May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 788: : Changed and Unchanged.

Xiaoyu, who returned to her usual mode, walked out of the narrow streets and alleys alone.

Behind her was Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the ground in a large shape, with several large bulges on his head, and his clothes were tattered and dirty.

At the last moment of leaving, Xiaoyu turned her face and glanced at Jiang Cheng who was still lying on the ground behind her, her eyes seemed to soften a bit.

Please take a good look at the perfect future you have built and created by us...


"It hurts..."

Jiang Cheng rubbed his head and sat up, with a helpless smile on his face, and complained softly.

"Really, self-talk brings people to such unfamiliar places, and self-talk leaves people behind.

the future...

Really looking forward to it. "

With that said, Jiang Cheng got up slowly, patted the stains on his body, a pair of clear eyes with a bit of hope and uneasiness, staring straight at the alley full of light and irritability.

After a few seconds passed, Jiang Chengcai seemed to make up his mind, raised his foot and took the first step.





"It's so noisy in the morning! Guys who affect the quality of a woman's sleep are all women's enemies!"

At the window upstairs, wearing purple-pink pajamas, Kagura smashed a flower pot down, with white eyes and blue veins bursting directly.

Jiang Cheng, who was smashed on the head by the potted plant and fell to the ground, blood pooled little by little on the ground into a small pool of blood.

"Sorry, sorry," Jiang Cheng slowly got up again, "I just woke up, and then I'm here with the woman to study the functions of all aspects of the two people. Did it bother you? Really? Feel sorry…"

"What disgusting things are you doing downstairs in my house!!"

Kagura kicked down with white eyes, hit the back of Jiang Cheng's head very precisely, and stepped on the ground again, and then began to step on it vigorously.

"Bastard! Satyr! Scum! Disgusting! Sexually transmitted diseases! Little bastard! Explosion in the stock!"

"No, I don't have any strange disease!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

"Shut up! You disgusting scum!"

After stepping on for nearly half a minute, Kagura raised his right leg back high, followed by a super powerful shot!


boom! ! !

Jiang Cheng, who was kicked by Kagura like a cannonball, flew straight out of the alley and flew straight to the main road.


Several moving cars stopped because Jiang Cheng suddenly flew onto the road, and the drivers rolled down the windows and began to breathe out the fragrance.

"Is it dangerous! Will you watch the road!"

However, Jiang Cheng, who slowly got up, turned a deaf ear to these words, just turned around slowly and looked around the strange and familiar streets around him.

——Clean and tidy streets, crowded sidewalks because of the morning rush hour, busy passers-by, various buildings and facilities that are more modern than ever.

A lot of things have disappeared, like the little gangsters who were swaying on the street with toothpicks in their mouths.

There is a more important point, it seems... there is no longer someone who wears that kind of sword on their waist to protect themselves, people's faces are full of various expressions, but the only thing missing is the kind that used to be everywhere Visible shadows hidden under the face.

——If you don't take up your sword to protect what you want to protect, there will be no one to protect it.

"It seems that the people of this country no longer need to pick up swords..."

Jiang Cheng sighed softly, and then showed a bit of relief: "It's really a good era..."

After that, Jiang Cheng lifted his foot and walked into the sidewalk beside the road, just like those ordinary pedestrians, turned into an ordinary drop of water, hidden into this slowly heading towards a certain direction and going away forever. The non-stop river disappears...

Kagura, who came out of the alley with bare feet, suddenly felt a trance of familiarity. There seemed to be something familiar about the unremarkable looking young man who was simple for the first time. with breath.


Jiang Hua, who had just opened the door of the bookstore on the first floor and was about to start business, looked at Kagura, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, frowning and thinking carefully, and asked.

"What's wrong? Kagura?"

"It's alright, I just felt that there was something familiar about that person just now..."

"that person?"

Jiang Hua was puzzled, but suddenly noticed something again, and his gentle eyes looked in the direction Jiang Cheng had just left.

"It feels familiar..."

"Ah! I forgot that there is a commission today!" Kagura suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned around and walked towards the door of his store.

"Hurry up and change your clothes to eat." Jiang Hua urged with a smile.

"Then I'm welcome, Madam/Mrs. Jiang Hua."

Gintoki and Shinhachi, who suddenly appeared, lifted their feet and stepped into the store.

"Why you guys!!" Kagura's face sank, and he raised his foot and kicked both Gintoki and Shinhachi out at the same time.


"We were just invited to breakfast!"

Gintoki got up and retorted seriously, then spread his hands and complained: "Besides, who is late basically every day? The president has no choice but to come and call you to work every day."

Xin Ba Hao, who got up from the side, complained expressionlessly: "No, you are basically too lazy to make your own breakfast, right? You are just here to eat, right?"


Breakfast time at Jianghua Family & Master House.

"Recently, there is really less and less work~" Xin Baha, who was sitting at the dinner table, sighed, "Yin Sang, do you think we should change careers? Now, apart from occasionally picking up a private detective to investigate the other half You can’t get a job outside of the cheating incident, and the Master House is about to become a private detective specializing in cheating investigations.”

"Young people shouldn't be picky about work! Young people who are just entering the society are always like this. They are dissatisfied with their jobs here and there. You must know that everyone comes here! These pains will become the wealth of your life! "

"No, it has nothing to do with what you said! It's just a big issue related to our survival, a big issue related to our wages and lunch! By the way, have you ever thought about it?"

"Xin Ba Ha, calm down. I have a hunch that I can definitely make a lot of money this time!"

"Hey? Is the client very generous this time?"

"No, I mean the little steel ball at the end of the job, I have a hunch that I can make a lot of money!"

"I killed you, this natural scroll, believe it or not?"


Kagura's exclamation suddenly came from upstairs.

In an instant, Gintoki and Shinhachi stood up.

"What's wrong? Kagura!" Shinbaha hurriedly shouted.

"My panties..." Kagura, who ran to the stairs, pointed to the room on the side and said excitedly, "It was stolen by an underwear thief! It's that **** just now! I Just say why he has a familiar feeling..."

"What, what a fuss." Yin Shi sat down again and waved his face indifferently, "Forget about this kind of thing, he has already been punished."

"Hey? Has been punished? What do you mean Aru?"

Yin Shi showed a serious face: "Isn't this punishment for getting your panties? This is a stain that this underwear thief cannot wash away in his life as an underwear thief! If he knew this cruel truth himself If so, I might not be able to resist suicide!"

Kagura kicked down directly: "Why are my **** a stain that underwear thieves can't wash away in their entire life! What kind of truth is the cruel truth! Do you mean that those are my panties?! Did you steal my panties, Aru?!"

Looking at the two people who were making a fuss, Xin Baha on the side quickly persuaded him: "Well, stop making trouble, Kagura-chan, anyway, let's call the police first, do you remember what that person looked like?"

"Roughly I still remember it." Kagura stopped the movement of his feet, and then took out his mobile phone.

Yin Shi looked disapproving: "Is this kind of thing still necessary to call the police? Anyway, what he stole is almost the same as the crumpled toilet paper in the trash can in Xin Baji's room."

"Whose **** are you saying are the same as the crumpled toilet paper in the trash can in the disgusting glasses room! Kill you! Smelly natural rolls!"

"Hey! Who are those disgusting glasses! By the way, there is no such thing in my room!"

Even though one of the three is thirty-two, one is twenty-one, and the youngest is nineteen, it seems that nothing has changed.

As for what has changed...


Jiang Cheng walked and watched along the ever-changing Edo streets, but his pace was not fast.

Just like a bystander or a passenger on a train, he never touches it, just quietly watching this familiar and unfamiliar world that is similar to his own expectations.

"Little brother, little brother..."

After hearing the somewhat familiar call, Jiang Cheng stopped and looked back, only to see Gui Zheng leaning out at the entrance of the roadside alley two meters behind him mysteriously waving to him. .

"That's right, it's you. Come over a little bit, come over a little bit."

What is this guy... doing?

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, although he didn't want to pay attention to it, but his sudden curiosity still drove Jiang Cheng, and he walked over with a look of disgust.

In today's era, what everyone who no longer needs to pick up swords is doing, Jiang Cheng is very curious.


Jiang Cheng, who walked into the alley, looked at Gui who was standing in front of Elizabeth, and suddenly looked forward to what this guy would say and do in this era when there was no need for foreigners.

"Little brother, do you want to come with me... to create a new dawn for Japanese animals?"

Hmm... Jiang Cheng felt that he was thinking too This idiot didn't change at all. After shaking his head, Jiang Cheng turned around and was about to leave, but Gui didn't give him this chance.

"Hold on!" Gui held Jiang Cheng's shoulders and nag like an old mother: "Really, what's going on with the young people now? They don't listen to people at all, and they don't have any patience at all. If What if this is your boss? Is your boss so impatient when talking to you? What if you hear the wrong request from your boss? What if you buy fried noodles and bread into American hot dogs? Have you ever thought about it? What should I do if I got fired because my fried noodle bread was bought into an American hot dog? Have you ever thought about your wife and family? Because of being laid off, the husband and wife are at odds, often quarreling, and the children are rebellious. No way!"

Ahh... it's still annoying as always~

After a sigh in his heart, Jiang Cheng patted Gui's hand and was about to leave.

But this time, it was stopped by two policemen wearing Shinsengumi uniforms and no swords...



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