May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 643: : The so-called man can get married with just one glass of wine!

At this moment, Jin Shi opened the sliding door of the bedroom and walked out.

"Ah, I'm sorry, but I drank too much wine yesterday and my head hurts so much. I'm sorry, guest, let you see such a shameful side. I am Sakata Kintoki from the House of All Things, please feel welcome, please sit down. "

Looking at the man who claimed to be Sakata Kintoki with the same refreshing expression in front of him as the blond hair, Gintoki was silent...

——"May be the fake golden soul" OP.TIME——

One and a half minutes...

——"May be the Fake Golden Soul" OP. End——

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I went to the wrong set."

Yin Shi scratched his head and said embarrassingly, then turned around and stepped out of the door of the House of All Things and brought the sliding door...

Yin Shi, who stood at the door of the House of Everything, lowered his head and was silent again for a long time, then he held his forehead and sighed and complained to himself: "What the hell, hey, I went to the next studio to have breakfast drunk. Ah, I’m really scared to death. I don’t know at all, the next door actually came up with such a new work."

As he said, Yin Shi turned around and walked towards the stairs on one side, while still murmuring incessantly: "The scent of the waist is too heavy? Is it really okay? Can I start from the first training like this? It's just a deadly look, only the stable update at the beginning, and now we are almost like the eunuch, right? It's better to give some advice? For example, add one or two nirvana skills or something.

And the title also has a nasty word like [金魂], so it should be changed to something more fashionable like [Golden Exorcist], right? Order a bunch of moles for the guy with the popular face and glasses, and let him be the protagonist's younger brother (referring to Yukio Okumura), so that he will be popular.

There is also that girl, anyway, she is a kid, so she can simply reduce her to a mascot and sing and dance with that dog. The worst is that guy like the boss.

What kind of trouble is that smooth appearance? Straighten your hair or something too inexistent, right? Sure enough, BOSS or something should be natural rolls, natural rolls. But then again, those people are really familiar with each other, it's obviously a new work..."

After that, Yin Shi, who had already reached the entrance of the Dengshi Bistro, raised his head and glanced at the sign on the second floor, "Forget it, no matter. Go home."

Just finished speaking, Yin Shi was stunned once again...or, Yin Shi's brain began to become real little by little, and he thought: [Where to go back? 】

[Wait for me! It has nothing to do with whether I am drunk or not! 】 Yin Shi looked at the sign on the second floor that said "All Things House Xiaojin" and thought, "Although the sign has been replaced, this is undoubtedly my house. It's really not a [Blue Exorcist], nor is it a [Red Exorcist], it's just an idiot and an idiot [Go Touch Shit]! Those two people are undoubtedly the genuine Shinbachi and Kagura!

It is true that even the title has changed from silver to gold, and it looks more advanced, but in fact it is even more written! However, this kind of painting style, this pale and weak language description, this kind of update speed that is no different from that of a eunuch... There is no doubt that this is the original set! 】

Thinking of this, Yinshi's face began to stain drop after drop of cold sweat, and his pupils began to tremble up and down, showing a face of disbelief and then thought.

[That...then, who is the man named Sakata Kintoki with the flowing ionized bronzing hair? I obviously...I just left home for a while, why? Why? WHY? ! 】

At this moment, the sliding door of the House of Everything was suddenly opened.


Xin Ba Hao, who came to the door of the house, asked in confusion, "Ah, I said, what happened to that person just now?"

Kagura, who was also the first to come outside the house, looked at Jin Shi who walked out slowly, and said with some confusion: "How do you feel so similar to Jin Jiang Aru?"

"Really?" Jin Shi touched the back of his head in a casual tone, "My hair is not that twisted."

"That's right," Xin Ba Hao nodded, "Jin Sang's hair and personality are naturally straight."

After all, the three people standing together laughed at the same time.

Downstairs, looking at the three people who are standing outside the door of Wanshi’s house, who are still smiling, Yinshi’s whole person is even worse. His eyes are widened, his mouth is half open, and his face covered with black lines is covered with cold sweat. Zhang's face was still twitching.

【what happened? ! Why has the house of everything changed from silver jade to gold jade! ! 】


Dengshi tavern.

"What? I really came to entrust the work." Xin Ba Hao, who was sitting on the deck sofa, nodded and said, and then showed some doubts. "But I suddenly went back halfway, because the contents of the entrustment were What is unspeakable?"

Kagura, who was sitting next to Xinba Haw, raised his fist, and said with a serious face: "You are welcome, just say it! Our house of everything will do our best to help anyone in difficulty, Aru!"

At this moment, sitting across from Shinba Haw and Kagura, he lowered his head and the corners of his eyes were filled with black lines, twitching the corners of his mouth, and said, "Hey-that's it, then I'll relax and discuss it with you. Actually. , That's it. I didn’t go home after a while. After I came back, I found that not only the home became strange, but also the work became strange. I lost my shelter..."

"Yeah, that's how it is." Xin Ba Hao nodded.

Kagura asked, "It's like returning from a business trip and finding that his wife took a man home, right?"

"Yes, yeah," Ginshi said, raising his head, twitching the corners of his mouth, and then quietly said: "It's like a strange man wearing my bathrobe and opening the refrigerator to eat my pudding without authorization..."

"That's really irritating!" Kagura nodded and said seriously.

"Right? I really want to hack him to death, right?" After that, Yin Shi gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart: [You bunch of wives who don't have the concept of chastity! ! When I was out, I actually brought home the salesman who loves one day! 】

Thinking about it, Yin Shi's bloodshot eyes widened, his fists clenched, his teeth burst with blue veins, and he looked bitterly at Jin Shi who was sitting at the bar.

[What are you thinking about? ! These guys! 】

At this time, Xin Ba Hao continued: "Anyway, write a power of attorney first. Can you tell me your name?"

"Sakata Gintoki." Gintoki turned his head and lowered his head again and replied.

"Wow!" Kagura couldn't help but exclaimed, surprised: "Even the name is very similar to Aru! Isn't he a long-lost brother Aru?"

[I completely forgot my appointment as BOSS! 】

"I'm talking about you guys..." The grandmother Dengshi who was standing at the counter, holding her hands, closed her eyes and chuckled and reminded aloud, "Being regarded as the brother of this kind of man (Jin Shi) is uncomfortable. Bar?"

Sitting at the bar with one hand on his cheek, Jin Shi complained: "Hey, it's too much, mother-in-law~"

[Baba is also...! ! Yin Shi thought through gritted teeth.

"That is to say," Catherine at the counter said with her hand in her arms, "Silver is much better than gold."

"Hey, even Catherine is like this." Jin Shi showed helplessness and complained again.

[Catherine too! ! After gritted his teeth in his heart, Gin Shiki turned his head mechanically and looked at Shin Ba Hao, Kagura, Granny Toshi and Catherine who were smiling around Jin Shi.

[In such a short period of time, every company has switched from silver to gold! What's going on. ! Was it expelled by the gorilla author? ! What a joke! Give me one month's notice of the person who fired! Even for such novels that have no readers at all, give me one month's notice! What about the performance fee? What about guest appearance fees? Give me a lot of points! ! 】

Thinking of this, Yin Shi suddenly thought of something, shook his head quickly and then thought.

[No, no, no, now is not the time to think about that kind of thing, even this kind of poor and sour crew has been there for so long, and has worked hard for more than two million words! Suddenly changing the main character at the same level as the protagonist... is about the same as the protagonist, is it too ridiculous? ! Give me a good thought about the feelings of readers in front of the screen! You gorilla! ! And more importantly, this guy...]

Thinking, Yin Shi looked at Jin Shi who had just walked and put a bottle of wine on the table.

Jin Shi looked at Yin Shi with a refreshing expression and said, "It's okay, drink it, this friend named Yin Sang. Even if there is no blood relationship, the so-called man can form a relationship with a glass of wine. If you have any difficulties, just drink it. Go ahead, brother!"

Looking at the thumbs up and squeezing Jin with his eyes grinning and revealing white teeth, Yin Shi's whole person is even worse: [Compared to Yinsang, he is more protagonist! And it's not just Yin Sang, even the trash Nite, who claims to be the protagonist, doesn't have this kind of style at all! 】

At this time, Kagura leaned forward and took Jin Shi's arm, and cheered, "As expected of Jin Jiang Aru! I like you the most!"

"Yo! Pure man! Jinsang!" Xin Ba Chi yelled deliberately from the side.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yin Shi's whole person was even worse, and his heart collapsed and said: [And I am more admired than Yinsang! 】

"Then, let's hurry up (referring to the commission)."

Looking at Jin who was slowly walking towards the door, Mother-in-law Dengshi reminded her angrily: "Really, a good person, don't force yourself too much."

After hearing what Dengshi's mother-in-law said, Jin Si stopped and turned around as if suddenly thinking of something and turned back.

"Just in case, leave this to you first." Jin Shi took out a thick envelope from his arms as he walked, "This month's rent."

Looking at the envelope that Jin Shi put on the counter with a thick stack of ten thousand yuan bills exposed from the seal, the mother-in-law Deng Shi hurriedly shouted to stop and turned again to Jin Shi who walked slowly towards the door.

"Wait, wait, I don't remember that there is so much rent."

"Hey, have you finally started Alzheimer's? Then, by the way, forget about your work..." Jin Shi stopped at the door, then slowly turned around and said, "Occasionally spend some money to go to a hot spring. ."

Seeing the frank expression that Jin Shi turned around, Mother-in-law Dengshi and Catherine covered their mouths and started sobbing at the same time.



Standing at the entrance of the tavern, Mother Dengshi, whose tears never stopped, knocked the flint and flint for the three of Jin Shi, who was slowly leaving, and shouted: "You must come back without incident!"

Standing behind Jin Shi and the others, Yin Shi, who was already the same as the walking dead, frantically said in his heart again: [Money is also generous enough, worthy of "Golden" Sang! 】

Looking at the golden light that seemed to be dazzling from Jin Shi's body, Yin Shi blocked his eyes.

[Good flash! Wow, I'm blind! This guy is so shining! Is this guy going to swallow the silver dull light? That’s why everyone forgets Yinsang and rushes to Jinsang? real or fake? seriously? ! 】



The streets of Kabukicho.

"Ah, trouble..." Jiang Chenggong sighed while holding an umbrella, and showed a look of helplessness.

"Don't complain to me casually!" Yue Yong cursed badly on the side.

"Isn't it okay to leave such trivial matters to other people?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain, "Baihua or something, the security at the door... isn't it all right?"

"Occasionally help me too!" Yue Yongbai yelled, "Furthermore, Baihua also has a job for Baihua! Security also has a job for security!"

"I also have my own job!" Jiang Cheng retorted in an instant, the kind of confident, "The game I got yesterday, that's my job!"

"That's what kind of work! It's just a waste of Nit's work! By the way, do you think of yourself as Nit?!"

"Oh! Yes!" Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something. He stopped and raised an index finger at the same time, "Isn't it all right to entrust this kind of thing to Jin Shi?! Let them treat them as work. Already?! In this case, everyone can be happy!"

"Can you still waste a little bit more?!" Yue Yong said angrily while pulling her neck and staring blankly.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng turned his head, looked at Yue Yong with soft eyes, and said softly: "Yue Yue, human beings cannot refuse instinct. It's like eating when you are hungry, and thinking when you are thirsty. When I want to drink water, I want to sleep when I'm sleepy, and I don't want to work... I want to play the game I just got the day before."

Hearing the last sentence, Yueyong's temples suddenly burst into blue veins, and lifting his leg is a strong vajra leg that will disappear without thinking about it.

"Your instincts are too subtle!!" Yue Yong roared, "Go to hell!!!"


boom! ! !

Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the ground feeling something strange underneath him, quickly got up, pointed at the dirty silver hair that was knocked down by him on the ground, and shouted at Yueyong, "Hey! Watch out for passersby!"

"Ah, I'm sorry." Looking at the strange and miserable natural scroll lying on the ground with several DVDs scattered around, Yue Yong hurriedly apologized.

"Hey, are you okay? Brother," Jiang Cheng stretched out his right hand to the strange silver-haired, naturally curly boy, "I'm really sorry, this woman has a problem with TAMA (ball)."

"At least call it A--TAMA (head)!" Yue Yong said with a white eye and gritted his Where is the problem? ! Want to die? ! "

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay..." The unfamiliar little brother Tianjuan——Gin Shizaki with his helpless eyes slowly climbed up.

Looking at Yin Shi's face, Jiang Cheng widened his eyes and let out a surprised cry: "Hey! It's..."

Hearing the sound, Yin Shi was overjoyed, and tears burst into his eyes, "Do you remember me?! Jiang Cheng!"

"Who are you?" Jiang Cheng's expression changed, showing a look of contempt, "He has such a face that makes people feel mad at a glance. It's just like..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng was stunned, "...who is coming?"

Yin Shi, who originally wanted to be angry, looked at Jiang Cheng who was stunned and then showed a puzzled look. He was happy again, pointing to himself and said: "Remember it? This awkward face! Me, me! Yin Shi Ah Ginshi! Sakata Ginshi!"

"No, I don't know. I only know Jin Shi and Sakata Jin Shi." Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly, and then showed impatience and waved his hand. "Get out of the way, don't bring one. It makes people look so angry that they sway in the street."

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