May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 675: : Too spoiled children will have many disadvantages?

"Well, yes, I heard the voice of God... my colleague is the culprit of all this."

sound? Didn't you see anyone?

"Well, because I was smashed by the silver... Victim No. 1 was overwhelmed to the ground."

In other words, victim No. 1 was injured almost at the same time as you, right? We can understand your general meaning. You are just carrying your sister to buy a little yellow book... No, on the way home late at night, you were involved in the conflict between the perpetrator and the number one victim, right?

"That's right." The victim glasses No. 2 nodded, and then showed a look of unbearable again, "I...obviously innocent, but turned out to be like this..."

For your experience, we deeply sympathize. So are the readers in front of the screen. Unexpectedly, I only received such an innocent disaster when I went out for a walk.

"I tried my best to explain..." No. 2 glasses said while sobbing, "I clearly explained to my sister so desperately, this adult magazine is really not mine!!!"


boom! ! !

Victim No. 3’s hands forcefully pushed the head of No. 2 victim glasses onto the table. With this blow, the only intact lens of No. 2 victim glasses also shattered.

"Ahem, I'm here next." Victim No. 3 cleared his throat and said, "Well, let us forget the two idiots just now."

Uh... well, let's start again, please tell me about your relationship with the perpetrator.

"I... should be regarded as her distant uncle," Victim No. 3 said, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with one hand wrapped around his chest and the other hand supporting his chin, and said, "I am also the person most likely to become her stepdad. As soon as that bald dies, I will have all of Jianghua's sister. Now the whole universe is recruiting killers. If you are interested, please call the hotline number 0..."

puff! ! (Bitterness does not enter the body sound)

呲—— (spraying sound)

thump! (Falling to the ground)

What? It seems that some new perpetrators have appeared on the scene, and it seems that new conflicts have broken out. Readers and friends don't worry for now. We advanced to an advertisement, and when the situation on the scene stabilized a little bit, we turned the lens back.

Twenty minutes later...

"Ahem, sorry, it was just a small accident."

Several kunai on the head of the third victim reappeared in front of the camera.

Those on your head...

"It doesn't matter." Victim No. 3 raised his hand and said, "Let's go ahead, and the hotline just now hopes to help me post it at the end after the show is over, please."

…Okay, then let’s continue the interview just now, that is to say, your relationship with the perpetrator is relative?

"Yes, because this child came to the earth alone, I can also be regarded as her only relative on earth."

Guardian of the earth?

"It's okay to insist on saying that." Victim No. 3 nodded, "But I think I will become her real guardian one day. There are also Jiang Hua's new ones, but then, Jiang Hua sister! Me! Don’t mind the status of the survivor! Don’t worry!”

puff! !


thump! !

So what, let's enter another advertisement.

Ten minutes later...

"It was just a small accident."

Victim No. 3, full of suffering, appeared in front of the camera again.

"Then what? After the show is over, please post the words LOVE Jianghua at the end of the show. Please, I will add money."

Uh... well, but then again, the one just now should be regarded as the perpetrator, right? Does this kind of thing matter? This aspect does not need to be exposed...



thump! !

"Hey! Yueyue!" Suspect No. 3 got up and shouted, then rushed forward and straightened the fallen camera, "What have you done to the reporter! How should the interview proceed? Hello, are you okay?"

Ah...reluctantly, it feels like I saw my great-grandmother across the river bank for a moment. I...I miss my great-grandmother! When I was young, I would hold my hand and go to ceremonies or something. Oooooo...

"Hey, calm down!" Victim No. 3 said as he secretly stuffed several ten thousand yuan bills into this person's hands. "Anyway, remember your great-grandmother later. Forget about it. How?" embarrassed.

"Hahaha, it's okay, you must forget everything just now." Victim No. 3 patted the person on the back, and then sat in front of the camera again, "Ahem, then let's start again."

The lights and microphones are a little closer to the third victim. Don't go to sleep for the camera, we officially start.


ACT! !

Welcome to our studio, then please continue to describe to us the process of being persecuted, and as far as we know, you were persecuted in your own home this morning, right?

"Actually, the persecution or something..." Suspect No. 3 supported his chin and frowned, he stopped talking.

Have psychological baggage?

"Well, it's a bit." Suspect No. 3 nodded, "You see, after all, I may be a god... What is her future, and now she is the only relative on earth, and she always feels that she can be self-willed. It's a little bit."

But it’s not good to be too spoiled, right? There are many disadvantages to the growth of children.

"I said so, but..."

Please feel free to say it boldly, I believe the readers in front of the screen must also think so.

"Okay..." Victim No. 3 nodded, and then his expression changed in an instant, with white eyes spitting and yelling at the camera: "Hey! Give me more than enough! Kagura! That's all. I’m going to use the pocket money I gave you this month to buy games, and I’ll fill it up for you at the end of the year. Why are you so excited?! Saying that my gaming equipment was broken by you again! You are almost enough! To be honest, I only love Sister Jiang Hua! If you insist on saying something, it is Sister Jiang Hua’s [Beep——] and [Beep——], your words..."

Sorry, sorry, something happened at the scene, director! Director! Cut it out! Cut it out! !


The three people (Yin Shi, Xin Ba Hao, Jiang Cheng) sitting in Jiang Cheng's living room watched this interview on TV, all of them expressionless.

" this kind of thing really okay?" Xin Ba Haw twitched the corners of his mouth and asked, "Jiang Sung Sang, are you sure that Mrs. Jiang Hwa would allow us to re-educate Kagura after seeing this kind of thing?"

"Cut! This bad show group didn't even put the LOVE Jiang Hua sister I asked for at the end of the show." Jiang Cheng sipped bitterly.

"It's worse if you put it in, right?" Xin Ba Hao complained again, "You should also consider Xinghai Fangzhu's mood, you must be angry when you see this kind of thing?"

"It's always been straightforward to say, this is my forbearance!"

"What kind of forbearance is this!" Xin Ba Haw frantically complained, "Ming will not be interested in other people's wives!"

"What you said is wrong, New Eight Chi-kun." Jiang Cheng shook his head, and then pointed in the direction straight ahead, "There...but there are many people who call themselves Hinata's husband! Right? Readers!"

"Don't shout at the other side of the screen!" Xin Ba Haw reminded loudly.

"Dayu spiral pill!!"

boom! ! !


"Who was that yellow hair just now?" Yin Shi asked with his little finger picking his nostrils.

Xin Ba Hao did not answer, but instead looked at Jiang Cheng, who was beaten to the ceiling by a yellow-haired and one-haired big jade spiral pill who had just passed by at this time.

After Yin Shi flicked the booger on his pinky finger, he curled the corner of his mouth and continued with some discomfort, "Really, it's really troublesome. It's the show again. Hurry up and cover the mental damage and medical expenses. Wouldn't it be over if you took it out?"

boom! !

Jiang Cheng came down from the ceiling, stepping on Yin Shi's head with both feet and stepping into the floor.

"What are you doing!" Yin Shi was full of blood, clenched his fists and shouted angrily, "As a result, will you come too?!"

"Really," Jiang Cheng looked at the two men contemptuously, "One is a **** who steals other people's pudding, and the other is a stinky kid who secretly bought an adult magazine and was beaten up by her sister. Then he blamed all the mistakes. On others..."

Yin Shi angrily retorted: "I have said that it has nothing to do with who the pudding is! The important thing is the injury! Look at what she broke me into? It just ate a few of her puddings. It's just a cake!"

"No, Yinsang, you really made your own feelings." Xin Ba Hao said blankly, then patted the table hard and looked at Jiang Cheng seriously, "Jiang Chengsang! My injury is inseparable from Kagura. Relationship! If she didn’t tell her sister..."

Jiang Cheng raised his hand and knocked on Xin Ba Hao's head, with a blank expression on his face: "No, you basically do it yourself."

Ding Ding——

"Sister Jiang Hua has news!" Jiang Cheng quickly took out his cell phone and showed expectation, "Is he finally determined to divorce that bald guy?!"

"Sister is very good. Re-education... or something, I hope Kagura can learn a little art-related things, Kagura is pleased to this..." Xin Ba Hao pushed on the bridge of his nose. The spectacles with only the frame left murmured, "Could it be that...Are you agreeing?"

Jiang Cheng smashed the table vigorously, and then he held his forehead with a distressed expression: "How can it be repaired! He didn't even mention the divorce with that bald man!"

The new eight:...


After an afternoon of discussions, three men, Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi, and Shin Baji, designed a program for Kagura called "Kagura Reeducation."

There are some schedules for work and rest, and other things to do.

Of course, the three of them are just makers, and women have to make the decision. That's right, someone who holds Jiang Cheng's financial power.

Yue Yong let out a puff of cigarette lightly, and put down the a4 paper in her hand.

"Are you three serious?"

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