May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 681: : Girls will have small changes and want to be discovered by someone...

Breakfast time, at the table.

"Ah..." Jiang Cheng moved his neck and said helplessly: "Really, he broke into someone else's room and stuffed other people's heads into the floor. Now The little ghosts are getting more and more rude."

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s complaint, Rilun couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Jiang Chengsang is working hard every day.”

"Isn't it..." Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, then raised his face with his hands and sighed, "I also want a long vacation that can comfort my body and mind..."

Qingtai complained contemptuously with a small face: "Aren't you giving your life a vacation every day?"

"What stupid thing to say?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain, and then showed a serious expression, "It should be time, but why are you still not aware of it? There should be a limit to pretending to be stupid. Bar!"

"What the **** are you talking about?" Haruta still looked contemptuous.

"That's the one," Jiang Cheng raised his index finger as he closed his eyes, "In other languages ​​with the same number of words as ours, it usually appears."

"What is it exactly?"

"Of course it's welfare return!"

"Oh!" Haruta suddenly came into interest. "It's the kind of welfare that no matter whether it has anything to do with the plot, but everyone goes to the beach, can you enjoy the girls' swimwear and enjoy the eye-catching benefits?!"

"Even though he is young, isn't it clear enough?" Jiang Cheng praised, and then showed a sorrowful expression again, "When will our welfare return?"

Qingtai nodded and said angrily, "Yes! It should have started long ago! That **** orangutan!"

"Haruta, let's have a good chat with mom after coming back from school today." Hirin said with a squinting eyes.

Qingtai's expression was stagnant, and then slowly got up, lowered her head and said weakly, "I'm sorry, I went to the private school."

"I don't look at the atmosphere or anything," Jiang Cheng held his cheek with one hand, curled the corners of his mouth and muttered uncomfortably, "Other works must have begun welfare returns early. When will our welfare return? When is the summer of my life?"

"Jiang Chengsang, the summer vacation of your life never seems to be over." Sun Wheel reminded with a smile, and then suddenly thought of something, "But if it's the beach, you can go anytime, right? That's what you said. What kind of welfare return or something."

"Really?" Jiang Cheng was puzzled.

"Hey, of course."

Hilina smiled lightly, and then stretched out his hand to indicate that he hid behind the door, and all the members stuck their heads out, holding the swimsuit tightly in their hands, ready to go, and like a wild beast, his eyes flashed red, panting. Cruelly staring at Jiang Cheng's all the Baihua ladies and sisters.

"That's it..." After returning his gaze, Jiang Cheng raised his hand and nodded his head and analyzed it for himself: "From this point of view, there is really no need for welfare in our work. Except for the protagonist, there really is no need for it. What can be said to be a female role of welfare? Maybe once the welfare is written, no one will watch it again."

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong's forehead was silently bursting with blue veins, including the sun wheel forehead on the side that was also completely black in an instant. Although he was still laughing, the blue veins bursting on his forehead did say something silently.

"Private Marseille~ I slipped my hand~"


Jiang Cheng, who was hit in the head by the hot tea and sharp kunai at the same time, rolled his eyes and fell straight behind him...

After Jiang Cheng was dragged out by a group of "waiting for a long time" and "wow to be fed" by Baihua ladies "cannot wait", Yue Yong spoke again.

"But..." Yue Yong slowly spit out a second-hand smoke.

Rilun joked: "Could it be that Yueyue is also thinking about welfare recovery?"

"No, it's not that." Yueyong shook his head, and muttered: "It's the reaction of Kagura really surprised me. Why was it so angry?"

Hirano covered her face and smiled, and then slowly said: "Yueyue, although you are also a woman, you still don't know much about this kind of thing. You must know that girls dress up very seriously for men. If If a man didn't notice it at all, he would of course be angry. But I didn't expect that Kagura-chan would have such a girlish side."

"Yes...Is it?" Yue Yong still looked suspicious.

"So why don't you try it yourself?" Sun Wheel suggested, "And Yueyue, you seem to have never been to a beauty salon. If you go there, you might be able to experience a man who went to a beauty salon but was not cared about. I noticed the mood."

"I... I don't care about the man!" Although she had no confidence at all, Yue Yong retorted loudly, "Why should I try that kind of thing!"

"Is that so?" Rilun showed a look of doubt, then tilted her face back to think, "I originally thought that if Yueyue took care of herself, she might be noticed by Jiang Chengsang..."

Yue Yongzhang blushed and retorted loudly (stubbornly): "Who, who wants to be noticed by that idiot! You can stop at the sun wheel too!"

Hilawa smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry, sorry, that might be because I want to blame it."

"Really, don't mess around with this kind of joke," Yueyong walked toward the door angrily with her face turned away, "I'm going to patrol."

Looking at Yueyong's back, who was still muttering in his mouth, Sun Haul suddenly thought of something, and shouted to Yueyong: "If you can, you can get a point card. Recently, I am also a little haggard."

"I see," Yue Yong, who had just walked to the door, responded subconsciously, but then reacted again, turning around and arguing loudly: "No! I said I wouldn't go to such a place! I don’t even care about the man! I don’t even care about that kind of idiot!"

"Good voyage~" Hichirin smiled and waved.

In the afternoon, for unknown reasons, without anyone recruiting, a natural roll, an orange one, including a pair of glasses, gathered in Jiang Cheng's room.

The three of them were equally dignified, sitting at the low table without saying a word.

"Then..." Xin Ba Hao, who was kneeling on the side, pushed the body on the bridge of his nose, and said first: "Everyone should have noticed, right? Then...what should I do?"

"What to do..." Jiang Cheng breathed out gently, and then immediately shot his arm around Yin Shi's collar, gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I slaughtered this natural roll first!"

"What do you mean! Bastard!" Yin Shi grabbed Jiang Cheng's collar with his backhand and exclaimed angrily, "What does it have to do with me!"

"No, it's basically your responsibility! Bastard!" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "I will give you the intact niece. It is your responsibility to become like this! Hey! Give it back to me. Give me back the hair follicles that Kagura lost! Bastard!"

Yin Shi angrily retorted, "No, it's all the bald man's genetic fault, right? Kagura will become like that sooner or later. It doesn't matter to me, right? As for your own niece, you are responsible for it. Throw it all away!"

That's right, it's not that the three men didn't notice the changes in Kagura, but... they would be wrong.

"Wait a minute, you two." Xin Ba Haw hurriedly became a peacemaker, and persuaded: "Now is not the time to fight or shirk responsibility! The problem is to think about what to do! If the situation is allowed to go on, Kagura will become another Xinghai Fangzhu in a short time!"

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng and Yinshi released each other's collars and sipped their faces at the same time.

"Kagura seems to have discovered it herself," Shinba Haw said with a serious expression, "Even though she pretended not to find the fool yesterday, she still cares very much about this kind of thing herself."

"Me too." Jiang Cheng nodded, "Although she was fooled by saying that there was no change in her breasts, she was still angry. It seems that this kan is indeed a bit difficult for her herself."

Xin Ba Ha vomited expressionlessly: "No, Jiang Chengsang, your fooling past is obviously not the same as my fooling past. Kagura sauce is obviously angry because of this sentence, right?"

"It's the same on my side." Yin Shi waved his hand, curled his lips and said, "Although it was fooled,... the reaction was bigger than expected."

"This really has become a big problem..." Jiang Cheng sighed, then showed a look of unbearableness and clenched his fists, "Really! Although I have thought about this possibility, I didn't expect it to come. So early! That **** bald!"


When he knocked the silver on the table hard, he also showed a look of unbearable: "That **** bald! My daughter was thrown here, and he didn't even send a penny of support! Bastard!"

"No, Yinsang, why are you scolding Xinghaifang master Sang? Is the theme wrong?"

Jiang Cheng also knocked on the table hard, with a look of unbearable: "It's enviable that Fangze, who can kiss Sister Jianghua every day...Hate, that **** bald! Hurry up and die! **** bald!"

"Hey! Hold on! What are we talking about?" Xin Ba Haw quickly reminded, "Speaking of which you just wanted to say envious? Hey! Both of you are just enough! What's going on now is being discussed. Isn't it a response to Kagura-chan's "baldness"? "

"Cut! These nasty virgin glasses!" Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi both turned away and sipped at the same time.

"Why did you bring me on!"

After such a small episode, the three people finally broke the topic back.

"Anyway, let's put aside your personal grievances towards Mr. Xinghai Fangzhu now." Xin Ba Hao continued, "We still have to focus on the Kagura sauce. Then first of all..."

With that said, Xin Ba Ha took out a cute pink baseball cap with cat ears and put it on the table.

"This is my method, I have tried my best." Xin Ba Hao continued.

"Hey, Lao Ba," Yin Shi's little finger dug his nostrils and curled his mouth and said, "Didn't you say it? Don't force your disgusting XP on others."

"Who has such a disgusting XP!" Xinba Haw blushed and retorted angrily, "Simply say it is an interest! No, no! I don't have such an interest either! It's just that..."

As he said, Xin Ba Hao's face showed a bit of embarrassment, and the whole person also twisted, "That... just because the money is just enough to buy this, I have absolutely no strange ideas..."

Looking at the appearance of Xin Ba Hao, Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi both showed speechless faces at the same time.

"Yo Xi, dismissed." Jiang Cheng very decisively threw the baseball cap into the trash can, "Then next one, Yin Shi."

Ignoring Xin Ba Hao, who leaped towards the trash can, Gin Shizuku reached into his arms and fumbled for it. While groping, he said, “Although I don’t know if it’s useful, I’m going to secretly put this in when there’s no one. In the attic..."


Looking at the two bottles of hair growth agent and hair growth comb that were written "Mao Hun" on the table when Yin Shi, Jiang Cheng frowned and murmured: "But... when I see this kind of thing suddenly, will Kagura be affected? Excited?"

"So it's supposed to be secretly put in." Yin Shi continued, "I just pretend that I don't know anything afterwards."

"Um..." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then reached out and took the hair restorer and comb on the table. "It is indeed a method, but whether it is effective or not."

"Yeah, that's what I said." Yin Shi held up his hands and nodded, "After all, that bald guy should also be using this kind of thing, but depending on the situation... it should still be of little use."

"Anyway, this should be the initial method." Jiang Cheng made a decision.

"In the beginning?" Xin Ba Haw, who picked up his hat, let out a puzzled voice, "Could it be that Jiang Chengsang has any final way?"

Jiang Cheng nodded: "Ah, the last resort that won't be used until the last minute."

"Could it be..." Yin Shi thought of something suddenly, half-squinting his eyes to look at Jiang Cheng, "is it a wig?"

"It's not a wig, it's Gui!" Gui, who had been hiding under the window sill from an unknown time, corrected loudly.

After disposing of Gui casually (tied it up and threw it on the street), Jiang Chengcai continued like a okay person: "The final method I said is actually... a hair transplant in a beauty salon!"

"Ah! Indeed!" Xin Ba Haw suddenly thought of something, and raised an index finger. "Recently, many beauty salons have indeed put up advertisements for hair transplants!"

"Is it reliable?" Yin Shi looked suspicious.

"I heard that the hair follicles are implanted directly into the scalp." Xinba Hao explained, "The hair that grows out is all my own."


Ever since, in the early morning of the next day...

Kagura, who had just woke up, found a baseball cap with cat ears, two bottles of hair growth lotion, a hair growth comb, and a leaflet for a beauty salon where the word "hair transplant" was marked on the side of his pillow.

The result was...Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi, and Xin Ba Hao were not spared that day, and they were severely repaired by Kagura.

"Really," Jiang Cheng, who pulled his head out of the wooden floor, curled his lips disdainfully, "What is it? It's for her sake, so he was so angry."

Just after speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed Yue Yong, who didn't know when to arrive.

"Ahem..." Yue Yong cleared his throat while holding the cigarette pipe, trying to put away the unnaturalness on his face, as if he was expecting something.

"Yueyue, you..." Jiang Cheng opened his eyes unconsciously.

For some reason, Yueyong suddenly felt a faint joy in her heart at this moment, but the next moment...

"Then what..." After Jiang Cheng got up, he took out a beauty salon flyer labeled "Hair Transplant" from his arms and handed it to Yue Yong's hand. UU Reading www. said quietly, "I won't tell anyone about you also starting to lose hair. I heard that the hair transplant technology here is very good."

After a long period of silence with a black face, Yue Yong took action, and saw that she instantly took out a few kunai and pierced Jiang Cheng's head bitterly.

After falling to the ground, Jiang Cheng, who rolled his eyes, looked at Yue Yong who decisively turned and left, and muttered, "Why... why?"

Yueyong, who exited Jiang Cheng's room, looked at the same angry Kagura leaning at the door, and suddenly laughed out of nowhere.

And Kagura also seemed to be infected, and smiled happily with his face up...

Jiang Cheng, who was lying in the room, listened to the laughter of two women, one large and one small outside the door, silently complaining in his heart: [Women or something...It's really weird...]


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