May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 740: : Hmm... Sure enough, I still like fishing the most. Go fishing and race high!

"No! I haven't touched a fish!"

"Then what are you doing with such a big reaction?" Shenwei asked, and at the same time he stood up slowly, holding his head. "It feels good too. You don't need to do anything, and the work is done. You can get salary and credit as usual. ."

Afutu chuckled, "Head, do you finally understand the true meaning of fishing?"

"Ah! You really are fishing at work! Your salary will be deducted!"

"No more! Absolutely no more! Even if there is, it will only be two or three or two times!"

"Ah! You admit it as soon as it explodes! Deductions from wages!"


Jiang Cheng, lying on his side in the arms of Miss Baihua, squinted her peas while squinting her eyes and looked at Yunye, who was dancing in front of him under the guidance of the sun wheel.

"No, right!" Jiang Cheng clapped his hands and shouted to stop, "It's totally wrong! What's wrong with you? How many times do you always make mistakes? What's wrong with that accompaniment? Why do you always make mistakes?"

"That... Your Excellency Jiang Cheng," said Wan Zhai, the accompanist, "I'm just cooperating with this Lord Yunye."

"Hey, I said you guys, if you don’t bring money, then you can’t be more serious about paying off debts? Do you think there will be customers paying for it? What if Yoshihara’s reputation deteriorates after being complained? What can you do because the two of you can't attract customers? Have you thought about it? Have you thought about it?!"

"Uh..." Yun Ye, who was put on a sailor suit and miniskirt, was just silent, not knowing what to say.

"Your Excellency Jiang Cheng..." Wan Zhai, who was sitting on his knees, plucked the shamisen in his hand again, and said unhurriedly: "Are you really as calm as you have shown?"

"Of course." Jiang Cheng sat up and smiled meaningfully. "Otherwise, why do you think I have the leisure to watch your unfavourable combination performance."

At this moment, Wan Zhai suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened suddenly.

"Don't move." The dazzling Kuwu in Yueyong's hand stopped Wan Zhai who wanted to get up.

"Well, calm down on both sides, I'm just joking." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and smiled easily.

"This joke is not funny, Your Excellency Jiang Cheng."

"Really?" Jiang Cheng straightened his back, squeezed his chin with one hand around his chest and closed his eyes, thinking and replied: "But isn't it the same in my opinion? The explosive "bomb" or something, and then you said that the control of the bomb is not in your hands, and the control of the "bomb" over there is not in my hands. The situation is almost the same. It's very fair. "

"It's not the same! But the one over there..."

"Shut up," Jiang Cheng's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Manzai coldly, "I just hate the disgusting thoughts of samurai. I am different from you. Even if you used to be a friend, Gaozai's life is It’s just an ordinary life in my eyes. It’s the same as everyone...not much noble. The samurai are just a bunch of blind men. To be honest, I still think that the person who was... People like it, after all, he is really blind. And you people... are blind in your heart."

Wan Zhai was silent.

"I can't feel the weight of life at all, and at the same time I can't bear the weight of life at all. You who just choose to ignore you are just a bunch of scum in my opinion. Didn't you say it before? When you meet again, you will be the enemy. You are too naive, right? Kid..."

"That adult is different! What the adult wants to change is the country itself! You should understand it too! What we are chasing is the back of that adult..."

"You are really annoying," Jiang Cheng said with a little finger in his ears, and interrupted Wan Zhai impatiently. "That kind of thing doesn't matter, just follow that kind of guy to escape reality and do that kind of secondary disease. The late dream is really a poor child.

Hey, and the one over there...bald...hey? Are you really bald? Big Bald, who told you to stop? Don’t you know the consequence of not working hard if you don’t act in a standard way is to be eliminated? I'm going to report to the fake mother club tonight.

Don't shave your beard. Some guests with heavy tastes like yours. Sunwheel, remember to teach him the skills of picking up guests. Also, the salary of our new Yoshihara wandering girl is...19 split accounts, that is, you get one, and all the rest is commercial tax.

ha? Why stare at me? Not satisfied? Don't want to do it anymore? Ah, that's right. That's right. It doesn't do any good for young people who are new to the workplace to be so angry. Only in this way can you gain a firm foothold in the workplace. No way, it's all for survival.

It’s good for you to find a job like this in these days, and it might not be as good as mine. You said that you don't even know the multiplication table of nine to nine, it is the bottom of any company. What is the salary that Daxiong pays you?

Ah, you don't need to say, I know, I know. My salary and benefits here are definitely higher than those over there! Even if the actual salary is not as high as there, I will make you feel that it is higher than there. You understand? If you understand, just memorize the seventh row of the nine-nine multiplication table. "

"Eh... one seven gets seven... six seven... eh... eh..."

"Ahem!" Wan Zhai cleared his throat, and then made a four-to-two gesture toward Yun Ye.

Yunye knows: "Forty-two, seven-seven...forty-nine!"

"Hey, why are you reminding him? Are you deliberately having trouble with me?! Are you deliberately having trouble with me?! No! This time you come! If you remind me again, your salary will be deducted!"

While Jiang Cheng was supervising these two new workers, Takasugi and the Ghost Corps on the other side had already settled the team that chose to take the waterway in order to cover up the general's schedule with the ninja team.

Started...very horrible, and didn't leave a single bit of life.

The twilight time is actually not long, but for the people of Ginshi who are facing menacing ninjas who can't kill them at all, this twilight...seems too long.

Looking at the white-clothed masked ninjas rushing forward, the expression of Kagura who joined Gintoki was solemn: "Ginchan, these people..."

As soon as the voice fell, three ninjas jumped down from a tree beside them, aiming to take the lives of three people, but...

After Kumo in his hand quickly solved the three ninjas, the little monkey fell in front of the three people of Ginshi, and said at the same time: "The reconnaissance troops have been killed silently, that skill can't be wrong, it is Iga Chu. ."

"Iga Chung?" Xinba Haw puzzled.

"It's the origin of our Imperial Court Fans, the people in the Ninja Country."

"I didn't expect Konoha to do such a thing." Gin Shiki's expression was solemn, but he was kicked to the ground by Kagura just after speaking.

"What kind of tricks are you playing at this time!" Kagura snorted, clenching his fist.

"That is to say, is it a poisonous hand from a compatriot?" Xin Ba Haw asked again.

Little Ape flees in the woods with a few people and explained: "The Imperial Court was taken over by Ieyasu, in other words, it is a branch of the Iga school. But those who stay in Iga have no loyalty to the general's family. Yeah. It’s a mercenary group that is profit-only, and this time order to take down the head of the generals, they hurt us.’s just like...the entire Ninja Nation is against the generals."

The little ape was observing the surroundings while thinking in his heart: [However, who is the sacred person who can command so many people, can do this, only the three great Shinobu who is in charge of Iga...]

Little Ape hadn't finished thinking about it, but Kagura and Shin Ba Haw, who were behind him and Gin Shi, fell into a trap at the same time.

Kagura sank directly into the ground, while Shin Ba Haw had his calves **** with chains and hung from a tree.

Looking at the big and thick man standing on the head of Kagura, Xiao Yuan confirmed his thoughts in his heart.

[The leader of the Fujibayashi family...Tengbayashi Kaimen. Thinking about it, Xiao Yuan looked at a woman who was pushed aside by a woman in a wheelchair with bandages all over her body. She was also a woman who had subdued the new eight haws. And... the leader of the Hattori family, the entire collection of Hattori. 】

After a while, a group of ninjas surrounded the only remaining Gin Shi and the little apes.

"I didn't expect you to come too." As he said, Xiao Yuan looked at Baidi Luanpo and Vine Forest Kaimen in front of him, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "What the **** did you calculate?"

The man in the wheelchair said lightly: "The ninja has completed the task silently. I have only one thing to say. If you don't hand over the general, these little ghosts will be dead. That's all."

"Baidi, you can tell them straight." The Fujibayashi Kaimen holding his hand said, "As long as the Royal Court Fans are around, it will hinder our development."

"Fujilin, shut up." Baidi Chaopo reminded.

Looking at the little ape with an unknown face, Fujibayashi Kaimen continued, "It seems that you really don't know what the Ninja Nation has become. Six months ago, Iga was hit by a rain of bullets and was attacked. Ours is an umbrella group with strange costumes."

Kagura, who was stepped on his head by Fujibayashi, was startled, and his eyes widened unconsciously: [Stupid...stupid brother, he...for...why? 】

"If you don't obey, the entire village will be burned, but if they help them assassinate the general, they will make a deal with us, saying that after the establishment of the new government, they will let us hire us as the new royal court."

"Do you believe this kind of rhetoric?" Xiao Yuan looked incredulous.

"Didn't you also be like this before?" Fujibayashi retorted, "Although we were a step late when we went to Iga, but this time the feng shui took turns and finally turned to us."

"But it seems to be too late. The Hattori family has already taken down the head of the general." Baidi chaotically said, "It's a pity, Fujibayashi, let the Hattori family take the credit again."

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