May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 659: : Life is like a lottery!

On the streets of Kabukicho.

"Hey, you are really a little weird today." Jiang Cheng said to Yue Yong who was on the side as he walked. "The reaction to the cigarette shop just now was super strange."

Yue Yong was surprised when he heard the sound, but he still pretended to be the usual cold attitude and said, "No, it’s nothing strange, I just don’t want to waste time in that kind of place. You are not saying that there are important things to do. ?"

"Hey?" Jiang Cheng said in a puzzled voice, pointing to himself, "Have I ever said something that is very important? It's strange, why don't I remember that I said that kind of thing?"

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was holding his chin, frowning and lowering his head, thinking about whether he had said that before, Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng faintly, cleared his throat and said again: "No doubt, after all, you are a company. A idiot who doesn’t remember everything after breakfast, so it’s normal not to remember to say that."

"So that's it!" Jiang Chengduan tapped his hand with his fist, but then he suddenly reacted and said unhappy: "Who is an idiot! You stinky woman!"

Yue Yong, who hadn't pierced Kuwu on Jiang Cheng's head after hearing such words as usual, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: [It looks like it should have been fooled. 】

But at this moment, Jiang Cheng only continued to say with some emotion: "But then again, someone really got 300 million won, really an enviable guy~"

"I've said that don't think about that unrealistic thing anymore," Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng and reminded faintly, "The probability of winning the lottery is the same as that of twins born by accident, who have grown into shemales by accident. Same! Simply put, it's accidental astronomical probability!"

"Hmm..." Jiang Cheng raised his face and thought for a moment, then lowered his head and said with a smile, "Yueyue, you really have the potential to become a good mother."

"Hey?" Yue Yong was stunned for a moment, and then blushed incoherently, "What the **** are you talking about! What are you talking about now?! Are you deliberately making fun of me?! asshole!"

"No, no no," Jiang Cheng waved his hand quickly, smiled lightly and replied, "I just think you just don't look like a mother who is educating her children well?"

"Yes... Is it?"

"It's almost auspicious!" Jiang Cheng held his hands and nodded seriously, and then his pace was a bit quicker, "I'll be here soon, hurry up, Yueyue!"

After following Jiang Cheng's footsteps, Yue Yong asked, "But then again, where are you going?"

"Where is it?" Jiang Cheng showed a look of doubt, "I didn't say it just now? Of course it is Akihabara."

"That's it."

"But there is still a place to go before that."

"Where?" Yue Yong asked hurriedly, her expression a little anxious.

"You are really very wrong today..." After silently vomiting, Jiang Cheng stopped, then raised his head to look at the sign of the building in front of him-"Shijing Bank", and naturally continued: " Where else can it be? Of course it's the bank."

Looking at the bank in front of him, Yueyong half-opened her mouth and was silent...

Looking at Yue Yong's frozen expression, Jiang Cheng said suspiciously, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Hey-cheer up, what's going on here?"

Yue Yong returned to his senses, ignoring Jiang Cheng who was still chattering around, and thought in his heart: [This guy...could it be! Do you already know it? ! Is everything I did today to let me take the lottery ticket with him to such a place? ! 】

"Yueyue, you are really weird today." Jiang Cheng hugged his chest with one hand and murmured while pinching his chin in the other hand, "Is that the time yet?"

As soon as the voice fell, two kunai Jiang Cheng stuck on one side of his head, spraying blood and falling straight down.

"This...this is much more normal..." Jiang Cheng, who fell on the ground, murmured.

"You..." Yue Yong, with cold sweat on his face for some reason, asked Xiang Jiangcheng with a solemn expression, "Why... come to the bank."

"What and why?" Jiang Cheng pulled out Kuwu from his forehead, struggling to get up, and replied naturally, "Of course he came to withdraw money."

[Does this guy really know? ! ] Yueyong's face changed drastically, [Sure enough, you knew it from the beginning? ! Did you deliberately lure me to such a place? ! Careless! Sure enough, this man knew everything! 】

Seeing Yue Yong with a bad expression, Jiang Cheng said again: "Your expression is very bad. Isn't that what happened?"

"You, what did you want to withdraw when you came to the bank?" Yue Yong wanted to struggle for a while, and asked calmly, "I don't remember that you guy has the habit of saving money."

"Hey, you have to underestimate people's limits," Jiang Cheng said dissatisfied, and then reached out and took out a passbook from his cuff. "Even people like me can save money. You have to know if this In the era, new games and consoles are basically on sale every day! If you don’t save money, how can you keep up with the trend of the times?!"

"Are you saving money just to buy that kind of boring thing?!" Yue Yongbai frantically complained, but he was relieved in his heart, [Great, I thought he already knew it. But now it seems that he really forgot about the lottery. 】

"I'm going in," Jiang Cheng said with his sleeves in his sleeves, and walked towards the bank gate, "It doesn't matter if you don't come in, Yueyue, I'll be fine right away."

"No, I will go in too." Yue Yong put away the pipe and naturally followed Jiang Cheng's footsteps.

[Unexpectedly, he still hides this kind of thing, just in case, let's see how much money he has saved. 】

Yue Yong thought so in her heart.

"It's up to you." Jiang Cheng shrugged and looked indifferent, then raised his leg and walked into the automatic bank door that opened automatically.

Upon seeing this, Yue Yong also pretended not to notice and followed.

But... Jiang Sung and Yueyong, who stepped into the bank gate almost at the same time, stopped at the same time...

If you want to ask the reason, it may be because of the masked Moxis who surrounded the two with guns...

Outside Sijing Bank, Yin Shi was standing side by side with Shisi in casual clothes, walking towards the bank's gate while arguing.

"...I didn't win the prize, I didn't win the prize!" Fourteen retorted bravely as he walked, "How could I have won the prize! What basis do you have for saying that I won the prize?"

"I didn't mention a word about winning or something. Did you win?"

Fourteen retorted with a little excitement: "I said that I missed it! Go back to me quickly! Forget it!"

"How much? Huh? How much did you win?"

Fourteen, who stepped into the gate of the bank without seeing it, replied impatiently: "Ahhhhh, I know I know, I'll ask you to eat chocolate parfait. You can eat as much as you want. Please go back. Bar."

At this moment, Shisi and Yinshi heard the sound of bullets being loaded and... the voice of a somewhat mad man.

"Raise your hand."

Hearing the sound, Fourteen and Yinshi stopped at the same time and followed the sound and looked over.

"I told you to raise your hands!" Sitting on the counter, covering his face, Moxican reminded him again, like the leader carrying a rifle.

But... for some reason, Fourteen completely ignored the moxican heads that were all rushing towards him with pistols in their hands, and walked towards the bank counter on his own.

As he walked, Fourteen said to himself: "Yes, I'm tired of hallucinations or something. Get out of the way and don't get in the way, you **** Moxican."

At this moment, Yin Shi, who had already raised his hand behind him, kindly reminded him in a low voice, "Mother Earthman, Mr. Earthman, they are the real Moxican."

At the same time, feeling the incomparable metal texture of the pistol on his forehead, fourteen... the whole face was completely black.

But this is not over yet, because the next second, Fourteen heard the voice of a nasty guy who never wanted to meet at this time...

"Yinshi~Liu Haijun~" Jiang Cheng, who was sitting in a crowd of hostages, waved to the two of them and shouted with a smile, "Look at here and here. And that, big brother over there, sorry, these two people. It’s my acquaintance, so it’s okay to shoot directly."

"It doesn't matter how big you are!" Yin Shi gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly.

[Why is this guy here! ] Fourteen thought bitterly in my heart, [One natural volume is enough! Why add this unpleasant ponytail man! 】

"Keep quiet for me!" Moxigan, who was holding a rifle as a hostage guard, gave a serious reminder to Jiang Cheng.

"Sorry, sorry, but suddenly I was a little excited to see an acquaintance." Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the lap of two bank clerk girls, waved his hand and smiled apologized, "You continue."

After a long silence, this Moxigan pointed to Jiang Cheng and asked his other Moxigan accomplice: "Why do I think this guy has won in this situation?"

In the bank with the door closed, some people squatted on the ground with their heads shivering, some people were praying silently in their hearts, some people dug their nostrils with their little thumbs and stared at a dead fish-eyed face, it didn't matter, some people lowered their heads and their expressions were all in their minds. Lottery on the body.

There are also people who are being pressed tightly in the middle by two bank clerk ladies, while being rubbed by the two young ladies while enjoying the massage of the two young ladies, and some are forcibly resisting wanting to make this unintentional The impulse of the man who was enjoying the massage by the young lady pulsing to death.

"Hey, can you tell me one?" After Yin Shi flicked the booger on his little finger, he asked Jiang Cheng who looked extremely comfortable on the side, "The D+ on the left and the E on the right are both fine."

"Don't ~ I want Jiang Cheng sama~" The two staff girls refused at the same time, and at the same time they picked up Jiang Cheng's arms and spoiled them wantonly.

At this moment, two blue veins burst on Di Yueyong's forehead sitting behind Jiang Cheng.

"Don't be too smug! Stinky woman!" Yin Shibai yelled quietly, with blue veins bursting in his eyes, "Also say to me, "Don't ~ I want silver time sama~" or something! Give it a try! You two should give it a try! "

"I'm really sorry, Yin Shi," Jiang Cheng said with a smile, and then looked down at the two bank clerk girls who looked like and had a body, "Chunzi and Reiko don't like you."

"I hate it~ Jiang Cheng sama~" The young lady on the right scolded with a smile, "I said that they are called Chiba, so I can call them Xiaoqian~"

Yueyong's forehead was filled with a blue vein. UU reading

The young lady on the left coquettishly said: "Jiang Cheng Sama is so true. They all said that they are called Yui, and it is just fine to call them Yui-chan~"

Yueyong's face burst into blue veins.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm a little bad at remembering names." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and said quietly in their ears, "The only thing I'm good at memorizing is my body~"

In an instant, the two women blushed and exclaimed: "Ah~! Jiang Cheng sama is good!"

Of course, to say so, the two young ladies still have no intention of letting go.

"So, after work today, do you want to stay with me..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt something on his waist.

Looking down at Kuwu who was stuck on his waist, after a long silence, Jiang Chengcai pointed at Yue Yong behind him, looked at Yin Shi, and said blankly: "Although these two disagree, there is another one here. , Or choose this one, Silver Time."

"No, I am not a person who pursues excitement. This feeling of being on the line of life and death every day is a bit too exciting for me."

"Shut up all of you!" At this moment, the leader of Moxican finally said, "If one more person makes a suspicious move, you will be treated as a hornet's nest!"

"Big brother, does that person count?" A certain younger brother pointed to Jiang Cheng who was still surrounded by two younger sisters and asked, "I feel like I've been doing suspicious behavior from the very beginning. And... I don't know why, I always have It feels like a big fire."

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