May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 678: : The limits and drawbacks of education.

The first day of Kagura's school experience, at 7 o'clock in the evening.

"I am back!"

Across the door and the entrance, Jiang Cheng and Yinshi heard the excitement of Kagura.


After closing the door, Kagura took off his shoes and ran into the living room.

Carrying a backpack with a look of excitement, Kagura looked at Jiang Cheng, who was sitting on the sofa, and asked, "Hey? Why is my uncle in Aru?"

"Welcome back. Also, what..." Jiang Cheng touched his head and punched haha, "I just thought it was the first day of school, that..."

"Very happy!" Kagura interrupted Jiang Cheng with a grin and excitement. "It's a very fresh feeling! So is the cram school! So is the violin! So is the lunch box! Very, very interesting!"

"Uh..." Jiang Cheng pulled the corner of his mouth reluctantly, and then replied: "That...that's good..."

"Anyway, anyway..." Yinshi got up, turned and walked towards the kitchen, "First, let's have dinner first, it's already done. Don't you have to go to a cram school for a while? Right?"

"Say, what I said!" Jiang Cheng also hurriedly got up and followed in Yin Shi's footsteps, "It must be very hard, right? Yin Shi was bleeding heavily today and bought very expensive meat!"

Looking at the backs of Jiang Cheng and Yinshi, Kagura tilted his head and squinted Doudou's eyes and asked: "Hey, can you say that you two are lonely because I'm not here?"

"No, it's not." Jiang Cheng and Yinshi instantly stopped and turned around at the same time with expressionless expressions.

Kagura: Stare at—

"Really, what silly thing to say?" Yin Shi shrugged. "It's so clean without a noisy and violent little girl during the day."

"That is to say." Jiang Cheng also twitched his shoulders, "It's rare not to be disturbed occasionally, I feel very happy."

"Really?" Kagura dropped his backpack and sat on the sofa casually. "If this is the case, even Aru, anyway, I am also very happy in school and cram school, so everyone will be very happy."

Upon hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi's complexion instantly sank.


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Cheng has basically never been to the All Things House since that day. As for whether or not he would secretly follow Kagura to school or not, he may only know it in his heart.

However, it is worth mentioning that on the second day of school in Kagura, Jiang Cheng who followed Kagura all day, after seeing Kagura really enjoy the arranged school life and various training and tutoring life In the evening, she drank silver in the tavern very rarely with a long-haired man who often took a cosmic-loving pet and drank in the tavern.

(PS: In the end, the bill was given to this long-haired man who was drunk and fell asleep.)

It may be comforting, loneliness, or both. Of course, for Yinshi, to some extent, his mood should be exactly the same as Jiang Cheng.

Rest days, weekends.

In the corridor, Yue Yong, who had just passed by the door of Jiang Cheng’s room, looked at Jiang Cheng who was putting on his boots and was about to go out, and asked aloud, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Cheng, who raised his head, was silent for a while before asking, "Are you an old mother?"

"Want to die?"

"It's all right," Jiang Cheng said casually, and then took out seven full schedules from his arms, "I'm just going to send Kagura's schedule for the next week."

Yueyong, who took over the schedule, looked at the schedule above that was comparable to last week's perverted schedule, and his entire forehead was instantly black.

"Are you...really serious?" Yueyong asked while looking at the schedule behind, "This is too messy! How could this kind of thing be for Kagura!"

"Kagura looks very happy anyway." Jiang Cheng took over the schedule and continued casually, "Education of this level is already very easy, and I have reserved one for her every day this week. Hours of play time, absolutely no problem."

After that, Jiang Cheng turned and walked slowly to the side of the corridor.

"Hey..." Yue Yong wanted to say something more, but in the end he stopped talking, or because he didn't know how to argue Jiang Cheng.

After all, everything on the schedule really seems to be for Kagura's good...


Standing in the hallway, Kagura's hands drooped naturally, leaning forward at a 45-degree angle, and said to Jiang Cheng, who had just stepped into the hallway of the All Things House, and said, "Welcome, my uncle."

Seeing the performance of Kagura like this, Jiang Chengcheng just glanced at Kagura and nodded.

"I said, what's the matter with your uncle?" Ah Miao, who didn't know when he had arrived, walked over and complained, "Kagura-chan has made such a big improvement, but you just said something or something. Give it a reward."

"Indeed." Kubei, who also didn't know when he arrived, nodded and said, "The Kagura now looks like two completely different people from before. In short, it's like a completely reborn person."

"Yes, everyone is happy for Kagura-chan." A Miao put his hands together and smiled and said, "It's really grown a lot."

"I'm back..." Yin Shi stepped into the hallway.

"Welcome back, Mr. Sakata." Kagura leaned forward politely again and said, "It's hard work."

"Oh." Yin Shi replied casually.

"Hey, I said," A Miao frowned and complained again, "What the **** is going on with you two men? Is it still the same as usual when seeing such a sensible Kagura?"

"I also feel that some encouragement is needed." Jiu Bingwei nodded.

"No, no, no." Kagura shook his head slightly, "I should do this kind of thing, and this kind of thing is what I should do. The etiquette class made me understand a lot of things."

Kubei supported his chin and murmured, "I'm too sensible, but I feel a little abnormal. If it weren't for Miao told me that Kagura received re-education, I might have to send Kagura to a brain hospital."

A Miao praised, "Compared to these two men, Kagura-chan will definitely be promising in the future."

"Ah, anyway..." Jiang Cheng grabbed his hair impatiently, then took out a thick schedule from his arms and handed it to Kagura's hands. "This is the schedule for next week. If you feel happy, stick to it."

"Thank you, my uncle." Kagura lowered his head and took the calendar from Jiang Cheng with both hands.

"Remember, Kagura," Gintoki glanced at Kagura, and said, "The schedule is absolute!"

"I see." Kagura nodded holding the schedule.

"I'm going back." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, then turned around.

Kagura bowed again and said, "My uncle, go all the way well, and welcome to come again next time."

"Yeah." Jiang Chengcheng just responded indifferently, and glanced at the expression on Shenle's face for the last time before leaving.

Only Jiang Cheng and Yinshi had noticed, the almost stiff smile on Kagura's face and the dullness or dullness that had begun to emerge in his eyes.

But the two didn't say anything, the reason may only be clear to the two of them.

"Miss Shimura, Miss Yagyu." Kagura smiled and looked at Amiao and Kubei, then stretched out his hand to indicate the direction of the living room, "If you don't dislike it, let me make a cup of tea for you. The tea ceremony teacher said that my tea ceremony is progressing. It’s very fast. If you don’t dislike it, I hope I can bring the flowers I planted with my own hands when I go back."

"God~" A Miao exclaimed, covering her mouth, "Is this too sensible? Yinsang and Jiang Chengsang made Kagura receive re-education. It was really a very correct decision."

"But..." Jiubei frowned and muttered to himself while propping his chin: "I always think something is wrong..."


The second week passed in the blink of an eye. Taking advantage of the weekend, Jiang Cheng once again sent Kagura the schedule for the next week, which is the third week.

After sending it over, Jiang Cheng left without stopping at all, but before Jiang Cheng could walk downstairs to the house of everything, he heard Kagura carrying the schedule.

"...Thursday at 19 o'clock, cram school, 2 o'clock review, 24 o'clock to bed. Friday at 6 o'clock to get up to preview, go home at 17 o'clock, tea ceremony... 22 o'clock cram class... 22 o'clock review... 24 o'clock-week Six...Flower arrangement...17 o'clock violin...weekend...12 o'clock..."

The mother-in-law Dengshi standing outside the store listened to the voice of Kagura reciting the schedule in a low voice from upstairs, and asked Jiang Cheng who had just walked down the stairs: "Hey, is this kid okay?"

"Probably..." Jiang Cheng answered casually.

Mother-in-law Dengshi went on to say: "Although she is really sensible as if she has changed a person, she feels that her head is already weird. You parents should pay attention to it."

Xiaoyu walked out of the shop and said to Jiang Cheng: "Master Jiang Cheng, when I saw Master Kagura this morning, both eyes were completely lost. Although I have also told Master Yinshi, but he did not let go. In my heart."

"It's okay." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, then turned around and walked slowly in the direction of Yoshihara, "You don't have to do extra work, just keep it like this."

Looking at Jiang Cheng's seemingly indifferent back, Mother-in-law Dengshi turned her face and sipped: "Really, men are really the same, just take care of themselves."

"No, I think..." Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Cheng's leaving back, and stopped talking.

"What I say is for the sake of Kagura sauce, it's all for my own sake! I can't stand it anymore!" With that, Granny Denshi turned around and went up the stairs, "Kagura-Kagura-I don't need to study today. Oh! Go play! Kagura—"

The grandmother Dengshi, who came to the door of the house of all things thumpingly, opened the door of the house of all things and shouted: "Kagura-go to the amusement park with Xiaoyu today or something? I will pay for the rent. Deducted from inside."

Kagura, who hurriedly arrived at the entrance, bowed to Grandma Dengshi: "Grandma A***shi, I'm really welcome."

Seeing the godless eyes and the dark circles close to the panda's Kagura, the grandmother Dengshi showed a frightened expression and stammered: "God, Kagura! Are you, are you really okay?!"

"Where is it," Kagura raised his head and smiled, "And as a junior, how can you let the elders care? It should be my junior to care about you. Is your health okay? Let me make a cup of tea for you How about pressing your shoulders?"

"Kagura——!!!" Granny Dengshi covered her mouth and couldn't stop her tears. "Enough is enough! Let's rest today! Let's take a good rest at home today! I will teach Ginshi to you. Reliable uncle! Please rest at home today!"

"Take a rest..." Kagura stared at the godless eyes, looked straight at Granny Dengshi, and said in a low voice, "No, there is no rest on today's schedule. The schedule is absolute, absolutely. Don’t defy the schedule, and live according to the schedule completely, so that you can become a useful adult in the future. What is today’s schedule? Get up at six o'clock, seven...eight...ten o'clock...twelve o'clock ..."

"Kagura sauce——!!!"


In the middle of the night, a natural curler with dark circles under the eyes and a ponytail man with dark circles under the eyes were sitting in a ramen restaurant run by a certain survivor, drinking wine in silence with their heads down.

Ji Song smiled and said, "It's really rare. It's been a long time since I saw the two of you drinking together."

"Ah, because I have no interest in the survivors." Jiang Cheng said directly without thinking.

In exchange for...

"Sorry, my hands slipped~" Ji Song deliberately poured the hot soup in his hands on Jiang Cheng, smiling and apologizing.

"Although I am not interested, can you allow me to stay here for one night today?" Gintoki raised his hand and asked, with dark circles under his eyes. food."

"Did you two come here to find the difference on purpose?" Ji Songpi asked without a smile.

Yin Shi went on to say: "Of course, if you want to eat something weird, I will seriously consider it."

"Hands slipped!!" Ji Songbai shouted angrily and slammed the pile of ramen bowls in his hands against Yin Shi's head.

The head of the bowl and silver shattered...

Glancing at the side and falling on the table, rolling his eyes and the blood flow is not only the silver that is still twitching from time to time, Jiang Cheng smiled lightly, and then said again: "Spare him, it is true that he has been a bit hard lately.!" Ji Song looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief, covering his mouth, "What's the matter? Don't you two fight as soon as you meet? Why do you say that today?"

"Ah, you'll know in a while." Jiang Cheng said casually while putting down the wine glass, and then placed the wine bottle on the counter with the money on the counter, "I will save the wine here, and drink it next time. Goodbye."

"Ah, thank you for your patronage." Ji Song quickly responded.


Five minutes after Jiang Cheng left, a small figure opened the door of the shop.

Seeing Kagura entering the door, Jisong smiled and said, "How about Kagura? Would you like a bowl of ramen?"

"Good evening, Miss Jisong." Kagura bowed, said blankly with his eyes, and then walked straight towards Yinshi.

Seeing the performance of Kagura like this, Ji Song was slightly stunned, and his face also showed some surprise.

"What's wrong?"

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