May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 665: : Don't think that what you have is something others will naturally have!

Seeing the crazy crowd, Xin Ba Haw persuaded loudly: "Calm down! They are a lie! Even if you buy something like that, you can't change it back!"

"Everyone, look here and look here," Yinzi said, pointing to a large screen behind him, "If you have any questions about our products, you can look here. This is the evidence."

Hearing the sound, everyone stopped and looked over.

On the screen, there is a mosaic on a face... No, it's not right, it should be said that only the woman (silver) whose eyes are blocked by a black line is being interviewed.

"Yes, yes~ After I took photos with the God of Bokeh and purchased the doctrine, I have become happy~ Not only did my body become stronger than before, I even won the lottery~ I don’t know what to do. Why are you grateful to God God~"

By the way, the voice of silver has undergone special treatment.

"That's just your own directing and acting! What kind of evidence is that!" Xin Ba Hao roared with bloodshot eyes and beads bursting with blue veins.

However, the commotion among the crowd at this moment was several times greater than before, and the flow of people entering the store was also several times greater than before. It's basically a crowded situation.

"Why do you really believe it!" Xin Ba Haw hugged his head, sceptically shouting, "Why do you believe in such a thing!"

At this moment, the figure of a woman slowly came to the side of the store.

Seeing the crowd rushing to the store eagerly, Ah Miao stopped and said politely: "So what, sorry, can I borrow it?"

However, no one paid any attention to Ah Miao.


Ah Miao, who was overthrown by the crowd, didn't make a hypocritical cry of pain.

"Don't get in the way!"

A Miao, who was slowly getting up, looked at the residents behind who were struggling to fall and rushed forward without any consideration. Some of them didn't react.

However, just when the residents were about to arrive in front of Ah Miao, a man's figure appeared in front of Ah Miao, and at the same time, the sword held in the man's hand also forced the residents to stop.

"How many times have you said it to calm down?" Jubei said coldly, "Did you not hear?"

After seeing the expression that satisfied him (the expression of horror from the residents), Shibingbei squatted down and asked A Miao with concern, "This lady, are you okay?"

"Hi...Hi. No, it's okay." As he said, Miao reached out and put his hand on the hand extended by Jubei and turned her head to look at Jubei and said gratefully: "In times of crisis, thank you for your help... "

Before Ah Miao's words fell, she froze for a while, and at the same time, Shibingwei also froze after discovering that the person he was saving was actually A Miao.

"A... A Miaojiang..." Shibei murmured.

"Couldn't you be..." Ah Miao also thought of a certain possibility, covering her mouth with a face in disbelief, "Xiao Jiu, right?"

In a café in Kabukicho, the deck is full of six people from Eko.

By the way, sitting on the side of the deck (from the outside and inside) is Kagura Dun, lying on the table, rolling his eyes, and on his head a large bag of silver that is still twitching from time to time, and a new eight-jaw.

Sitting on the other side were Jiang Zi, whose body was still twitching from time to time on the table with the same big bag on his head, A Miao and Shibei, whose eyes were squinted and smiling.

Xin Ba Hao took the lead to break the silence: "Unexpectedly, my sister also came to Kabukicho, but why did you not change at all?"

"Hachie, what you said is a bit too much~" The silver who got up leaned into Xin Bajia's ear and said quietly, "Look at her chest like Guan Yuan, it's completely burned. Wilderness... Um!"

A Miao, who pierced a fork to his silver forehead, explained like a okay person: "It’s really unfortunate. When I came to Kabukicho, the mutation had already happened. I saw you on TV. There was a mess here. I was worried, so I went to the House of Everything and took a look... and ended up being stuck in the road."

With that said, Ah Miao looked at the two pieces of silver fat, and stretched out her hand naturally, and continued without a smile: "Then Yinsang’s Opie has become so big, it’s not bad~ this You can knead it casually~"

A piece of his own fat was bitterly grasped by Ah Miao's muscles bursting hands, and the pain was so painful that tears came out.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! It's coming down! It's coming down!"

After torturing the silver for nearly two minutes, A Miaocai released his hand and showed a smile again: "Also, it really scared me. I thought I met a handsome guy. I didn't expect it. …"

A Miao glanced at the Shibingbei who was a little embarrassed, covering her mouth, " turned out to be Xiao Jiu."

The old face of Jubei who was drinking coffee blushed inexplicably when he felt Ah Miao's gaze.

"Sister, is it time to speak so leisurely?" Xin Ba Hao frowned and said aloud.

"Yes," Jiang Zi, who did not know when he was resurrected, said disdainfully while biting the straw in the glass of Coke in front of him, "Really, when someone else was making a lot of gold, he suddenly rushed in and gave it to someone. A fat beating is really an unreasonable woman."

By the way, because of his stature, from the desktop, Jiang Zi has only a small head.

"You are the most outrageous one!" Xin Ba Hao vomited angrily. "It's just scumbags who do such things in the chaos! Do you want to change back?"

"It even caused a more serious situation." Shibingwei nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Cut," Jiang Zi curled his lips again, "As expected of the rich man's eldest master~"

"Yes~" Yinzi took the words, and went on to say to himself, "Thinking that you have something that others should have, you can stand at a higher position without any guilt and accuse others at will. I really envy you. What~"

"What the **** are you two talking about?" Xin Ba Haw asked contemptuously.

"Know that some people need to do their best just to survive." Yin Zi said with some emotion.

Xin Ba Hao replied: "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said! Although there is a little truth, these words have nothing to do with the current situation!"

"So it's still a child~" Jiang Zi sighed leisurely.

"No, no matter how you look at it, you are now a child."

"Are you an idiot?" Yin Zi propped his cheek with one hand and swayed the other hand casually. , Those guys will definitely show up again."

"Huh?" Xin Ba Haw puzzled.

"Information, intelligence," Jiang Zi accepted, "the most needed thing now is their intelligence. To be honest, we only listened to a paragraph on the screen, and even if we wanted to do something, we didn't know the enemy's situation at all. In this case, apart from using reasonable means to actively lead the other party out to collect information, there is no other way. Do you understand? Smelly glasses?"

"Although I understand, why add a pair of stinky glasses?"

"In other words, is that just your plan?" Shihbei asked, and a flash of self-blame flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, don't show such a self-blaming expression." Jiang Zi waved his hand quickly, "Forgive me, what kind of trouble is that expression? It's not your fault, after all, I didn't say hello to you beforehand. , I only blame the violent female orangutan who could not help but rush in..."

After clapping his hands, Ah Miao ignored Jiang Zi who was hit by her bitterly, and smiled and said, "Yes, Xiao Jiu, it has nothing to do with you."

"Well, I...I'm not Jibei!" Jubei said stumblingly towards Amiao, "It's her brother, Jubei! Now he is recruiting girlfriends."

"Don't take advantage of the fire!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed.

"Miao, so you like this type~" Yin Zi teased, "Although it is really good, it is the DeAGOSTINI type of Jubei? It is the kind that is very gentle at the beginning of the relationship, and then... "

(DeAGOSTINI man: refers to "only a man who treats others gently at the beginning." This term comes from the publishing house DeAGOSTINI, whose publications are famous for the feature that "only the first issue has a special price." UU Reading )

"Don't let me talk about girls' high school students while ignoring the disaster in front of me after the seduce plan fails!"

Kagura Dun said solemnly, "No, it is true that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms also seems to be classified as DeAGOSTINI."

"I'm not talking about you!" After spitting out such a sentence, Xin Ba Haw slowly said to everyone again: "Speaking of it, it's not that there is no information at all, I know a little information. You have it. Have you ever heard of the name Oo-Convex?

It is an extreme religious group wanted by many regions in the universe. Their main members are intersex people, that is, people who have both male and female characteristics.

So there is a doctrine that takes gender seriously. To put it simply, it means that men who are not like men and women who are not like women are punished by heaven. It is said that they carry out missionary activities on various planets. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this...

I don't know what methods they used, but if you leave it alone, you won't be able to get back to the original state. "

"Even if you say that..." Yinzi looked helpless, "but now let alone find them, we can't even get out of this street."

At this time, Ah Miao slowly began to analyze: "Furthermore, they said they would always look at us, so they must be watching us now. If you act rashly, you may put the entire planet in danger."

"That's right! We, Earth and TAMA, a total of three **** have been taken hostage!"

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