May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 650: : Sudden requests to change actors are also common

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

"What's the matter? Why do you show that expression?" Yin Shi glared at him, flicking the contempt on his pinky finger, and continued casually, "Because I thought I had a chance to win, so suddenly I had no chance of winning. Is it hard to accept?"

Jin Shi retorted: "Don't, don't be kidding! Even now, you don't have the slightest chance of winning! Don't think about pushing everyone away, leaving me alone..."

Yin Shi interrupted Jin Shi's words: "If it is according to my own practice as always."


"I mean, if I follow my usual style, it's probably not very easy to win." Yin Shizi curled his lips and explained in a casual tone, "There are countless ways to win you, and As it happens, I don’t know one of them. But, even more coincident than this, I know an idiot who can win you casually."

"What are you talking about..."

"You haven't noticed from the beginning to the end," Yin Shi interrupted Jin Shi once again, and pointed the wooden knife in his hand at the opponent, and his eyes became serious. "Above the captain...there is actually something like a captain. . Although I am a little sorry, but this time I also have to try that idiot's method. What would he do if he faced such a situation? Probably that's it, in the case that no one would notice it. People solve everything perfectly.

Of course, I'm still far from this point, not only with the help of machines, dogs, and...his women. No, that's not right. The machine seems to belong to him. I may only be left with a dog. If there is only one dog, I myself think it is impossible to beat you. But... sorry, brother, I just chose this method. "

"You guy...!" Jin Shi gritted his teeth.

"Sir Gintoki, the powerful hypnotic self-explosion device in Jintoki's body has been detected," Xiaoyu got up and said to Gintoki, "The range is...Kabukicho."

Hearing the sound, Gintoki raised the corners of both sides of his mouth severely, showing a smirk: "Hoho~ Brother? Have you done that kind of preparation? But...except for Kabukicho, where I no longer has a person, Who are you trying to hypnotize? Only Xiaoyu and a dog are left... Are you trying to hypnotize yourself?"

"You fellow!" Jin Shi was incompetent and furious.

[Let me see what you do...] After thinking about it, Yin Shi rushed towards Jin Shi.

On the other side, Yoshihara.

Secretly avoiding all eyes, Jiang Cheng turned over the window to enter his room, looking at [Jiang Cheng] sitting in front of the computer holding a gamepad against dark circles under his eyes...No, it should be said that he was the white blood cell king, and he smiled helplessly. laugh.

"The commission is over, brother."

"Really?" The White Blood King said without turning his head. "Wait a little bit, I'll be fine. It is a new game that has not yet been released, and it is not a bit different from the old game copied from Xiaoyu-sama's body. "

"The game I will let Xiaoyu copy the past."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It’s most comfortable to stay in your own home."

As he said, the White Blood Cell King took out a very mini hammer the size of his hand from his arms, and then tore off his Jiang Cheng's kimono jacket.

Seeing the white blood cell king who was about to hit his head with the hammer raised, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something and asked, "Wait, you...are you exposed?"

"I don't know," the White Blood Cell King shrugged and replied casually, "Although I really want to tell you a definite answer, but in the end I don't know. Even if I used your data to produce it by Master Xiaoyu, but... Some things are completely different, such as things you want to protect... So, it depends on whether the woman can see the subtle differences."

"What you said like this, it seems..." As he said, Jiang Cheng looked at the empty corner on the side of the door where he had been storing his umbrella for a long time, "It is completely exposed."

"Really..." After responding casually, the White Blood Cell King raised the small hammer in his hand and said, "Then, goodbye."

"Ah, goodbye."

Jiang Cheng, who opened the sliding door and walked out, saw Yue Yong who was leaning on the wall with his hands in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile, narrowing his eyes.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's smirk as usual. Yue Yong snorted, then took Jiang Cheng's umbrella from her waist and threw it at Jiang Cheng.

"I'm sorry," Yue Yong got up, turned around and left slowly, and said without looking back, "I almost gave your important things to someone else. Then, when I'm going out next time, no matter what For such a reason, say hello in advance."

"What's the matter?" I don't know when Jiang Cheng, who was with Yueyong last year, said with a smile on his kimono cuffs, "Is it because I am suddenly absent, so I feel lonely?"

"Who, who would be lonely because you are not here?!" Yue Yong blushed and argued loudly.

"Hey? Really?" Jiang Cheng pretended to be annoyed, "I'm very lonely."

"Hey?" Yue Yongqiao blushed and her eyes widened unconsciously, her pupils trembled slightly, and then she turned her face away silently, "Don't, don't think that saying this can make people think about you! You! It's an idiot, there is no way..."

Before she finished speaking, Yue Yong suddenly discovered that Jiang Cheng had already taken the waist of the two passing girls from Baihua.

Jiang Cheng raised his face and said haha, "Ahaha, I haven't seen you for a while, do you feel a little lonely~"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~! "

"You... seem to be a little older." Jiang Cheng murmured, staring straight at Miss Baihua's bust, which was a little smaller than Yueyong.

"I will massage myself every night!" Miss Baihua said with a blushing face.

"Me too!" echoed another lady from Baihua.

"It's really hard to do that after work," Jiang Cheng murmured, and then suddenly thought of something and smiled again, "Then, from today onwards, let me help you... "

Yue Yong didn't give Jiang Cheng a chance to finish, so she raised her hand and sent two Kuwu to physically close Jiang Cheng's mouth.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was stuck on the back of his head and still spraying blood like a small fountain, lying on the ground, the two Baihua sisters changed their normals and did not take the lead in caring about Jiang Cheng's state, but at the same time leaned forward and couldn't wait. Question: "What do you do for us?! Jiang Chengsama! You are finished! Jiang Chengsama!"

"Ah," Jiang Cheng raised his head tremblingly, and replied angrily, "Help you to measure the effect of the massage with your naked eyes on the next day..."

"I don't need that!" Yueyong cursed with her eyes bursting with blue veins.

"Jiang Cheng-sama, is there no error with the naked eye?"

"Ah! What you said makes sense!" Jiang Cheng was taken aback.

"Just use Jiang Chengsama's hand..."

Yue Yong interrupted the young lady Baihua and cursed: "Go on patrol for me!"


All things house.

The battle between Yin Shi and Jin Shi is nearing an end, and it seems that the final victory is... Yin Shi!

Seeing that there was only one gold sticking out from below on the floor, Yin Shi squatted down and raised the wooden knife in his hand.

"Thank you...and, sorry."

"Huh, it's really an unexpected result," Jin Shi said with a grin, closing his eyes, "I didn't expect to be so easily overturned by you, I'm convinced, let's do it."

"You know? You got it wrong from the beginning. Not only do I use this way that doesn't match my previous style of doing things, but also... more importantly."

"That man? You fight the captain that you know from the bottom of your heart..."

"No, it has nothing to do with that idiot," Gin Shiki replied casually. "Listen well, the fetters of human beings are something more profound and tightly tied to their hearts than memories, even if you change their memories with that kind of thing. , But you will never really get that fetter. As long as there is this fetter, one day they will be able to think of me again..."

"Yin Shi," Jiang Cheng's slightly playful voice suddenly came from the side, "Isn't it about imitating my acting style? But I don't remember that I have the habit of preaching to the enemy when I give the enemy the last blow."

"Cut," Yin Shi sipped, then slowly got up and took the knife back to his waist. "The guy who got in the way appeared so soon."

"Xiaoyu, open your mouth." Jiang Cheng shouted to Xiaoyu who was on the side.

"Ah—" Xiaoyu opened her mouth obediently.

Jiang Cheng casually bounced the White Blood Cell King, who had recovered his original size, into Xiaoyu’s mouth. At the same time, he casually continued: "Yin Shi, you probably made a mistake. It’s not me who got in the way~ "

Yin Shi did not reply, but started slowly to his familiar desk and sat down on the boss chair.

"Just take that seat for the last time," Jiang Cheng continued with a smile, "You have to cherish this opportunity~"

After all, Jiang Cheng took out a piece of A4 paper with "Dismissal Letter" written in his arms and placed it in front of Yin Shi. The production team has been talking for a long time."

Looking at the dismissal letter on the table in front of me that reads "From today, Party A—maybe this fake Gintama crew has terminated the contract with Party B—Sakata Gintoki..." Gintoki is no longer calm, and a drop on his face is repeated. A drop of cold sweat began to stain, and at the same time, the entire half of his face began to twitch, revealing a face that looked suspicious of life.

"Oh, yes," Jiang Sung leaned down and handed over to Kim Si a document that said "Maybe this is a fake Gintama drama group appointment book" and a thick pile of "coming into the group", "this It’s yours, please take care of it in the future, brother!"

"Wait—!" Yin Shi got up instantly, and at the same time tore up the contract cancellation letter in his hand, "What is this?! Are you leaving for a few days to do this kind of thing?! What is my effort? !"

Ignoring Yin Shi’s words, Jiang Cheng continued to Jin Shi, “I’m sorry, although there is no new work you want as the main character, but you can continue to stay here. How about? Are you interested?”

"Listen to me, you bastard!" Yin Shibai yelled. "Who would agree to this kind of thing?!"

At this moment, another "Silver Time" voice suddenly came from the side.

"Ah, it's finally over." A middle-aged man with a slightly blessed posture walked towards Yin Shi holding a bunch of flowers.

Looking at the middle-aged man walking slowly, Yin Shi's whole person is even worse: "Zhi, Zhihe?! Hey! Are you okay?! Does it really matter that even the voice actors run out?!"

"Ah, it doesn't matter, it's your final return after all." Sugita Tomokazu-Gintoki's seiyuu said indifferently, and then handed the bouquet to Gintoki, "In short, the flowers have also been offered. I'll go back first. Goodbye."

"Hold on!" Yin Shi quickly raised his hand to stop, shouting angrily, "Wait for me! You bastard! Shouldn't the voice actors stand with me?!"

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Sugita Tomowa dug his small nostrils and waved his hand indifferently. "I still have a lot of works to be dubbed, it doesn't matter at all."

"You bastard...!" Gintoki cursed bitterly, but then his attitude suddenly turned into a 180-degree turn, and he stepped forward in an instant, and he was very familiar with Sugita Tomokazu. Neck, raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "I've heard about it, brother. You made a lot of money as a voice actor? How about buying a car for me as well as a suite? If not, buy a house of strawberry milk Is it okay? After all, the relationship between the two of us...should be said that each other has made each other successful, right?"

Sugita Tomokazu glanced at Gintoki faintly, and then instantly drew **** into Gintoki's eyes.

"Ah! Eyes! My eyes!"

Ignoring the silver rolling on the ground with his eyes covered, UU Reading Sugita Tomokazu turned around and slowly left.

"Did you see it? It's over." Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at Jin Shi on the floor with a smile. "How is it? How are you thinking about it?"

At this time, Jin Shi just came back to his senses, raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief, " this true? I... can I really replace that man?"

"Ah, okok, after all, it's a decision made by the production team." Jiang Sungbi gave an OK gesture, "just treat it as a temporary change of actors, isn't this kind of thing common?"


"If you understand, just get rid of your brainwashing. You don't need that kind of thing anymore." Jiang Cheng continued, "From today, you are already Sakata Gintoki."

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