May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 641: :Omi Chapter 1 (End)

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Jiubei said slowly: "Since then, it seems that the new Baja-kun hasn't appeared in the house of all things. In fact, this time should be by their side. But...

Ah Miao, the person they really hope to be with is no longer there. "

As he said, a touch of disappointment appeared in Jiu Bingwei's eyes, "Even if we are by our side, it will only make them smile, right? I don't have the confidence to respond to Ah Miao and their smiles with a smile now."

"Now I can only believe and wait for them." Kondo's voice is also full of a sense of helpless loss, "I believe Miss A Miao can overcome this sadness and wait for the day when they can move forward. What we can do , Is to greet them with a smile at that time."

As he said, Kondo's tone revealed a little relief, "Forget it now, but at that time..."

"Ah, you can definitely show a smile." Jiu Biewei also took the words with some relief.

At this moment, Kondo suddenly heard some emotional words beside them, but because of the relationship between the rustling rain and their respective moods, the two did not notice.

"Oh~ I am so happy~"

"Yeah, I don't know how long it has been since the two brothers and sisters went out to relax like this~"

"If I can, I really want to stay a little longer."

A Miao who held the umbrella cursed: "It's been long enough, I can't trouble everyone anymore."

But just after speaking, Ah Miao suddenly noticed something and turned to look at the two Kondo and Kubei who had just passed by and turned away from him.

At the same time, Shinba Haw stopped and looked back, and at the same time let out a somewhat surprised cry: "Ah! Isn't this Kondo-san and Miss Kubei? Long time no see~"

At this moment, Kondo and Kubei reacted. After stopping, they turned their heads and followed the voice and looked at them. They saw... Ah Miao and Shinbachi were dressed in the same way—bringing umbrellas and wearing floral shirts on their backs. Travel bag. And also... tanned all over.

"Sister Shimura just came back from Weiyixia~" Xin Ba Haw raised his hand and said hello with a grin.

At the same time, A Miao fumbled out a box of Weiyi Summer Fruit Chocolates from the travel bag and handed them to the two with a smile: "Here, this is a special product for you, Weiyi Summer Fruit Chocolates~"

The next day, Hengdaoguan Dojo.

After listening to the explanations of Miu and Shinyagi in front of them, Kondo and Kubei both uttered a bewilderment: "On vacation?"

Having changed into her usual clothes, Ah Miao, who was sitting across from the table, nodded and responded with a smile: "Well, let's go to Weiyi Xiaxing, which is like spring all year round."

Xin Ba Hao, who had also changed into his usual clothes, took the conversation and put up an index finger to explain: "I feel that I haven't had a good rest recently, so I thought about my brother and sister going to have a spring vacation. Bring the savings. All paid vacations are used up."

As he said, Xin Ba Hao touched the back of his head and smiled with emotion, "Oh~ it’s awesome, Wei Yi Xia Xing. You must think that going to Wei Yi Xia on vacation is very vulgar, right? But vulgar has its advantages as well~ Wei Yi Xia Xing is so awesome~"

"Ah...I understand, I understand..." Kondo, who had finished chewing a Wei Yi summer fruit chocolate, responded blankly, and then frantically complained in his heart: [I understand you! What sensitive time did you choose to go on vacation! I thought that you would be too sad and depressed, depressed at home... and turned out to be so dark! The whole body is full of Wei Yi Xia nuts! This brother and sister! 】

At this moment, Jiubei turned his face to look at Kondo, and gestured with his eyes (internal voice channel): [Kondo, do you understand? These two people are making a strong face and laughing. This is not a vacation. They left Edo because they didn't want us to see a sad expression, and they did not let us find out, and they are still pretending to be strong. Be careful not to expose their scars. 】

Kondo reacted, and then hurriedly put on a smiling face, and said to the siblings in an ordinary and homely tone: "Oh! It's great to see you two so relaxed, but speaking of it, Wei Yi Xia Xing should be quite expensive, right? It's really cruel."

After listening, Ah Miao explained with a smile: "We got the death insurance money from Brother Omei, so it's okay."

[More than scars, I dug a grave and jumped in! 】Kondo’s whole person was ill in an instant, half-opened mouth, eyes full of black lines, spit out in his heart, 【and it came out! Big Brother Omei popped out of the grave! 】

A Miao continued to explain to herself: "Big Brother Omi seems to have arranged in advance, if I have something in case, I can leave a sum of money for this dojo. Then I want to talk about using this money on the dojo."

[Could it be that... did you use that to play? Did you go on vacation with that money? ] Kondo spit in his heart.

"So... we used the money gratefully..." A Miao continued with a smile, while placing a high stack of Wei Yi Xia Guo chocolates on the table.

"—Used to buy Weiyi Xia Guo."

[Is it Wei Yi Xia Guo—? ! ] Kondo’s whole person is even worse, his mouth is open, his face is densely covered with black lines, and his heart is crazy: [Hold on! How do you use your eldest brother's life to buy Weiyi Xia Guo? 】

"It's really a lot of money~" Ah Miao continued.

[Do not look at me! The laser will be shot down from the sky! After spitting out in his heart again, Kondo turned his head and looked at Jiubei, [I said, Jiubei-kun, these brothers and sisters are more skinny than expected! Rather than surpassing the death of Big Brother, it is simply stepping on it! 】

【do you understand? Kondo...] At this time, Kubei, who had just eaten a Weiyi summer fruit chocolate, slowly replied in the voice channel, [They want to say goodbye to Miichi's memories as soon as possible. 】

With that said, Jiu Bingwei once again picked up a Wei Yi Xia Guo Chocolate from the plate in front of him, took it in his hand and looked at it, and then said: [That’s why he changed his life to Wei Yi Xia Guo Chocolate, hope This memory can be like this chocolate, gradually melting in the mouth...]

[No, I don’t think so. ] Kondo retorted without thinking.

After Kubei put the chocolate into his mouth, he tasted it and said in the voice channel: [Kondo, do you understand? Wei Yi Xia Guo... really delicious! 】

[You just want to eat Wei Yi Xia Guo! ] Kondo spit out wildly.

At this time, Ah Miao handed a plate of Wei Yi Xia Guo chocolate to the table in front of Kondo, and smiled and said, "You are welcome Kondo-san, please taste the life crystallization left by Omi."

[How can I eat it! 】Kondo spit in his heart, 【I have never eaten such indigestible chocolate! It's too heavy! After eating, it is definitely a sagging stomach! And it's a very serious one! 】

Just after Kondo had finished complaining in his heart, the Xin Ba Hao on the opposite side got up and walked slowly to the door, looking at the exceptionally clear sky, and said softly: "Ai Brother, we will never let Ai Brother's thoughts go to waste. Rejuvenate this dojo so that it will become as prosperous as Brother Ayi used to be."

With that said, Xin Ba Hao picked up a Weiyi Summer Fruit Chocolate.

"—Use these Wei Yi summer fruits."

Kondo once again complained in his heart: [No! Why are you in vain? No matter how you think about it, Wei Yi Xia Guo is superfluous! 】

At this moment, bang! There was a knock on the door, and there was also a door call.


A Miao covered her mouth and smiled and said, "God, Xinjiang, someone will come to you so soon."

"Excuse me, is this the dojo where students are recruited?"

After hearing the sound, Shinhachi hurried out to greet him, followed by Kondo and Kubei.

Xin Ba Chi looked at the crowd in front of him with a smile, and greeted him kindly: "Wait a long time, welcome to our Heng Daoguan."

Seeing the tramps headed by Hasegawa, Kondo and Kubei were slightly stunned.

Hasegawa, a cardboard box male with a dog, asked, "Is it true that you can get Weiyi Xia Guo as long as you learn the sword?"

"This is just Weiyi Xiaguo's disaster relief activities, okay?!" Kondo spit out, and then hurriedly leaned forward and pointed at a group of homeless people to remind Xinbajia, "Xinbajiajun! Isn't that a protégé? ! That's just a group of people who don't even have a home! Besides, aren't you tanned?!"

For some reason, the new eight-jaw, whose skin color has returned to normal, slowly replied: "It doesn't matter, as long as they like Weiyi Xia Guo, they like swordsmanship. Then, the sword that that person loves can protect the samurai. The country is just fine."

"Hey! Swordsmanship, whatever, give us Wei Yi Xia Guo!" Hasegawa raised his fist and shouted.

At the same time, a kind of homeless people behind him also raised their fists and started to roar.

"Waiyixia! Weiyixia!" ×n

Kondo said without hesitation: "Before Wei Yi Xia Guo, can you find a job first?"

"It's so noisy!" Yin Shi's voice suddenly came from the dojo, "Don't be so anxious, don't worry, how much Weiyi Xia Guo needs, as long as you can act as the instructor from my paradise, Sakata Yin When the phone scores a point."

Kondo opened his eyes wide as he watched appearing at the main entrance of the dojo, wearing a practice uniform carrying a silver sword practicing with a bamboo sword, and behind him also wearing a practice uniform holding dozens of Kagura practicing bamboo swords, Kondo widened his eyes. Muttered incredibly: "You guys..."

Kagura threw all the bamboo swords in his arms in front of these homeless people. At the same time, Yin Shi's voice sounded again: "I promise you that when you eat Wei Yi Xia Guo, I will definitely let you change your appearance and return to society."

"No, I feel that this is already some other transformation organization!" Kondo spit out again.

"So you also have to make sure that no matter what harsh practice awaits you in the future, no matter what difficulties you will face in your life, you can only let smiles disappear from your faces. This is the unique teaching of heaven without heart. ,Right?"

With that said, Gintoki turned his head and looked at the sign on the wall in the room that said [Permanent Honorary Teacher: Omiichi], "Omiichi, Omiichi?"

"It's just what I want!" Hasegawa picked up a practice bamboo sword and pointed it at Yin Shi, and shouted, "Everyone besiege him!"

In an instant, the rest of the homeless people also picked up their bamboo swords and shouted and rushed towards Yin Shi.

But at this moment...

Whoosh whoosh! Countless sufferings fell on the empty ground in front of a kind of homeless people, preventing their movements.

"Wait a minute, are the words just said true?" Yue Yong's voice suddenly came from the side, "Can you really bring the useless people back to society? If that's the case, this guy would also please."

Hearing the sound, Yin Shi turned his head and looked over, and saw that on the wall, Yue Yong was holding Haruta in one hand, and Jiang Cheng, who rolled his eyes in the other hand, and his head was full of suffering.


Jiang Cheng was thrown into the yard by Yue Yong.

"I'm sorry, that person is different from these people, and it's irreparable." Yin Shig glanced at Jiang Cheng, who was lying face down in the yard, and shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

"That's really a pity." Yue Yong said with a little regret, and then threw Harita in his hand into the yard, "but this should be needed? I heard that it is a big brother from heaven or something."

"Oh! Great help." Gintoki replied, and then shouted to a kind of tramp, "Everyone, the kid called Haruta over there is an active senior in this dojo. Take it from him. I could also get Weiyi Xia Guo~"

For a moment, Harita, who had just gotten up and was still rubbing her head, suddenly felt that countless pairs of wild beast-like eyes were staring at her, and she shuddered subconsciously.

Seeing the homeless people rushing towards him, Harita was a little panicked for a while, turned around and started to flee, and at the same time shouted loudly: "I just woke up! So what is the situation now?!"

"I'll fight!" Kagura kicked over with a flying kick, and kicked a crowd of homeless people directly. After landing, he put on a martial arts start gesture, "Yo Xi! Next one!"

"Wait a minute! It's not so much swordsmanship, it's a Kung Fu Dojo!" Hasegawa looked at the Kagura who flew a few homeless people with a punch and spit out, "Become [Give you Weiyi Xia Guo and let me punch one. Pause] Dojo!"

"Don't worry about these little things, just smile one by one!"

"How could you not care—!"

"Harita, catch it!" Xin Ba Haw threw a bamboo sword at Harita, who was still being chased by a kind of tramp.

"New brother!" Harita shouted in surprise when he caught the bamboo sword, "what is the situation now?"

"Tell your schoolboys." Xin Ba Hao replied casually while picking up a bamboo sword again.


Ching, who gritted her teeth against a homeless man, was too crazy to complain: "What kind of schoolboy is this! Not at all! It's just a bunch of homeless people!"

"How can you become a qualified senior brother if you don't fight with the students?" Xin Ba Hao said of course while practicing with a bamboo sword, and then suddenly thought of something, and then grinned and said: "Right. Remember to give one to these students at the end. After all, it’s a big brother~"

"Now I'm being besieged!" Haritabai said frantically, "If this situation is not allowed, it is absolutely impossible to win!"

"This is the training necessary to become a big brother, Harita." Xinba Haw closed his eyes and raised an index finger and said solemnly, then opened his eyes and pointed at the hobos, "Of course, I won't let him You were besieged alone, and me! The big brothers of the active big brothers!"

Looking at the new Ba Hao of the homeless people around Haruta with a smile while holding a bamboo sword, Gin Shizu raised the corner of his mouth gently, then raised his head to look towards the clear sky, and said softly with emotion:

"It seems that there is no need for someone to push him anymore. He has grown up much better than you expected, right? Omiichi coach. I just don't know who influenced him..."

With that said, Yin Shi looked down at Jiang Cheng's position that had just been lying on his stomach, but at this time there was nothing left, curling his lips and complaining again.

"Really, let me occasionally let me win once, right? Jiang Cheng..."

In the cemetery, Amiao was squatting in front of two tombstones and pouring a glass of gasoline and shochu respectively in front of the two tombs.

Looking at the temporary tomb pile made of dirt next to his father's tombstone and the temporary wooden tombstone erected on it, A Miao folded her hands and said softly and slowly: "Big Brother Omi, I'm so sorry. It's a rare thing for you. The money left in the dojo, but we still can’t use it. Although it’s a temporary place, we will definitely build a decent tomb next to my father’s tomb in the future.

So please don't worry about us, and drink sake and gasoline with your father. It's okay, Xinjiang and I, as well as our important partners, are full of energy today! "

Not far away, Jiang Cheng, who was leaning behind a certain tree, gently hooked the corner of his mouth, then raised his head and squinted his eyes to the sky.

"It seems, I'm sorry, it's not necessary for this brother and sister."

After whispering such a sentence softly, Jiang Cheng's thoughts were drawn to a certain past.

At the same place, the younger brother who was standing next to his father’s tombstone who was just buried and couldn’t stop crying, and the short-haired sister who kept reprimanding his younger brother...

[If I can find the answer earlier, maybe...] Before I finished thinking about it, Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly, and said with a smile: "What am I thinking about? That's an enemy. Could it be that I still have a samurai? Is it an old problem? There should be...nothing?"

"Jiang Chengsang?" Ah Miao's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Scared!" Jiang Cheng was taken aback by the sudden shouting. UU read and then said with lingering fear: "Scared to death... Ah Miao, this is a cemetery..."

"Really?" A Miao concealed his face and smiled, "I thought Jiang Chengsang was worried about how to explain to the enemy's younger brothers and sisters. He couldn't find a way to save the enemy's life. It was so boring. What happened."

"What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng chuckled, "He is my enemy, how could I think about that kind of thing? I just regret not being able to do it myself."

Ah Miao hid her face and laughed again: "Jiang Chengsang really hasn't changed at all. The tone of this sentence is like lying to the helpless brother and sister at that time and saying that he was just a passing by and heard the cry of a little ghost. Just like passers-by who feel very upset."

"Really?" Jiang Cheng didn't hold back a smile, then lowered his head and glanced at A Miao, his eyes softly replied: "But you too, compared with before, there is no change at all. On the contrary, I feel there. It seems to have shrunk..."

Hearing the sound, A Miao's face was silently violent with two blue veins, and then she gave an elbow blow with white eyes!

"go to hell!"


(The end of Meimei's article, the end.)

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