May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 687: :Amen!

On the river bank in the setting sun, Xin Ba Hao, who hugged his knees and squatted on the ground, was staring at the setting sun in the distance with his eyes filled with loss and apathy.

In the end, the crow's croaking from nowhere brought back Xin Ba Haw's thoughts of not knowing where to go.

[Father...Father, the nirvana you have come up with in your entire life, it feels as if anyone can use it. Obviously it's a single pass...]

Thinking of this, Xin Ba Ha fumbled out the scroll from his cuff and opened it slowly.

[But everyone feels that it is easy to master casually, so why not make it any more difficult? Is the nirvana skill that anyone can use as a nirvana? I thought it was a special move that only I could use, but...]

Thinking of this, Xin Ba Hao could no longer control his emotions. As he stood up, he squeezed the scroll in his hand, and his face gradually revealed a bit of unbearableness.

"With this nirvana... I can't protect my father's dojo!"

After that, the new eight haw raised his hand to force the scroll in his hand to throw it out, but at this moment, the scroll opened with a crash.

Because of this, Xin Ba Chi saw the text behind the special move instruction that he hadn't seen before.

[If you learn this move, you should be the designated place for your departure—]

Xin Ba Hao opened his eyes wide and his face was incredible: [Even... there is a follow-up! 】

On the scroll: [This will be a harsh journey, maybe you will want to give up, or make you fail. But no matter how rough the road ahead is, as long as you have this nirvana, you can overcome everything! Then…

At the end of this long journey, you will surely find two fruits that hold the key to the profound meaning, cocoa and Weiyi summer fruit! As long as you mix the two, you can make the ultimate sweet treat that no one can resist! Using this as a bait to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, this is exactly—

The evil holy sword, Liewu, is always in the dark, and the **** of thunder is such a miraculous super plumber brother. 】

Looking at the three disciples (tramps) with toothpicks in their mouths in front of them, Xin Ba Hao said silently, "I will give you chocolates next week. You must come."

In the same way, just like last week, after spitting saliva onto the new eight-chips glasses with a look of disdain, the three homeless people turned around and left.

Leaning at the door, holding his hands and witnessing all this with Doudou's eyes, Yin Shi said silently: "It really is the father and son."

Kagura, who also held her hands and squinted her peasy eyes, did not nod her head but her expression proved everything.

"Maybe it's really like that..." Jiang Cheng, who didn't know when he arrived, closed his eyes and smiled softly. "Whether it's a father or a son, it's really the same."

"You dare to come again." Yin Shi glanced at Jiang Cheng on the side, curled the corner of his mouth and replied, "Be careful that Miao will beat you out."

"Hahaha, thanks to Jiu Bingwei Jun." Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "but having said that, that nirvana is really amazing!"

"All said it has nothing to do with nirvana! It's just because you are an idiot!"

Jiang Cheng nodded and said to himself: "Sure enough... the swordsmanship of the dojo is different from the one we learned by ourselves. I didn't expect that there are such things as nirvana."

"I said it has nothing to do with nirvana!"

"But... I don't like what I've seen stubbornly." As he said, Jiang Cheng looked at Haruta who was silently waving the sword in his hand from beginning to end, and then quietly said: "After all...subconsciously There are so many things that I have neglected. No matter the father or the new Baja-kun, they seem to have not noticed."

When I followed Jiang Cheng's vision to look at Yin, after seeing Haruta, who was still waving a sword with a serious expression on her teeth and sweating, she was stunned for no reason. Because at a certain moment, I saw the figure of Haruta and Omi together and... the figure of a certain uncle who overlapped with the new eight at this time.

"Huh, maybe it's really like that." Yin Shi snorted softly.

Jiang Cheng replied: "But in my opinion, Xin Ba Hao is always better than that father."

"Got a gamble?"

"Does it depend on your gambling?" After saying this casually, Jiang Cheng turned around and waved his hand: "It seems to have been discovered by A Miao, goodbye."

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was slowly leaving, Yin Shi glared at a dead fish eye without enthusiasm, and said nothing, but...At this moment, Yin Shi suddenly heard the voice of Xin Ba Hao behind him...

"Harita, that's not right! The axis of your body is unstable! You have to swing your sword like this! Look good!"

"Ah, you are so annoying, brother new. You should hurry up and add Wei Yi Xia Guo."

"Huh? What is your attitude!"

"You are! Don't put on a high posture, it makes people feel uncomfortable when you see it!"

"Want to fight?! Smelly kid!"

"No, I'm not interested."

Looking at the two facing each other and gritting their teeth, Yin Shi shrugged his shoulders and said softly with emotion: "That's it, my gambling luck... is as bad as always."

(This article, the end.)

One night, Kabukicho, a small shop appeared.

"Humans are creatures that make mistakes, but they are also creatures that repent of their mistakes and grow constantly."

Hearing this, the uncle sitting across from Xiaoyu wiped his tears and said in gratitude: "Xiaoyu sauce...I will sincerely apologize! Thank you for listening to my confession!"

"You're welcome." Xiaoyu shook her head gently, "Treasure your wife well."

At this time, for some reason, the men in the long line behind the uncle expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Hey! Yusaku! If you're done, get out of the way!"

"There are long lines in the back!"

"Xiaoyujiang! Next, please listen to my confession!"

"Don't you just want to talk to Xiaoyujiang?"

"Aren't you the same?"

Listening to the men arguing between you and me, Yin Shi, who was sitting at the front desk, frowned and said, "Hey, what is the trouble?"

"Is this working on the Big Sister Confidential column?" Xin Ba Haw asked in confusion.

Kagura, who slurped the rice, muttered, "This makes it more like a confession room, Aru."

Sitting at the counter, Jiang Cheng said casually: "When it comes to a tavern, isn't it the place to complain? Don't care, don't care."

"No, it can't be called an ordinary complaint anymore." The grandmother Dengshi on the counter let out a puff of cigarette lightly, shook her head and said slowly: "In the beginning, I should listen to those drunks complaining, maybe it's because The other party is a robot relationship, so I think it’s more relaxing to talk to her. Now I don’t know if I am a snack bar or a church."

Xin Ba Hao smiled and said, "But if you also drag this blessing, the guests will continue to flow, right?"

"But in the end, everyone ran to repent first instead of drinking." Grandma Dengshi looked helpless, "There are even guys who repent and say "Never drink again." "

"Hey! You guys!" Catherine, who couldn't bear it, yelled, "We are a strange sacred place for alcohol and fancy! Go back to me for those who are not interested in me!"

With that said, Catherine deliberately exposed her shoulders, winked and sent out a kiss.

As a result, all the guests were very generous... left.

After a moment of silence, Catherine came to Xiaoyu, knelt on one knee, and said sincerely: "Master Xiaoyu, is it a sin to be too sexy?"

"No problem, what you have is not sexy, it's just nausea (ELO)."

"Who do you say is Dr. Gallo! Do you want to marry Klin?! You robot!"

At this time, the mother-in-law Dengshi at the counter said again: "Well, but if Xiaoyu can help others and feel happy about it, I don't care."

"That's not okay, Basang," Yin Shi put down the empty glass in his hand, then turned around and said, "I've heard the confession or something, so let me make them change their wrongs."

Seeing the treacherous smile on Yin Shi's face, Jiang Cheng casually pressed Yin Shi's head on the counter.


"No, it's better to leave it to me. In recent months, I will take care of the money... No, no, in any case, leave it to me."

"You bastard!" Yin Shi gritted his teeth, "but I thought of it first!"

"No, I actually thought of it earlier than you, but you were the first to speak, three minutes before you thought of this kind of thing."

"No, I'm only three minutes ahead of you!"

"No, I just wanted to be earlier! Just look at your head and you will understand!"

"You bastard, apologize for my natural roll!"

"No, you have to apologize to the natural rolls, to the natural rolls of the whole world! Saying that you are "not worthy of the natural rolls to shame you" or something! "

When looking at Jiang Cheng and Yin who were arguing somehow, all members of Xinbaji were expressionless.

Mother-in-law Dengshi sighed with emotion softly: "Yeah, yeah, the faces of men arguing over women are really... I kind of miss my youth."

Xin Ba Hao replied silently: "No, although I don't know the reason, it will definitely not be because of that."

"But having said that, the time of that thing will be affected by the hairstyle." Granny Dengshi nodded and said.

Xin Ba Hao replied again: "That is definitely a rumor, and that is definitely a mistake you have understood!"

Then the time came to the next day.

Looking at the small confession room built of cardboard boxes in the small alley between the Dengshi Bistro and the house next door, Xiaoyu asked puzzledly: "Excuse me, two adults, what is this?"

"My cash cow." Jiang Cheng blurted out, but as soon as his voice fell, he was slammed with his fist on the head by Yin Shi on the side.

"It hurts! What are you doing!" Jiang Cheng shouted, "Do you want to do it?! Stinky natural rolls!"

"Because you are a fool." Yin Shi replied angrily, then cleared his throat and said sternly towards Xiaoyu: "Anyway, be happy. This is your shop. From now on you will be here to listen to people's opinions. Repent."

Looking at the sign outside the carton confession marked "Robot Confessional" that says "1,000 yuan a time! Do you want to repent of your mistakes? Full privacy! All the confession you hear will be deleted from the record!", Xiaoyu He said: "Are you asking me to open the door to do business? But I can't collect money."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng retorted, frowning, "Women can't easily say such frivolous things! If you don't charge money, you won't be taken seriously! And it will attract strange and strange things, and maybe even carry everything. The man who grows the virus! Are you right? Silver time!"

"That's right for you!" Yin Shi slammed Jiang Cheng again in the head with a fist. "What kind of business are you talking about? Can you only think of that kind of business after a long stay in Yoshiwara?!"

"That kind of business... Xiaoyu shouldn't be able to do it." Xiaoyu said, "Although it is barely possible to cooperate with the sound, but the high-temperature device in the body will directly scorch [BEEP]."

"I said it's not that kind of business anymore!" Yin Shit twitched the corners of his mouth and vomited, "Is it such a dangerous thing to tell you [BEEP]?"

"That mouth?" Jiang Cheng asked with a serious expression.

"You can't live without talking about the meat jokes?" Yin Shi hammered Jiang Cheng's head again and exclaimed angrily.

"For the mouth... there is very sharp metal." Xiaoyu replied, "After all, you occasionally need to use your mouth to process the ingredients first."

"It always feels very dangerous." Jiang Cheng murmured, "So forget it, just provide bathing service."

"Xiaoyu understands. UU reading www.uukā" Xiaoyu nodded.

"No need to understand that kind of thing!" Yin Shi continued madly, "I said it's not that kind of business anymore! It's just an ordinary confessional!"

"The confession room?" Jiang Cheng slowly analyzed with his chin, "Will there be any trouble?"

"Ah, it's your head, go to death right away!"

After a tumult between the two, Yin Shi said again: "Anyway, it doesn't matter. Twenty percent of the profit is given to the old woman as money, and the remaining 80% is given to me as assistance..."

"Just leave it to me." Jiang Cheng took a step forward and said as he yanked past Yin.

"No, then there will be other problems." Xiaoyu said.

Yin Shi burst into blue veins and yelled: "Hey! Greed should also have a limit! Why is 80% of all yours? The first thing that comes to mind is me, so 50% belongs to me! The remaining and Xiaoyu The split is good!"

Jiang Cheng retorted without hesitation: "No, the first thing that comes to mind is actually me, so I will suffer a loss of 7.50%, and the remaining 0.5 will be dealt with by Xiaoyu himself."

"That..." Xiaoyu wanted to say something aloud.

"It's okay," Yin Shi said casually, "we just want to help you realize your dream of helping others."

"You...didn't you treat me as a father?" Jiang Cheng raised his head gently and said with a smile: "As a parent for the dream of a child, what can't you feel wronged?"

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