May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 674: : We advocate justification!

One day, a certain dirty natural roll in plaster and a certain bandaged spectacles, at the same time lifted his foot and kicked open the door of Jiang Cheng's room.


After the door was knocked down, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao rushed in angrily.

"You should take care of that violent little girl too!" With a bandage on his head and a cast on his left leg, Yin Shi in a hospital gown yelled, "Obligation! Obligation! Your guardian of the earth should do it occasionally. Do your duty! Look, all here and here are all done by the violent little girl!"

"Yes! Jiang Chengsang!" Xin Ba Hao, whose right eye glasses were full of cracks, said angrily. "Even for the sake of Kagura-chan, some necessary measures must be taken! If this continues, Maybe she will become a terrible person in the future! Why is my description just glasses?"

"Anyway, let's settle the medical expenses first and let's talk about the mental damage expenses or something." Yin Shi continued on his own self-care, but he was pulled at the corner of his clothes by the new eight-jaw just now.

"What's wrong?" Yin Shi looked disapproving, and then showed a serious expression: "Isn't it normal for this kind of thing to have mental damage expenses? Even if you are an acquaintance, you can't be too spoiled! Face this kind of thing. Bad behavior, we victims can't bear to swallow! Understand?! Old eight! This time there is no tens of millions and absolutely can't do that!"

"No, I didn't mean that, do you say tens of millions or something..."

"It's better to make up a total of 100 million yuan." Yin Shi put his chin on and said self-consciously.

"No, before discussing that kind of thing..." As he said, Xin Ba Haw looked blankly in a certain direction of the living room. "There seems to be a victim here, although I don't know why, but there is no doubt that it is. Victims."

"Huh?" Yin Shi was surprised, and then looked in the direction of Xin Ba Hao, "What are you talking about..."

After seeing Jiang Cheng's situation clearly at this time, Yin Shi stopped the words in his mouth instantly, and his expression instantly solidified.

I saw that Jiang Cheng's entire head was stuffed into the computer monitor at this time. It seemed that he had experienced a severe beating, and the broken monitor had electric sparks making noises from time to time.

If you look closely, Jiang Cheng's body will twitch a few times from time to time. As for whether he is's not easy to say.

"Is it... Yinshi?" Jiang Cheng's weak voice sounded, "Then what... please help me pull out my head, my body... multiple fractures..."

"Let's go, Lao Ba." Yin Shi turned around without hesitation and left, "Listen, we didn't see anything when we came in. We didn't see anything at the murder scene or something. Do you understand? ?"

"Understood." Xin Ba Haw turned around silently and followed.

"Wait a moment-!"

In front of a low table in the living room, three victims whose eyes were covered by a black screen and whose voices have also been specially treated are telling various experiences of persecution.

First of all, the first victim, he said this...

"Hey? Me? Is it me first?"

Our first victim doesn't seem to be ready yet, that... do I need to give you some more time to prepare?

"No, no need. It's ready."

So, let's just start, first of all... hey? Don't cry for now. Sorry, readers, the first victim was a bit emotional, let's give him a little more time.

Is it okay?

"Hmm, it's okay. Sorry, I was a little excited just now."

Can you briefly describe the situation at that time? Hey? Why are you crying again? Sir, sir? Calm down for sure.

"Sorry, sorry, I just couldn't help thinking of the situation at the time."

In short, please have a little control, then we will start again. First of all, please describe how you were persecuted at the time.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Woo-"

pudding? In other words, has your pudding been illegally invaded? I can't even bother you to elaborate on it.

"It's not that simple thing!" Victim No. 1 shouted excitedly, and at the same time two fists slammed the table hard, "I'm just afraid of being, I just want to steal, neither."

That means trying to eat the pudding secretly, but it was repaired, right?

"No! I said no!" Victim No. 1 hammered the table a few times again, "It's just a very hard work during the day! Then she wants to eat a little bit at night... No, it's just my pudding!"

Hmm, we understand, please continue on.

"But, but..." Victim No. 1 sobbed again, "just when I walked carefully to the refrigerator and just opened the refrigerator door..."

So that's it, that means I was caught while trying to steal the pudding and was repaired, right?

"No-! Do you still have a conscience? Seeing my appearance, are you still concerned about the irrelevant question of who the pudding is?!"

Don't get excited, sir, please go on.

"And then..." Victim No. 1 choked again, covering her face, and continued with grief: "I really didn't steal the pudding! Please believe me! Explained this to her, but...but...whoop Uh..."

So what, is it already eaten in the end? pudding…

"I have said that that is not the point! What's the matter with you? Why do you have to compete on such insignificant things!"


Victim No. 1, who was hit by the other two victims with their heads pressed on their heads on the table, uttered a scream of "Wow", and then there was no sound.

"Sorry." The victim glasses No. 2 mentioned their mosaic glasses, and said to the camera very politely: "Please forget about the victim No. 1."


"Then let me come this time." The victim glasses No. 2 faced the lens, but something suddenly occurred to him, "Can you really say something? Will you not be recognized and be retaliated? To be honest, I am a little worried."

Don't worry, the mosaic has been marked, and the sound has been processed, and it will never be recognized by acquaintances.

"Really?" No. 2 victim glasses pinched his chin, obviously still a little disbelief, "but I always feel a little uneasy."

Don't worry, no one of you can recognize you now. I believe the readers in front of the screen will never recognize it. It will only be regarded as an insignificant and unfamiliar spectacle...human.

"Since this is the case..." The burden on the victim glasses No. 2 was then put down, nodded and then said: "Hey, I see, I will tell you all about the process of my victimization."

So, first introduce yourself, and let the readers roughly understand the relationship between you and the perpetrator in a way that you think is cryptic.

"Specifically... it's a colleague."

Hey—it turns out to be colleagues. Colleagues fighting for the upper position is the norm in this society. Please continue.

"It's not the kind of fighting for the boss." Victim No. 2 touched the back of his head and said, "But... unlike Yin... No, unlike victim No. 1, I didn't do anything to provoke her at all. I feel really innocent!"

Oh? Can you tell me more specifically? We, including the readers in front of the screen, will support you, so please don't be psychologically burdened.

"Actually yesterday..." Victim No. 2 pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, slowly telling his own experience...

"Last night, my sister because of the night shift..."

Could it be that your family has also been persecuted?

"No, that's not the case. I am often persecuted by my family. But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm not talking about that kind of irrelevant thing now."

Understand, then for the time being, we will not pay attention to the irrelevant things such as domestic violence in your family, you continue to say.

"Okay, let's continue, where did I just say?"

Your sister is on night shift...

"Yes, yes, my sister was on a night shift last night, and I was the only one in the entire dojo. Then in the early morning, because of some things, I went out..."

Early morning? Why go out alone in the early morning? Does it have anything to do with the adult magazine in your arms?

The second victim glasses, flushed, clenched his fists and yelled at the camera excitedly: "Do you really want to interview? Does this matter? It doesn't matter at all, right! Hey! Give me just a little bit! You unscrupulous media!"

Don't get excited, don't get excited, we won't talk about adult magazines anymore, please continue.

"Cough cough," the second suspect's glasses cleared his throat, while holding the magazine with a corner of his arms unmoved, UU reading also pretended to complain: "you people. The media always pay attention to something that doesn't matter at all."

We already know that we are wrong, so please continue.

"Then... when someone secretly bought... ah, no, it was buying a complete magazine... ah, no, it was a person walking on the road outside..."

With that, the victim glasses No. 2 suddenly lay on the table and sobbed.

So what, is it the colleague who met you at that time?

"...Sorry, I seem to be a bit too excited." The victim glasses No. 2 took a few sheets of paper from the drawer on the table and wiped his tears, and then said, "At that time, I happened to walk downstairs to the company. Then... I heard the screams of the Yin... victim number one, and then I saw..."

As he said, the expression of victim No. 2 showed a bit of horror.

Could it be... is that your colleague? ! Is your colleague showing up at this time? What did she do to you? Dear readers and friends, we will announce it in the next chapter.

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