May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 677: : All for your own good! This sentence is actually very bad!

   Looking at Kagura who was so excited that he couldn't stop, Jiang Cheng and the three people thought of a certain possibility at the same time.

   [This guy...Is he looking forward to school life in particular? 】


   The next morning, the house of everything.

   Jiang Cheng knocked on the whiteboard next to him, and said with a serious expression: "In short, this is your work and rest time after going to school. It is a plan I made for you together with everyone."

   "That's right." Yin Shih nodded, "Strictly follow this plan. This is the benchmark for all your life from now on! Keep it in your head!"

   Amiao, who came to school because he heard that Kagura was going to school, smiled and said, "I can help you make a lunch or something, and let Xinchan bring it to you when he comes to the House of All Things."

   "That doesn't need to be." Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi raised their hands to refuse at the same time without thinking.

   "Do you two want to be beaten?" Amupi asked with a smile.

   The sun wheel in the wheelchair smiled and said, "I will make an extra when I make a lunch for Haruta."

   "Then I will trouble you, Sunrin." Jiang Cheng nodded.

   "But speaking of it, this..." Yueyong muttered while looking at the schedule marked on the whiteboard, "Is the schedule a bit...too much?"

【Monday to Friday:


   Six o'clock: Get up, preview homework.

   Seven o'clock: Breakfast.

   Eight o'clock: School.


   Eighteen o'clock: Violin training class

   Nineteen o'clock: Go home for dinner

   Twenty o'clock: cram school

   Twenty two o'clock: Go home, homework, wash

   Twenty-three o'clock: Go to bed

   Saturday, Sunday

   6 am-11 am: Etiquette training class

   eleven o'clock: lunch, break time

   13 o'clock: Tea ceremony, flower arrangement training center

   Eighteen o'clock: Violin training class

   Nineteen o'clock: Go home for dinner

   Twenty o'clock: cram school

   Twenty two o'clock: Go home, homework, wash

   Twenty-three o'clock: Go to bed and go to bed]

   "No, this is all to make Kagura a useful person!" Jiang Cheng's expression was serious and righteous.

Ginshi nodded, and said with the same expression and tone: "Yes! This is all to make Kagura a useful person to society in the future! Anyway, we can count as her temporary guardian of the earth. What!"

   "Although the schedule is indeed very full, I think it is really necessary for Kagura-chan." Xin Baji smiled and said, "The bad habits of the past must be eradicated with more medicine."

   "I think it's great, too." Hinawa said with a smile, "I'm ready to make a exactly the same schedule for Haruta."

   At this time, Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Ji glanced at each other in secret, and simultaneously hooked up the corners of their mouths.

   [Now... I can finally get rid of this guy! 】×3

   "But, I still think..." Yue Yong frowned, and stopped talking.

"Don't say that, Yueyue," Jiang Cheng's eyes softly looked at Kagura, who was carrying a backpack and looked excited. "I did this for Kagura to grow into a great talent. I'm sorry, Kagura, seems too bad, just by following us, there is absolutely no way to become a good adult. In fact, I am also very reluctant to bear it, but..."

   Speaking of this, Jiang Cheng's face showed a bit of intolerance, tears in the corners of his eyes looming.

   "I'm sorry..." Jiang Cheng turned around silently, and his shoulders twitched slightly.

   "Don't let the children see this," Yin Shi handed out the tissue to Jiang Cheng in a timely manner, "This is all for the sake of the child, and it is only necessary to be happy for her."

   "Sorry, I'm a little excited..." Jiang Cheng took the tissue that Yinshi handed over, and answered with his mouth, while his shoulders were still shaking uncontrollably.

   almost...I was about to laugh out loud.

   "Yes, we adults are really bad." Gintoki sighed lightly, and looked at Kagura with the same look, "Sa, go, don't worry too much."

   "Uncle, Yinjiang..." Kagura looked at Jiang Sung and Yin Shi with a touch of emotion.

   "Idiot!" Gin Shiki reprimanded loudly, and then showed a bit of intolerance on his face, "You said, hurry up and let me go! How about being late for school the first day?! Don't care about our feelings!"

   After that, Gintoki turned around slowly, his fists gradually clenched, and his shoulders twitched slightly.

Seeing Jiang Cheng and Yin, who were also standing with their backs and trembling shoulders still slightly trembling, A Miao covered his mouth and said in surprise, "I didn't expect these two people to think about Kagura so much, in order to prevent Kagura from changing. Like the two of them, they are actually..."

   "Kagura-chan, go now." Xin Baji approached, pretending to smile firmly and said, "If you don't go, you will really be late."

   "I..." After gritting his teeth, Kagura wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and then turned around, "I went to school!"

   "Good voyage~" Ah Miao, Hichirin, and Shinbaji said with a smile at the same time.

   [My new life...began! 】While stepping out of the door of the House of Everything, Kagura thought so, eyes full of yearning and longing for school life.


   Looking at Jiang Cheng and Yinshi, whose shoulders were still trembling, Ah Miao just wanted to comfort him, but before he could even speak, he was stopped by the new eight.

"Sister, they don't need this kind of comfort." Xin Ba Haw shook his head, and then looked at Jiang Cheng and Yinshi softly, "They are not selfish guys anymore, and the tears... must be because of I only shed it because I was happy for Kagura-chan."

   "That's it..." A Miao's expression also softened a bit, "It seems that the two of them have grown a lot after this time. Then, Miss Sunrin and Miss Yueyong, let's give them some space."

   "That's right." Hilawa nodded lightly, and then looked at Yueyong, who supported his chin and frowned thoughtfully, "Yueyue, go back now."

   "Ah, ah, um." Yue Yong, who had recovered his senses, answered, and then pushed the sun wheel slowly toward the entrance.

   Before leaving the house, Yue Yong also glanced back at Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi who were still carrying their backs.


   Five minutes after the three women left the house of everything, finally... Gintoki was the first to laugh out loud.

   "Hahaha...hahaha...Finally, finally liberated from that violent little girl! Ahahaha..."

   "New Eight! What about the banner you customized yesterday? Hang up! Hang up!" Jiang Cheng turned around and shouted, "Freedom! To celebrate the hard-won freedom, hurry up!"

   "Oh! Understand!" After the new eight-jail replied, he turned around excitedly and rushed to the desk, looking for the banner that he secretly made yesterday.

   "Can you treat us today?!" Yin Shi asked Xiang Jiangcheng, "Can you treat us on such a good day?!"

   "No way," Jiang Cheng snorted, "Recently the invoices are all written in Gaozi's name.'s a rare treat! New Bajiao! It's a pizza! I'll treat you!"

   "All kinds of parfait are added!" Gintoki shouted, "There are also premium shochu and snacks!"

   "I want wine too! Drink Coke!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and shouted.

   "Yes!" The new eight who hung up the banner saluted and shouted.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

   At the same time, Jiang Cheng, Gintoki, and Shinbaji, who slapped the paper garland, held up the cups in their hands and touched them.

   The three people standing under the banner that said "Celebrate! Free from Kagura!", they drank at the same time with their faces upturned.

   "But is it really okay to be so noisy?" Xin Baji asked suddenly.

   "It's okay, it's okay." Jiang Cheng waved his hand indifferently, "If you want to ask why..."

   "That kid won't come back until night!" Yin Shi laughed and took the words, "It doesn't matter what the daytime is about! It's okay to clean up before she comes back! Right? Jiang Cheng?"

   "That's right! Just pack it up before night!" Jiang Cheng said with a big smile, and then looked at Yueyong, who didn't know when to arrive, "right? Yueyue?"

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly reacted, and his expression instantly solidified.

"Huh..." Yue Yong let out a puff of cigarette lightly, and then faintly looked at the Jiang Cheng trio, who stopped their movements in front of him at the same time, and said faintly: "I said that something was always wrong, it turned out to be this... "

"Yueyue, maybe you don't believe it..." Jiang Cheng clutched his chest and made a look of distress, "I...I'm just using wine to ease my sorrows! If I don't drink some wine, mind is full of gods. happy!"

   "I understand!" Silver Fashion showed a look of unbearable, and patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder, "Me too! Nowadays I can only use wine to extinguish my miss of Kagura! Because there is no way..."

   "This is all for Kagura!" the two shouted at the same time.

   But just finished speaking, the two people with kunai pierced their foreheads and spurted blood, lying straight on the floor...

   Before going out, UU reads www. Only one sentence was left on's Yueyong.



"What's the matter with that woman?" Yin Shi, who was already in a drunk state, sat cross-legged on the ground and held Jiang Cheng's neck, drunkly saying: "Why are you so angry? We obviously do it for the sake of Kagura. Yes, it really is."

"Who knows." Jiang Cheng raised his head to pour a glass of wine and said casually: "What is good for Kagura? No one can say anything like this. But the only thing we can do is let her go. Do what you are interested in and what you like."

   "That's right..." Gintoki fell to the floor with a plop.

   Looking at Jiang Cheng and Yin who was drunk on the floor in front of him, Xin Baji suddenly thought of something and showed an incredible expression on his face.

   "You two...could it be, could it be...!"

   Jiang Cheng raised the corner of his mouth gently, then raised his head and looked in the direction of the entrance, with a somewhat relieved expression on his face.

   "Really..." Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly, and said with a wry smile: "It's just going to school. Are you so excited? Smelly kid..."

   "Jiang Chengsang..."



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