May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 679: : Right and wrong are intertwined!

Kagura, who had no gods in his eyes, pulled the corner of Yin Shi's clothes on the table lying on the table, and said in an inaudible voice, "Mr. Sakata, it's time to go home and go to bed, Sa, Let us go back together."

Suddenly awakened, Yin Shi suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was filled with a certain kind of rejection.

"Drinking too much alcohol is not good for your health," Kagura continued, dragging Gintoki strongly towards the door.

Facts have proved that even the silver time can't withstand the power of the night rabbit. When the silver time is dragged on the floor by Kagura, he raises his hand and stumbling to ask for help.

"help me…"

"No, Mr. Sakata, staying in such a place late at night will cause trouble to Miss Jisong." Kagura continued with his eyes blankly, and then turned his head and bowed very politely to Jisong. You are causing trouble, Miss Jisong. We will go back now."



Looking at the closed store door, after a few seconds of silence, Ji Song only covered his mouth with a solemn expression, and said to himself with lingering fear: "What is that?! What was that just now?! It's too scary. Come on! Are you dying? Is someone dying?! Is it Kagura or that natural scroll?!"

At this moment, suddenly came the voice of a long-haired man who had just left the country in the previous chapter, but failed to show his face for various reasons.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jisong." The long-haired man who didn't know when he would arrive, said slowly while sitting at the counter, "No one will die, whether the captain, Yin Shi, or Jiang Cheng, No one will die. If anyone wants to die now, it must be... I was scammed by those two bastards! That's the money I've worked so hard to save to buy a ship girl. ! Those two bastards! Ahhhhhh! I am going to kill them! And...not the long-haired man, it's Gui!"

Looking at the long-haired man who was so emotionally excited, he quietly... splashed the hot soba noodles on the face of the long-haired man.

"Your soba is ready!"

As a result, although the long-haired man tried very hard to rub the camera, he still failed to show his face.

The weekend of the third week of Kagura's school...


"Then what, is it your turn?" With Yinshi with big dark circles under her eyes, she stared blankly at Jiang Cheng in front of her, "I have been here for three weeks."

Jiang Cheng looked at this time, only a certain kind of stiff smile and **** eye circles and eyes completely lost in Kagura were left on his face, and then once again focused his gaze on the game in front of him.

"Yeah." Jiang Chengcheng replied casually, seemingly indifferent.

"Anyway, the next thing is up to you." Yin Shi grabbed his hair, then waved his hand and turned slowly, "Re-education or something..."

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng replied without looking back.


After the door was closed, Kagura politely bowed to Jiang Cheng and said, "My uncle, I'm so sorry, I've been harassing you for a while."

"Don't mind." Jiang Cheng replied.

"And... Uncle-sama," Kagura said, putting his backpack aside properly, and then stepped forward as if uncontrollably. "The game can only be played for an hour a day. Work hard."

Although Kagura forcibly grabbed the handle in his hand and forcibly shut down the game, it was strange that Jiang Cheng didn't get angry and just responded indifferently.

"I see."

The next day, which is Monday morning.

At the dinner table, Hinawa said with a smile: "Kagura~ You must eat more~ It must have been a hard time going to school recently, right?"

"Thank you for your hospitality..." Kagura stared at Hinawa with blank eyes, "I'm really...thank you for being able to cook this kind of food for someone like me."

"Hey, are you okay?" Yue Yong asked hurriedly, "Kagura?"

"It's okay." Kagura shook his head gently, "Thank you very much for your worry, Miss Yueyong, but I'm really okay."

"No, although you said that, but..." Looking at Kagura, who was obviously insane, Yueyong's forehead gradually became dark.

Hirinawa smiled and said, "Now, I really have become a very obedient and very obedient child. Speaking of which, Jiang Chengsang, can you lend me the calendar you made for Kagura for reference? I I think this kind of education is also very suitable for Haruta."

Harita, who was eating breakfast silently, instantly became ill, her pupils quaked, and the cold sweat on her face could not stop dripping out drop by drop.

"Really?" Jiang Cheng put down the rice bowl in his hand and glanced at Kagura casually, "If necessary, I will give it to you later."

"No! I don't want to be like Kagura sister!" Harita gave a horrified voice while holding his head.

"Huh?" Kagura was puzzled, and then there was a bit of worry on the godless face, "What's wrong? Haru Tai-kun? Is it uncomfortable? If you are, you must say it, if you need help. Yes, I will definitely help."

"Ahhhhhhh! Don't do it!" Qing was too horrified to shout, and then got up and grabbed the door.

At this moment, Yue Yong, who couldn't stand it anymore, couldn't help it. After getting up, he grabbed Jiang Cheng's hair and dragged it out without looking back.

"It hurts! What are you doing?" Jiang Cheng complained.

Yue Yong ignored Jiang Cheng's yelling and spoke again without looking back: "We are out on patrol."

Upon seeing this, Kagura quickly got up and bowed to Yueyong and Jiang Cheng and said, "Please go all the way..."

Hi-Ran covered her mouth and said in surprise: “It took only three weeks to become so sensible and obedient. That schedule is really incredible.”

Kagura leaned down and started to tidy up the table for himself: "Breakfast is over, let me clean the table for you."

"This kind of thing..."

As Kagura cleared the empty plates, he continued, "Whether it is your uncle or I have been taken care of by you so much, I will feel very upset and guilty if I don't let me do this little job."

At this moment, although I felt a little bit of something wrong or a sense of disharmony, Rilun still selectively ignored this kind of irregularity and sense of disharmony, and only the schedule that Jiang Cheng said was left in my heart. eager.

"Hey, that's enough, right?" Yue Yong looked at Jiang Cheng coldly, "Kagura has become that kind of appearance! Can all that kind of schedule be stopped, right?"

"What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng flicked off the earwax just dug out by his little finger, and blew it gently. "It's far from over."

"You see Kagura's appearance, right?" Yueyong retorted, "Although she does become sensible and even considerate of adults, it is not normal in that way? If this continues, it may be What bigger consequences might be caused!"

"Isn't it better?" Jiang Cheng replied casually as he walked. "Become sensible, become considerate of adults, become helpful with housework, and become polite. Isn't this a good boy in everyone's mind? Definition?"

"I said so, but..." Yue Yong clenched his fists, and stopped talking.

"Want to say that personality is completely obliterated?"

"Huh?" Yue Yong was stunned, and then he was a little surprised, "You..."

Jiang Cheng slightly raised the corner of his mouth and snorted softly. At the same time, he speeded up his pace a bit, waved his hand and said, "In short, please don't interfere in the next thing."

"Hey you…"

"Some things have to be understood by those who really should."

"The one who really should understand? Who?" Yue Yong quickly caught up with Jiang Cheng and asked, "Isn't it the few of you who suggested that Kagura receive re-education?"

"What happened then?"

"What's wrong with you? You culprits should stop if they understand! If it is late, there will be problems!"

"It's all said not to be nosy~" Jiang Cheng replied casually, "Isn't it good now?"

"You're pretty good! I can't tell where it's good! Something in that child is being wiped out little by little!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of personality is, right?"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's face for granted, Yue Yong burst into flames for no reason, and then without thinking about it, she took out several Kuunai from her arms and threw them all on Jiang Cheng's head and body.

After doing all this, Yue Yong took a sip of the cigarette lightly, leaving behind a sentence of "scum", and then slowly left, leaving only Jiang Cheng, who was lying in a pool of blood and still twitching from time to time. .

After touching for half a minute, the resurrected Jiang Chengcai slowly got up.

"Really, I have said it so that people who must understand can understand this kind of thing." Jiang Cheng pulled out the karma from his body, and at the same time he mumbled such a sentence in a low voice.

The fourth week of Kagura's school, weekend.

"Then what, I said Kagura..." Looking at Kagura who showed a very stiff smile and used very stiff movements to plant flowers on the table, Yue Yong couldn't help but said, "Isn't it a day off today? You? Look...Would you like to go out and play or something? Playground or something..."

"No, I want to check my schedule for next week." Kagura said without looking back, and then took out a stack of schedules for himself, and said to himself: "Wake up at six on Monday, Go to school at seven, violin at nineteen, go home for dinner, tea ceremony at twenty, homework at twenty-two...Tuesday..."

"Enough... Enough..." Yue Yong's clenched hands were still trembling lightly, and then rushed forward quickly, grabbing the schedule in Kagura's hands and tearing it to pieces. "Enough! This kind of schedule or something, let it end! It is simply wrong to live with this kind of thing! Enough! Kagura!"

"Hey? Wrong?" Kagura raised his head, staring at Yue Yong with his eyes blankly, "The schedule is absolute...wrong...absolute...wrong...absolute..."

"Hey? This is..." Yue Yong was surprised.

It was like Kagura where the program suddenly produced an error, looking straight at Yueyong with a godless and confused eyes, still chanting something in his mouth.

"Kagura is a good boy... Kagura has improved... Much better than before... The schedule is absolute... Wrong... Absolute... Wrong... Wrong... Wrong..."

Yue Yong hurriedly continued: "Hey! Cheer up! Kagura! Stop thinking about that kind of thing! There is no need for that kind of thing!"

"Hey? Absolutely...wrong...nothing necessary...hey? That...what the **** is that? Absolutely...wrong...not necessary...hey? Absolutely...wrong...nothing necessary...ahhhhh Ahhhhh!!!"

Looking at Kagura who suddenly held his head and yelled blankly in his eyes, Yueyong understood...At this time, Kagura was completely messed up.

After thinking about it, Yue Yong finally made an extremely bold decision, which was to reach out and hold Kagura, who had lost consciousness, into his arms.

"Enough..." Yue Yong comforted softly, "Go back to the way it was before, please, for your own sake, go back to the way it was before."

"Persuade you to leave her," Jiang Cheng's lazy voice came from behind Yue Yong, "I will soon be dazzled by the troublesome blood of Yetu, will die. "

"At this time, you are still there leisurely, but you should also quickly think of a way!"

Jiang Cheng approached slowly, and at the same time casually continued: "What are you talking about? I'm just here to send a new calendar for the next week. The version just now seems to be lacking, so it has been slightly revised."

"When is it, are you still thinking about that kind of thing?!"

"Kill...Kill...Blood...Blood..." Kagura's expression suddenly became grim, and there seemed to be a special arrogance that had never appeared before.

"Alala~ Sure enough, I was still dazzled." Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders, and then shot Yueyong behind him in an instant. At the same time, his other hand firmly pressed Kagura's head.

"Kill...Kill..." Kagura's two hands kept grabbing Jiang Cheng, but because of being held back to death, they couldn't catch Jiang Cheng.

"This is the schedule from now on..." Jiang Cheng carelessly put a wad of white paper in his hand on Kagura's face.

"Hey! Jiang Cheng! I said that it's not..." Yue Yong just wanted to say something, but suddenly realized that the so-called calendar in Jiang Cheng's hands turned out to be blank!

After calming down, Kagura looked at the pile of white paper in his hand, and then looked at Jiang Cheng with a swollen nose and the room he had just torn apart...

"That...what's wrong with me?"

Jiang Cheng rubbed his head, UU read and then waved his hand, turned and walked slowly towards the door.

"It's nothing, it's just being woken up and sent a sigh of anger or something, and must check the schedule in the future."

"Calendar..." Looking at the blank paper in his hand, Kagura still looked confused.

"It means that the schedule is decided by himself." Yue Yong said lightly.

"up to you?"

Yue Yong continued: "Ah, what you want to do and where you want to go is up to you."

The one-month school experience life of Kagura ended in this way. It was Kagura's own decision, and no one stopped it.

By the way... After this, Kagura, Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi, and Xin Ba Ha sulked for a long time.

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