May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 648: : Golden Times (7)

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

[Statement: Anti-theft chapter! It will be changed to the main text tomorrow morning! It will be a few hundred words more than this! 】

[Statement: Anti-theft chapter! It will be changed to the main text tomorrow morning! It will be a few hundred words more than this! 】

[Statement: Anti-theft chapter! It will be changed to the main text tomorrow morning! It will be a few hundred words more than this! 】

The 50 little secrets of Shirō Tugata. He loves smoking and eats mayonnaise.

(↓The content of the anti-theft chapter is purely nonsense! Don’t believe it!)

1. In fact, Shibuya Shiro was also famous for his talent for swords when he was a child, but his talent was far inferior to that of Sōgo Okita.

2. Tobe Shirō used to call Okita Sogo to be a senior completely because of politeness, but now he regrets it, knowing everyone knows his face and does not know his heart!

3. There are countless things in Sougo Okita's mayonnaise, especially the chili sauce, which has caused him to lose his taste more and more.

4. What is the first love of Shiro Toshiro? It's Okita Sanye too. If Okita Sougo knows about this, he will probably cut it over...

5. Tufang Shiro doesn't like to play in amusement park entertainment projects, he thinks those things are only suitable for children.

6. Tobe Shiro actually knew that Okita Sogo put chili sauce in his mayonnaise, but watching Mitsuba really couldn't bear to pierce him-Okita Sogo was a sister who controlled him to understand.

7. Shiro Tobe is also very handsome when he has long hair and a ponytail, but Sogo Okita will be treated as a girl with short hair because of his different temperaments?

8. Tobe Shiro thinks Okita Sougo's eyes are very beautiful, and the red is crystal clear, which is different from Sanye, but it's just a pity for such a beautiful face.

9. When I heard Mitsuba's confession, the reason why Shiburo Tokata turned her back was because she didn't want her to see the blush on her face... Although Shiroto Tokata refused in the end, Okita Sanye.

10. Turkishiro knew that Mitsuba was very sad when she refused, but it was for her good.

11. Every time Turkiro sees Okita Sougo sleeping wearing that strange blindfold, he calms his mood and then wakes him up. He knows that it is Okita Sogo who misses Mitsuba in a special way. .

12. Tubo Shiro regularly goes to Okita Sougou's room to help him clean up every week. There is no way it is really messy...but every time he goes to clean, Tu Fang will twitch and find a pile of photos of himself. scarecrow.

13. Turkishiro has become accustomed to looking for Sougo Okita who is sleeping on the shift when he patrols less than half of the time.

14. Turku Shiro feels that his only advantage that makes Okita Sougou speechless is his height.

15. Turkishiro is upset every time he sees Okita Sogo and Kagura and Wanshiya walking too close-he doesn't know why.

16. Tobe Shiro once suspected that Shinmi, Takasugi Shinsuke, and Okita Sougo were blood related, because all three of them were 170 and they were also dangerous elements.

17. The reason why Tushou Shiro put Gui loosely on Gui was because he also understood that Okita Sougo would seriously catch and then deliberately let him go-Fang Gui ran to the house of everything.

18. Tufang Shishiro once told Sakata Ginshito that he would marry Gui back soon! Every time I see Zongwu chasing him around, you don’t feel bad for Gui, I feel bad for Zongwu-something ruined.

19. Turkishiro doesn't listen to music very much, of course, except for the time when he was in the house.

20. Tubei Shiro has passed a personal experiment and found out how terrible Okita Sougo is when he is drunk, so he blocks the drink of Okita Sougo every time he has a party.

21. Turku Shiro wanted to take apart Sogo Okita's knife to take a look at the structure inside. How can there be a knife that can both chop people and listen to songs!

22. The first time Tugata Shiro slashed against Tian Sougo, he was actually very happy in his heart-even if the next second he was cut off by the angry Okita Sougo with a knife.

23. He could not hear anyone talking while eating mayonnaise.

24. Tufang Shiro has never been on his birthday, because he usually goes out on a mission on his birthday, but when he comes back, he will find that there is an extra cake and a pile of gifts in his room.

25. The first time Tubo Shiro killed someone was when he was very young. He didn't even remember his age. He only remembered the fear and disgust in the eyes of the crowd, as well as the blood-stained dagger.

26. When Okita Mitsuba fell in front of her, Tubo Shiro felt that his breathing would stop. All he could do was stay with her, but he couldn't save her life.

27. On the day of Okita Mitsuba's death, Shiro Tobe saw the fragile Okita Sougo for the first time, and it was the last time he saw it. He felt that Sougo Okita that day was like a child of his age.

28. After Okita Sanye was buried, Tushou Shiro quietly accompanied Okita Sougo to stand in front of the tombstone for a day, and carried him back after he collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion.

29. Tobe Shiro was the first person who saw Okita Sougou's pupils dilated and horribly alive. From then on, he shuddered as long as he thought of the scene.

30. Tobe Shiro is the only one who can calm down Okita Sogo who has dilated pupils.

31. Murder is a normal thing for Turkishiro Shiro. He ended up killing countless people.

32. Tubo Shiro will stand in front of Okita Sougo's room every night, saying a good night in a soft voice and never stop.

33. Turkishiro will get up on time in the middle of the night and go to the next room to cover the quilt for Sōgo Okita-there is no way anyone tells Sōgo Okita that he has the habit of kicking the quilt in the middle of the night.

34. In fact, Tusushiro knew that Okita Sougo would not really kill himself, because he found that his quasi-head always deviated by about one or two centimeters every time, so that he had enough time and space to escape.

35. Turkishiro will not say that he thinks Sougo Okita in women's clothing is very beautiful.

36. The last thing that Turkishi Shichiro regrets in his life is to drink Okita Sougo. That **** doesn't know how high his fighting power is after getting drunk!

37. Shiro Toshiro once counted the number of Sougo Okita changing the earphones. The money for earphones can buy three boxes of mayonnaise! asshole!

38. Turkiman's hobby is smoking, and he likes to eat mayonnaise.

39. When Tufang Shiro was in the village, he was often bullied by some animals that suddenly appeared, scratching with his paws and biting with his teeth.

40. Tobe Shiro has seen Okita Sougo who bandaged the wounds of small animals, and his gentle smile made him think that Okita Mitsuba was back again.

41. Tobe Shiro had the honor to see Okita Sougo's Zhengtai mode fully opened, of course, Okita Sougo didn't know about it.

42. In fact, Turkishiro thought from the heart that Sakata Gintoki was indeed a good person. Although there was no shame, there was only one general in his heart, and there was only one person who wanted to surrender, and that was Kondo.

43. Tobe Shiro and Okita Sougo are a duplicity guy who speaks ruthlessly, but in fact he has long regarded Zhensengumi as his home, and the former loneliness no longer exists.

44. Every afternoon, Tusuo Shiro will go to the all things house to pick up Okita Sougo who is on duty.

45. Turku Shiro trusted the Shinsengumi members from his heart, and handed it over to them defenselessly.

46. ​​Turku Shiro knows his responsibilities. He must be calm. He can be said to be the core of Zhensengumi. A wrong step will mean the destruction of Zhensengumi.

47. Tobe Shiro has always spoiled Okita Sougo, because his beloved Okita Sanye is gone, so he has to hurt Okita Sougo who survived even more.

48. To Shiro Tobe, they were all his relatives from the day Kondo took him in.

49. Turkishiro feels that he is really very happy. Even though his hands are full of blood, he has important relatives, important friends, and important homes.

50. Tufang Shiro doesn't care what the future is like. He knows that he will go through his life without regret, because they are with him.

"Gintama" 50 little secrets of the magical power of the night rabbit

1. Shenwei was born on June 1st, but he hates that others think of him as a kid. He is eighteen years old, he is an adult and he has never celebrated Children’s Day.

2. Shenwei doesn't know how to cook. Once he walked into the kitchen under Avotu's complaint, and almost destroyed himself and Avotu together.

3. Once there was a hapless guy who reported to him a very boring matter when he was hungry. Later, he was thrown out by the supernatural power.

4. Shenwei felt that the idiot admiral wanted to get rid of him. A large part of the reason was that his food expenses were too high. Of course, it was not his fault.

5. Shenwei likes watching Dragon Ball very much. He used to think that Saiyans and Night Hare were relatives, to see if they had the same appetite.

6. Shenwei thinks Edo is a magical place, where people can make rice into something called rice balls, he likes it very much

7. Kamui doesn't like sushi, because he can't eat wasabi at all. As long as he eats a small amount of it, he will sneeze constantly. Unfortunately, when he saw wasabi for the first time, he thought it was toothpaste.

8. Shenwei likes to stay in bed. Every time Afutu asks him to get up, he is very cautious-his own leader’s waking up is terrible.

9. In the Seventh Division of the Chunyu Division, alcohol is explicitly forbidden, because no one wants to know what Shenwei will become after drinking. Maybe he will get drunk, but it is more likely that he will go crazy for the sake of God.

10. At the age of fifteen, Shenwei began to do everything possible to comb the hairs on his head, because he looked like an idiot at that time. After he broke five hair dryers and broke six combs, he gave up. , I think that bunch of hair is pretty cute when I'm used to it.

11. Shenwei is quite satisfied with his height. He is only eighteen years old and can grow, unlike a certain uncle of 20+.

12. When Shenwei was young, he wondered why he and his younger sister did not look like the perverted old man at all. Later he was very grateful for this-if he would see a face that looked like an old man every day when he got up, he would be crazy.

13. Shenwei is an absolute road idiot. If there is no Afutu around, he can't even find where his room is—please, the hair on his head is not an antenna!

14. Two o'clock every afternoon is the happiest time for Shenwei, and also the most painful time for the people under his team-the time for the group leader's "activity" is up.

15. Shenwei is actually very good at complaining, and it's better than Afutu. But **** it, the tv team didn't give him a chance to complain!

16. Shenwei likes to look at others embarrassed. Afutu has the most say, because Shenwei is always willing to make one thing after another that makes Afutu want to wipe his neck.

17. Shenwei thought about why they called "Night Rabbit". Is he very like a rabbit? Is there a rabbit as strong as his?

18. Shenwei once successfully pulled off the bandage of Takasugi Shinsuke, and for this he got Takasugi's plan to avenge his personal revenge-he would not say what he was doing so seriously.

19. Since Shenwei pulled off Takasugi's bandage once, Takasugi detoured after seeing Shenwei for several days. Whenever Shenwei wanted to laugh, it was time for those who were desperate to Takasugi to take a look at Takasugi's broken expression at the time.

20. Shenwei wanted a tattoo, and wanted to think about it, but he never decided what to tattoo.

21. Shenwei is very much looking forward to fighting a close match. The days when he can't find his opponent are really painful. That **** Takasugi can always find excuses to avoid his invitation, and every one of them is **** reasonable!

22. When Shenwei feels bored, he will miss his former teacher a little bit, because there is no one to fight with him anymore. (Seems to hear the magic horse?)

23. Shenwei buys gifts on Kagura's birthday, but he has never sent them out-if you dare to tell Kagura, kill you!

24. Shenwei's hair is always pink (or orange), don't let him see the **** who made ED, he will sie him into a sieve-the black back figure is really violent.

25. Shenwei has always claimed that he doesn't kill children because they may become stronger. In fact, the child's horrified eyes remind him of the look in Kagura's eyes when he was almost killed by a dead old man. He couldn't do it anyway.

26. Shenwei has a very good figure, and he has always been proud of it.

27. Shenwei stutters when he lied, so the arduous task of fooling his superiors fell on Avotu's shoulders.

28. Shenwei wants to change his name because there are too many people with the same name!

29. Shenwei only takes cold showers, also in winter, hot showers can make people feel lazy, and he hates this.

30. Shenwei claims that he is not afraid of anything, but he has never participated in Chunyu's Halloween party-of course, no one dared to ask him why.

31. Afutu never had a snowball fight with Shenwei, because he had seen Shenwei put nails or stones into a snowball with his own eyes.

32. Shenwei has never been in love. In the eyes of Afutu, he is an innocent boy-this is not ridiculous at all. Whoever dares to laugh at him will kill him!

33. Shenwei does not have any concept of time, he is super self-centered.

34. Shenwei thinks that he is the biggest villain. Takasugi is only the second in the middle and will be washed out sooner or later.

35. Shenwei never believes in fetters, he only longs for absolute power.

36. Afutu saw the 6-year-old Shen Xiaowei. At that time, he just touched Shen Xiaowei's head, but he got a heavy punch. From then on, he knew that this kid was not to be offended.

37. Shenwei sometimes thinks that Afutu is like his nanny, and he is very satisfied. Of course he didn't care about Afutu's protest at all, it was invalid!

38. Shenwei has very poor patience. He almost shaved his hair flat because it was too troublesome to comb his hair. But later his hair survived, thanks to Avotu's blessing.

39. Afutu is one of the very few people who knows the history of Shenwei and Hei, and one of the very few people who knows the history of Shenwei and Hei but has not been killed by God.

40. Shenwei doesn't know where Afutu is beside him, unlike his subordinates, let alone his elders. But he didn't bother to figure it out, he would always be there anyway.

41. Shenwei can't swim, and he doesn't know why he can't learn to flop in the water even after he die-it's not easy to sink under the water! This unscientific!

42. When Shenwei looked in the mirror, he would often think of his sister who was seventy-seven, which made him very upset.

43, Shenwei sleeps very lightly, as long as there is a slight noise, he will immediately wake up.

44. Shenwei feels that sweets taste good, but he will not tell others that sweets are something that the weak will like.

45. Shenwei's hand was stained with blood for the first time when he was twelve years old. He did not feel scared. He forgot the reason for the murder at the time, but he didn't care, because he just obeyed the nature of the night rabbit.

46. ​​When Chunyu found Shenwei, he agreed without even thinking about it. Only when he is strong can his weak sister live better, but he never admits this.

47. Shenwei sometimes hates that incompetent sister, but he is certain that he will never let her become a warrior of the Night Rabbit-that is too sad.

48. At the moment of his mother's death, Shenwei watched her crying sister and her mother who would never open her eyes again, and took the initiative to kill Xinghaifang for the first time.

49. Shenwei doesn't care when others call him "father-killing." He never thinks that man is his father.

50. Shenwei has no faith, he only believes in himself, he is his own god.

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