May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 651: : Curves (natural curls) are much easier to draw than straight lines (straight hair)!

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

"But there is not one in Kabukicho now..."

"Ah, it doesn't matter," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and interrupted Jin Shi very casually. "Their words have come back now. So don't use that method anymore. The fictional memory is useless. Start from scratch. Really re-run with them, I believe you can. Then..."

As he said, Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes again with a smile on his face and raised an index finger, "Even if you make up 10000, that kind of thing is no better than the real 0.01. Remember to remember~"

"Hey! Why did you suddenly break in and start the preaching mode!" Yin Shizie on the side clenched his fists and burst into discomfort. "That's my job! It's my last job!"

"I don't know if I work or not..." Jiang Cheng pointed to Genshi, "but it is indeed the last for you. Yinshi's silver has become Genshi. And also your body. It has started to become translucent."

"Hey?" Yin Shi was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and glanced at his body. After seeing the already translucent legs, the whole person was no longer good, "Really! It's really translucent! Before the final preaching begins, I will end Yinsang first!"

"Ah, now it has changed from Genshi to Gencun." Jiang Cheng continued, pointing to Gencun, whose upper body was also becoming translucent.

"Oops! What's going on? What the **** is going on?!" Gen Cun yelled in horror, holding his head, "Will this happen after the contract is terminated?! I have never heard of it! Hey! Who, Who will explain it to me!"

"Ah, it has become a Japanese inch." Jiang Cheng said in surprise.

"Xiaoyu! Think of any method!" Ri Cun hurriedly asked Xiaoyu on the side for help, "Hurry up! Otherwise, in the future, I will only have the female bathhouse for this work!"

"Don't worry, Lord Ri Cun." Xiaoyu replied.

Hearing the sound, Ri Cun smiled with joy, "Is there a way to get me back to normal?! Great! Xiaoyu, hurry up!"

"Xiaoyu is equipped with the latest infrared function and will always guard the outside of the women's bathhouse." Xiaoyu continued.

"It's not that worry!!" Ri Cun collapsed and shouted.

"Did you see it?" Ignoring Ri Cun, who was so frantically screaming and smashing the furniture in the house, Jiang Cheng put up an index finger and smiled at Jin Shi, "This is what really makes him disappear, you The kind of play house stuff is of no use. If you want to make his existence disappear, you should at least do it this way."

"Shut up for me! You super S!" Ri Cun burst with blue veins and white eyes, roaring and kicking over at the same time.

Tilted his head, Jiang Cheng, who easily escaped Yin Shi’s blow, still smiled, "Sa, is it over? If possible, I will bring everyone here to get to know each other again, and then our work can be revisited. opened."

"Ah, it's already... it's okay, everyone's memory has been restored by me." Jin Shi tugged at the corner of his mouth, smiled reluctantly and replied at the same time.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Cheng looked confused, "Are you shy? Are you nervous now? Are you nervous because you have to face everyone in this crew later?"

"No, no, nothing." Jin Shi quickly replied with a smile, but in his heart was a different scene, [This person... super dangerous! This... Is this the real protagonist? ! My function... is afraid? ! In the end... what kind of guy is it! Who arranged such a guy as the protagonist? Are you stupid?

No... wait, this kind of energy response... is this guy really human? ! Do humans have such a thing? ! And having said that, why didn't you feel it when I saw him before? ! fan! This man is fascinated all over! In short, let's go ahead with what he says. If you don't do this, you will always feel that the consequences are... quite bad.

Moreover, the existence of that man is about to disappear completely. Speaking of which, it was me who won. Although this victory is not what I wanted...]

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of hurried footsteps outside the door. From these hurried footsteps, one could hear that it was not just one person who had arrived.



The time interval between the opening of the door and the sliding door of the living room did not exceed one second.

Seeing the new Baja, Kagura and Ah Miao, who appeared at the door, their faces also full of complex emotions, Jiang Cheng still had a smile on his face.

"What's wrong? So panicked?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Yin...Where is Yinjiang-san?!" Kagura and Xin Ba Hao asked at the same time.

"Oh, you said that guy," Jiang Cheng shrugged and replied pretentiously, "has been kicked out of our crew and has completely disappeared."

"Hey?" The two stunned at the same time.

"Then, let me introduce to you," Jiang Cheng smiled again and pointed to Jin Shi on the ground. "This guy will be the new silver from now on... No, it's Jin Shi. It's also the new captain of the House of Everything! "

"What are you talking about? Stupid uncle!" Kagura rushed forward instantly, grabbing Jiang Cheng's clothes on his chest with both hands, "Do you know what this guy has done Alu?! He You have done so many unreasonable things to Yinjiang Aru!"

"Kagura, anyone can make mistakes~" Jiang Cheng still smiled, "It's still that kind of insignificant mistake, it doesn't matter. And this guy has just finished handing over everything with that guy~"

"When I was a kid?!" Kagura roared, and slammed Jiang Cheng's stomach with his fist.

Seeing Jiang Cheng who was hammered heavily on his stomach by Kagura's punches, Jin Shi smiled awkwardly and said: "Kagura, how about a three-fold increase in wages starting this month?"

Hearing the sound, the movement in Kagura's hand stopped for an instant, and then he glanced at Jin Shi on the ground with a dark face, and said coldly: "Don't be happy, it's too early."

Looking at Kagura's little emotional expression, drop after drop of cold sweat came out on Jin Shi's forehead.

However, at this moment, Kagura held up his hands, closed his eyes, snorted and said, "I haven't decided to admit yet. I have to try Aru for at least three months."

"Puff!" The new eight haw on the side squirted directly, and then immediately rushed forward, raised his fist, and banged Kagura's head hard, "What are you thinking?! A little money made you change your original intention. Are we talking about this?!"

At this time, Jin Shi spoke again: "Lao Ba, how about giving out employee benefits once a month from now on? Atong sauce's concert tickets and specials..."

Hearing the sound, Xin Ba Hao pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at Jin Shi on the ground lightly, and said, "I will take good care of your performance during the first three months of probation."

Just after speaking, Xin Ba Hao was thrown away by the fists of Kagura and A Miao at the same time.

"You too!" Kagura cursed with blank eyes.

Ignoring Xin Ba Hao, who fell on the ground with his white eyes and nosebleeds, and twitched a few times from time to time, Ah Miao complained: "Really, what are you here for? The way you came is not saying that it was to apologize to Yinsang. Why? For such a little bit of petty profit..."

"Miao, how about donating 30% of the monthly income of Wanshiwu to your dojo?"

Ah Miao said to Jin Shi with a serious face: "I will stare at you carefully during the three-month trial period. If there is something wrong, I won't be merciful!"

"You're no different, right!" Kagura and Xinba Haw shouted at the same time with white eyes.

"Since that natural scroll has been expelled, the House of All Things must also need a successor, right?" A Miao looked on as a matter of course, "Although this Jin Shi has done wrong things, the process of the House of All Things should be very different. Isn't it clear? As long as I don't make mistakes, I think it's really appropriate."

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement.

"According to the results of data analysis..." Xiaoyu's eyes flashed a red light, and then he said: "Jin Shi can indeed lead the House of Everything."

"From this perspective, he is the most suitable candidate now." Jiang Cheng shrugged and continued, "Anyway, the natural volume can't come back anymore."

"Since that's the case..." Kagura confessed the picture on the desk, holding three incense sticks while bowing, and said, "After paying homage to the silver sauce, we will give Jin Jiang has a chance, Aru. Farewell, Yinjiang. Hello, Jinjiang."

"Kagura!" Xin Ba Haw quickly reminded, "No way! Our goal is not this! Although it may be irreversible, this kind of thing has to wait until we finish that thing!"

"What's the matter?" Kagura asked with his little finger dug his nostrils and squinted his peasy eyes to look at Xin Ba Hao.

"I'm just apologizing to Yinsang," Xin Ba Haw leaned into Kagura's ear and reminded quietly, "We did so many and excessive things to him..."

"Kagura, you don't need it." Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "There is no need to apologize or anything. Think of the things he did more excessively than what you did to Yinshi?"

"Even if you are in arrears of wages, you lose your wages, those with stinky feet will die, you will still be lying on the bed, those with stinky feet will die, you will die of natural curls, those with stinky feet will die..." Kagura's face once again showed a sense of loss. Look, "but..."

"And there is the most important point," Jiang Cheng put up an index finger and said with a smile. "Girls can't just admit mistakes so easily. Even if they make a mistake, they must die without admitting it. Are you right? wonderful?"

"Hey?! Is that so?!" Kagura was surprised, and looked at Ah Miao in disbelief. "Can't the girl admit mistakes easily Aru?!"

"Hey, it's true in some way." A Miao nodded and turned back. "Girls just have to be willful and never admit their mistakes. Girls who admit mistakes too easily will be considered by men to be very good. The type that is easy to deal with will be despised and perfunctory by men."

"Yes!" Jiang Cheng held up his hands and nodded, "Anyway, girls just have to be harder! Even if you are wrong, don't admit it! It's best to feel that you are not wrong! Remember?! Kagura!"

"Oh! I see! Coach!"

"Yo Xi! Then let's have a celebration party!" Jiang Cheng raised his fist and cheered, "Jin Shi will come too!"

"Oh roar!" Kagura cheered for an instant, "the barbecue can be delicious, Aru!"

"No, I didn't say to eat barbecue." Jiang Cheng replied, raising his hand.

"Roasted beef tenderloin can also be delicious!" Xin Ba Ha raised his fist and cheered.

"No, I didn't say you can go to that kind of high-end barbecue restaurant." Jiang Cheng reminded again.

"Yo Xi! Money can get soft!" Ah Miao cheered.

"Which store do you want to go to!" Jiang Chengbai struggled to complain, "A bank?! Are you ready to go to a big deal?!"

Seeing Xin Ba Hao, Kagura, and A Miao surrounding Jiang Sung, Kim murmured, "Is that an incredible man, Captain... the captain above? It's almost... just like another captain." That way..."

"Kim Shi, if you want to become the real protagonist, it is not enough to let the presence of Lord Yin Shi disappear." Xiaoyu said to Jin Shi who was aside at this time, "At least... let Master Jiang Cheng from everyone's memory. Just disappear. can’t do it. Data analysis, you don’t even have a 0.01 chance."

After a moment of silence, Jin Shi said: "Ah, my own system has also been analyzed."

"But... I still want to see Yinjiang..." Kagura said abruptly.

Hearing the sound, Ah Miao and Xin Ba Hao also stopped, their faces showing a bit of unforgettable expression.

However, at this moment, Yin Shi's lazy, half-dead sound like a can of dead fish suddenly came from the side.

"See me for what?"

Hearing the sound, Kagura, Shinbachi, and Ah Miao were stunned at the same time, and then looked in the direction of the sound with a similar expression of disbelief.

When they saw the dead fisheye silver that stood in the corner, digging their nostrils with their little fingers as usual, the eye sockets of the three of them instantly became wet.

"Hey, forget it, I can't handle that expression." Yin Shi flicked his pinky finger casually, curled his mouth and said with a little disdain.

"Is it an extra who re-entered the group?" Jiang Cheng said casually, "Hey, this natural scroll is really unpleasant~"

"Don't get me wrong, Jiang Cheng." Yin Shi replied uncomfortably, "It's just that the orangutan said that curves are better than straight lines and I came back. I don't want to stay in this kind of place."

"Asshole! I just came back and was talking about something!" Kagura rushed forward instantly, hitting Ginshi's stomach with a straight fist, "I'm sorry—!"

"Oh!" Yin Shi directly spit out sour water, "This is the first time I have heard such a powerful apology..."

"Don't be too smug! Apologize to my Ah Tong tickets and surroundings! Asshole!"

The new eight haws joined the battle.

"Use your death to apologize to my dojo!"

The invincible Ah Miao joined the chaos. UU reading

While a few people were arguing, Jiang Cheng smiled lightly, and after one last glance at Jin Shi on the ground, he started slowly and left the house of everything silently.

As soon as Jiang Cheng stepped out of the house of everything, Kagura and the others returned to God.

Kagura: "Not good! My barbecue!"

Xin Ba Chi: "Not good! My grilled tenderloin!"

Ah Miao: "Not good! My money!"

"Chasing!" ×3

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