May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 699: : You can't choose to be born, but you can still choose the funeral!

The latest website: "Kagura, don't worry anymore," Jiang Cheng sat down in front of the bed again, gently holding Kagura's little hand with both hands, and said with an unusually gentle expression that was rare, and continued softly. : "You don't have to worry about your mother anymore, leave the rest to me."

[No, now I am more worried about my affairs Aru! 】

"So... you don't need to be forced to sleep anymore..." Jiang Cheng said, turning away his face and showing a look of unbearableness, and the tears in the corners of his eyes gradually appeared, "Go to sleep..."

[Do you want me to die sooner? ! Or do you think that I just took a sigh of relief because I was worried about my mother? Not any more! 】

"That's it, it turns out that I was holding on because I was worried about Mrs. Jianghua..." Xin Ba Hao looked at Kagura with a soft expression, and said softly, "Really, I don't know how to say it, this fool..."

[Stop, stop it for me anyway! Isn't this atmosphere right? It's like the atmosphere of "Don't worry about those things, so let's get rid of it soon"! Hello! ! 】

"What about a good boy..." Mother-in-law Dengshi raised her face and sighed softly, "Enough is enough, let Jiang Chengjun over there, and I... should have a good rest."

Having said that, Granny Dengshi couldn't help turning her face away from her handkerchief and choked.

[End, it's not right at all! ! ! 】

"Kagura, I'm not the only one, everyone will help with Jianghua's affairs." Jiang Cheng continued softly, " don't have to force yourself anymore, close...close your eyes and sleep comfortably."

[It's so hot... It's so hot! I really want to get up and beat him Aru! How to do? How to do! 】

"Go to sleep!" ×n

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! 】

"The last point," Jiang Cheng stood up, wiped the corners of his eyes, then squinted his eyes and smiled firmly, "Everyone, as Kagura's only relatives on earth, I hope... Kagura's funeral will be possible. Leave it to me. I know, Kagura must be so hopeful from the bottom of my heart."

[No, you don’t know anything. From the bottom of my heart, I want to live well. Alu! By the way, I am not sick at all! 】

"Wait," Yin Shi raised her head with a rare expression of unbearable expression, tears flickered in her eyes, and shook her head and replied: "Actually... Kagura said before that she hoped that I could hold the funeral for her. So, please, in the end, those of us who are not family members but are better than family members will send her the last ride? Please..."

[I haven't said anything! 】

"You probably remembered it wrong, Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at Kagura on the hospital bed with gentle eyes, "In fact, a long, long time ago, Kagura and I made an agreement, "An appointment has been made. My funeral must be held by my uncle for me!" I will never forget it. "

As he said, Jiang Cheng's shoulders trembled uncontrollably, and he lowered his head and covered his eyes in grief.

[What a ghost promise! Will anyone make such an agreement? ! There should be a limit to lying! By the way, don’t show that expression like "believe it"! Don't think that adding Aru is what I said. Hey! 】

"It might be like that..." Gin Shiki looked at Kagura on the hospital bed with a soft expression, "but...the next day, she made a new agreement with me, "Sure enough... I still want Gin-chan more Hold a funeral for me Aru." He said this. "

[Tell me how big you are! How could anyone have said such a thing! By the way, can you not just believe it so easily? Don't think that adding an Alu is what I said! ! 】

"Yinshi, I actually forgot to say..." Jiang Cheng gently shook his head, then raised his head and closed his eyes, showing a little bit of reluctance, and then quietly said, "On the third day, Kagura ran away. When I arrived at Yoshihara, he said coquettishly like a child, "No, I really still hope that my uncle can help me hold the funeral Aru."

[Can you cherish it for me while you are alive? ! Why quarrel about who will hold the funeral after death! I can't understand it at all! Do you believe it again? Did you believe it again because you added Aru? ! 】

"How could I not know this kind of thing?" Yin Shi sighed lightly, showing some gratitude on his face, raising his head as if he was feeling something, and then quietly said: "But on the fourth day "But it seems that the funeral held by Yinjiang is more interesting Aru, so let Yinjiang come to Aru. After the agreement is made, Aru will not be changed again, and I will never talk about this kind of thing afterwards. Lu." I have said that. "

[It’s too long! Say there is Aru in every sentence! Aru is too much! When I speak by myself, I don’t have so many Aru! In other words... why do you believe it again! Am I Aru? As long as Aru is there? As long as there is Aru, it means that what I have said is undoubtedly what Aru? ! 】

"So she is also very distressed..." Jiang Cheng looked out the window with melancholy eyes, "Run to me on the fifth day, "What should I do? Uncle? I said something like that yesterday, Alu, in fact, in his heart Alu, who wants my uncle to hold a funeral for me.” It’s really cute Alu to say such words like a girl who was worried during adolescence. "

[You two are outrageous than the other! Saying that Aru said too much, did he accidentally bring it in his own words? ! And why don't you look at me and say? Is it because you can't stand my straight sight? ! And... after all, don't just trust me so easily! ! 】

"Yes, Aru," Yin Shi slowly came to the window, opened the window and looked at the gloomy sky. "It is indeed a foolish little girl. Aru, "Sorry, Yinjiang, I accidentally changed I talked about the topic of the funeral, Aru, but after thinking about it, I think it is the best Aru to let Yinjiang hold the funeral for me.” That night, she said Aru. Then the two hooked and hanged... fool Aru! "

With that, Gintoki smashed the wall beside him hard, and his face showed a bit of unbearableness again.

[As a result, did you bring it too? ! Can you stop it? That kind of **** agreement will only be made when hell! What is the fool Aru? ! I have never said that before! Are you calling me a fool? Yeah? ! 】

"Isn't this the kid? Aru? One thought a day or something." Jiang Cheng came to the side wall slowly, lowered his head and said softly with some emotion: "I accidentally did something with Yinjiang. Such a promise to Aru makes Aru really annoyed. Actually, I still want my uncle to hold a funeral for me! This time I will definitely not change it again!” Kagura said of Aru. "

[Don’t stop? ! You two have completely started Aruization! By the way, did you add na too? And... why do you believe it again! What kind of trouble is that kind of trusting expression! Although I do say na at ordinary times, although I do say na at ordinary times, that's it! 】

"Already...enough Aru." Xin Ba Haw slowly came to the other wall at this time.

[Have you used Aru, too? ! Are you also Aru? ! 】

Xin Ba Ha lowered his hair and made a somewhat relieved voice, "Now, whether it is Jiang Sung-sang or Eun-sang, aren’t the people who care about Kagura-chan but also Kagura-chan the most? At this time for this kind of thing. Arguing or something, do you think someone can sleep peacefully under the Kagura Jiangquan?"

[I'm still alive and well! ! 】

The new eight haws' fists gradually clenched, and the shoulders trembled slightly. At the same time, there was a voice that trembled: "Once or this time, you two who quarreled when you met can join hands and smile Kagura together. Are you going to see off Aru?"

[Don't use Aru for me anymore! Not suitable at all! Not suitable at all! After adding it so moved, I am totally unmoved! By the way, why are you all crying while covering your mouth! 】

Jiang Cheng slowly shook his head, then raised his head and said with a hint of apology, "I'm sorry, Kagura, my uncle just wanted to send you away, completely ignoring your feelings. I... A terrible adult, Aru."

"It's Alu," Yin Shi also sighed softly in the same tone, "We... are indeed a group of bad adults, Alu."

[Please, Aru, stop! I am almost guilty of embarrassment! Is that what I feel when I say Aru? Is it this disgusting feeling? ! 】

"Yin Shi, let us see off Kagura together as Xin Ba Hao said this time." Jiang Cheng turned around and slowly stretched out his hand toward Yin Shi.

"Stupid... stupid," Yin Shi turned around, touched the back of his head, and a touch of embarrassment flashed across his face, and after cursing in a low voice, he stretched out his hand reluctantly.

Looking at the hands held together gently, everyone present except Kagura showed a faint smile of relief on their faces.

A Miao covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect to see this scene one day."

"It's good to live long." Granny Dengshi snorted softly, and said with some emotion, "The two adults have grown up because of Kagura."

"That's right." Xin Ba Hao lightly nodded his hair and let out a sigh.

Then, several people's crackling applause was sent to the two who temporarily forgot their grievances.

[That's not right——! Why? ! Why has it become like this? What are you sighing about! Why do you applaud? Why should you be moved? I don't understand it at all! Have you forgotten that I'm not dead yet? Did you forget it completely? ! 】

"Silver, if that's the case, let us both work hard for the same funeral this time." Jiang Cheng continued with some relief, and then smiled again, "but don't hold back."

"You are." Yin Shi also smiled.

[You two will give me enough! ! What does it mean to hold back? I, who is still alive here, are your biggest hind legs, right? Hurry up and notice this kind of thing! ! 】


Jiubei opened the sliding door and stepped into the ward and said, "Hey, it's too early to give up now, right? Are you not Kagura's companions? The companion gave up so early, what do you tell her to do? "

Looking at the little monkey and Yueyue who came with Kubei, Kagura's heart warmed: [Everyone... Could it be that they are all here to encourage me on the bed? 】

"In short, I will figure out how to handle Aru's affairs. If no one is willing to take over, I can take over Aru."

【Is it this one? ! Is this what you are talking about? What does it mean to take over? ! Are you going to take over Aru's speechlessness? ! What kind of legacy is that? Aru? ! 】

"Xiao Jiu..." Ah Miao looked at Jiu Bingwei with a touch of her face covering her mouth.

Jiubei looked at Kagura on the bed with gentle eyes, and softly comforted: "Be at ease Aru, I will inherit Aru's Aru well, although I may not be used to Aru, but... I will cheer Aru. ."

[No, you use more than me! By the way, you can use it before I die! Can’t wait! 】

"Wait, is this enough?" Yueyong took away the pipe he was holding, closed his eyes and continued quietly, "Isn't there still things that are too early to give up now?"

"No, that Alu has all inherited, is there anything else?" Xin Ba Haw asked suspiciously.

[Is the meaning of my existence just Aru? ! 】

"No, there are more." Yue Yong raised his eyes to look at Kagura on the hospital bed.

【Yueyue——! 】Kagura was moved in his heart, 【As expected, Yoshihara is the woman who knows the most about words and behaviors! Did you find it? Did you finally find it? Help me, Yueyue——! 】

At this time, Yue Yong stretched out his arms and took out several packages of xiangdian money, "Actually, I have borrowed xiangdian money from other people in advance, so let's use this money for the funeral."

[Are you talking about the funeral? ! I'm not dead yet, why do all of them think I'm dead! 】

"You guys..." A Miao shed tears, and looked at Yue Yong with unusual emotion.

"I went to Yoshihara, the Yanagyu clan, and a certain nit to raise money for the second half of the game. Let's use it."

Yue Yong handed over the xiangdian money in his hand.

Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed something and asked, "Hey, did you just talk about the game funds?"

"No, no."

"No, did you absolutely say it? Did you absolutely say the second half of the game funds for a certain nit? I definitely heard it."

[Do you quarrel about this kind of thing? Am I better than a game? ! 】

"It deserves to be Yoshihara's most capable woman." Xiao Yuan praised.

"No way, I...will spend this money on the upcoming, for the funeral." Jiang Cheng first took the money from Yue Yong and said softly and gratefully.

[Do you want to buy games? ! Are you thinking about holding a funeral? 】

"Thank you everyone..." Mother-in-law Dengshi covered her mouth, her moving tears couldn't stop.

"It's too polite, don't you have to help each other at this time?" The little ape removed his glasses and wiped the teardrops, and then continued with a strong smile, "So, everyone must cheer up!"

[It's me who wants to cheer up! ! 】

"Sarutobi, you haven't paid any money yet, Aru." Jiu Bingwei reminded.

[You also stop me! Alu is not suitable for you at all! 】

Boom! !

When facing the wall and hammering the silver on the wall again, he clenched his fist and said unbearably: "Yes... I'm sorry! I will double the favor with a small steel ball!"

[Are you going to use all of them to make small steel balls? Didn’t you plan to have a funeral in the end? ! 】

"Then you can drag on my rent." Deng Shi said with his hands in his arms.

"Yin Sang, I can also borrow your salary this month." Xin Ba Hao said.

【Hey--! What kind of topic has this become! 】


"Yes... I'm sorry, Kagura, just use a candy jar for your tomb, right?"

[You don’t think you can count any kind of nonsense by knocking on the wall and playing handsome! 】

Jiubei said like this: "Hey, are you planning to embezzle our money Aru? I will never let you do this! The money was raised by Aru for the funeral of Kagura-chan!"

Yin Shi lowered her head and replied: "We took the heart, but she said in her last words that she should put the ashes in the candy jar and spread the parking lot."

"That's exactly what I said." Jiang Cheng raised his face and sighed softly.

Yue Yong raised her brows and said coldly: "You two are going to be scattered there! If this is the case, Kagura will not be scorned! A grand ceremony must be held to mourn her!"

Xiao Yuan put his hands together and proposed: "Yes, the funeral is to be held with Yinsang's wedding, let's have a big one!"

"Not bad this idea!" A Miao said with a smile on her index finger, "Now we can also scatter the ashes of these two idiots in the parking lot, like it~"

"No, it's three idiots." Yue Yong retracted his hand, and at the same time glanced coldly at Jiang Cheng, whose head was pierced with kunai on the ground.

Catherine suggested: "By the way, let's take care of the funeral of an old woman."

"Whose funeral are you talking about!!" Mother-in-law Dengshi flew over and kicked.

Listening to the constant noise in the room and the sounds of people discussing the funeral, Kagura silently thought: [They seem to be talking about the funeral. The topic is based on the premise that I am dead. Oh, it’s a bad thing, I’ll probably throw me directly into the coffin if I become urinary, I have to think of a way...]

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened again, and at the same time the voice of Zou Wu came in.

"You can stop here almost a bit."

Seeing Zou Gou leaning in front of the door, Kagura was stunned, and then the cold sweat on his face appeared drop by drop, and his pupils began to tremble violently.

But the next moment, Kagura saw Princess Sumiya who was standing in front of Kondo and Fourteen.

[Cheng Yejiang...and those few people...]

"God... Kagura sauce!" Princess Cheng Ye cried out in grief, and then trot to the hospital bed quickly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Amiao, we made our own claims." Kondo spoke with a trace of apology, and then closed his eyes again, showing a bit of embarrassment, "But we still can't just sit back and watch."

"Don't worry, we are not here to give money for incense," Fourteen said with a cigarette between them and closed his eyes slowly: "It's just to protect Her Royal Highness."

"No, it doesn't really matter that kind of thing, the most important thing is the money." Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi said while squinting their peas.

As soon as the voice fell, the two were beaten and fainted by Yue Yong and A Miao at the same time.

[Unexpectedly, they brought Chengye sauce, how could this be? ] Kagura panicked.

"Every one of you yelled at either the banquet money or the funeral. Shut me up in front of the princess." Sougo walked in slowly with his trouser pocket, standing at the end of the bed, and then quietly said: "She hasn't Die? How could she die because of a minor illness, your Royal Highness, don't worry, she...she won't die until I have a battle with me."

Hearing Zongwu's words, everyone present, including Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng who were still vying for the banquet money, also stopped their Cupola was right. Princess Chengye wiped her tears, then looked at Jiang Cheng and the others, and said with tears: "So, everyone, please don't decide Kagura's funeral without authorization. Don't be so overly, Kagura-chan is still alive. She Still breathing, she... her own funeral is up to her to decide anyway! ! "

[No, Cheng Yejiang, you are also the most excessive! What do you mean by deciding on a funeral? 】

"Really, a good opponent and a good friend..." Jiang Cheng raised his head and continued with some relief, "Kagura... she is really happy."

"That's right." Yin Shi also sighed with some relief.

[You two shut up! ! 】

"Kagura-chan..." Princess Cheng Ye looked at Kagura on the hospital bed with tears, "As long as it is your wish, I will fulfill it at all costs. How do you want to die?"

[Do you want me to choose a way to die while I am alive? ! You natural shaking s, there is a limit to natural shaking S, hey! 】

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