May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 652: :I am back!

"Maybe this fake Gintama ( find the latest chapter!

Listening to the noise of Kagura, Xin Ba Hao, Ah Miao, and Jiang Cheng coming from outside the house, Yin Shi snorted softly while lying on the floor with a swollen nose.

"Huh, did you see it?" As he said, Yin Shi turned his face to look at Jin Shi who had only one head left. "That guy...I don't know if it should be the captain's captain or the other captain's guy. As long as the idiot is there, it doesn’t make any sense for you to do more."

Hearing the sound, Jin Shi closed his eyes and chuckled in the same way: "Huh, that's right. Unlike you who can do nothing with only one person, that person has already surpassed you by far, Yin Shi. "

Yin Shi sighed softly, then sat up and said, "That's right, it has surpassed us a long time ago. we can't even see his back."

"It's not just the gold that emits a dazzling color alone, nor the dull silver that dyes the surroundings with the same color," Kintoki murmured, "but it can make all colors remain colorless. This is what it is. ...The ultimate, the protagonist? It seems...I still need a long, long time to practice."

"Hey, I advise you to forget it." Yin Shi stood up while touching his messy hair, and complained in his mouth at the same time, "It's very, very difficult to be like that stupid. You need to know. …There used to be a guy who looked a lot like him but didn’t do that.

In fact, what you said is not wrong. I really can't do anything with me alone. Then, like me, there are defective products with various shortcomings on this street. Everyone makes up for and supports each other as a matter of course. Originally, I thought, if this is the case, I might be able to beat him by one. but…

It seems that I am still too optimistic to win at all. A variety of colors are also conditional if they want to keep their true colors, that is, a colorless background. I can't do it, and you can't do it. He should be the only one who can become that kind of thing in this world. so…

Don't change it either. In this colorless background, keep your true colors. Because there are not many such opportunities. Probably...that idiot thought so too. Finally, thank you, brother, let me feel that I can see the path he has chosen a little bit more clearly. "

After all, Yin Shi started slowly and walked towards the entrance, without forgetting to raise his hand and leave a sentence: "Sorry, there is a party waiting for me over there. Come here if you rest well. He... shouldn't mind."

In the evening, Yoshihara.

Jiang Cheng walking in the corridor, holding a wallet with only three hundred yuan coins left, was still muttering constantly, complaining about the culprits who emptied his wallet.

"Hey, dinner is ready." Yue Yong's voice suddenly came from the side.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng stopped and followed the sound and looked over, only to see Yue Yong leaning outside the restaurant door, holding the cigarette rod lightly with one hand around his chest and the other hand, with an indifferent expression.

Looking at Yue Yong on the side, Jiang Cheng looked at the only three hundred yuan left in his hand, raised the corner of his mouth gently and chuckled.

"I always feel a little familiar." Jiang Cheng said softly with emotion.

"Does it mean that a person enters Yoshihara's branch with three hundred yuan and prepares to eat the bridge section of free food?" Yue Yong said disdainfully as she glanced at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng put up an index finger and said with a smile: "No, just sighing, Yueyue, you are now more and more like the Baba..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng, who had several kunwu sticks stuck in his forehead, rolled his eyes and slowly fell down.


"Who is like Baba! You scumbag!" Yue Yong cursed with blue veins bursting in his eyes.

"Sister Yueyong—" Haruta's voice came from inside the house. He only heard him shouting like a complaint: "Brother Jiang Cheng hasn't come back yet? I'm already hungry. Why do you want to prepare such a welcome party for him? Normal things?"

"Welcome party?" Jiang Cheng, who got up, looked at Yue Yong with a puzzled look, and asked aloud: "What is that?"

"Nothing!" Yueyong replied instantly with a flushed face, and then opened the door of the restaurant and yelled at Harita, "Hey! Harita! What are you talking about?! There is no such thing at all. It's just an ordinary dinner!"

"That's right," the sun wheel in the wheelchair said with a smile, squinting, "it shouldn't be said to be a welcome party at all."

"Yes, that kind of thing doesn't exist at all!" Yue Yong nodded in agreement.

The sun set up an index finger and smiled and said, "No matter how you look at it, it looks like a banquet, like a banquet celebrating Jiang Chengsang's safe return."

"Not anymore!" Yue Yongbai argued vigorously, "There is no such thing! It's just an ordinary dinner!"

"Do you really need to welcome that kind of guy back?" Harita murmured silently, "I just went to Akihabara to buy games? Is that kind of guy really worth doing this kind of thing? I can't find any need for him at all. The reason for preparing this kind of thing."

"It's true." Looking at the shining dishes on the table, Hilina nodded lightly, "It always feels a little extravagant and wasteful. And... I feel that Yueyue is also something wrong."

"Everything is just an ordinary dinner!"

"Oh! Very hearty!" Jiang Cheng who came to the door looked at the Chinese food and wine on the table, and couldn't help exclaiming, "It looks delicious!"

"Have you finally come back?" Seeing Jiang Cheng who appeared at the door, Qing puffed her mouth and complained, "Hurry up, Brother Jiang Cheng, I'm already hungry."

"Ah, sorry, sorry." Jiang Cheng touched his head and smiled and apologized, then stepped into the house quickly.

When passing by Yueyong's side, Jiang Cheng casually said...

"I am back."

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong was taken aback for a moment, her eyes widened unconsciously, and her pupils trembled slightly.

"Huan, welcome back."

Yue Yong turned her face away, and tried to put away the unnaturalness on her face as much as possible, and then said softly after clearing her throat.

Seeing Yueyong's appearance, Sun Rin couldn't help but smiled, and then covered his face with a smile and complained: "Why does it feel like Jiang Chengsang really went out after a trip to the far door and just came back?"

"What Akihabara said... is not far away." Harita murmured silently.

"Didn't you say that you are hungry?" Yue Yong glanced at Qingta coldly.

(This article is over!)

(Xiaoyu's blind date, start!)

It starts with a Yamazaki inspection report...

Yamazaki’s inspection diary: [Monitoring the first week of life, there is no movement in the house of all things today. The vice-chief finally officially followed him after knowing that the owner of the House of All Things is the hero "White Yaksha" of the War against Barbarians. But even if he has done something, the current boss is just a foolish fool. ]

…(That day…)

"On the tenth day of the monitoring diary, there is no change in the house of all things today, and Miss Xiaoyu is still so pitiful. From that day on, she recovered and found that she could not do without her in advance. She was once so bored of surveillance. Work is now becoming unstoppable."

"On the twelfth day, today's everything is fine, and Miss Xiaoyu is still so beautiful. Ah~Miss Xiaoyu, I seem to have become a prosecutor only for you."

"On the fifteenth day, today's Miss Xiaoyu is also so beautiful. Ah, Miss Xiaoyu, I really want to capture your eyes~"

"On the 20th, ah~Miss Xiaoyu~Where did you come from and where are you going?"

"On the 25th, ah~Miss Xiaoyu~Why are you Miss Xiaoyu!"

"On the 30th, ah~ Xiaoyu... Dandan was knocked down..."

"On the thirty-fifth, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu Miss, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu, Miss Xiaoyu..."

Seeing this, Kondo screamed, threw out Yamazaki's inspection diary in his hand, and at the same time stepped back several meters in horror.

"Yeah!" Kondo pointed to the inspection diary that he had thrown on the tatami in horror, "What the **** is this?! What is that guy?! Not working at all! He was just monitoring Xiaoyu from the middle of the process. Miss and the egg [BEEP—]!"

At this time, Shisi, who was smoking a cigarette and always dark, picked up the monitoring diary on the ground, and a green vein violently violently broke out at the temple location and said: "Kondo-san, let's stop being the police. How about a stalker training class?"

Suddenly, Kondo got upset, climbed over and patted the tatami, and argued angrily to Shisi who was sitting on the ground: "Hey! Don't confuse me with him! I won't have such a neurotic stalker, OK? !"

With that said, Kondo patted the tatami vigorously again, perhaps to emphasize that he is different from Yamazaki.

After putting down the inspection diary in his hand, the fourteenth sighed and then proposed: "This will not work at all. It is better to issue a love prohibition order to restrain the team members."

Kondo patted the tatami again, but this time he was expressing his dissatisfaction: "Why do I want to destroy my road of love?!"

"Then you come to think of a way." Fourteen casually threw the monitoring diary in front of Kondo, and then slowly left without waiting for Kondo to retort, and at the same time slowly continued, "If you are both a stalker, it must be possible. Understand each other."

"Wait...wait a minute! Fourteen!" Kondo quickly raised his hand to stop, "Are you asking me to hinder that guy's love?! No! I can't do it! I must be black magic! Saki will definitely do black magic on me! Hey! Fourteen!"

Kondo chased in the direction of Fourteen.

Just when Kondo had just left the room, Sougo, who opened the sliding door and walked in, looked at the monitoring diary on the ground that exuded a dark and uncertain atmosphere. After a few seconds, he showed a black-bellied smile. There was a "hey" sound.

Downstairs of the House of Everything, Dengshi small shop.

The voice of Granny Dengshi sounded from the room: "Xiaoyu, go and light up the light box."

"Hi." After responding, Xiaoyu opened the sliding door and walked out, squatting down to light up the light box at the door.

Of course, what Xiaoyu didn't know was that Yamazaki was hiding behind a telephone pole just a few meters away, peeking out his head secretly, watching him secretly with a shy face.

[What am I doing? Yamazaki stared at Xiaoyu closely, while still complaining about himself in his heart, [I want to talk to you, I want to say to you, "What you said that day gave me a lot of encouragement." But...what should I do when I finish talking? I don't know her at all. Can not! How can you still be willing to be a bystander at this point? ! 】

At this moment, Zongwu, who was dressed in casual clothes, suddenly appeared behind Xiaoyu who was just about to enter the house.

Seeing Zou Wu who appeared behind her, Xiaoyu quickly turned around and said: "Ah, welcome."

Seeing Sougo who suddenly appeared, Yamazaki was also surprised.

"Is the boss here?" Sougo asked, raising his hand.

"Sir Jiang Cheng said that he was going to play a newly bought game so there was no time." Xiaoyu replied, "Sir Yin Shi's words have come."

[Captain Okita? Why is it here? ] Yamazaki was puzzled, [Boss...Is the boss here to meet? And I seem to have an appointment with Yoshihara’s boss, but Yoshihara’s boss doesn’t seem to come...]

At this moment, Sougo, who was about to step into the store following Xiaoyu's guidance, suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of Yamazaki.

Looking at Zong Wu's calm and calm appearance, Yamazaki suddenly noticed something. UU read www.uukanshu. The cold sweat on Com's face oozes drop by drop.

Facts proved that Yamazaki's sixth sense was correct, because the next moment, Yamazaki saw Sougo's eyes squeezing at him and his thumbs up.

Looking at Sougo's "so funny! Leave it to me!" expression on his face, Yamazaki's whole body is not good.

[Be...discovered! Discovered by the worst demon in the world! 】

"You can sit on my big boat with confidence." After saying this, Sougo stepped into the door of the Dengshi shop.


Looking at the sliding door that Sou Gou took after entering, Yamazaki thought in horror: [Wait! What do you want to do! I have never seen the bloodshot flying eyes! Talking about a big ship, it's simply boarding a boat made of paper! 】

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