May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 682: : We never knew the mood of "Wang Jun" that day!

On a certain day off in the afternoon, Jiang Cheng, who was forced by two women (Hilin and Moon Rong) to give Harita tutoring lessons, was lying on the table and sighing.

"I said... Brother Jiang Cheng," it seemed that Jiang Cheng couldn't stand Jiang Cheng, and Harita, who was writing his homework, stopped the pen in his hand and complained: "Can you stop sighing, it's hard for me to concentrate like this."

Jiang Cheng, with his face on the table, waved his hand and replied indifferently: "This is training that allows you to concentrate in all kinds of situations. Come on, brat."

"Who believe it!" Qing said indignantly, "It's fine if you don't want to help with homework. You should be quiet! Mom will check my homework at night! If there is a problem, it is me who suffers! "

"Deeply sympathetic." Jiang Cheng waved his hand once again, his attitude still so indifferent.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's attitude, the end, she was softened, holding the table with both hands, and knocking her head hard against the table.

"Please! Brother Jiang Cheng! I will give you half of the pocket money afterwards!"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng sat up instantly, holding a book of exercises in his hand, and glanced at Harita faintly, "Who is Brother Jiang Cheng? Call me teacher."

Seeing Jiang Cheng, who was pretending to be poignant and looking through the exercises seriously, Qing was too silent for a long time before muttering quietly: "Anyway, I will never become a person like Jiang Cheng. On the opposite side. In the sense of teaching materials, Brother Jiang Cheng is unexpectedly competent..."

"Who is a masked teacher! Seriously! Smelly brat!"

"What the **** is going on with your ears!" Qingtai looked white, clenched her small fist and spit out angrily. "No one said that kind of thing! What is a masked teacher!"

Jiang Cheng chuckled, his face gradually showing a softness: "What's wrong? Are you disappointed? That's right! There are some things in the world, it is better not to open, one day you will understand that the person who opens the heart is How troublesome."

"Private Marseille," Harita squinted her eyes and raised her hand and replied. "Teacher, I don't understand what you are talking about. I have never said Desperate Teacher, nor have I mentioned it."

"That's it, then..." As he said, several yellow tentacles appeared behind Jiang Cheng, "Give you half a year, use the dagger in your hand..."

"It's not killing the teacher anymore! You can just stop it! You have said that you will divide your pocket money, so please be quiet! I have to concentrate on my homework!"

"Really," Jiang Cheng chuckled again, and then sighed with emotion: "Humans love to focus on animals that are outside the focus for no reason."

"It's you who makes me unable to concentrate! If this goes on, I won't be able to finish my homework on the rest day!"

"Haruta, learning to give up is also part of life~"

"You shut up!" Qing yelled angrily, then lowered her head and sighed heavily, "I know, I know, all, all the pocket money."

"Don't you understand?" Jiang Cheng chuckled and shook his head.

"Are you talking about giving up?!" Haruta was in a bad state, and she said impatiently, "Giving up means letting me give up all my pocket money in the second half of the year?!"

Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, nodded and said, "Ahem, in short, after giving up that boring thing, you have an afternoon where you can concentrate on completing your homework without being taught by the sun and the moon. , You should be happy!"

"Forget it, I'm already tired..." Harita sighed again, and then murmured in a low voice: "I don't know what mom and sister Yueyong think, so I asked you to do the homework. Every time I do the tuition. Let my pocket money decrease for no reason..."

"Hey," Jiang Cheng reminded him casually while lying on the floor beside him, waving his hand, "I advise you to hurry up and stop complaining about this and that."

"Almost forgot!" Harita reacted, and then quickly picked up the pen and started writing in the exercise book, "If you can't finish it, it will be awful..."

"No, I'm referring to the fact that your New Year's Eve money and next year's pocket money may also disappear unknowingly."

"Puff!" Qingta squirted directly away from her face, and then spit out loudly: "Are you referring to that?! How much pocket money are you going to blackmail me! Are you even booking for next year? !"

"Actually, I was planning to do it next time when I was going to give you tutoring, but I think you seem to be very interested, so it's better to hit the sun if you choose a day..."

"Spare me..." Harita lowered her head silently and chose to admit defeat, "please..."

"Actually, I used to..." Jiang Cheng said casually while looking at a JUMP that I didn't know where it came from, "I found a very strange magazine in some stinky kid's room..."

"Yes!" Qingta instantly raised her head and interrupted Jiang Cheng with the big eyes that were about to burst. "All the New Year's money for the end of this year and the pocket money for next year will be given to you! Please! Please! Don't say anything! Especially my mother and Sister Yueyong! Don't let them know! Please!"

"What is this kid doing?" Jiang Cheng hurriedly got up and helped Harita pretentiously. "I didn't plan to tell Sunrin and Yueyue either. I just wanted to comment on your taste and give you a little bit. It's just a suggestion. Everyone is a man, and I still understand this kind of thing."

[This bastard...] Haruta can only grit her teeth, furious incompetently in her heart.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and write your homework." Jiang Cheng continued, "There will be no one to bother you next. Sa, hurry up and start."

"Time is not enough!!"

Jiang Cheng was holding a pen in one hand, and with the other hand on his cheek, looking boredly at a collection of Mandarin test questions in front of him, he was still muttering uncomfortably: "Really, why should I write this kind of stuff with the kid?" ?troublesome."

"Brother Jiang Cheng, please be more serious about my pocket money." Qingta raised her head and said with contempt, "If I can't finish my homework, my mom will deduct my pocket money. Your share will also be deducted at that time!"

Jiang Cheng was taken aback, with a frightened expression on his face: "What...what a serious situation!"

"As fate is somewhat connected, it seems that you understand a little bit." Harita lowered her head again and began to write, and at the same time she continued self-consciously: "Anyway, the Mandarin will be left to you, even if it is. Brother Jiang Cheng, that kind of thing shouldn't be a problem anymore."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Jiang Cheng lost his thumb, and then started answering the question without thinking.

"Haruko and Xiaomei are still good friends who have been together since childhood, but suddenly one day, Xiaomei's family needs to move and transfer because of the work of her parents. After learning this news, Wangjun's mood is __________ "

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng wrote directly.

"do not know."

"I don't know how big you are!" Qing Tai grabbed Jiang Cheng's pen and exclaimed angrily, "Are you not good at this kind of elementary school student problem?! I don't know what the **** it is!"

Jiang Cheng held up his hand and analyzed it to himself: "No, I also thought about filling in the answer "please ask Wang Jun", but...I can't be sure that Wang Jun will tell the truth, so I can only do this. wrote. "

"There is no difference!" Harita shouted again, and then repeatedly clicked the empty space on the test set. "In this kind of place, you can write sadness, sadness, reluctance, and loneliness!"

"You know what Wang Jun's has!" Jiang Cheng reprimanded with a serious expression.

"You don't understand at all!"


"Idiot!" Jiang Cheng hammered the table vigorously, "You are too simple to think of human beings!"

"What are you talking about!"

"To give a simple example," Jiang Cheng said, faintly glanced at Harita, "Take me sitting in front of you as an example, what is my current mood? Do you know?"

Haruta replied with some uncertainty, "Maybe I just want to play games or something."

"Can Nian," Jiang Cheng folded his hands and chuckled, then his expression became serious again, "Now what I think is...Opada!"

"Puff!" Harita snorted again, "No one can guess that kind of thing! Why would you think of that kind of thing when I was tutoring me? Your mind is too dirty!"

"Please don't care about this kind of thing. Don't even think that I will lend you the giant O special issue that I'm holding in JUMP."

"No, I didn't think about it that way."

"In short, after the previous round of testing, it has been able to explain a lot of problems, right?" Jiang Cheng said with a serious expression, "You can't even guess my mood in front of you, so what qualifications do you have to discuss Wang Jun? Mood! Do you understand?!"

"I..." Harita, who has been brought into rhythm by Jiang Cheng, muttered with her eyes wide open, "I actually..."

"It seems that I understand a little bit." Jiang Cheng nodded, showing a relieved expression of "children can be taught", "but don't be too proud, there are still many things to teach you next, **** your ears. Listen to me!"


Harita swallowed, " said."

"In your opinion, I only wrote one I don't know, but that is not a simple ignorance, but an answer after careful consideration! It is different from a guy who has nothing in his head!"

"Yes...Is that so?" Haruta's face showed some suspicion.

"I said, did you ignore something?" Jiang Cheng pointed to the set of exercises. "Haruko and Xiaomei are still expected to be the three people given in the question stem, but...Haruko did not appear in the question and answer at all, you don’t Do you think it's weird?"

" there?"

"Ah, of course it's weird," Jiang Cheng nodded, and then slowly analyzed, "Because you will find a very interesting thing, according to your answer just now, then this question does not require Haruko. , Even without Haruko, this question can still be answered according to your answer just now."

Haruta seemed to wake up in an instant: "Yes! It can be done even without Haruko!"

"Then the question is coming," Jiang Cheng snapped his fingers, "Why does Haruko appear in the question, who has no effect at all?"


"do not know."

"I don't know what you said!"

"Why is it the same as just now?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips in disdain, "My ignorance is different from what you think I don't know. It is the result of my ignorance after serious consideration!"

"No, I think I just don't know..."

"Haruko, Xiaomei, Wangjun... said that they were good friends from childhood, this sentence... must be true?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Harita asked.

"Harita, you know that there are countless plastic sisters in this world," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said, "People pretend to be better than anyone else, but the queens discredit each other, claiming that they are good friends. Guys... everywhere."

"Is it really that complicated?"

"I said, don't underestimate people's hearts," Jiang Cheng complained, "and besides...this Wang Jun... also has a big problem."

"Hey? What happened to Wang Jun?"

"Do you think, if there are two girls around you who are thinking about springtime like you, three of them have been playing together since childhood... Would you prefer one of them?"

"Ah, this..." Haruta couldn't answer for a while.

"Absolutely there will be?"

Harita scratched her cheek embarrassedly: "Yes, maybe there will be..."

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then, do you think Wang Jun prefers Xiaomei... or Haruko?"

"This kind of thing..."

"A brief analysis, the first possibility: Wang Jun likes Haruko more, but in his heart he actually feels that Xiaomei, who hinders the world of her and Haruko every day, is very in the way."

"Xiaomei is so pitiful for you to say."

"Under this circumstance, ask yourself, if you are Wang Jun, what is your mood when you learn that Xiao Mei, who has been getting in the way, is about to leave?"

"I..." Harita just wanted to say something, but then she lowered her head in silence and chose to remain silent.

"Then, possibility two, Wang Jun actually likes Xiaomei. What is Wang Jun's mood at this time? Not to mention that there are several possibilities hidden in Possibility One. One is actually small. Mi and Haruko are actually very good friends, so for the Haruko whom she likes, even if she is happy when Xiao Mei leaves, Wang Jun has to pretend to be sad. The other is that Xiao Mei and Haruko are right Plastic sisters, it’s also possible that both of them really like Wang Jun, and it is even possible that the two actually have no idea about Wang Jun, and..."

"Stop!" Qing Tai couldn't help but interrupt Jiang Cheng's words aloud, "I already understand, I already understand that what you wrote is the result of careful consideration, and I really understand that humans cannot be underestimated. Heart. UU read so please stop."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "In short, what I don't know is the most accurate answer. Please don't doubt the teacher's ability anymore."

"Hi..." Harita replied feebly.

"Wait." At this moment, a voice from Sougou suddenly came from the side, "Boss, is it too early to make a conclusion so soon?"

"Zong Wu Jun?" Jiang Cheng looked at Zong Wu who was walking slowly, "Do you have any questions about what I just said? Or do you have any other answers?"

"Don't mention the answer," Sougou who walked up took over the problem set, "but boss, you seem to have overlooked something, you have overlooked a whole...three people..."

"Wh, what!" Jiang Cheng was surprised, "You said I ignored three people?!"

"Yes, one-half of the people are ignored by you." Sougo nodded, then reached out and slapped the problem set on the table, "Let's continue in the next chapter!"

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