May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 661: : The initial conditions are very important! Don't forget!

"No, nothing." Jiang Cheng finally dispelled the idea, without eyes but still pretending to glance at Yue Yong from time to time.

Seeing Jiang Chengshi's small eyes that glanced at his chest inadvertently, although Yue Yong's expression remained unchanged, her whole desires gradually became tense.

[This man... Sure enough, he still suspects that I won his lottery ticket. ] Yueyong was nervous, [Still observing me from time to time, could it be said... Is this also a temptation? Test whether I really got his lottery ticket. correct! It must be so! He was almost fooled by him!

What should I do? Tell him the truth and give him the lottery ticket or continue to hide it? No, it's not right! Why should I struggle with this kind of thing? Could it be that...I can't bear him? No, it's not right! It's not like that! What is it about such a man? Not at all! Yo West! Decided! 】

In the end, Yue Yong made a decision silently in his heart.

[...After that, find a place where no one is going to burn the lottery ticket without knowing it. 】

In Akihabara, Jiang Cheng Yu Yueyong, who had just got off the elevator, was warmly welcomed by a long-haired man who claimed to be the host.

"Ahahaha!" Gui, standing in front of a crowd of people with great ambitions, put on his sleeves, looked at Jiang Cheng in front of him and laughed loudly, "Have you finally figured it out? Are you finally coming to me? Ahahaha! Welcome to my place, Jiang Chengjun!"

"What are you doing? Wig?" Jiang Cheng vomited speechlessly.

"It's not a wig, it's Gui!" Gui sternly corrected, and then clapped his hands. "Everyone! Now is the time to show our returning trump card the welcome ceremony we rehearsed for more than three months! Elizabeth!"

Before he finished speaking, Gui suddenly realized that Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong, who were still in front of him just now, had disappeared.

"Oh~NO!" Gui Bao cried out with a headache, "I only played once!"

Jiang Cheng, who was walking slowly towards a certain shop, muttered disdainfully: "Really, what is that idiot doing every day? What's wrong with you Yueyue? I feel a bit expressiony since the beginning. Stiff."

"No." Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng coldly, "It's exactly the same as usual."

"Now it's exactly the same as usual."

Upon hearing the sound, Yue Yong breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

At this time, Jiang Cheng suddenly found the designated store for the game console he had been waiting for for a long time.

"Yes!" Jiang Cheng cheered, and then walked towards the shop in a stride, and waved his hand without looking back, "Yueyue, you can go shopping or something, see you later!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng who was full of excitement and couldn't wait to reenter the store, Yue Yong suddenly thought of something.

[This is... an opportunity! Yueyong thought, [If you take advantage of this opportunity to dispose of the lottery ticket...]

Just do it, Yue Yong turned around and reached out to fumble out the lottery ticket that had been hidden in his chest, and at the same time took out the lighter that had been used to light the cigarette.

But before Yue Yong ignited the lottery ticket, Jiang Cheng's helpless voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Go away, Yueyue."

Yue Yong, who was shocked, subconsciously put the lottery ticket into his cuff in a panic.

Looking at Yue Yong, who was obviously panicked or frightened, Jiang Cheng said in a puzzled manner: "Hey, are you really okay? Why are you panicked? By the way, you are not ordinary strange today."

"No." Yue Yong pretended to take out the pipe calmly and put it to his mouth.

Jiang Cheng pointed to the pipe in Yue Yong's hand and said, "No, your pipe is upside down. Are you really okay?"

"It's all right after all!" Yue Yongbai retorted loudly, "Why do I have to ask the same question so many times?! It's annoying!"

"Sorry, sorry," Jiang Cheng said with a wave of his hand, then smiled and said, "I'm just a little worried about you."

"Hey?" Yue Yong was stunned for a moment, his cheeks flushed unnaturally, and his mouth murmured: "You you worried about me?"

"But it seems there should be no problem. It is Yueyue after all." Jiang Cheng chuckled lightly, then turned and left, "Sa, well, go back, Yueyue."

"Wait..." Yue Yong, who was about to say something, suddenly discovered something.

"Ahem," Yue Yong who followed Jiang Cheng silently, cleared his throat and asked casually, "Then what, where is the game console you want to buy?"

"The money is a little bit insufficient..." Jiang Cheng touched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly, and then showed a somewhat complicated expression on his face, "No way, although it's a pity, it's really better to forget it."

Capturing the loss that flashed in Jiang Cheng's eyes, Yue Yong suddenly felt a sense of guilt in her heart, and silently lowered her head in silence.

[Am I really doing this right? ] Yueyong couldn't help but have such doubts, [Although it is such a scum, but just now he...he said he would worry about me, but I was so selfish...]

"Although the next release time is uncertain, we can only wait until the next time." Jiang Cheng smiled indifferently and continued, "Forget it this time."

Yueyong... she stopped.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's back, who was filled with depression but pretended to be indifferent, Yue Yong was a little confused.

After realizing that Yue Yong was missing, Jiang Cheng stopped and turned around. He turned to Yue Yong, who was silent with his head down not far behind, and said again: "What are you doing? Go back, Yueyue. "

After a difficult and long psychological struggle, Yue Yong raised his head and stretched his hand to the cuff, and said: "Wait a minute, there is your winning color..."

Before finishing talking, Yue Yong was stunned for a while, because at this time Yue Yong suddenly discovered that the lottery ticket that she had hidden in her sleeve had... disappeared!

"Huh? What are you talking about? What did you win the prize?" Jiang Cheng looked puzzled.

"It was clearly placed here just now..." Yue Yong began to explore her body.

"Hey, what are you doing on the street?" Jiang Cheng hurriedly stepped forward and opened his umbrella to protect Yue Yong, "Also pay a little attention to the occasion."

"No, no, my..." Yue Yong panicked. "It was clearly on her body, it was just clearly..."

"Did you lose something important?" Jiang Cheng asked, "Need help?"

[What the **** is going on! Why did you lose it at this point! Yue Yong clenched his fist and couldn't bear to say, [Obviously it's just a little bit short! 】

"It's very inconspicuous. Even if you lose it, it's very indifferent." Yue Yong raised her head and raised an index finger naturally panicking.

"In that case, let's go back." Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled gently.

[It seems that this man really doesn't know at all. ] Yueyong thought in her heart, [If this is the case...]

Thinking about it, Yueyong naturally followed Jiang Cheng, and at the same time he thought in his heart: [Then I will treat it as if nothing happened! All the lottery and the like have not happened! That's right! That's it! Then there will be no problems! 】

"That's weird!" Yue Yong stopped and kicked to the side of the trash can, "This kind of guilt can't be eliminated at all! It's just like hiding your ears and stealing a bell!"

After walking away the passers-by who was scared by Yue Yong, Jiang Cheng asked again with concern: "Are you really all right? What's wrong?"

"I..." Looking at Jiang Cheng's stupid but worried face, Yue Yong felt even more guilty.

Seeing Yue Yongyu's tangled face, Jiang Cheng sighed softly, then reached out and pulled the corner of Yue Yong's cuffs and turned around and walked away slowly.

"Anyway, go back first."

Looking at him, Jiang Cheng pretended not to care but glanced at the shop behind him from time to time. Driven by a sense of guilt, Yue Yong finally spoke up.

"Then what..." Yue Yong stopped, pretending to be relaxed, "Is that game console only available today?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Jiang Cheng asked suspiciously.

"Then what...I can...then it for you."

"Really?!" Jiang Cheng was surprised and asked with joy, "Is it really possible?!"

"Uh, it's only for today." Yueyong replied with a humming away from his face.

"Thank you! Yueyue!" Jiang Cheng cheered directly.

Holding a game console and several new games, Jiang Cheng walked on the way back to Yoshihara with joy.

Seeing Jiang Cheng with only a happy expression on his face, Yue Yong breathed a sigh of relief or said that his guilt was alleviated a bit.

[Although I ran out of deposits, but this way...]

"Not only did I buy a game console for me, but I also bought so many games. Yueyue, you are so handsome today!" Jiang Cheng praised.

"You... as long as you are happy."

In the middle of the night, Jiang Cheng's room.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking at the game console in front of him and several new games on the side, Jiang Cheng looked at the corners of his mouth unmovingly, and then took out the lottery ticket...that he had forged in the morning.

"Everything is as expected..."

"A fake lottery ticket, plus my superb acting skills, in exchange for..." Jiang Cheng looked at the game consoles and games in front of him, and said to himself: "But I'm really good at speaking of it. , The acting is so good that I can praise myself~

But I was really sweating. It was a cut-off. I didn’t expect someone to win a prize in that cigarette shop. If there is no such thing as a lie, there will be no way to get rid of it~

And at the last moment, Yueyue also revealed a flaw. UU Reading asked me to reluctantly get the lottery ticket back. If I continue to put it on my chest, it is really not easy to get it back.

And the guilty feeling on the last Yueyue face... stains, I almost felt guilty when I saw that expression, hahaha and laughed, how could I have such a thing? "

With that said, Jiang Cheng took out a small notebook from his arms and opened it, picked up a pen and marked Yueyong’s name in the long list under the "Harem Chapter-Revenge List". go.

"Who's turn next time?" Jiang Cheng folded his hands and looked at the long list of names on his lap, "Sure enough, it's the sun wheel..."

What Jiang Cheng would not know was that in a room where the lights were not turned on, two women were watching their every move through the monitor.

"Huh-" Yueyong breathed out a cigarette lightly, and then said to the sun wheel who was sitting on the wheelchair, "Next time it's your turn, pay attention, sun wheel."

"Attention? Aren't you expecting it?" Sun Run asked with a smile, "Today, it is really interesting to watch Yueyue and Jiang Chengsang acting for a day, and I am looking forward to it. But then again, Yueyue, you unexpectedly Even the monologue in my heart is so natural, I was a little surprised."

"No, nothing. It's just occasionally idle enough to play with him seriously." Yue Yong took a cigarette again and looked down at Jiang Cheng on the monitor screen, revealing the same dark expression of Ye Shenyue. …

"Everything is as expected..."

(Lottery article, over!)

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