May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 688: : Anonymity is very important in many occasions!

"Then let my daughter do that kind of business?" Yin Shi sneered contemptuously, "How can there be that kind of parents in the world?"

"You're so noisy!" Jiang Cheng replied in an angry voice, and then faced Xiaoyu again with a smile on his face: "Come on! Xiaoyu! Since I was a child, I knew that you are a kid who can do nothing to trouble you as long as you work hard. Do it boldly! There is nothing you can't do!"

"No, there are some things that can't come by force, Master Jiang Cheng."

"Please don't worry, I will watch you behind you and cheer for you and make suggestions!" Jiang Cheng gave a thumbs up.

"That's right!" Yin Shi hurriedly took the conversation, pointed his thumb at himself and continued: "And we just want to help you realize your dream of helping others."

"That's right." Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement.

"In this way, those who come to confess can be redeemed," Yin Shi continued on his own self. "And you can also help others and get redemption. By the way, you can also solve my family's financial crisis. Isn't it awesome? ?"

"In the end this is completely hopeless." Xiaoyu replied.

"That's right." Jiang Cheng nodded and closed his eyes without comment. "The last sentence is changed to save my wallet!"

"It makes no difference, Master Jiang Cheng, you are also hopeless."

"Fine Just stay here as you did last night, you know, those guests from yesterday are very satisfied."

"Hey, can you not speak so ambiguously?" Yin Shi vomited.

"It's okay," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and looked indifferent. "Anyway, it doesn't matter if you confess or vomit it bluntly. It doesn't matter if you vomit up or down, as long as someone picks it up. Okay, hurry up. Let's start. Xiaoyu, catch it well."

"But..." Xiaoyu stopped talking.

"Don't worry, if you encounter problems..." Jiang Cheng, who was standing behind the carton confessional, looked at Xiaoyu through a small hole that could only accommodate a pair of eyes, and then said: "And I'm sitting behind. , Please work hard!"

"Okay... OK." Xiaoyu just sat down on the stool.

"Sicheng...This is my final bottom line!" Yin Shi said quietly while squeezing Jiang Cheng.

"Thirty percent." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

"Don't get harder, you guy! Fifty percent!"

"You are! Twenty percent!"

"Asshole! Who the **** is negotiating with Baba?! Sixty percent!"

"Who stole the cardboard box of sunglasses last night... and brought it here? Ten percent!"

"Hey, did you steal it? Did you steal Hasegawa-san's house? You are too good! Did you steal Hasegawa-san's house for this business?!"

"It's ugly! It's just a borrowing!" Jiang Cheng argued, "But since I borrowed the sunglasses's home, I should give him a little advantage..."

"That's what I said." Yin Shi nodded.

Three seconds later, the two thought of something at the same time, and said at the same time: "So... give him a 10% discount!"

"Um... I'm sorry..." The voice of the woman who had been dealt with and mixed with thick electronic sounds suddenly came over.

"Guests are coming soon!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed, squeezing big and small eyes and looking through the gap, "And she's still a woman...there is a little scar on her face, but it doesn't matter, that's right...Oh! Not bad! "

"Keep away a little, let me see!" Yin Shi pushed Jiang Cheng and squeezed into the gap.

"Um... really can't see the identity?" The woman sitting down asked through the microphone in front of her with some uncertainty.

It is worth mentioning that the entire confession window is only the position below the woman's eyes and the abdomen up.

Xiaoyu hurriedly replied: "Ah, don't worry about this, I can't see your face, and the voice has been processed with a special microphone."

"Ah... this way..." The woman seemed a little embarrassed, and she cleared her throat before she said again: "So, anyway...Can you listen to my confession a little bit?"

"A housewife?" Jiang Cheng wondered, "What is the reason for such a housewife to come to confess?"

"Perhaps in fact, I simply betrayed my husband." Yinshi replied quietly.

"Actually... I don't know if I made a mistake, but I feel a little sorry." The woman put aside the psychological counseling and slowly said, "My but that... is a scumbag at home who does nothing. , Every day, every day, do nothing except stay at home and play games."

[It's really just a scum. Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi nodded at the same time and thought.

"Usually I am the only one working and responsible for all the expenses of the family." The woman continued, "But even so, he still doesn't forget to be outside with flowers and grass, and even raise a woman outside."

[What a scum! ] Jiang Cheng thought in his heart.

[It's almost a **** got home. ] Yin Shi thought.

"But even so, I will bear it," the woman continued, "but recently he seems to have changed a bit, completely disregarding other people's hard work, secretly taking money out of my wallet to buy games, and of course it is possible to send it to a woman. "

[Yin Shi, is there really such a bastard? Jiang Cheng looked at Yin Shi suspiciously, and asked with his eyes.

[Normal heart, ordinary heart, there are so many **** in this world. Yin Shi gently shook his head, and replied with his eyes.

"Then some time ago, I really couldn't bear it anymore, so while he was sleeping..." The woman took out a few kunai, "I gave him a whole body acupuncture and took the one he just bought. The very precious limited edition game was taken out. I was planning to find a recycling store to recycle it, but... I suddenly saw this on the road..."

Jiang Cheng thought in his heart: [Hey? Are you okay? Is it really okay to do acupuncture with that kind of thing? By the way, is your husband still sleeping? Isn't it eternal sleep? 】

"So, I want to ask..." As she said, the woman took out a pan of Jiang Cheng must have been familiar with, just bought it yesterday, and just played the first chapter of the game, and put it in her hand, "Is it going? Recycling in second-hand stores or smashing them directly?"

[Isn’t it confession? 】Yin Shi vomited in his heart.

Jiang Cheng nodded and thought to himself: [Although he is a scumbag at home, his vision is unexpectedly good. After all, even I can't help but start, although I only played the first chapter. Next... Let's continue tonight. 】

At this moment, Xiaoyu looked back at Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi.

"This kind of thing can be as much as she likes, smash it or recycle it and buy an urn for that kind of scum." Jiang Cheng said casually.

"It's that kind of bastard, after all, he should have smashed all his games." Yin Shi nodded and took the words.

Xiaoyu nodded to indicate that she was clear, then turned her head back, closed her eyes, opened her hands and said, "Thank you, just do whatever you like. You won’t have any fault, and you don’t have to bear anything. Psychological burden. That kind of scum should be punished by heaven."

"Ah, that's it..." The woman nodded, and then shot the game in front of him to smash it with kunai, "After all, it's that kind of scum, so I smashed his last game that was not smashed. There will be no punishment for being broken."

【Hey? The last set? ] Jiang Cheng thought in his heart, [Have other games been smashed? What a good job, this woman. 】

"Then... Actually today, he seems to be looking for a woman raised outside," the woman put away Kumo and said, "Is it okay to just slaughter him after seeing him? Do you need to be punished? Mechanic...sir."

[Awesome, this but Nasan! 】Jiang Cheng praised in his heart, 【I was acupuncture by that kind of thing, so I can go to find a woman to have a good time...】

"It's okay, it's okay, that kind of guys don't have to have any psychological burden if they are killed directly." Gintoki waved his hand and said casually, "This way Edo can be a little cleaner and tidy!"

"God is very pleased," Xiaoyu said again, "I will definitely bless you and cheer for you."

"This way, so I can rest assured." The woman nodded, then put her hands together and left a word of Amen, then got up and turned and left slowly.

After the woman left, Jiang Cheng spoke again: "Yeah, I didn't expect such a scumbag in this world."

"After all, there are too many people, so it's not surprising that there are scumbags." Yin Shi counseled his shoulders, and then pointed to Jiang Cheng's back from the back of his head all the way to his calf, and said: "Speaking of which, Does it really matter to you?"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced after he was puzzled, his expression turned black for a moment when he saw the full of karma behind him.

"You are too good? Don't you feel anything like this?"

"Don't think too much!" Jiang Cheng said while pulling out Kuwu Wu, "This is just... I feel a little sore in my back today. Please ask Yueyue to give me acupuncture! There is nothing like the scumbag that the woman just talked about. Relationship! Understand?!"

"No, no one thought that." Yin Shi replied blankly.

[Yes, absolutely nothing to do with what the woman just said. Jiang Cheng twitched his mouth and thought, [My game must be well placed at home, and these kunai were just accidentally pierced, and it has nothing to do with Yueyue! No, I'm confused, it has nothing to do with the scum in the story just now!

Although the scar on that woman's face is indeed a bit like Yueyue, but things like scars are somewhat similar, right? There is also Opal... it sounds like it in terms of size, but this is just a coincidence, right? After all... it's not particularly rare and very large. That's right, that's right, it can't be Yueyue!

And the point is that the woman just said it, but then, I and Yueyue are not in that kind of relationship, so it's definitely not me! There are women raised outside, I don’t have them! Only one niece who was raised in Yinshi's family will die!

At most... plus Xiaoyu. Although I don't admit it, at most I will add one Xiaoyu! Uh-huh! Impossible impossible! My game is absolutely impossible! Believe in yourself! Jiang Cheng! 】

"Okay, next one." Xiaoyu shouted.

"Um... sorry." A teenager walked in and sat down.

[A visitor is here again. 】Yin Shi's eyes lit up, 【It’s all money, I didn’t expect it to be so profitable. 】

"I hope you can give me anonymity." The boy said.

"Don't worry, you can't see your face, and the voice has been processed by a special microphone." Xiaoyu explained.

"Great..." The boy breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Then can you listen to my confession for a while?"

[I look like fifteen or sixteen years old,] Ginshi looked at the young man and thought indifferently, [Well, but adolescent kids always worry about boring things, right? 】

"I made a very serious mistake," the boy said slowly, "I work somewhere, and the boss there is a jerk."

[Well, these are common things. Yin Shi nodded and thought in his heart.

"I've been talking to people all day long, and I'm always in arrears of wages. A person monopolizes the commission...the project funds are stingy, suspicious, and smelly."

[It is indeed a bastard, although it is not as good as the scumbag just now, UU reading, but it is indeed an incredible bastard. ] Yin Shi commented in his heart.

The boy continued: "Then it was really unbearable some time ago. When I went to clean his room, he threw a mop out and accidentally smashed his most precious thing. Mr. Robot, I committed the crime. Can my sins be forgiven?"

"Sir Yinshi..." Xiaoyu looked back at Yinshi.

"There is no need to apologize at all. This kind of **** should be destroyed." Yin Shi replied casually, "right? Jiang Cheng?"

"Indeed, it's almost on par with the scumbag just now, so there is no need to apologize for this kind of bastard." Jiang Cheng nodded and said.

Xiaoyu closed her eyes again and opened her hands and said, "Tian said, you have no fault, but you should give the **** boss a fine!"

"Really... it should be like this!" The boy nodded heavily, "After all, I am always angry with him, so although it hurts a bit, this thing is broken anyway..."

With that said, the boy fumbled for a figure of the anchor Yuno covered with tape from his cuff and put it in front of him, then raised the hammer.

"What kind of weather sister's figure!" The young man raised the wooden hammer and slammed it at the figure. "I'm so old and sick! This is a scourge!"

Sister Weather... breaks up.

"Thank you for listening to my confession, Amen." The boy thanked, then got up and turned around and left slowly.

"Amen." Xiaoyu also folded his hands in prayer.

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