May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 642: :Golden Times (1)

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Yoshihara, one day and night.


Jin Shi, who opened the sliding door and walked in with Kagura and New Eight Haws, looked at Jiang Cheng who was sitting on the ground holding a gamepad and still immersed in the game in front of him, and smiled helplessly.

"I'll fight!" Kagura Fei directly kicked Jiang Cheng's head into the computer screen.


"Wow!" Jiang Cheng, whose head was stuffed into the screen, screamed, and there was no sound.

"Really," Kagura said with his hands on his hips, frowning and frowning. "When others are working hard, my younger uncle is just playing games leisurely. It's really maddening Aru."

At this time, Jiang Cheng, who had turned into an explosive head, trembled and pulled out the computer screen whose head was still smoking and flashing electric sparks from time to time, and turned his head to reveal his **** forehead.

"Kagura-chan, the job was entrusted by Yueyue?" Jiang Cheng replied silently while wiping the blood from his forehead, "It doesn't matter to me? And... the work of solving the entangled guests It's just a matter of convenience for Jin Shi~ My little uncle has more important adventures, next..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng got two kunai shot directly from the door on his forehead, then rolled his eyes and spurted blood and fell back on the floor.

"Occasionally give me a good job!" Yue Yong, who just walked in with blue veins on his face, cried angrily with his fist clenched, "This kind of thing originally doesn't need to trouble them at all! Recently, you have become more and more like you. It's a waste!"

"Well," Xin Ba Haw hurriedly stepped out to make a round of battle, and said with a smile, "Calm down, Miss Yueyong, Jiang Chengsang may just want to take care of the business of Wanshiwu."

Jiang Cheng pulled out Kuwu and got up at the same time, then took his hands and nodded in agreement: "Yes, that's right, I just want to take care of the business of the House of Everything. After all, Jinshi must not be able to receive anything. A decent commission? As an old friend of Jin Shi! As the uncle of Kagura-chan! Of course the first thing that comes to mind is their house of everything!"

"Who believes it?!" Yue Yong roared with white eyes.

"The current house of all things doesn't need such a charity task at all!" Kagura retorted angrily, and then complained: "Now they are very busy with Jin Jiang every day! Saying that they have been working all day today. That's it! Come here to do this kind of troublesome thing at night! Don't just trouble us casually! You scumbag uncle!"

"Hey? Are there many commissions now?" Jiang Cheng looked at Jin Shi with some surprise.

"Perhaps I didn't know because I stayed in the room and didn't go out?" Jin Shi spread his hands and shook his head reluctantly. "The house of everything is no longer the house of everything, brother. To be honest, the accumulated commissions can't be done."

"Hey?! Really?!" Jiang Cheng was shocked again, "Has that all-you-can-did house really become so popular?"

Jin Shi's expression was slightly stagnant, and then he smiled awkwardly and then said: "What you said was a long, long time ago. Now the house of everything...but it's completely different."

"It's really hot in comparison..." Yue Yong held his forehead and shook his head helplessly. "Maybe the wrong person was chosen in the first place. Maybe it would be more appropriate to let Jin Shi be the night king."

"Actually, I feel the same way." Jiang Cheng, who got up and came to Jin Shi’s side, nodded, holding his hand, and then turned his face to Jin Shi and gave a thumbs up. Golden Time!"

"Forget it, now I'm too busy with the work in the house of everything." Jin Si chuckled lightly, shook his head and replied. , "But after so many years, you should be able to understand a little bit [women are always duplicity], right?"

"Who, who is duplicity?! Who would be duplicity with such a man!" Yue Yong, who was automatically codenamed into the seat, blushed and yelled at Jiang Cheng in shame.

"Huh?" Jin Shi was puzzled, and said deliberately: "I have not said who is duplicity..."

Yue Yong was startled, and finally reacted at the same time. Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was looking at him while pinching his chin and frowning, he hurriedly took out of his arms and pierced it without force!

"go to hell!"

Jiang Cheng with kunai on his head rolled his eyes and slowly fell to the ground.

At the moment before he completely lost his consciousness, Jiang Cheng issued the final question: "Say... it doesn't matter to me, right? Why?"

After all, Jiang Chengcai was completely in a coma.

"Who cares about you!" Yue Yongbai roared shamefully, then reached into his arms and took out a not thick envelope and handed it to Jin Shi. The money is deducted."

"Wait for me!" Jiang Cheng stood up instantly and said uncomfortably to Yue Yong, "How can I make a decision without my consent?!"

"Then you work occasionally!" Yue Yong retorted without hesitation, "Say this is your job! If you work hard, you don't need to ask them or spend such money! It's all yours. Responsibility!"

"What?!" Jiang Cheng suddenly became even more unhappy, and looked at Yue Yong with white eyes gnashing his teeth, "It's obviously your job, right? It's Baihua's job to solve those difficult customers, right? It has nothing to do with me! Obviously you are negligent of your duty, right!"

"What are you talking about?!" Yueyong was even more angry, and yelled with his white eyes bursting with blue veins and saliva, "Are you saying that I didn't have a good job?! Are you saying that my Baihua didn't have a good job?! "

"Slow down, slow down, slow down." The two people who couldn't stand Jin Shi separated, persuaded: "You two calm down, just finished work, I don't want to do more work to mediate the relationship between husband and wife. "

Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong yelled at the same time: "Who is a couple with this trash Nit stinky woman?!"

"Jin Sang, don't add fuel to the fire anymore, let's go quickly." Xin Ba Haw leaned in Jin Shi's ear and reminded him quietly, "Otherwise, they may be implicated by the two of them."

Jin Shi silently removed the two fists that hit his cheeks.

"I have fully understood this kind of thing," Kim Si murmured, and then waved to the two of them. "Then, let's not disturb, Kagura, Hassan, let's go."

After that, Jin Shi turned around, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something. He stopped and joined Jiang Cheng, who was pinching his neck by Yue Yong, and said quietly, "Speaking of which, it will be on sale next month. I got your favorite game ahead of time, and it’s just been placed on your table."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes wide and showed a look of disbelief, and then showed a look of touch, crying: "Jin Shi! You are really my best friend!"

"It's just a small matter," Jin Shi replied casually, and then stuffed the envelope that Yueyong handed over into Jiang Cheng's arms. "This time it will be a bonus service. After all, it was also a bonus service before. I have taken care of a lot of the House of Everything. Goodbye, brother."

After that, Jin Shi turned around and raised his hand to walk away.

"Uuuuu..." Jiang Cheng wiped the dizziness from the corner of his eyes and waved his hand. "Goodbye, Jin Shi."

While keeping up with Jin Shi, Kagura complained in a low voice: "Jinjiang, you can't be too used to my uncle. If you continue like this, he will really become an incredibly useless person."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng's forehead was silently violent with a blue vein, "Hey, Kagura, please wait a moment, what does that sentence just mean? Explain to me the sentence about who is incredible! "

However, no one paid attention to Jiang Cheng, and Kagura's footsteps did not even stop.

At this moment, the voice of Xin Ba Chi suddenly came from outside the door.

"Kagura-chan, how can you say that?"

Jiang Cheng nodded and thought in his heart: [Yes, Xin Ba Hao, teach Kagura Jiang how to respect his elders. You must know that in this respect, Xin Ba Hao did a very good job. 】

But just after thinking about it, Jiang Cheng heard the next words of Xin Ba Hao.

"...Jiang Chengsang is already a collection of squatting with nits in the family and the useless people raised by women." Xinba Haw continued, "It is impossible to become more useless than this type of useless man. It's not a waste of people, but scum, scum."

"Stop for me! Your stinky eyes!" Jiang Cheng roared, bursting with veins, "Who is the scumbag?!"

"No, it seems that I was being scumbed by that, my uncle heard Alu, Jin Jiang, run!" Kagura yelled and trot off quickly.

Listening to the sound of running further and further and the laughter of the three people, Jiang Cheng finally did not chase out the door, but shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"It seems that putting Kagura in Jin Shi is the right choice."

"Indeed, much better than your unreliable scumbag uncle." Yue Yong said with disdain.

"Yueyue, do you think so too?!" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth again, and said angrily, "Obviously he is a more unsaved person than me! No matter how I say it, it is better than that..."

As he said, Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, and he squeezed his chin and frowned, murmured in his mouth, "Hey? Who is it? Who is the one who is more unsaved than me?"

"How could there be such a person?" Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng weirdly, still showing disdain, "You are already the most hopeless person in this world."

"No, it obviously feels like that," Jiang Cheng said, turning around to face Yue Yong, gesticulating with his two hands, and continued, "It's like this feeling, Round...No, it doesn’t seem to be so round, it seems that there are some kind of hands..."

"Where are you staring at the gesture!" Yue Yong flicked out a whip leg and flew Jiang Chengji several meters away, "You scumbag!"


Jiang Cheng, who was sent to the table by Yueyong, rolled his eyes and murmured: "No, it's just that when thinking, his eyes are subconsciously looking for something similar... I declare in advance that I have nothing to do with Yueyue's oppa. Some thoughts... don't worry."

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong was even more angry, and instantly took out several branches from his arms and threw them straight towards Jiang Cheng.

"go to hell!"

"Ah!" After a scream, Jiang Cheng was completely silent.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting at the low table, hugged his hands and wondered: "Yueyue, did I have such a good relationship with Jin Shi in the past?"

"What silly thing are you talking about?" Yue Yong curled his lips in disdain. "Although the two people often quarrel and quarrel, aren't you friends for twenty years?"

"That's right..." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then murmured while holding his chin up and frowning, "But I always feel that something is wrong, but after careful consideration, there is nothing wrong. Saying that you were just now. Didn’t you stiff your chest intentionally? Did you hurt by what I said just now? I’m really sorry, Yueyue. After all, I’m such a man... who doesn’t know how to lie in any way..."

Just after speaking, Jiang Cheng's head was once again stepped into the wooden floor with Yue Yong's feet.

Three minutes later...

After Yue Yong left in a hurry and closed the door vigorously, Jiang Chengcai pulled his head out of the floor, and then picked up the game on the table and placed it in his hand to look at.

"Forget it, no matter. There should be no problem. The game matters..."

(Note!! The following content makes up the word count, and it will be replaced with new content in a while, time is too late!)

Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting at the low table, hugged his hands and wondered: "Yueyue, did I have such a good relationship with Jin Shi in the past?"

"What silly thing are you talking about?" Yueyong curled his lips in disdain. "Although the two people often quarrel and quarrel, aren't you friends for twenty years?"

"That's right..." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then murmured while holding his chin up and frowning, "But I always feel that something is wrong, but after careful consideration, there is nothing wrong. Saying that you were just now. Didn’t you stiff your chest intentionally? Did you hurt by what I said just now? I’m really sorry, Yueyue. After all, I’m such a man... who doesn’t know how to lie in any way..."

Just after speaking, Jiang Cheng's head was once again stepped into the wooden floor with Yue Yong's feet.

Three minutes later...

After Yue Yong left in a hurry and closed the door vigorously, Jiang Chengcai pulled his head out of the floor, and then picked up the game on the table and placed it in his hand to look at.

"Forget it, no matter. There should be no problem. The game matters..."

Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting at the low table, hugged his hands and wondered: "Yueyue, did I have such a good relationship with Jin Shi in the past?"

"What silly thing are you talking about?" Yue Yong curled his lips in disdain. "Although the two people often quarrel and quarrel, aren't you friends for twenty years?"

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