May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 647: : Golden Times (6)

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

[Declaration: Anti-theft chapter! The content will switch to body content in the morning. 】

"Gintama" Sakamoto Tatsuma's 50 little secrets, a role that emphasizes love but is not good at expressing. (↓Don’t believe it!)

1. Chenma’s birthday is the latest in Joy4, so he and Yinshi’s birthdays were put together, although only twice.

2. Chenma was the earliest group of leaders in the late stage of Yi Yi, which means that Chenma was once Yinshi's boss.

3. Chenma was born in a merchant family, and he was considered a rich one in that area, but he still chose to join the battlefield.

4. Chenma's background also affected his subsequent business decision.

5. Yinshi is indeed the strongest, but in terms of the neutralization of IQ and force, Chenma is the first to do my part.

6. Chenma always laughed "ahahahaha". In fact, it was because Yinshi and Takasugi had been quarreling, and the natural dullness of the wig could only stir up trouble, so he had to persuade him to fight.

7. Compared with Takasugi, Tatsuma is more willing to hand over his back to Yinshi, because the wig likes to be with Takasugi.

8. In fact, there is another reason Chenma does not stand with Takasugi, that is, Takasugi's height of 170.

9. Yinshi once said that if he had no money in the future, he would sell Chenma's knives, because Chenma's knives were the most valuable.

10. When Takasugi established the Ghost Soldiers team, I found 3 people to name it. Chenma's proposal was Kuaibing Team, which was changed by Takasugi. Chenma was very resentful, so he took the "Quick Rescue Team" later. name.

11. Chenma is left-handed, and his use of second-sword style has taken a lot of advantage on the battlefield.

12. Chenma suffered the most injuries and the most serious injuries, because he was always righteously broken, or turned back to the battlefield to find someone.

13. Chenma's hair turned out to be a bit straight, but he prefers to scratch his head, and then it becomes like that over time.

14. Chenma's biggest regret is that he did not attend class at Songyang Sansan's private school.

15. Chenma actually wanted to persuade Takasugi not to be so extreme, but he didn't have this standpoint to criticize, and he hadn't experienced that kind of pain.

16. The reason why Chenma wants to leave is very simple. It is because he doesn't want to see his partner hurt, and doesn't want to be so helpless.

17. At that time, Tatsuma actually saw Takasugi go to single-handedly challenge the strange celestial being, saw Takasugi’s uncontrollable anger, saw his eyes hurt, and saw Yinshi’s participation in the war, but he was also scarred, but he couldn’t help because of this. It is the hatred that must be broken by them.

18. When Chenma finally succeeded in persuading a small cosmic group to provide arms to Zhiyi Shi, the ghost soldiers except Takasugi had been captured or killed.

19. When Chenma faced Yin, Takasugi had always felt guilty in his wig, and he left when they needed him most.

20. In fact, Chenma often thinks, if he stayed at the beginning, would there be any changes in the future...probably it will be destroyed later.

21. All four of Joy4 have armor, but the other three are only on the chest, but he also has a helmet. It is said that it was given to him to prevent his already stupid brain from being smashed to make him even more stupid.

22. Do you know why the white cloth belts on their heads are always so clean at Yinshi? That is the result of Chenma washing every day.

23. At that time, Chen Ma had indeed planned to ask Yin Shi and whether to go with him very seriously, but at the beginning he said "Jin Shi", and then he was beaten up.

24. When Chenma left, only a wig would send him off, because Yin Shi and Takasugi were both drunk.

25. Chenma felt that the memory of when he was fighting against barbarians was his most precious memory, he had not forgotten, and he believed that Yinshi and them were the same.

26. Chenma once asked Yinshi secretly, if Mr. Songyang hadn't died, would they not be on the battlefield. Yin Shi just raised his head, and said very lightly, how can there be so many ifs.

27. Tatsuma felt that the reason for Takasugi's low growth must be that Yin Shi and the wig drank Takasugi's Yakult.

28. Actually, there is really a kind of plant called Dwarf fir. This is what Chenma said at that time while "Ahahahaha" He Yinshi, regardless of Takasugi's darkened face.

29. Chenma has the least appetite. The rice in the wig is only robbed by Silver Time every time or left to the hair ball.

30. Chenma always remembered the scene when he and the three people met for the first time. At that time, he was suspended and the team was trapped, so he hurried to rescue, and then saw them. Against the setting sun, a silver-haired warrior was fighting bloody, a long-haired man was bandaging his wounds for a purple-haired man, and the two immediately stood up to meet the enemy. No matter how many people there are, you can't get close to them.

31. Chenma has a childhood sweetheart. She is a very quiet and peaceful girl. She looks good when she smiles. Her name is Chiba Samiko, and the two are also engaged. It's just that Samiko was involved in the war and died, and she didn't get married with him.

32. After Chenma left, he went home first. After taking a sum of money, he said goodbye to his parents and embarked on the journey alone.

33. Mutsu was acquainted by Tatsuma after he established the quick aid team. At that time, he went to the earth to buy goods, and she went to deliver goods to him, and that's it.

34. Chenma has been entangled with Miss Aliang in the "Smile Nightclub", just because he would say this when he met a girl, and happened to meet Aliang more.

35. Chen Ma actually practiced iron crotch...

36. Chenma has always been envious of Songyang Sansan, envious of the memories and feelings he has occupied the most in Yinshi, Takasugi, and Gui, and envious that his disciples who care about him so much are willing to give everything for him. He believed that those three people had cared about him so much, but now that the time has passed, he is also starting to be uncertain...

37. At the end of the eradication of barbarians, the Guibing team was completely destroyed except for Gao Shan, but Gui survived and continued to barbarians, only Bai Yacha disappeared. But Chenma believed that he must be alive. He believed that the man would not let go of this world, let go of their group of partners, and go ahead.

38. Chenma has been working hard. He believes that in the near future, he can definitely rely on his power to change this planet where heaven and man are rampant, and to change the destiny of all people.

39. Tatsuma's clothes tried to imitate Takasugi's dress, but he failed, and he felt that he did not have the aura of Takasugi.

40. The reason Chenma gets seasick is actually because when he talks, he always likes to hold his shoulder and shake it, and then Gintoki and Takasugi want to pull them apart because they can’t stand it... Zhongchen Ma finally vomited...

41. Tatsuma is always willing to grab Mutsu's hand when he is seasick, and then Mutsu will throw him away and knock him out by the way, so everything will be fine.

42. In fact, those weapons of Takasugi were provided by Tatsuma, and he could not persuade himself to turn against Takasugi.

43. Chenma will not easily promise others, because he will do what he promises others.

44. Mutsu's marksmanship was taught by Tatsuma herself, so she learned very well.

45. Because Tatsuma laughed too much and needed to be suppressed by the iceberg, Mutsu had no choice but not to laugh.

46. ​​In fact, Tatsuma sometimes regrets that he knows Mutsu, because then he has one more fetter.

47. Chen Ma's usual hobby is not only to laugh, but to play in the spring rain. The admiral of Chunyu was so stupid that he would never find out that he did it every time. It's just that now that the admiral is changed, he has to change this good habit.

48. Tatsuma once taught Mutsu about women's three observances and four virtues, and then he was kicked out directly by Mutsu.

49. Chenma has always kept the knife when he was fighting barbarians, and no one knew what he was expecting.

50. Tatsuma's requirements are really not high, as long as the people he cares about live well, like Gintoki, Takasugi, Wigs, Mutsu, as long as these people are good, he will have nothing to ask for.

The 50 little secrets of Shirō Tugata. He loves smoking and eats mayonnaise. (↓Don’t believe it all!)

1. In fact, Shibuya Shiro was also famous for his talent for swords when he was a child, but his talent was far inferior to that of Sōgo Okita.

2. Tobe Shirō used to call Okita Sogo to be a senior completely because of politeness, but now he regrets it, knowing everyone knows his face and does not know his heart!

3. There are countless things in Sougo Okita's mayonnaise, especially the chili sauce, which has caused him to lose his taste more and more.

4. What is the first love of Shiro Toshiro? It's Okita Sanye too. If Okita Sougo knows about this, he will probably cut it over...

5. Tufang Shiro doesn't like to play in amusement park entertainment projects, he thinks those things are only suitable for children.

6. Tobe Shiro actually knew that Okita Sogo put chili sauce in his mayonnaise, but watching Mitsuba really couldn't bear to pierce him-Okita Sogo was a sister who controlled him to understand.

7. Shiro Tobe is also very handsome when he has long hair and tied a ponytail, but Sogo Okita will be treated as a girl with short hair because of different temperaments?

8. Tobe Shiro thinks Okita Sougo's eyes are very beautiful, and the red is crystal clear, which is different from Sanye, but it's just a pity for such a beautiful face.

9. When I heard Mitsuba's confession, the reason why Shiburo Tokata turned her back was because she didn't want her to see the blush on her face... Although Shiroto Tokata refused in the end, Okita Sanye.

10. Turkishiro knew that Mitsuba was very sad when she refused, but it was for her good.

11. Every time Turkiro sees Okita Sougo sleeping wearing that strange blindfold, he calms his mood and then wakes him up. He knows that it is Okita Sogo who misses Mitsuba in a special way. .

12. Tubo Shiro regularly goes to Okita Sougou's room to help him clean up every week. There is no way it is really messy...but every time he goes to clean, Tu Fang will twitch and find a pile of photos of himself. scarecrow.

13. Turkishiro has become accustomed to looking for Sougo Okita who is sleeping on the shift when he patrols less than half of the time.

14. Turku Shiro feels that his only advantage that makes Okita Sougou speechless is his height.

15. Turkishiro is upset every time he sees Okita Sogo and Kagura and Wanshiya walking too close-he doesn't know why.

16. Tobe Shiro once suspected that Shinmi, Takasugi Shinsuke, and Okita Sougo were blood related, because all three of them were 170 and they were also dangerous elements.

17. The reason why Tushou Shiro put Gui loosely on Gui was because he also understood that Okita Sougo would seriously catch and then deliberately let him go-Fang Gui ran to the house of everything.

18. Tufang Shishiro once told Sakata Ginshito that he would marry Gui back soon! Every time I see Zongwu chasing him around, you don’t feel bad for Gui, I feel bad for Zongwu-something ruined.

19. Turkishiro doesn't listen to music very much, of course, except for the time when he was in the house.

20. Tubei Shiro has passed a personal experiment and found out how terrible Okita Sougo is when he is drunk, so he blocks the drink of Okita Sougo every time he has a party.

21. Turku Shiro wanted to take apart Sogo Okita's knife to take a look at the structure inside. How can there be a knife that can both chop people and listen to songs!

22. The first time Tugata Shiro slashed against Tian Sougo, he was actually very happy in his heart-even if the next second he was cut off by the angry Okita Sougo with a knife.

23. He could not hear anyone talking while eating mayonnaise.

24. Tufang Shiro has never been on his birthday, because he usually goes out on a mission on his birthday, but when he comes back, he will find that there is an extra cake and a pile of gifts in his room.

25. The first time Tubo Shiro killed someone was when he was very young. He didn't even remember his age. He only remembered the fear and disgust in the eyes of the crowd, as well as the blood-stained dagger.

26. When Okita Mitsuba fell in front of her, Tubo Shiro felt that his breathing would stop. All he could do was stay with her, but he couldn't save her life.

27. On the day of Okita Mitsuba's death, Shiro Tobe saw the fragile Okita Sougo for the first time, and it was the last time he saw it. He felt that Sougo Okita that day was like a child of his age.

28. After Okita Sanye was buried, Tushou Shiro quietly accompanied Okita Sougo to stand in front of the tombstone for a day, and carried him back after he collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion.

29. Tobe Shiro was the first person who saw Okita Sougou's pupils dilated and horribly alive. From then on, he shuddered as long as he thought of the scene.

30. Tobe Shiro is the only one who can calm down Okita Sogo who has dilated pupils.

31. Murder is a normal thing for Turkishiro Shiro. He ended up killing countless people.

32. Tubo Shiro will stand in front of Okita Sougo's room every night, saying a good night in a soft voice and never stop.

33. Turkishiro will get up on time in the middle of the night and go to the next room to cover the quilt for Sōgo Okita-there is no way that Sōgo Okita has the habit of kicking the quilt in the middle of the night.

34. In fact, Tusushiro knew that Okita Sougo would not really kill himself, because he found that his quasi-head always deviated by about one or two centimeters every time, so that he had enough time and space to escape.

35. Turkishiro will not say that he thinks Sougo Okita in women's clothing is very beautiful.

36. The last thing that Turkishi Shichiro regrets in his life is to drink Okita Sougo. That **** doesn't know how high his fighting power is after getting drunk!

37. Shiro Toshiro once counted the number of Sougo Okita changing the earphones. The money for earphones can buy three boxes of mayonnaise! asshole!

38. Turkiman's hobby is smoking, and he likes to eat mayonnaise.

39. When Tufang Shiro was in the village, he was often bullied by some animals that suddenly appeared, scratching with his paws and biting with his teeth.

40. Tobe Shiro has seen Okita Sougo who bandaged the wounds of small animals, and his gentle smile made him think that Okita Mitsuba was back again.

41. Tobe Shiro had the honor to see Okita Sougo's Zhengtai mode fully opened, of course, Okita Sougo didn't know about it.

42. In fact, Turkishiro thought from the heart that Sakata Gintoki was indeed a good person. Although there was no shame, there was only one general in his heart, and there was only one person who wanted to surrender, and that was Kondo.

43. Tobe Shiro and Okita Sougo are a duplicity guy who speaks ruthlessly, but in fact he has long regarded Zhensengumi as his home, and the former loneliness no longer exists.

44. Every afternoon, Tusuo Shiro will go to the all things house to pick up Okita Sougo who is on duty.

45. Toshiro Shibuya trusts everyone in Shinsengumi from the heart, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com back has long been handed over to them defenselessly.

46. ​​Turkura Shiro knows his responsibilities, he must be calm, he can be said to be the core of Zhensengumi, and if he takes a wrong step, it will mean the complete destruction of Zhensengumi.

47. Tobe Shiro has always spoiled Okita Sougo, because his beloved Okita Sanye is gone, so he has to hurt Okita Sougo who survived even more.

48. To Shiro Tobe, they were all his relatives from the day Kondo took him in.

49. Turkishiro feels that he is really very happy. Even though his hands are full of blood, he has important relatives, important friends, and important homes.

50. Tufang Shiro doesn't care what the future is like. He knows that he will go through his life without regret, because they are with him.

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