May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 738: : We are all master fish catchers!

As he said, Yin Shi stood up and said, "The general is swaying outside like this, but the enemy is not at all caught."

Looking at the silver that came out while picking his teeth, XIV felt once again in his heart: [Which dimension will have this kind of general? 】

"Do they really have the intention to engage in assassination or something? If I don't want to do it, I will go home."

next moment…

When they came to the side, Gin Shi, Kagura and Xin Ba Chi shouted at the same time: "Get out of me! Assassin!"

"General, I'm here! I'm waiting for you at any time!" Yin Shi added.

"Wait! Stop making trouble!" Fourteen hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "You are going to disturb the battle plan!"

Looking at the farce in front of him, Xun shook his head reluctantly and said again: "The Royal Court has actually fallen to this point or something..."

"No... it's not just us." Kaoru thought of something, and his eyes continued complicatedly: "So is Master Mao Mao, even if he can escape to Kyoto and survive, his power has been reduced to this level. Is there any possibility of restoring power? Is there a future ahead of this road? I think Quan Zang also considered this before coming...

Don’t the world often say it? The people of Iga are all profit-seeking people, and they have not changed at all as they used to change hands. The general was only interested in the means of Yu Ting Fan Zhong, and Yu Ting Fan Zhong itself was a group of people who could not have loyalty. "

"But different." The little monkey replied softly while looking at the distance, while his thoughts were drawn to a certain past, "Although he does not have any loyalty, but he...probably is..."

"Sarutobi!" The ninja who suddenly fell behind Xiao Yuan stopped Xiao Yuan from thinking about it.

On the other side, Wu Zang, who was sober from the paralysis, opened his eyes and saw Mao Mao's corpse who had lost the first level and fell to the ground, and...the entire Zang who had just wrapped the first level and was about to leave.

"Sorry, if you are a general, you can't protect this country, so you can save your life and perform your duties as a general. I will also perform my duties well."

"Quan...Quan Zang..." Liu Zhuan Wu Zang widened his eyes, looking at Quan Zang on the side.

"Everything you see here must be remembered in your heart," Quan Zang jumped directly onto the top of the houseboat, "and let the people of future generations know that I am the one who assassinated the general, that is, the world's great man. Sinners-Hattori Chuanzang. I am ready to bear this charge for my whole life."

After that, Quan Zang was ready to leave, but at this moment, the spacecraft under his feet was suddenly shelled and began to shake.

boom! boom!

Looking at the several spaceships coming here straight in the distance, Quan Zang muttered to himself with some emotion: "Really, even though I got some information from that person, I knew it would not end in such a simple way. , But I really don’t like this. It’s too rude. If that’s the case, then... let’s pay a little price to stop this vortex."

"I know them, even if I catch everything, I can't stop it."

Thinking of what that person said to himself, Quan Zang shook his head slightly, and said to himself: "Sorry, I'm not a persuasive person..."

In the cockpit, everyone was a little confused because of the spaceship that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the frigate that suddenly fired at his own people.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, the manipulators sitting in front of the console all turned against the water, drew out the prepared knives and rushed towards... their own people.

It was only a short while, and there was no living "owner" in the entire control room.

This kind of thing happened not only to the team in the sky, but also to the team that went by sea...

"Really?" Xiao Yuan looked at the two Imperial Court fans who had just finished the report in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Ah, yes." A regalia replied, "Two scouts and three patrolmen were killed by an attack from behind."

"Can you avoid the investigation of the Royal Court Fans?" Xun asked in surprise.

"Could it be that we have a traitor?" Xiao Yuan said with a solemn brow.

Another Royal Court Fanzhong nodded: "It's very likely. In short, it's too dangerous to go west. We'd better gather everyone and check them all."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome," Little Ape shook his head gently, "There won't be any traitors among these people, some are just..."

With that said, the little ape has started...

"...Even though you are disguised, you can't hide the murderous fakes."

After killing the two Royal Court fans in front of him neatly and cleanly, Xiao Yuan just completed what he said just now.

At the same time, Fourteen and Kondo also drew out their own swords, turned around without any hesitation, and killed the "enemy" they wanted to approach.

"After stabbing the wooden knife in his hand behind him in an instant to solve the problem of the lady boss holding Kuwuzheng who was about to stab him, Yin Shizaki stared at the dead fish eyes and said with emotion: "Yeah, yeah, are you finally caught in the trap?" Or to was actually us who fell into the trap. "

"Both sides are Qiao Zhuang, although we have prepared a substitute for the general," said, Xiao Yuan knelt down and tore off the disguise on the face of this "enemy" on the ground, "but the other party seems to have prepared our companions too. 'S stand-in...then sneaked in. In other words...the enemy also used a ninja."

Xiao Yuan's analysis is correct, all three teams and three teams have local ninjas.

Jiang Cheng, who was leaning against the window, looked at the sky and said softly: "I always feel that today's wine...the smell of blood is very heavy."

"Really?" Yue Yong's face was calm.

"Really Cannian." Xinnv echoed softly.

"Can Nian is so big?!" Jiang Cheng directly exploded his hair, dropped the wine glass in his hand, turned his head and pointed to his blue and purple face, and yelled angrily: "It's all because of you two idiots! You guys! If you want to fight, can’t you go out and fight?! Why are you separated from me! I have been injured all over, okay!"

"Hey? Don't you like this kind of Shura field?" The letter girl tilted her head and looked at Jiang Cheng with unusually innocent eyes.

"You...!" Jiang Cheng clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, but then let go of his hand again, turned around and looked at the sky again, "Is it enough? I heard that the One Bridge School was also being watched. At this time, your master should be loyal, right? Staying here at this time might miss the opportunity for promotion and salary increase."

"It's okay, if you ask why, because...the boss is his own family and can go through the back door at any time."

Jiang Cheng:...

Holding an umbrella and sitting on the bow of the ship, Shenwei, looking at the spaceship that was killed by the infiltrating ninjas, squinted his eyes and exclaimed with some excitement: "The war is on, the ninja is really amazing. Well, just let a few ninjas lurking in, and they were ravaged by them, just like lice~"

"What's the matter with your metaphor?" Afutu, standing behind Shenwei, complained.

"The earth is really interesting! In addition to that monster, there are also powerful samurai and ninjas. I'm all excited!"

"Don't get excited, they are their own after all."

"I know, after all, I have to fight against Gaozi. Compare who gets the head of the real general first."

"Hey!" Afutu curled his lips in disdain, "Less pretends, the captain, he has been leading everyone to fish. Also, you have no chance to make a move. Look at that little girl, it seems to be a general. My sister or something, no one protects such important people. I guess the real general is already stubborn, right?"

Looking in the direction where Afutu was looking, she saw Princess Chengye on the spaceship below, being chased by several ninjas who had changed their costumes and fleeing around.

"Then, UU read, although it is hearsay, it seems to be a good friend with your sister."

"Hahaha, right?" Shenwei smiled indifferently, "Then...maybe this time she can understand the feeling of the sudden disappearance of her favorite toy."

"It's a good friend! It's different from a toy! What do you guys treat as a friend!"

"Isn't it for fun?" Shenwei asked suspiciously.

"It's playing together! Friends playing together!"

"Isn't it still playing? In other words, it is no different from toys, right?"

"Listen to me!"

"Hahaha, Afutu, don't you be so excited," Shenwei smiled casually, and then looked at the spaceship below, "It's okay, although it's a bit stupid, but I have no interest in stealing my sister's toys. Compared with that kind of sister, my brother is a social man. Social man no longer needs toys."

"Who believe it! Who was so excited when the gift was snatched last time! Who was it!"

"Look, the toy is saved." As he said, Shenwei looked at a figure guarding Princess Chengye from below, "I felt it from the beginning, that very interesting guy on that ship."


"It doesn't matter, I won't do anything casually, a guy of that level, now I have no interest at all."

As soon as the voice fell, Zou Wu, who had just killed several enemies in front of him, raised his brows and squinted Doudou's eyes to look at the divine might on his head.

"Did a stupid kid talk bad about me just now?"

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