May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 676: : Although the girl's mind is difficult to guess, it is not necessarily very comp

"Miss Yueyong, this is also for the Kagura sauce." Xin Bahao pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and replied with a serious expression, "In order to prevent her from becoming a worse person in the future, such as Yinsang and Jiang Cheng For people like Sang, I think this kind of thing is very necessary!"

"Hey, what does it mean to become a person like me?" Jiang Cheng asked with a blank expression on his face, fascinated by Doudou, "what's wrong with a person like me? Is it bad?"

"NEET has no right to speak." Yin Shi pulled Jiang Cheng past Jiang Cheng and dragged Jiang Cheng behind him, and then said solemnly: "In short, for your nominal nephew, the goddess Le, these three million education funds are still hopeful. You can fund."

Yueyong, who blushed instantly, stumblingly replied: "What does it have to do with me? I, I just don't want to see Kagura become a scum like you! My niece... or something..."

Seeing Yue Yong blushing incoherently, Xin Ba Ha secretly gave a thumbs up to Yin Shi.

Yin Shi smiled calmly, and at the same time thought to himself: [It's basically a success! Except for the one million fund for Kagura education, all the rest is me...]

"Cough cough." Yue Yong cleared his throat, and at the same time glanced secretly at Jiang Cheng, who was sitting on the ground at this time, with a somewhat unsure expression on whether to say embarrassment or subtle, and then deliberately raised his voice and continued on his own. Said: "In short, I understand your demands, and the paper is indeed something good for Kagura, so what...cough said...cough cough...well, cough cough..."

Jiang Cheng narrowed Doudou's eyes and said, "Are you stuck with sputum? It's disgusting, please go out and vomit and come in again."

Three minutes later...

Yue Yong, who handled Jiang Cheng’s body, cleared his throat once again and said, "So, the rest of the matter will be left to us. The labor cost is waived for you, but the education funds spent on you three If the interest is amortized, because it is an acquaintance, it is enough to use three times the ordinary bank interest rate."

"Hey, wait!" Yin Shi was unhappy in an instant, "Why do I have to pay!"

Xin Ba Hao also strongly opposed: "Yes! This kind of money can be obtained from Jiang Chengsang! He is the guardian of Kagura-chan on the earth, right!"

"Wait—" Jiang Cheng, who was resurrected, said with a hand on his head, "Anyway, let me talk about it first, I won't pay a cent for money or anything!"

"Your share will be deducted from your monthly pocket money." Yue Yong said to himself, and then took out three pieces of IOUs from his arms and placed them in front of Yin Shi, Xin Ba Hao, and Jiang Cheng. "Your IOUs, just sign your name."

"What silly thing to say? I wouldn't sign this kind of thing." Yin Shi snorted and said with disdain.

"Don't say that," Jiang Cheng picked up the IOU and signed the name without thinking with a swipe of the pen. "You didn't tell me just now, after all, it's for Kagura? That's just a little money."

Looking at the signed Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi looked incredible, but then he sighed and shook his head.

"Well, that's what I said, after all, it's also for Kagura. It's just this little money."

Seeing the big pen with a flick of the silver that signed the name on the IOU, Xin Ba Hao showed an incredible face, then chuckled and shook his head and picked up the pen.

"You two are so mature occasionally, it really scares me." Xin Ba Hao said with emotion while signing.

"What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng snorted softly, and then reached out and took the IOU in Xin Ba Hao and Yin Shi's hands and stacked it on his own IOU.

"The name has been signed." Jiang Cheng raised the evidence in his hand and said seriously to Yue Yong with an expression, "I will leave the rest to you, and Kagura will..."

"Please give it to you!" Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao said at the same time.

Looking at the three people with the same serious expressions, although Yue Yong noticed a little bit of something wrong, she was quickly buried by the touch.

So that Yue Yong forgot to check the signature on it after receiving the IOU handed by Jiang Cheng, just stupefied...

Yueyong, who took the receipt into his arms, would not know that Jiang Cheng signed the name of "Takasugi Shinsuke," and Yin Shi signed the name of "Katsutaro Katsura."

As for Xin Ba Hao, he is much more sensible than these two people who signed completely unrelated names. They signed the name "Xing Hai Fang Zhu Shen Huang". After all, in Xin Ba Hao's view, being a father has such a little education. Funding is just as it should be.


The next morning, Jiang Cheng and the three people asked him to go to a restaurant in Kagura. While chewing the meat in his hands, he squinted at the opposite side of the table and looked at Jiang Cheng, Gintoki and Shinpachi, who were also holding hands with serious expressions. Haw three people.

"Since the beginning, the two disgusting uncles and the disgusting glasses have been staring at the girl at Aru, which is really disgusting."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng and the three of them had blue veins on their faces at the same time, but even so, they still forcibly suppressed the anger in their hearts and made a similar smile.

"Kagura-chan, actually..." Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled, but he suddenly got stuck when he said a few words. When he reached out and pointed to Yin, "I have something to tell you when it's Yin."

"Hey?!" Yin Shi was startled, then gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Cheng, and opened the internal communication channel: [What a joke! Why am I speaking? ! What can I do if I am resented? ! 】

[This is the same for me! 】Jiang Cheng replied with his eyes, 【Anyway, please! Count me owe you once! After that, I will give you Yoshihara’s expired lubricating oil...]

【You bastard! Who wants that kind of thing! Yin Shi gave Jiang Cheng a fierce look.

"What the **** is going on?" Kagura gulped the meat on the table of the Destroyer, squinting his peasy eyes and said, "Speaking of where the two uncles are winking, it's really disgusting Aru."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi also filled a blue vein on their foreheads at the same time.

"Ahaha, what is that..." Yin Shi grabbed his messy hair, and said haha, "Actually... Xin Ba Hao has something to tell you!"

"Me?!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed.

Yin Shi glared at Xin Ba Chi: [Shut up! You were the first to propose this kind of thing! 】

[Responsible! Stinky glasses! 】Jiang Cheng also glared at the new eight haws fiercely.

"Hiccup~" After Kagura had a full hiccup, one hand held a stomach that was even more exaggerated than October's pregnancy, and the other hand took a toothpick to pick up his teeth.

"What? Do you want to confess to me? Aru? But I don't like disgusting glasses." Kagura continued disdainfully, "And the combination of two uncles and one pair of glasses looks very strange, if it weren't for me If this beautiful girl who has met once in a thousand years is here, you might have been arrested by the police uncle for questioning."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao, with blue veins on their foreheads, lowered their heads and took a deep breath at the same time.

"Get me off to school!!!" ×3

"Hey?" Kagura was taken aback suddenly.

【Oh no! Jiang Cheng quickly covered his mouth, and crazed his eyes at Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao beside him: [What should I do? I was angry for a while and said it! Is there any remedy? over! 】

[Don’t ask me! Yin Shi replied with a look in his eyes, and then looked at the new eight harp on the side, [Hey! Glasses! Think of a way to remedy something! We will be miserable if she is upset! 】

[I can't help it! ] Xin Ba Hao replied with his eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed something and patted Yin Shi's shoulder quickly.

[What are you doing! 】

"Hmm!" Jiang Cheng pointed to Kagura, who was still trembling with his head and shoulders down at this time, [Look there! Hello! Not good! It feels like it will explode soon! How to do? ! 】

"Then what, calm down, Kagura." Yin Shi hurriedly said with a smile, "It's just that...just a joke, right? Jiang Cheng? Xin Ba Hao? Ah ha ha ha..."

"Yes, yes," Jiang Cheng also hurriedly smiled, "It's just a joke, why would we want to throw you in a place that we don't want to go? You say yes? New eight? Huh? Ahahaha..."

"That's right, it's just a joke!" Xin Ba Haw hurriedly took over, "Kagura-chan, why would we force you to go to such a place? Ahahaha..."

Jiang Cheng pointed to Yin Shi on the side, pretending to complain: "Really, I blame this guy for asking us to make this kind of joke with you."

[Why didn't you forget to cheat me in the end! Yin Shi gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Cheng and pulled Jiang Cheng by the collar, and said fiercely in the voice channel: [Give me enough! asshole! If she goes crazy, it will be me! 】


After hearing the sound of water droplets, Jiang Cheng, Yinshi, and Xin Ba Hao on the side were stunned at the same time and then looked at Kagura at the same time.

"Then what, don't you cry?" Jiang Cheng hurriedly continued to comfort, "It's just such a joke, so what? Uncle will invite you to eat barbecue tonight, okay? After eating barbecue, forget the joke just now. good?"

"Yes, yes!" Yin Shi also nodded hurriedly, raising an index finger with sweat on his face: "Then what, in order to apologize for the joke just now, you won't need to make breakfast for the next month, why? Sample?"

"Yeah! That's great!" Xin Ba Haw hurriedly took over, "I will do all the cleaning work for you this month! Kagura sauce!"

"I...I..." Kagura sobbed while wiping the tears that couldn't stop, "I...I...I'm really touched!!"

"Hey?" Jiang Cheng was stunned again.

"Can I really go to school Aru?!" Kagura raised his head and said with tears, "Can I really go to school like ordinary female junior high school students? Aru?! It can really be the same as normal junior high school students. Do you take your lunch to school? Aru?! Is it really possible to take physical education classes like ordinary junior high school students? Aru?! Is it really possible to go shopping with friends after school like ordinary junior high school students?

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