchers.

"Quickly let go! Kid!" said a catcher looking at Harita who was holding his leg, "I already said that I won't go in! Stop asking for trouble! I've received a contact to resolve the crisis! Let go—"

"I don't believe you!" Harita gritted her teeth and said, "I must be trying to sneak into the dojo while I am not paying attention! Give up! I will never let you in!"

"I'm serious! I really won't go in anymore! Quickly let go of me and let us go!" The arrest was almost crying without tears, "The sky is about to dawn! There is still work in the morning! Late If you do, your salary will be deducted!"

"I have said that I will never believe you!" Harita shouted, "Give it up! As long as I am here as a big brother who has no heart flow in heaven, I won't let you in!"

"Haruta..." Ah Miao, who came to the door, muttered in disbelief, covering her mouth.

"Haruta-kun, why are you here?" New Eight Haws asked Haruta in doubt.

"What and why?" Harita looked unclear, "Isn't I the big brother of heaven without heart flow?"

As he said, Harita patted her chest, pointed at the catchers on the side, grinned and said with complacency: "Don't worry, these guys are all blocked by me. I didn't let them in alone. . After all, I’m a big brother, hehe..."

Seeing Harita's swollen little face and dirty clothes with a big grin, Ah Miao and Xin Ba Ha felt a sore nose inexplicably at the same time.

"Really a...reliable big brother." Xin Ba Hao's eyes softly praised, "In this way, the students in the future will be very happy, right? Sister?"

"That's right." A Miao answered with a soft look in her eyes.

Yinshi thought in his heart: [Is this kind of thing also in your expectation? Jiang Cheng...]

"Sa! It just so happens that the sky is about to dawn! Get ready to exercise! Harita!" Xin Ba Haw shouted.

"Hey-?!" Qingta suddenly wailed, and said dissatisfied: "Isn't it? I have been working hard all night! I should have a good rest today, right!"

"Yes, Shinchan, at least you have to have breakfast before." A Miao said aloud, "Wait a little longer, Haruta, I will prepare today's breakfast right away. And..."

As he said, Miao looked at Gintoki and Kagura who had quietly turned around and dared not make a sound to sneak away. They narrowed their eyes and laughed very sweetly. "I will also share Gin-Sang's share with Kagura-chan's share. I'm prepared. If Yinsang has suffered such a serious injury, it's better not to bump back and forth, otherwise...maybe you will really die~"

Hearing the sound, the cold sweat on Yinshi's face covered the whole face with a swallow, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he spread his feet and started running madly.

But Ah Miao did not give him a chance to escape...

After half a minute, Ah Miao easily dragged one of the legs of Gintoki, who had lost consciousness on the ground, and smiled at the expressionless Shinyachi, Kagura, and Haruta of all the members beside him, and said, "Yes. Please be patient and wait a while, breakfast will be finished soon."

"That... Sister," Xin Bahao said in a low voice with a black face and expressionlessly, "I take the liberty to ask, what is our breakfast? Is it the natural roll you dragged?"

"No, no. It's egg porridge and egg burn."

"Oh, that's good..." As he said, Xinba Haw turned his head and suggested to Harita who was on the side, "Would you like to go for a walk before breakfast?"

"Hey—" Qingta pouted reluctantly.

"If the big brother doesn't become stronger, he won't be able to protect the younger brothers and sisters in the future~"

Hearing the sound, Qing was taken aback, and asked quietly: "Are there really...very cute school girls?"

"Yo! Big Brother!" Kagura saluted and shouted, "Help me buy a vinegar kelp and come back, Aru! Thank you!"

"Is the big brother just running errands for you?!" Haru was too crazy to complain. "The younger sister I am talking about is not like you! Sister Kagura!"

"Please! Big Brother!" Kagura shouted again.

"Even if you ask me, I won't be able to go! If you go, you will really become an errand boy!"

Looking at the backs of Shinbachi and Haruta who were still talking and laughing while running side by side, at a certain moment, A Miao seemed to have seen the former Omiichi and Shinbachi, and then showed a very soft expression again. Whispered:

"The new eldest brother, the new little brother, and the future elder brother...have already appeared. So, Omi, please don't worry..."

With that, A Miao rolled up her sleeves and continued with enthusiasm: "Yo Xi! I should work hard too! I will try my best to make the best egg porridge and egg bake today!"

One month later...

Even if it rains, the night of a street in Kabukicho is extremely lively.

"Brother, come and see~" At the door of Smile Bar, the waiter was still greeted eagerly to the passersby, "There are many cute girls~ oh, brother, come on."

At this moment, two figures in casual clothes holding a dark oil paper umbrella to cover their faces stopped in front of the waiter. UU reading

"Really? Anyone can choose?" one of them asked.

" choose." The waiter quickly replied, "No matter who you choose, you are full of vigor~"

"Really? So..."

As they said, Kubei and Kondo lifted their umbrellas to show their faces, and said at the same time: "I want to be energetic Miss A Miao."

Looking at the familiar two people in front of him, the waiter's face showed a little impatience.

"What? You two again? Are you annoying every day? Didn’t you say that no matter how many times you come, it’s useless? A Miao has heard nothing since she asked for leave a month ago, and I don’t know when to come back. , Haven’t you said it? Our store is now losing the main force. It is the crucial moment for the victory or defeat. Can we stop making trouble?"

Kubei, who was walking through the streets of Kabukicho with Kondo under his umbrella, slowly said, "It's been a month since then..."

Kondo slowly returned: "After dragging the man's blessing, the earth is saved. But in the end, we can't protect anything."

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