May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 662: : Sexual transfer (1)


With his pinky finger in his ear, Jiang Cheng was walking bored along the streets of Kabukicho when he was suddenly attracted by the panicking sound of passers-by.

Jiang Cheng stopped and glanced casually at the panic expressions of the surrounding passers-by, then followed the sights of all passers-by and looked up.

After seeing the huge purple ball of light slowly descending in the sky, Jiang Cheng took out his little finger and blew it, while curling the corner of his mouth and whispering, "What are you doing in the daytime? Whose fireworks failed to launch? Are you there? Really, if you want to play something like this, let me wait till night."

With that, Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and pulled out the umbrella around his waist and held it up, and his expression became indifferent at the same time.

However, something that Jiang Cheng did not expect was that the fireworks that failed to launch did not seem to fall...

Accompanied by a loud bang, which is not too loud, was a sudden burst of very dazzling purple light, which seemed to...not harm the human body, nor did it cause any damage to the ground buildings.

"What the **** is it..." Jiang Cheng put away the umbrella and muttered, "Well, forget it, no matter what, let's go back quickly. Thirty minutes of walking is enough, and it will continue for the next month. There is nothing wrong with staying in the room."

After all, Jiang Cheng dragged a large section of the kimono on the ground, as if nothing happened, started again and walked slowly towards Yoshihara.

However, after only a few steps, Jiang Cheng was suddenly attracted by a man on the side of the road with his forehead hitting the roadside shop window with a pony tail.


Seeing the man who smashed the glass window into pieces and was smashed with blood on his forehead, Jiang Cheng stepped forward and raised his arm to pat the man on the shoulder.

But... something that surprised Jiang Cheng happened, because even if he stood on tiptoe, Jiang Cheng's hand could only touch the opponent's back at best.

[The kid’s nutrition is too good now, right? Jiang Cheng murmured silently in his heart, and then simply patted the front ponytail on the back.

At the same time, the other hand stretched out from the side patted one of the shoulders of the little ponytail.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing? You will get hurt." Jiang Cheng and the person who patted the shoulder asked at the same time.

Hearing the sound, the little brother Mawei—that is, Jiubei Yanagyu with an unfamiliar stick on his body, Jubei Yanagyu for short, turned around with white eyes and knocked out the hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not a little brother! I am..." Before Jiu Bing finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that his hand seemed to touch something soft.

After seeing where his hand touched, Jiubing quickly removed his hand and apologized to the woman in front of him: "Hug, sorry!"

Between the two of them, Jiang Cheng, who looked up at the two mountains, thought in his heart: "It's a good surprise, but after all, it's not only a kid now, but even a girl's nutrition is also good. This woman is a volleyball player. The team? 】

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Just patted the woman on the shoulder of Jiu Bingbei—that is, after the gender reversal, when there is something missing and some silver on her body, collectively referred to as Yin...No, Yin Zi wondered." Didn't you touch the man's chest?"

Jubei was a little surprised: "But what was the flexibility just now, and by the way, it seems that I heard the voices of two people just now."

"Huh? Resilient? Two people?" Yinzi showed a weird expression, and at the same time stretched out his hand to touch his chest and looked down, "Strange, what is this?"

Two seconds later, Yinzi and Shibingwei thought of something at the same time, and half of their faces twitched in the same way, and they looked at each other in a cold sweat.

"Although the height is indeed a bit taller," Jiang Cheng said with a chuckle at this time, "but it is indeed a good pair of oppas."

Hearing the sound, Jubei and Yinzi looked down at the same time. They saw the orange-red hair and unsuitable kimono who was standing between the two, trailing behind them, with Tsundere loli standard double ponytails and two. After her pointed tiger teeth and the little loli who was holding an oil-paper umbrella that might be taller than her own height, she became expressionless at the same time.

(PS: Jiang Chengxing turns to voice actress change, Kamiya Hiroshi → Omikawa Chiaki (Poonki))

At the same time, Jiang Cheng also noticed something wrong in the familiar attire of the two in front of him. As the corners of the mouth and eyes on half of his face began to twitch again, the cold sweat on his face also came out drop by drop.

"Huh—?!" ×3

In the House of All Things, Jubei, with a subtle expression, glanced at the silver coming out of the toilet, and asked tentatively, "How's it going?"

Yinzi turned around, the excitement of the nosebleed could not be stopped, and the expression on his face was a little too excited to add.

"It's been a long time since I saw it."

"Is this the key?!" Shibingwei grumbled with blank eyes, and then looked to Jiang Cheng, who had already torn off most of the kimono to make it fit barely, and asked, "Then what, don't you check A moment?"

"Forget it..." Jiang Cheng murmured irresponsibly, holding his forehead, "I feel like I have committed an unforgivable sin if I go to check. PTA or something, moral review. What, the basics of being a person, the law... To be honest, I am a little confused about these boundaries now."

"Why did it happen like this?" Yinzi asked, with some uncertainty, "Say you are Jiu Bingwei and Jiang Cheng... right?"

"Call me Shihbei now." Shihbei replied, and then asked with some uncertainty, "Can I call you Miss Yinzi?"

"No, now I am Yin..."

Before Yin Shi finished speaking, Jiang Cheng on the side lifted his foot and kicked **** his ass.

"Really, it's all because you usually talk too much about your meaty jokes." Jiang Cheng held up his hand and showed disdain (Tsundere), "That's why I become a woman now, huh!"

Yin Shi, who was struggling to get up, looked at Jiang Cheng, who was holding his hand and looked arrogant, and silently said, "You might be suitable for this kind of role by accident."

"Kill you." Jiang Cheng glanced at Yin Shi coldly and reminded him.

"Huh?! What did you say?!" Yin Zi was upset in an instant.

"Well, calm down," Shibingwei hurriedly came to be a peacemaker between the two, then turned to Jiang Cheng and continued, "Anyway, can I call you Jiangzi (KOUKO) now?"

"Huh..." Jiang Cheng nodded after thinking for a moment, "How much is the record sales? Tens of millions? Reluctantly."

"No, I'm not talking about that..." Shihbei corrected, and then showed some helplessness, "No, isn't it when you are talking about those things, you should have seen it too? That light. I guess that is the reason. NS."

"Don't... don't talk," Yinzi looked unwilling to believe, "Could it be that all the people who were illuminated by the light have been reversed? Do you mean that something like this is happening in Kabukicho now?"

"It's a pity, that's it." Shibingwei shook his head and returned slowly.

"That is to say, right?" Yinzi closed his eyes, and continued on his own self.

"Why did it change like that?!" Shibingwei complained.

"But what?" Yin Zi opened his eyes, propped his chin and analyzed to himself, "Dreams generally can't be done to the end. Every time it's halfway through, it starts to drag and cannot reach the end."

"Where is the sad man," Jiang Zi snorted, "I can only pursue that kind of thing in my dream."

"No, it's not a dream, it's a real reality." Shibingwei corrected it.

At this moment, Kagura's exclamation suddenly appeared in the room.

"Ah! Silver sauce!"

"Kagura!" Jiang Zi was startled, and rushed over quickly, "What's wrong?! Have you been recruited too? Kagura!"

At the same time, Yin Zi and Shibingwei also followed Jiang Cheng into the house.

"Uncle! HELP!" Kagura, who was still wearing a purple-pink pajamas, instantly rushed to Jiang Cheng and knelt on the ground and took Jiang Zi's neck, "! That one! Look at that one, right there Alu !"

Looking at the little cockroaches running around on the ground that Kagura was pointing at, Yinzi was relieved.

"What? It's just a cockroach. Don't be scary. UU Reading"

"Yeah, Kagura-chan," Jiang Zi nodded, "That kind of thing is the same as Yin Shi's foot odor, just get used to it."

"Ah, it's so disgusting!" Kagura looked up at this moment, revealing a rough face.

"Who are you?!" Jiang Cheng pushed away such a Kagura and shouted.

"Compared with cockroaches, you look disgusting..." Yin Shi vomited mercilessly. "Look at your face before you dislike cockroaches!"

At this time, Kagura watched the three people in front of him suddenly agreed, and said, "Sure enough, Yinchan, your gender has also been reversed, Aru."

"You're not at the level of gender reversal anymore, right!" Silver fingers Kagura, bursting with blue veins and frantically spitting out, "the original appearance is gone! Hey! What's wrong with the scars on the eyes?!"

"I just woke up from a nap and went to the toilet." Kagura explained to himself, "and then found a strange thing dangling between his legs."

As he said, Kagura smiled and said, "But there is no need to worry about Aru, I have already taken it off."

"What did you take off?" Yinzi vomited again.

"The blood of father, mother and mother must not be discarded!"

"What kind of Xiahou Dun?" After spitting out, Yinzi suddenly thought of something, "No, will you eat it next time? Will it be eaten? And let's talk about it. It won’t solve the problem if TAMA is taken off! Your face is no different from TAMA!"

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