May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 664: : Hmph~~Da!

Shibingbei said with his arms akimbo very manly: "Just call us Miss Yinzi, Jiang Zijiang, and Shibingbei."

"Even if you tell me this kind of thing, I can't believe it," Xin Pachi said reluctantly, and then looked at Kagurato who was still riding on the back of Chitu Ma Chun. "I can't believe this at all. It’s Kagura."

Jiang Zi only reacted at this time, pointing to himself, raising his face and saying, "Hey, is there something wrong? Why am I Jiang? Why is it just Jiang?"

"I'm not Kagura!" Kagura Dun's expression was serious and fierce, "Call me Kagura Dun! Kid!"

"Listen to me!" Jiang Zi yelled angrily with a blank eye, didn't work at all.

Because of his height, Jiang Zi did not enter the lens at all, and there was only a slogan "Jiang Cheng♀↓" in the lens.

"What is Kagura Dun? He has completely changed into another character!" Ignored Jiang Zi's new eight haunts crazy complaints.

"Hey! There is no camera at all!" Jiang Zi spit out loudly, "There is only the slogan in the camera! Give me a lower camera position! Why is my slogan still there? On purpose?! Yes. On purpose?!"

"Calm down, Jiang Cheng." Yinzi looked at Jiang Zi...with the slogan in the air above her and exclaimed comfortingly, "It's too ugly to be entangled like this."

"Look at me and say it!" Jiang Zi shouted again, "Want to be slaughtered by me?! Asshole natural roll?!"

Yin Zi held up his hands and chuckled, "I'm sorry, Jiang Cheng, now, my top is not rolled anymore."

"What does it mean that the top is no longer rolled?" Xin Ba Hao spit out contemptuously, "Don't cause readers to imagine that bad picture in the morning! By the way, Jiang, Jiang Zijiang..."

As he said, Xin Ba Ha squatted on his knees and looked at Jiang Zi and smiled, "Now you are a very rare character in this work! You will definitely not lose to the ordinary **** like Yinsang. of!"

"Wait, what is an ordinary bitch?" The silver who caught a certain keyword asked aloud.

Ignoring the silver, Jiang Zi looked at the new Bajiao in front of him blankly and vomited: "Could you not stare at me so straight? Disgusting, stinky glasses."

"Who are the stinky glasses?!" The blue veins burst on Xin Ba Haw's face, "Say I was talking for you just now!"

"Then change to stinky virgin glasses, stinky virgin glasses, and go to hell."

"There is a difference at all! In other words, it is added to die? Hey! Give me more than enough!"

As soon as the voice of the new eight chirps fell, a burst of snowflakes flashed across the large screen on the building that was originally used for advertising and news.

After the babble of snowflakes, a woman wearing a black blindfold with strange male and female symbols, sky blue lipstick, and a religious costume appeared on the screen.

Behind this woman, there are several women with the same attire only in different colors, who look like congregations.

"That...that is..." Xin Ba Haw murmured.

"Everyone on Earth, have you received a gift from the gods?" The woman on the screen said.

Shibei insisted at this moment: "That's the guy!"

"Everything that is happening to you now is undoubtedly reality. It is a trial given to you by the gods. You have always looked down on your own gender, fearing pain, and fled to animations and games. Arrogant women who exclude men equally.

The concave-convex **** was very sad and very angry. Since you are so dissatisfied with your inherent gender, then let your gender reverse, have a brand new gender and live a life.

If you people on earth take the religion of the concave-convex **** as the state religion and know how to live a good life according to your current gender, the gods will forgive everything and change you back to the way you were.

But if you insist on disobeying the teachings of the gods, then it's not just Kabukicho this time...the light of punishment will be scattered on every corner of this planet. Don't forget, we have been watching you all the time. Hehehehahahaha..."

Looking at the big screen that once again turned into snowflakes and gradually blacked out, the crowd began to riot a little bit.

"Hey, hey, don't be kidding." Yinzi gently hooked the corner of his mouth, as if talking to himself, then said: "Bumpy God? Can't be changed back to the original without acting feminine? A ghost believes in you."

next moment…

A pair of female high school students dressed up like a female high school student just after school, showing an extremely refreshing expression, turning her head to Shin Baji and the slogan "Jiang Cheng ♀ ↓" on the shoulders of Shin Ba Ji, and suggested. : "Compared to this, Bae, and Jiang, let's go to the game hall to take photo stickers together~"

An oversized red # character appeared on the back of his head, Xin Ba Hao struggling to complain: "Aren't you completely convinced?! Where are you high school girls from?!"

Holding a cute little pink mirror of silver, while arranging his hair, he casually replied: "Don't think about it, Yae, you can't find a male ticket because of being so rigid~"

"I don't need a boyfriend! I'm not called Bahui either!"

"Calm down, New Eight." Jiang Zi held up his hand at this time, closed his eyes and said slowly, "This is human nature. When humans face unexpected situations that they can't understand, they will involuntarily believe and follow. The first guy to make a sound."

Looking at Jiang Zi next to him, Xin Ba Hao couldn't help but suggested: "Then what, Jiang Chengsang, would you like to find a higher place? I always feel that the rare part B is a bit pitiful if you can't see your face."

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng took a sigh of relief, and then whispered to himself bitterly: "I probably also began to understand why Gao Zi wants to destroy the world. Really, I want to destroy this kind of world. . Huh-da!"

"Hey, what is that huh?" Xin Ba Hao vomited blankly, "Although you just said so much, did you believe it? As a result, did you start playing the role of Tsundere Loli?!"

"My lord..." Jiang Zi shook his head lightly, showing a look away, and replied softly, "Sometimes I have to compromise with the world. This is my helplessness. Huh-da."

"This "huh-da" is completely unnecessary, and adding it has no effect! It's not that just adding that kind of thing is like a tsundere attribute! "

"What are you talking about? Huh-da?" Jiang Zi wondered, "This is my speech addiction after **** change. Huh-da, it feels like this, huh-da. Do you understand? Hum-da!"

"It doesn't make any sense of arrogance to be done by you like this! I've said it too many times!"

"So what should I do? Huh-da?"

"I think about it, I remember this kind of character attribute..." As he said, Xin Baji raised his chin and raised his face to think.

Seeing Xin Ba Hao's face flushed a little because he didn't know what he thought of and the disgusting smile gradually revealed, the contempt in Jiang Zi's eyes became more and more serious.

"I thought about it! First of all..."

Just as Xin Ba Haw spoke, he was interrupted by Jiang Zi raising his hand: "Stop it, it's disgusting, so stop it as soon as possible, huh-da!"

With that said, Jiang Zi raised his hand to pat Xin Ba Hao's shoulder, but after realizing that he could only touch Xin Ba Hao's shoulder when he jumped up, he gave up.

"Anyway, don't fight against PTA. Huh-da." In the end, Jiang Zi sighed and left only such a sentence, and then slowly left, leaving only the messy new eight haws in the wind.

After a few seconds, Xin Ba Haw took a deep breath.

"Why do you say that I am like a pervert!"

Holding the "One Thousand Yuan at a Time" sign and covered with only a piece of white cloth on his body, Kagura Dun said to the silver in front of him and the slogan "Jiang Cheng♀↓" beside the silver, and said: "Now you can take a photo with the **** of bumps~ "

"It's so cute ~ Concave and convex god~" said Yin Zi, a female high school student.

"Don't help the mission to make money!" Xin Ba Haw burst out with blue veins and worked hard to complain, "Speaking of Jiang Chengsang, you still didn't appear on the scene at all."

"In this war and chaos, people are not strong enough to live without faith." Kagura Dun explained slowly, "Accepting the weakness of the people of Li is also the responsibility of the generals."

"No one wants to accept your broken head!" Xin Ba Hao vomited again.

As soon as the voice fell, a passerby's exclamation suddenly came from the side.

"Look! It's a bumpy god!"

"As long as you take a photo with him, you can get back to the original state!"

"Let me take one too!"

Seeing the residents rushing to Kaguraton frantically, the Shibei who was squeezed aside quickly shouted, "Everyone! Calm down!"

"It's just like a riot." Xin Ba Haw said in surprise.

"So, didn't you just say it? Huh-da." Jiang Zi, who was sitting on Kagura Dun's shoulders, replied helplessly with Erlang's legs folded, "As long as someone stands up in this situation, idiots will be crazy. Followed, hum-da."

"Ah, I understand it completely. But then again, have you finally found a place to be in the mirror?"

"No, you don't understand anything. UU reading hum-da." Jiang Zi shook his head lightly, then chuckled and smiled at the residents in front of him, "A person has to take at least five shots. It will be effective after ten times~ Although it is not 100%, it is effective~ Huh—Da~"

"You just want to cheat money! And what does it mean to be 100%?! It should be 100% impossible!"

"What silly thing to say? Huh-da?" Jiang Zi snorted softly, "Have you ever seen a way to earn money more than religion since ancient times? In short, now there is such a good opportunity to shut my mouth and be honest. Look at it. This way, even if you don’t come back in the future, you will be able to live without any worries. Ah, yes, if you want to be divided, please help me. Huh—Da!"

"The last hum-don't talk about being arrogant, it's completely black abdomen! You have completely restored your previous nature!"

"Silver, the doctrine is three thousand yuan a book." Jiang Zi, who was still gesturing and taking pictures, said casually to Yin Zi, "Buy ten or more books to be exempted from consumption tax. 30 or more copies come with a photo signed by the God of Concave and Convex himself. , The most important thing is...the chance of changing back to the original appearance is higher than that of people who don’t have a picture~"

"Leave it to me!" Yin Zi gave a thumbs up and squeezed his eyes. "Now that TAMA is held hostage, at least I have to earn a little more ransom!"

Seeing the crowd of people squeezing into the silver madly because of Jiang Zi's words, Xin Ba Hao silently complained...

"Really... a bunch of idiots."

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