May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 739: : If you can fish without punishment...

"Huh huh?" Shenwei squinted his eyes and tilted his head, then turned his head and pouted his mouth to look at Afutu, complaining: "Afutu, this is not good, telling other people bad things in the back."

"No, he was talking about you, the leader."

"What silly thing to say? No matter in my heart or in my mouth, I haven't said any rude words. It's definitely Afutu. You said in your heart that he was heard badly. This way is not good, it will be disgusting."


"Hey!" Zong Wu gave a light sip, and then slashed the two enemies who had rushed again, and then casually continued: "Really, Tufangsang's intuition is really overwhelmed, and it makes me lurk into such a dangerous situation. It’s a place. I’m really honored to let me, such a country warrior, play the role of the last loyal guardian to protect the general. That is to say..."

With that, Sougo shook the sword in his hand, shook off the blood from above, and protected her in front of Princess Chengye, who was trembling from fear.

"...With a sword, you can decide whether you want to cut down the enemy's head or the master's head. Also, your Royal Highness, don't look at me with that expression, let me... be on your side."

As soon as the voice fell, the enemy holding the sword rushed towards Sougo at the same time.

But at this moment, a huge bang sounded, the explosion flooded everyone who rushed towards Zong Wu, and the smoke also enveloped everyone in an instant.


After the smoke gradually dissipated, the figure of Shenwei, the culprit of the blast just now, appeared. At the same time, Zou Wu found that those enemies who had just returned to him had been killed and wounded by the blow of Shenwei.

"Sorry~" Shenwei holding the umbrella squinted and said with a smile, "I thought I could fly with the umbrella, but it still doesn't seem to work~"

"No, it is true that someone can fly with an umbrella, you just have the wrong method." Sougo replied, squinting Doudou's eyes, and then glanced at the railing of the spaceship on the side. "You adjust your posture and jump from there again. That's it, little gangster Cida."

"Hey? Really?" The dumb hair on Shenwei's head moved, "But forget it today, and try again later. Because..."

As he said that, Shenwei smiled again and looked at Zongwu, "After all, you scolded the subordinates. If my head cannot come out, I can't justify it. Afutu just said that."

Afutu, who was on the head of Shenwei, retorted instantly: "No! No! I never said that! Don't just use my name just to avoid responsibility afterwards!"

Shenwei raised an index finger and said, "Head! Help me teach him severely!" Did you hear that? That's what he said just now. "

"Don't talk nonsense! It's obviously the leader of you that you jumped down with excitement!"

"Don't keep your hand! Teach me that kid harshly! Otherwise, I'll quit my job!" Shenwei continued, "Have you heard? My head was threatened by the deputy head. "

"Hey! I really resigned to show you! Head! I really resign to you if you do this!"

After being speechless for a long time, Zongwu squinted Doudou's eyes and replied: "Is there a universal name for a frivolous like you who holds an umbrella all day long-stupid?"

"Aren't you the same?" Shenwei still had a smile on his face. "The eyes of a stupid stupid than me can't hide from me. It doesn't matter to the general's life or death at all, it just smells blood. The one who rushed here...just a murderer. Hmm...very tender feeling. I feel like I might be interested in you in two years. But interest at all~"

"Sure enough, as annoying as that guy."

"That guy?" Shenwei tilted his head, "Are you referring to the stupid rabbit who knows that eating and sleeping is completely uncute? Explain in advance, she just has a genetic mutation, she has nothing but the bald It’s just a younger sister who can inherit. Sa, hurry up, are you looking forward to it? Fight with me or something. And the deputy commander of my family has spoken. If I resign because of this kind of thing, I will be very upset. "

"Is that so?" Sou Wu gently hooked the corner of his mouth, then squeezed the sword in his hand and rushed towards Shenwei in an instant, "Then I have something to tell you before then...Your sister is ugly! "

Shenwei put away the umbrella and greeted him: "What's the meaning of this kind of justice with a handsome look on your face?"

(The other side was following Kagura, who was struggling to escape from the pursuit of Gintoki and the others, and suddenly sneezed for no reason. At the same time, he thought: [What's the matter with this unpleasant feeling? How do you feel that there is a super annoying guy talking I'm bad?])

"Hey? God... Kagura's brother?" Princess Cheng Ye said in surprise.

"For the time being," Shenwei resisted Sougo's attack effortlessly, and at the same time replied, "But is it really okay? You are friends with that kind of wild girl, be careful to be taken away~"

"whispering sound

! Sougou, who has always been dispelled by the power of the gods, sipped his mouth, "What is the distraction when fighting?" ! "

"Sorry, sorry, because I'm also that guy's elder brother for the time being. It's normal that friends who met my sister can't help but talk a few more words, right?"

Hearing the sound, Zou Wu squeaked again, and instantly opened the distance between the two of Shenwei after he missed a hit.

"If you don't fight, there is no meaning at all. Somehow, I can't be serious." Sougo retracted his knife, turned around and glanced at Shenwei again, "By the way, you are imitating the boss. Isn’t it? That kind of action still has that stupidity, but... it’s still too tender as expected."

Shenwei's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened with cold light, and his expression became savage for an instant. At the same time, Zongwu's expression also rose savagely and clenched the knife in his hand to draw a knife.

However, before the two of them could move, the shell from an unknown source suddenly flew between the two.

boom! !

The smoke from the explosion immediately flooded the two of them.

"Mr. Okita, Mr. Okita—!" Princess Chengye shouted.

"your Highness!"

Looking at the voice, after seeing Liu Zhuan Wu Zang who was walking towards her, Princess Cheng Ye hurriedly said: "G Master!"

"If you are okay, run for your life!"

"Wait, Mr. Okita was bombed just now, and...I haven't seen your elder brother, where is he? Is he okay? Is he okay?"

Seeing the worry on Princess Chengye's face in front of him, Wuzang Liuzhuan was just silent.

"Why don't you say anything..."

Before she finished speaking, Princess Cheng Ye suddenly closed her eyes and fell into a coma, and slowly fell on Liu Zhuan Wu Zang's body.

And the principal who caused Cheng Ye to faint, Okita spoke with blood covered in blood: "Don't take her away from the lingering Ma Liuer."

"Chong...Your Excellency Okita!"

"Hurry up," as he said, Sougo turned his head and looked at the divine might who had just been implicated in the explosion and fell to the ground to fish. "There seems to be a bunch of monsters like that. Although I don't know what their purpose is, but... If I really want to do it, I don’t know if I can buy a few minutes."

"What?" Shenwei sat up, pulled out the steel pipe that runs through his abdomen like a okay person, and said in a complaining tone: "I wouldn't be the kind of friend who kills my sister. I’ve been resented by my sister for a lifetime. What kind of brother is there in the world? I also know a little bit of common sense for the time being! Finally got me serious, it turned out to be such a result, which is really unpleasant~ Sa, let's go on~ Don't worry, no one will bother us anymore."

"That's it, then..." Sougo once again clenched the knife in his hand.

But at this moment, the entire Tibetan voice came from everyone's heads.

"You can just keep it up, isn't it enough?"

Hearing the sound, Shenwei and Zongwu and Afutu who were still in the sky looked over at the same time.

"The head of the general is here." Quan Zang raised the head of his hand, "It's over, your lord is dead. The person you want to protect is no longer in this world."

"Afutu, who is that?" Shenwei raised his head and asked Afutu.

"Huh, it's really incredible work efficiency." As he said, Avotu also jumped off the boat and came to Shenwei's front. "Hattori, the key figure in the general's assassination plan. It is the leader Iga. One of the key figures of the public. UU reading"

Quan Zang jumped down and walked towards Afutu in the next step under Zong Wu's sight, "I don't remember that I have led such a mob. I can handle it by myself, and you still have such a huge momentum."

"Really confident."

"Yes," said Quanzo, handing the first level in his hand to Avotu. "It can't be wrong, this is indeed the head of General Tokugawa Shigeru."

"You are really able to deal with the former lord." Avotu showed a bit of joking.

"The protection of the country and the people is what he said himself. If a human head can prevent an unwarranted disaster. Then he would die well."

At this time, I always realized the sound.

"What is a disaster of innocence? What kind of nonsense is there for the guy who doesn't fight and can't protect anything?"

Quan Zang ignored Sou Gou's words, and after placing the head in his hand in front of Shenwei, he stood up and jumped to the bow of the ship.

"Notify all the troops that the commotion can be stopped for a while. Also... the task should be completed wisely."

After speaking, Quan Zang dashed away and left.

"Stop for me!" Sougo yelled, but as soon as the voice fell, he was overwhelmed by the explosion of the spacecraft.


"The work is over, let's go, leader."

"So what Afutu?" Shenwei asked, looking at the head in his hand, raising an index finger and smiling, "Is this just the usual state of Afutu, and it feels like it's over without doing any work. Is it called fishing?"

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