May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 698: :Life is like a play!

Latest URL: Kagura suddenly thought of something when he watched Erlang sitting on the chair next to the bed with his legs up, panting but trying to hide himself, pretending to look indifferently at the silver of JUMP in his hand.

[But... maybe you can use him as a Doraemon. 】

Thinking of this, Kagura, who had just opened the pudding, frowned slightly, and said in a very weak and slightly apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, Yinjiang, I thought I could eat sweets, but my stomach was a little nauseous. , Can you buy some sticky acid..."

Before the last word of milk was spoken, when the sweaty silver on his face held up the convenience bag and asked breathlessly: "Yogurt, right?"

[It’s too fast too! ! ] Kagura exclaimed in his heart, [Aru appeared with Ji'an just before Daxiong finished chanting the name of Doraemon! It’s just too fast...]

Thinking about it, Kagura looked at the strawberry milk in his hand, [I didn’t buy yogurt Aru! 】

Kagura said in a distressed voice: "Silver paste... I said, this is yogurt before fermentation, it's too fast Aru."

"Ah, that's it," Yinshi replied while looking at the jump in his hand, "I said that the content of the jump seems a little unclear. It turns out that this is next week."

【what happened? ? Did you run too fast to the future canteen? ! 】

"That, that's fine," Kagura smiled reluctantly, pretending to be sensible: "Ginjang, do you like strawberry milk, right? Give it to you."

"Ah, I just drank it."

Only then realized that Kagura was nothing more than an empty milk box in his hand, and an unnamed fire burst out of his heart.

[Before lamenting your fast speed, this made me very hot! Didn’t it just give me an empty box? ! 】


After squeezing the milk carton into a ball and discarding it, Kagura yawned: "Ha~ I feel a little sleepy after eating the pudding Aru."

"Ah, what, I have something to tell you before you go to bed." Yin Shi put away the jump in his hand, and then asked with his chin, "Do you like a grand funeral or a secret funeral?"

[You are too impatient! ! 】Shen Shen felt frantically in his heart, and then replied with black lines: "The sleep I said is not a long sleep, Alu."

"Hug, I'm sorry, I didn't worry about your feelings, I didn't mean you." Yin Shi hurriedly apologized, and then his right hand was compared to a money position and he showed a serious expression, "I'm talking about this thing."

[Who doesn't worry about my feelings even more, okay? ! ] Kagura scolded in his heart.

"It would be better if the birds can be buried." Yin Shi said calmly, touching the back of his head.

Kagura looked out the window with gentle eyes, and whispered, "Ginchan, you... will I be calm when I die?"

"how could it be possible!"

"That's right, I'm weak, and I'll be dead soon." Then, Kagura looked at the lush tree outside the window, "Yes, the tree that the window can see, that tree On the tree..."

The little ape, who was holding the trunk of the big tree, looked at Kagura and Ginshi in the ward and yelled dissatisfiedly: "That kid! To be alone with Gin-sang..."

Ignoring the little ape’s uncomfortable yelling, Kagura continued, “When the abnormality on that tree falls, my life should wither...”

Before Kagura's words fell, a foot wearing black boots suddenly broke into the camera and kicked the little ape's head into the trunk.

"Don't, don't worry," said the panting Yin Shi standing at the window of the ward and pointing at the little ape, "look at it, the pervert is still hanging on the tree with so much energy!"

"No, I'm not at all full of energy. Aru. I'm not talking about that." Kagura returned with squinting peas, and then looked out the window at a certain seng group uniform whose head was smashed into by an older sister with certain glasses. The perverted stalker on the surface, "That pervert has been inserted in the ground."

In an instant, when the branches and branches with flowers were inserted into the silver between Kondo's thighs, they appeared in the picture, and then the picture changed again.

Standing at the window of the ward, when he couldn't tell whether his face was tired sweat or some kind of cold sweat, Kondo looked breathlessly at the lower two hands and said, "Don't worry! Look! After the abnormal landing, Another pervert is blooming!"

"It's not that," Kagura said, looking at a certain uncle in sunglasses who was hanging from a tree trunk. "Look at that, it's really hanged."

"That was hanged from the beginning." Yin Shi replied casually.

"Ah, so..."

"Hey! Are you not here to save me?!" The sunglasses made such dissatisfaction.

"Look, everyone is coming to visit you, so I'm a little bit more energetic." Yin Shi hurriedly turned around and comforted him, "I will be laughed at when you see the loss of your face."

Seeing Yin Shi's panic like this, Kagura thought in his heart: [Look at him, it seems that he is really reflecting on Aru, forget it, there is no way. 】

"Yeah! I feel a little bit more energetic somehow!"

Kagura clenched his fist to pretend that he had recovered a bit of energy, but he couldn't help but vomited out loudly when he finished speaking.

"God, Kagura!!" Yin Shishi on the side exclaimed in exclamation.

[Oops, I was too greedy and ate too much Aru! Kagura covered her mouth and exclaimed in exclamation, then slowly stood up, trying to go to the toilet or something to conceal it.

"Are you okay?! Are you really okay! By the way...what's the matter with your stomach?"

Hearing the sound, Kagura, who had just gotten up and had not had time to take two steps, lowered his head and glanced at his undigested belly, and his forehead instantly turned black.

"Oh! Good, so uncomfortable! Consciousness...Aru is getting away!" Kagura shouted in pain with a sudden change of face, and then fell on the bed stiffly with his eyes wide open and his mouth open.

After falling down, Kagura spit out some foul again, and then his neck crooked and there was no sound.

"Hey——!! Kagura!!" Yin Shishi yelled, and then rushed out of the ward and yelled in panic, "Hey! Doctor! Come on!"

Afterwards, Gintoki rushed to the hospital bed again, holding Kagura's hand and shouted: "Kagura! Hey! Cheer up! Kagura——!!!"

[Oops, Aru,] Kagura was already completely panicked, [Although it was fooled, it turned into a critical condition! What should I do if I didn't want to act to this point? What should I do! 】


A Miao, Xin Ba Hao and Dingchun rushed over. When they opened the door of the ward, they saw Yin Shi with a disappointed expression and doctors and nurses standing beside them frowning and helpless.

"Yin, Yinsang, where is God, Kagura sauce?" Xin Ba Haw asked out of breath.

Yin Shi did not answer, but the sadness in his eyes already represented some kind of answer.

Xin Ba Haw, who walked in slowly, looked at Kagura who was lying on the hospital bed with a terrible expression, wide-eyed, and already using the ventilator and life detector, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

"God... Kagura sauce... Kagura sauce——!!!"

"Why..." Ah Miao couldn't help covering her mouth in grief, her pupils were still trembling, and she muttered in disbelief, "Why did it become like this?"

Boom! !

When he slammed his fist against the silver on the wall, he lowered his head and darkened his face, and said with a trembling voice, "It's all my fault...If I can find out sooner...Damn it! Damn it! Asshole——!!!"

Feeling the atmosphere in the room, Kagura exclaimed again in his heart: [Ah, awful Aru, this, this atmosphere is too heavy, this is exactly the atmosphere of visiting patients before dying! Now, how can I say it! Even if it tears my mouth, I can't tell that this is just a simple cold! Obviously it shouldn't be like this, I didn't even intend to act this way!

Why would Mao become like this? If this continues, the atmosphere will become heavier and heavier! It will become harder and harder to tell the truth! I must, I must say it earlier, but, no matter how I defend it, I can foresee that I will be beaten to a critically ill condition by them in the future, Alu! I must find a way to find the right time and find a way to make my condition develop in a good direction Aru! Hey, hey doctor, you help me! 】

"Heartbeat and pulse are normal." The doctor supported his chin and looked at the life monitor in front of him, still analyzing his mouth: "I didn't expect to fall into a coma. Is this a disease of the Yetu clan? ? Our medicine can't cure it."

[No, I'm just pretending to be sick, just give me some medicine or suppository, and I will pretend to be cured! 】

"I'm extremely sorry," the doctor walked toward the door of the ward with heavy steps, and at the same time declared his powerlessness, "at least please encourage her by her side."

Looking at the doctor who was leaving slowly, Kagura cried out in pain, "Aren't you a doctor? ! Can't I think of a way?! 】

After the doctors and nurses left, the atmosphere in the ward became heavier again.

"Kagura-chan..." Xin Ba Chi yelled with tears in his eyes, "Hold on! Open your eyes!"

[I can't open it anymore! My eyes are dry! Quickly let me get back to my original state! ! 】

Xin Ba Hao cried: "Please! Come back soon! Kagura sauce!"

[I can come back anytime, please give me a chance! Please! 】

"Kagura sauce!" A Miao cried.

"Wow~!" Dingchun cried.

【correct! Just pretend to wake up from a deep sleep under everyone's desperate call! ] Kagura has an idea.

Ah Miao: "Kagura sauce--!"

New Eight Chi: "Kagura sauce!"

Dingchun: "Aw--!"

Listening to the calls one after another in the ear, Kagura gradually relaxed and prayed in his heart: [Do it again! Just do it again! 】

"God..." Yin Shi was about to start shouting, but after just shouting a word, she was stopped by the grandmother Dengshi who suddenly opened the door.

"Enough is enough, this kid has worked very hard."

Stepping into the house, the grieving mother-in-law Dengshi said, "Just let her... go quietly."

[What kind of mouth do you have! Smelly old woman! I will be able to return to my soul with one more call. Hey! 】

"Mother-in-law Dengshi..." Xin Ba Haw shed tears and looked at Granny Dengshi with a sad expression on her face.

"Don't cry, don't you be ashamed?" Mother-in-law Dengshi smiled and cursed with a sorrowful smile. "At the last moment, just smile. Can't you send her away with a smile?"

Looking at Granny Dengshi, who was choking with her handkerchief while she was talking, Kagura complained in her heart: [Don't give up so early, okay? There is still a rescue! I'm still very energetic! 】

Xiaoyu, who was following mother-in-law and Catherine, slowly closed the door and said: "I know everyone is uncomfortable, but instead of spending the rest of the time sadly, we behave more like us. Kagura will be happy, right?"

[No, you said that beautifully, but you gave up a little earlier, right? 】

"Xiaoyu is right," Catherine also showed a rare expression of regret. "The more at this time, the more I have to show her the daily life she loves. Mr. Sakata..."

With that said, Catherine came to Yin Shi's back, patted Yin Shi's shoulder with one hand, and reached out to Yin Shi with the other hand.

"Thank you for paying last month's rent."

[What rent is urged! Is it time to urge the rent, Aru? ! 】

Boom! !

When he hammered the silver from the wall again, he lowered his head and said, "It's all my fault. I blamed me for hitting Paqing..."

[Really your fault! It's too heavy! Have you ever staged such a heavy rent collection scene before? 】

"Really?" Mother-in-law Dengshi said with her hand in her arms, "Then it is for the sake of Kagura's face. This time it will be used as a funeral gift, so you will be exempted from rent."

"Ah...Then I have to thank Kagura well." Gin Shiki said relievedly.

"It's not Kagura, it's your funeral."

"I'm willing to bow down to the wind." Yin Shi akimbo responded, and then laughed with Granny Dengshi.

[Laughing fart? There should be a limit to black humor, right? 】

"Eh ha ha ha ha ha..."

Listening to Catherine's sharp laughter, Kagura's heart became angry: [You shit! Believe it or not! 】


The dark clouds that gathered at some unknown time covered the originally clear sky. At the same time as the muffled thunder sounded, the rain... also fell. Although it was not big, there was no intermittent, just like the heavy atmosphere in the ward.

[They gave up completely...] Kagura thought to himself, [As a result, Aru can’t be undone! Someone! Does no one believe that I am not dead yet willing to encourage me? ! 】


"Hey, it's not the last moment, right?" Jiang Cheng, holding a file bag, appeared out of breath at the door of the ward.

[Little Uncle——! I have never respected you and liked you like I do now! faster! Only you can save me now! 】

"Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Ba Haw looked back, then wiped his tears, "What is that? Is it the collected physical data about the Yetu clan?"

【Hey? Wait...If it's that kind of thing, wouldn't I be bad? It will definitely be dismantled, right? How to do? 】

"No, it's not that kind of thing." Jiang Cheng shook his head, then closed the door and walked over slowly, and sat down under the hospital bed.

[Ah... That’s great, it’s not that kind of stuff is really great, so don’t waste time in the rest of the time, as long as there are people who haven’t given up on me, uncle! please! Call me! 】

"That, Kagura..." Jiang Cheng bit his lower lip, and then looked at Kagura gently with tears in his eyes.

【Hey? What's the matter with this look? What kind of look is this? 】

"I know, although it's a bit naughty, but it's always a good boy kind of thing." Jiang Cheng continued softly, and then took out the files in the file bag. " definitely don't want Sister Jiang Hua to know. This kind of thing that might make her body unbearable, right?"

【Hey? 】

"Sa, this is the document for studying abroad that I got today," Jiang Cheng continued with his eyes softly, and at the same time gently picked up Kagura's hand and pressed a fingerprint on If you come, even if Sister Jiang Hua comes to the earth later, she will think that you are still alive because of this kind of document, but you have just gone to a remote planet. "

[Have you given up too? ! You disgusting sister control! ! 】

"Everyone..." Jiang Cheng slowly got up, and then solemnly bowed to everyone present, "Please, if one day comes, I hope you can conceal Sister Jiang Hua with me. Sister's body... Can’t help with such a blow. Can everyone be regarded as Kagura and just go to a remote planet to study abroad?"

【Hey--! ! 】

"Don't worry, we will keep it secret." Mother-in-law Dengshi replied, and then looked at Kagura, "I know, Kagura definitely doesn't want to make his mother's health worse because of his own affairs."

"Thank you, Kagura." Jiang Cheng said softly.

[Thank you for being tall! Do you have only mother in your head? ! Am I totally okay? ! By the way, it’s worse than that. I’m going to die here. Hey! ! 】

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