May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 680: : Don't guess the girl's mind!

boom! !

There was a sound like something being smashed in Jiang Cheng's room.

Two minutes later, as Kagura walked out of Jiang Cheng's room with the banknotes in his hand with an unhappy expression, Yueyong greeted him normally.

"Yo, Kagura."

"Yueyue, that **** Uncle of the Nit clan is really getting worse and worse. Aru." Kagura took a sip and said, "The pocket money is decreasing every month. It's really damn! God just thinks about games, it’s so exasperating! It should be my uncle who has used the schedule to make a good transformation!"

"Yeah..." Yue Yong pondered for a moment, and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, it would be nice to give him a copy of that kind of schedule. It doesn't matter if this kind of lazy personality is completely wiped out. ."

"That means Aru!" Kagura nodded hastily.

Yue Yong looked at the corner of the room coldly, and Jiang Cheng, whose head was stuffed into the computer screen, said coldly: "Okay, I see. Later, I will discuss a suitable one for him with Hiren. The schedule, couldn't be more suitable."

After Kagura left, Yue Yong stepped into Jiang Cheng's room door, but before he had time to say anything, Xin Ba Chi's voice came over with the sound of a little anxious footsteps.

"Jiang Chengsang—Jiang Chengsang—"

While shouting, Xin Ba Haw stepped into the living room, but after seeing such a miserable Jiang Cheng, his face instantly became expressionless.

"Ah, both over there and here are the same..." Xin Ba Haw muttered to himself silently, "If this is the case, today's commission can only be done by me and Kagura-chan. Yinsan just now Also stayed in the hospital..."

Just now, Xin Ba Haw suddenly noticed Yue Yong on the side, and hurriedly said hello politely: "It's been a long time, Miss Yue Yong."

"Yeah." Yue Yong nodded slightly as a response.

"Really, in the end, I couldn't persevere in re-education or something," said, Xin Ba Hao's expression showed some relief and looked in Jiang Cheng's direction, "It's back to the normal state. "

Yue Yong frowned and said, "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like education, right? It's too messy."

"That is to say!" Xin Ba Haw nodded, and then looked in Jiang Cheng's direction again, "But how did Jiang Chengsang and Yinsang make Mrs. Jiang Hwa give up re-education of Kagura sauce?"

"How can that kind of messy thing succeed?" Yueyong said subconsciously, but then suddenly reacted, "Wait, what did you just say? Kagura's re-education... it's not you. Did the three ask for it?"

"Hey? Miss Yue Yong doesn’t know?" Xin Ba Hao looked at Yue Yong in surprise, and then slowly explained: “Although we proposed to Mrs. Jiang Hua at the beginning, Mrs. Jiang Hua seems to have thought about it. I agreed to the idea of ​​letting Kagura receive some education very decisively."

"Is that right?"

"Ah, that's right." After nodding, Xin Ba Hao continued: "The first version of the calendar was made by Mrs. Jiang Hwa, but it was too messy. Jiang Sung Sang still has Yin Sang including the communicator. The owner of Xinghaifang there refused. Then... there was a scream from the owner of Xinghaifang from the communicator. In short, we didn't hear the voice of the owner of Xinghaifang until the end that day."


"The first version of the calendar designed by Mrs. Ganghwa for Kagura was really hard," Xinba Haw continued, "Kagura's rest time seems to be only about two hours, and the rest time will be added afterwards. Jiang Chengsang and Yinsang struggled to get their lives."

"This, this way..."

Xin Ba Ha shook his head and continued with some helplessness: "Mrs. Jiang Hwa seems to have made a lot of determination this time to let Kagura receive a good education. The opposition between Jiang Chengsang and Yinsang was completely useless, and even threatened to I personally came to the earth to supervise it. But fortunately, Jiang Chengsang and Yinsang stopped it."

"Some things have to be understood by those who really should understand." Yue Yong suddenly remembered the sentence Jiang Cheng had said before, and only then did Yue Yong finally understand the true meaning of this sentence.

"But this time it is really thanks to Jiang Chengsang and Yinsang," Xin Ba Ha smiled and said, "Although I don't know what method was used, it seems that Mrs. Jiang Hwa completely cut off and let Kagura sauce go again. Accept that chaotic re-education idea."

"So it's like this..." Yueyong murmured.

Xin Ba Hao continued with some emotion: "I think it was probably to prevent Kagura-chan from knowing that most of these were Mrs. Jiang Hwa's ideas. Jiang Sung-sang and Yin-sang took those things to themselves, right. "

"New Eight..." Jiang Cheng's weak voice came out, "Take a hand..."

"Oh, here it is!" Xin Ba Haw hurried forward, pulling Jiang Cheng's lower body out.

"It hurts... light, light! You smelly glasses!"

[Such a man is still a sister-in-law,] As Yue Yong turned and left, she shook her head and thought in her heart, [Really...]

Finally, in fact, the most important point in this whole incident is that no one knows except Jiang Hua himself. The culprit that made Jiang Hua want to re-educate Kagura... is actually some books sent by Jiang Cheng...

Planet Anan is still that dilapidated and unfinished building.

Jiang Hua was leaning against the window, looking carefully at a book in his hand titled "Don't let your children lose at the starting line!", while reading and thinking.

It’s worth mentioning that there are also a series of books on educating children on the window sill. For example, "When you are three years old, do your children have these habits? If so, they must be corrected immediately!", "Let each Children can become dragons!" etc.


The owner of Xinghai Fang, who had been hanging on the ceiling for an unknown period of time, finally awoke and pulled out his head from the ceiling.

"Jiang Hua, that kind of re-education method is really messy!" Xinghai Fang said loudly as soon as he landed, "I will never agree! No matter how many times I say it, I won't agree! Although it may be. Let Kagura become sensible and obedient, but I will never agree!"

"I already know." Jiang Hua said without looking back, and then closed the book in his hand.

The owner of Xinghai Fang was delighted: "Then I mean that Kagura will no longer be forced to accept that terrible re-education, right?"

"This kind of thing..." Jiang Hua replied faintly, "Let me come personally after our family is reunited on the earth. Xiao Jiangcheng is still too accustomed to Kagura."

"Hey? Jiang...Hua?"

(End of this article.)


One day, Kagura just got a small amount of pocket money from Jiang Cheng. Although he hadn't figured out how to spend it, he still invited two of his good friends over.

"I got my pocket money today, Aru! Let's go shopping together!" Kagura patted his barely-developed **** to show off to the two friends on the side.

"Dad and mom just gave me pocket money."

Xiaosaki, who was the same age as Kagura, wore a dark green kimono with a little yellow chrysanthemum and short black hair, said with a smile.

"I just got it too." Wearing a purple kimono with a black hair and a ponytail, Mary Bay also patted her small satchel.

"Then what do you do today Aru? Go shopping at the snack street?" Kagura asked.

"Mom asked me to go to the beauty salon to have my hair cut." Xiaosaki smiled embarrassedly, "So probably I can't go to the snack street with Kagura, I'm sorry..."

"My dad also told me to cut my hair on the day off." Maribey said helplessly.

"A beauty salon?" Kagura was a little curious. "I have never been to such a place. I also go to the barbershop Aru for ordinary children who cut their hair for 100 yuan a time."

"Well, do you want to go together?" Xiaosaki invited with a smile, "After all, Kagura-chan is also a girl. It's better to be a little more refined girl."

"I brought the card, which can be discounted." Maribey also hurriedly said.

"Beauty salon..." Kagura looked at the money in his hand.

"Okay, okay, I sometimes treat myself a little better." Xiaosaki took Kagura's arm, "I think Kagura-chan is already cute, but sometimes she doesn't pay much attention to dressing up. "

"Yes, yes, I think so too." Maribe held up Kagura's other arm. "The skin is white and her face is cute, but there are about trying clothes other than cheongsam occasionally? "

"No, just the clothes..."

"Then you should take care of your hair and skin at least occasionally, right?"

"Yes, yes! This is very important!"

So, driven by the two of you and Kagura's own curiosity, the three girls walked into a cheap beauty shop in Edo with their arms in arms.

In the evening, the house of everything.

Kagura, who spent about one-third of his pocket money in the beauty salon, sat on the sofa in a rare manner.

"That..." Kagura spoke with some twist, and asked quietly, "Why... how?"

"Huh?" While lying on the other side of the sofa looking at JUMP's silver, he glanced at Kagura with unmotivated eyes.

"It's..." Kagura twitched and then asked, "Why... how?"

"How about what?" Ginshi looked puzzled, but then he found something again, once again devoted his mind to the JUMP in front of him, and at the same time waved his hand and said casually, "If you want to go to the toilet, hold on. Go, hold back for too long and you will get hemorrhoids."

Hearing the sound, the blue veins on Kagura's face suddenly burst, and then he just got up...

Ignoring the smashed door and half-dead in a coma, when the silver on the fence at the door, Kagura walked down the stairs of the House of Everything.

"Sir Kagura, good evening." At the entrance of the Dengshi Tavern, Xiaoyu, who had just sent two guests away, said hello to Kagura who had just walked down the stairs.

"Xiaoyu..." Kagura hurriedly stepped forward and flicked his hair deliberately, ""

"Have you been to a beauty salon?" Xiaoyu asked, "Does the hair look very shiny? Is it fine cut?"

"Xiaoyu!" Kagura cheered for an instant, and hugged him up. "It must be Xiaoyu! You can tell at a glance!"

"Of course, I'm a robot, no matter how small the changes are, I can find them right away." Xiaoyu replied.

"Then, let's try Uncle Aru next!" Kagura continued on his own, and then strode towards Yoshihara in a stride.

"No...then what..." Xiaoyu just wanted to say something, but Kagura didn't listen to it at all.

Seeing Kagura walking towards Yoshihara with a big stride, Xiaoyu murmured, "As far as I know about Mr. Jiang Cheng, this kind of small change...may not be noticeable, so don't hold too much. Hope it's better."

But these words, Kagura can't hear...

"Cough cough cough cough..." Kagura, who was rarely seen sitting down beside Jiang Cheng, hoping to attract Jiang Cheng's attention in this way.

"What's wrong? Didn't the pocket money just be given to you today?" Jiang Cheng asked helplessly, his eyes never leaving the game.

"That's...that..." Kagura turned on the shy tweak mode again, "How?"

"Huh? What?" Jiang Cheng glanced at Kagura on the side, "How about what?"

"It's just... how... how does it look?" Kagura twitched and then asked.

"Look?" Jiang Cheng said in a puzzled voice, then put down the gamepad and turned his head to support his chin and observe carefully.

"How about it?"

"Is it going to the toilet?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Kagura's face suddenly burst into blue veins, and gritted his teeth with white eyes and roared: "Why do you even do this! Stupid uncle!"

"Slow, slow, slow." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't be angry, just kidding, I actually noticed it."

"Hey? Really?!" Kagura's expression was happy, and then he squeezed again, ""

"You kid..." Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, and then reached out his hand and rubbed Kagura's hair gently. "It's okay, no need to care about that kind of place. It doesn’t matter if it’s the airport, as long as you grow up healthy and energetic."

"It's not that kind of place!"

Ignoring Jiang Cheng whose head was tucked into the floor, Kagura left Jiang Cheng's room with enthusiasm.

The oncoming Yueyong looked at Kagura who had just walked out, and said: "Kagura, it's been a long time since I saw you. Have you just been to a beauty salon?"

Hearing the sound, Kagura instantly showed a touch of emotion, and then directly pounced on Yueyong.

"Yueyue--" Kagura rubbed Ceng Yueyong's chest, "It has to be Yueyue! Men can't notice this kind of thing at all!"

In the end, Kagura went to Ah Miao's house again, but the result did not make a difference, and Xin Ba Ha did not respond to this small change.

On the contrary, Ah Miao is quite sensitive to such small changes...

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