May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 741: :swirl……

"No, the credit has not been robbed yet."

With that, Fujibayashi Kaimen raised his foot and stepped on Kagura who hadn't reacted under his feet.

Blood... burst out instantly!

"Little ones! They are useless!" Fujilin Kaimen frowned and shouted, "Even if you kill one more, you have to make contributions..."

Before finishing talking, Fujibayashi Kaimen suddenly noticed something wrong, and at the same time he staggered.

Seeing that his calf was chopped off at some point while still being unable to stop the bleeding left leg, Tenglin Kaimen was taken aback. It turns out... the blood just now didn't belong to the little girl under her feet, but her own...

"It's rare that you gave an order," a ninja dressed as a man with a sharp blade standing behind Fujibayashi Kaimen dropped his face, "but I'm sorry, we are not obliged to follow your orders."

Looking at this man, Kagura's eyes were filled with tears and moved abnormally: "Fourteen—"

"Who is fourteen called?" Fourteen grumbled in angrily.

At the same time, the iron chain on the other side that bound the new eight chicks was also cut by a gorilla wearing a white ninja costume.

"That's right," the orangutan in a white ninja suit dropped his face to cover his face, "there is only one person in the world who can command us."

"When are you... When are you?!" Kimon Kai, who was kneeling on one knee, said with a black face, "What are you doing in a daze? Give me a hurry! Hundred places... Could it be that you too...!"

The woman in the wheelchair had a flat tone: "I'm sorry, so do I. I have no obligation to listen to you, a person who secretly communicates with the enemy and bandits."

"Baidi, wouldn't you be..." When Tenglin Kaimen thought of something, his expression gradually became fierce.

"I have been entrusted by others and promised to help others. Why don't I invite the person with the highest status here to direct the audience."

While Baidi was talking indiscriminately, a man in a ninja suit slowly walked behind Fujibayashi Kaimen, and at the same time everyone looked at the man.

"No...impossible!" Fujibayashi Kaimen looked incredulous, "Difficult...Could it be that are...!!!"

When the man stopped, he first dropped his cover, and then raised the sword in his hand.

"Order everyone in the name of a general to fight against... the thief!"

Looking at this man with awe-inspiring face, the cold sweat on Fujilin Kaimen's face couldn't stop flaring out.

"General... General card——!!!"

At the same time, Yin Shi and others also stared wide-eyed, looking at this "Maomao" who was supposed to be on the spaceship with an incredible expression.

But it was only a moment, because the order had just been delivered.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless kunai shot at the Fujilin Kaimen.

"Assholes... Assholes!!"

Fujibayashi Kaimen roared, and then instantly raised his right hand to hit the ground in front of him with a heavy blow. The next moment, Fujibayashi Kaimen with his fist raised up suddenly came out of the ground in front of Mao Mao.

However, at this critical moment, countless iron chains blocked Fujilin Kaimen's fist when it was only five centimeters away from the Maomao face.

"No matter how it has fallen, it is worthy of Iga's three great ninjas, and they still don't forget to attack the target." The holder of the chain, Hundred Grounds broke slowly, said, "But, that's it. "

"Baidi...You actually counted on me!" Looking back, Vine Lin Kaimen's spiteful eyes stared straight at Baidi.

Xin Ba Hao asked Xiang Maomao suspiciously: "Why is the general in the army that assassinated the general? Mr. Quanzang didn't give the real general to..."

"That's not me." Mao Mao shook his head, "No, I am afraid that none of the generals you have seen in the past few days is me. After the poisoning case in the temple, I was sneaked away by someone. Later, in this one. Under the shelter of Baidi, he sneaked into Iga."

"How could this happen?!" Xinba Haw was startled, and at the same time thought of the general he saw yesterday, "Even that general is a fake."

"Unexpectedly, the general abducted directly in the hall..." Kondo couldn't believe it.

"That kind of thing..." Fourteen also couldn't believe it.

"You can do it." The little ape with his head down took the words, "If it's that man..."

At this time, Fujibayashi Kaimen also thought of something, "Could it be that...that kid (all in possession)! Was it the Hattori kid doing it?! Baidi! Did you...conspired with that man to disguise the death of the general? Hit the enemy and surprise us Iga?!"

Pushed by a maid with long black hair in a maid costume, her face was so exquisite as a glass doll, Baidi chaosly said, "Don't claim to be Iga, dog-legged. Iga is simply captured. Isn't it because you are embarrassed with the enemy (paratrooper group)? I'm sorry, the kid and I are both ninjas in our bones. Whether the lord or the enemy, we have our own decisions.


puff! puff!

As soon as Baidi Chaochao's voice fell, the bandaged front door was in the middle of two kunai that instantly spit out from the entrance of the vine forest armor.

Fujibayashi Kaimen's expression is fierce: "Stop talking nonsense! You half-dead puppet! All this is over. Whether Iga or the general, it's over!"

However, after just finished speaking, Fujibayashi Kaimen suddenly noticed that the Baidi Luanpai who had been wounded in front of him did not shed a single drop of blood, but raised his head unhurriedly.

Accompanied by a mechanical sound, a muzzle of a large caliber protruded from Baidi's mouth, and at the same time several muzzles protruded from various parts of Baidi's body and pointed straight at the Fujilin Kaimen in front of him.

"Just your level of ninjutsu, you can't get the first level of the general, the same..." The maid girl pushing the wheelchair tilted her head indifferently.

After all, the dazzling red beam from the muzzle directly flooded the Fujibayashi Kaimen.

boom! !

Looking at the scorched land, Baidi Chaochao said again: "Cultivation is not enough, this is the real Ninja (Dharma

(Nin Pao and Nin Fa are the same.)

After twitching the corners of his eyes and staying silent for a while, Yin Shi recovered and spit out loudly, "Is your main body over there?!"


Early in the morning, Yoshihara.

"A good morning." Jiang Cheng, who was leaning on the window, looked at the blue sky above his head and said with emotion, "Seeing such a good weather, somehow, I suddenly feel better."

Yue Yong, who was leaning at the door, exhaled a puff of smoke and said lightly: "Really? On the other side, there may have been gunfire."

"Then what, Yueyue, why do you always feel that your state is a bit wrong?" Jiang Cheng looked back at the young ladies in the house, who were ready to go, and couldn't help but smile, "How come there is something ready to go and want to fight? a feeling of?"

"Who knows, maybe it's the rebellious period." Yue Yong looked indifferent.

"Is it a rebellious period? That's really hard work."

"That woman (the faithful woman) has left, you..."

"Finally I can play games without distraction!"

"Is that this?!" Yue Yongbai cursed with eyes open.

"What is your inexplicable anger?" Jiang Cheng frowned and spread his hands out inexplicably. "Could it be that you are jealous? Are you jealous? Huh? If so, you can say it."

"Who would be jealous! By the way, how could there be women like you!" Yue Yong blushed and burst into blue veins and angered loudly, but then forcibly calmed himself down, "In short," …These people can lend it to you, even if I step into some kind of whirlpool because of this, long long as you are there, even whirlpool...even whirlpool..."

"Yo Xi! Did you hear that? Go and buy the latest revolving vibrating bed!" Jiang Cheng raised his fist high and shouted, "I'm playing there today!"

"Oh!" ×n

"Oh big! I didn't mean that!" Yue Yong exploded.

"Calm down, Yueyue." Jiang Cheng finally got serious, turned his hands on his shoulders and turned to look at Gui and Elizabeth downstairs, who were loyal to women's clothing, who were pulling customers at the entrance of a certain store. "Not at all impressed. …I’m not the only one. By the way, is this fool’s purpose also to monitor me? I...maybe the most popular among this group of fools, after all, everyone cares about me so much.”

"It should be the most stupid one, right?" Yue Yong curled his lips in disdain.

Jiang Cheng touched the back of his neck, moved his neck a little, and said in a somewhat helpless tone: "By the way, if there is no "bomb", I don't want to move at all. Lying on the automatic bed, I don't need to move. It feels like, ah~ I think it’s so difficult to go out after thinking about it. Little ghosts... really are just little ghosts."

[Daxiong... is still far from growing Jiang Cheng sighed in his heart, but then he smiled helplessly and shook his head gently, [Well, forget it. The little ghost is more cute if he looks like a little ghost. Little ghosts who don't look like ghosts really don't like them at all. 】

"Jiang...Your Excellency Jiang Cheng..."

Jiang Cheng, whose thoughts were interrupted, turned his head and looked at Wan Zhai who was tied up, "God Allah, so how did he become like this?"


"'s too careless." Jiang Cheng fascinated his eyes and smiled lightly, and then looked at Yunye standing beside him in a sailor suit. "Don't think I will reward you. After all, it's not. My order..."

"The bomb has been found!" A certain Baihua lady said as she stepped in the door, "As for the location of the remote control, it's as good as this man! It's also been found!"


Ah, hard work. Jiang Cheng replied casually, then put his hands up and walked slowly towards the door, "Everyone, get ready for the autumn outing. "

"Oh!" ×n

"Why... why betray us?" Wan Zhai raised his head with all his strength and asked Xiang Yunye.

Facial paralysis Yunye:...


On the other side, the ninja holy land is hidden in a remote valley, far from the hustle and bustle of the small mountain village-Shiranui.

In a house built on a cliff, Kagura, Shinhachi, Gintoki, Little Ape, Fourteen, and Kondo sat on the ground.

And what was in front of them was the chaos pushing the wheelchair.

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